REAL ENGLISH CONVERSATION | Learn Real English From Real English Conversations Episode 2

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hey you know that feeling you get when you're having a conversation with someone in english that feeling of oh no nervousness because you don't know what to say next you know when they ask you a question and you understand it but you just don't know how to respond that awkward silence today's lesson is going to help you eliminate all of those feelings i'm going to teach you how to master english conversations are you ready well then i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in so what we're gonna do first is look at a conversation i had with one of my good friends we were talking about art so i'm going to read the conversation to you very quickly and you'll be able to read along then we're going to break down each piece of the conversation so that i can help you do the same thing like a native english speaker so this is my friend her name is ria and i started the conversation off by asking ria hey do you think your environment affects your creativity as you can tell rhea thought about the question she said that's a great question i wholeheartedly believe that a person's environment greatly affects the artwork they produce for example when i was younger there were plants all throughout my house my mom had a green thumb so she loved taking care of a variety of plants well her love for plants affected my environment and now i love taking pictures of plants now tiff i think your time in korea affected your art too right now i'm going to continue reading the rest but notice what my friend did she answered and then she immediately asked me a question as well again this is part of mastering english conversations and we're going to break this down even more so after she asked me that question i responded yes totally i i do want to say though that it is amazing how much your mother's passion affected your passion i honestly totally agree with your thoughts on the power of an environment rhea my time in korea affected my art in so many ways before going to korea i mainly focused on portraits but after spending 10 years in korea i now love to paint rocks and mountains so you see this is the first part of our conversation and i asked a question she responded and then asked me a question and i responded but some very important things happened in this first part of the conversation so let's break it down in more detail all right so looking at let's go to the first part not the last part the first part remember i asked her a question i said hey ria do you think your environment affects your creativity you see a conversation always starts off with a specific topic or question and i asked her about creativity i'm introducing the topic and i used a question so remember when you're trying to master english conversations you need to start it off with a certain topic or a question about a certain topic that was the start of our conversation and now it was ria's turn to respond and ria's response was very interesting now in her response she had a few expressions and words and i do want to explain those words to you but i want to start first with her initial response remember she said tiffany that's a great question i wholeheartedly believe that a person's environment dot dot dot but wait she said that's a great question she responded to what i asked right hey tiff i'm acknowledging your question and saying you know what that's a great question then she proceeded to give her personal opinion she said i wholeheartedly i completely believe that a person's environment greatly affects the artwork they do so when you're in a conversation and someone asks you a question you don't just answer and stop instead like ria you can say or give your thoughts on that question she said that's a great question uh-huh that's very interesting then she gave her opinion in her opinion yes an environment a person's environment greatly affects their artwork now sometimes you give an answer like that and you stop but you have to keep going watch what rhea did she said for example when i was younger and she started to give an example story to support her opinion you have to remember this so you give your opinion but then you have to support it by giving something else and you can give a story this is a great way to keep a conversation going when you tell a story like story time right how much you guys like story time at the end of this video don't miss it it's because the person can kind of connect with what you're saying they learn more about you and it also will lead to more questions which will keep the conversation going so ria starts giving a little bit of a personal experience a personal story example of her mom and she said her mom had a green thumb now let me explain to you really quickly what a green thumb is here we go so in english we say green thumb and this is just someone who has an unusual ability to make plants grow many times people will get plants and unfortunately they die they don't know how to take care of the plants but when a person is really good at taking care of plants and helping them grow even inside the house we say they have a green thumb rhea said her mom has a green thumb now here's an example sentence using this expression my mom's idiom my mom has a green thumb very simple and easy to use so ria mentioned that her mom has a green thumb now she said that her mom took care of a variety of plants remember ria is still in the third part giving her example story in her response she said a variety now what does this word variety mean variety actually means a number of different types of things especially ones in the same general category right so things that are in the same general category they're all plants but they're different types we have tulips a flower we have um other plants large small that are different but they're the same kind category or a category i was surprised example sentence i was surprised by the variety of choices that were available so in english we say variety so again as ria was talking about her experience giving her example story she said that her mom who had a green thumb had a variety of plants now her love for plants she continues affected my environment then she says her current situation due to the story the example story she told you now she's explaining how that story connects to the present day she said my mom's love for plants affected her environment and now she loves taking pictures of plants so again ria responded to my question she gave her personal opinion then she gave a story to connect it and then she said how that story affects her right now in the present time and she ended by doing what now tiff i think your time in korea affected your art too right she ended with a question remember when you're trying to master english conversations you have to remember it's like a tennis match back and forth back and forth and the only natural way for this to happen is to use questions and answers back and forth so ria in her response to my question she gave her opinion but she supported it with an interesting story which also will keep the listeners attention conversation is not just about the number of words you can use it's about your understanding of the proper way to have a conversation in english okay give my idea support my idea then make sure i connect with my listener by asking him or her a question all right so ria sends it back to me she asks me a question and now it's my turn to respond so i respond i say yes totally that is right here an immediate answer i immediately respond to the question i was asked but i continue watch what i did i do want to say though that it is amazing how much your mother's passion speaking of rhea affected your passion now what did i do there i actually acknowledged the previous statement i showed ria hey i was listening i'm not just answering the question you asked me i do want to show you that i enjoyed your story i listened to your story and i also heard your opinion i did that by hey i answered yes i totally totally agree what you're saying i totally believe that korea did affect me but i want you to know that i was also listening to you again in a conversation when someone feels like you are listening to them they will want to continue the conversation all right so i let her know hey i was listening ria i understood what you said and i also agree and it's amazing how much your mom's passion really affected you as well so after letting her know that i was paying attention i then state the part that i agreed or disagreed with i said ria i honestly totally agree with your thoughts on the power of an environment so again i'm still acknowledging what rhea said i'm letting her know i paid attention to your story your example story and i also paid attention to your opinion now i'm letting you know if i agree or if i don't agree with it and i said i totally agree then that's when i continue now i do want to explain totally agree really quickly so in english when we say totally agree it just means to fully agree giving full agreement to the maximum possible without any level or measure or element of a disagreement hey we're on the same page i totally agree with you but here's an example sentence they totally agree with you so don't worry about it in english we say totally agree now i want to continue with the conversation breaking it down for you all but i do want to say this what we're doing is we're breaking down english conversations right and i want you again to master this so that you can be more confident when you have conversations but this brings me to our sponsor for today's video again you all know how much i love cambly cambly i appreciate you caring about my students and the reason cambly is amazing is because they have tutors from all around the world they have tutors from the usa canada australia and the uk and they're available 24 7. so as you're trying to master this ability to have english conversations naturally you need to practice what you are learning so everything you're learning today giving an example story explaining yourself giving your opinion you need to practice and you can do that practice with an amazing cambly tutor now cainly again i love partnering with them because they care about you and cambly wants to give you a free 10 minute lesson if you have never tried a cambly tutor you are missing out their tutors care about you and they want you to speak english fluently so hit the link in the description take advantage of this free 10 minute lesson practice what you're learning in the lesson today giving an example story giving your opinion and then giving a question back to the person listening to you your cambly teacher will help you master this ability to have conversations now all of the lessons are recorded which is another amazing thing for you you can watch yourself after the meeting with your tutor you can watch the video and see where you improved and also where you need to improve so again cambly thank you so much i want each and every one of you watching this video to take advantage of the lesson click the link in the description and i know when you are ready you'll take advantage of their 40 off deal for you because you're my student of any 12-month plan you're saying i'm ready i want to master english conversation they want to give you 40 off of any 12-month plan hit the link in the description and finally master english conversation with an amazing tutor thanks again cambly and i hope each of you enjoy your tutor so again as we're continuing with the conversation now we're going back to my response i said i totally agree and you see that portion of the conversation then i continue giving more details about my personal experience i start talking about what happened what i was like before i went to korea i said before going to korea i mainly focused on portraits which is true but after spending 10 years in korea i now love to paint rocks and mountains and i actually want to show you some of the paintings and how my paintings changed over time but again the important part is you're seeing i acknowledged what rhea said then i continued by giving my experience this is something with english conversation that you must remember you have to give your opinion but you also have to support it with a story or other information now i'm scrolling through this is one of my pieces this is an art piece hold on one second that i did before korea this is one of my pieces from before korea it's a pencil drawing it's actually huge i just put it on my phone i saved it to my instagram page but after going to korea i started focusing on painting mountains and this mountains and rocks and nature this is a small piece i did and it was some mountain a mountain area in south korea so you see my artwork changed because my environment changed and that's what ria and i were discussing but remember acknowledging what she said also saying what i agreed or disagreed with and then giving my personal experience again this is how a natural english conversation flows so let's keep going now the second part of our conversation is right here we continued our conversation ria was talking to me and i responded and ria responded to me saying oh tiff i love your new style i always look at your paintings on your instagram feed they are so nice my response oh thank you so much i'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork too she responded yeah i'm actually planning to take some pictures this weekend i'll shoot them to you when i finish editing them or i'll send them to you i would love to know your thoughts on them my response sounds like a plan definitely i would love to so you see this is the last part of our conversation as we're wrapping up but we still have this natural flow back and forth so let's break this down so ria said oh tiff i love your new style she's connecting to the example with a personal example remember i said my new style i changed because of my environment now my friend ria actually follows me on instagram so ria also sees my paintings right there so she said hey let me connect what you said by actually showing you i also know that you've changed you want to connect with what the person said then i respond thank you so much i'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork too we're still going back and forth back and forth so i responded to the connection she made and i also made a comment about her so remember when you're in a conversation you want to make sure you're listening closely so that you can first respond to what they said to show the connection and then make another comment preferably about them now after i did that what did she say yeah actually i'm planning to take some pictures this weekend she answered she replied to what i said and then she talked about her future plans i would love to know your thoughts on them after i take the pictures we're still going back and forth connecting letting each other know that we care about what we think and what the other person thinks as well and i end it by saying sounds like a plan that just means yep sounds good that's the final comment related to the previous statement she said tiff i'd love to know your thoughts and i said hey sounds like a plan i'm acknowledging that yes i will do that and this is exactly how you have a fluent english conversation a natural english conversation like a native english speaker i really hope you enjoyed today's lesson don't forget to get your tutor by hitting the link in the description for cambly again practice what you've learned today and i guarantee your english will improve and so will your english conversation skills alright i will see you next week but as always remember to speak english you still there you know what time it is come on sing it with me it's story time hey i said it's story time all right so today for story time now i mentioned to you all again that i enjoy drawing and painting i'll try to show some of my artwork here this is some of my latest artwork hold on one second let's see if you all can see it right here where i put my artwork online so i like to paint i like to draw and i just like to express myself creatively but the thing is i don't have a lot of friends that are interested in art they appreciate art like they'll see a picture and say wow tiff we really like that picture but it usually stops there they're not as interested as i am in art i love going to art museums i can spend a full day at an art museum staring at paintings staring at drawings staring at sculptures trying to understand what the artist was trying to convey the message so i never really had another friend that appreciated that level of uh art appreciation that was until i went to korea one of my closest friends i mean closest friends like she married my student like we're very very close when we were in korea i've talked about her before angel if you're watching hey um her name is angel she's korean um but we were teachers together at the english institute i worked at in korea samyuk ohagwan samyuk institute that was in korean um and we were friends but we hadn't gotten close just yet that was until we realized we both loved art so we used to go to cafes every sunday and i told you all about how we used to spend hours sometimes in silence just drawing and painting and we loved it well one year i was in korea it was around christmas time it actually was christmas and i wasn't able to come home i had to stay in korea i wasn't with my family and she and i spoke and we said hey well why don't we spend christmas together this is before she got married um they hadn't even started dating yet so we said okay well let's go on a trip so we went on a trip to uh kind of a um like a little hotel area it was kind of they it was kind of um not a hotel was like an apartment and they had it right in front of the beach so it was really nice and we said hey let's just go and draw and paint the whole time so that's exactly what we did we cooked we um talked laughed a lot and then during the day we just drew and paint all to paint it all day but on christmas day we came back to our house um my apartment and she went to her we were about to go to her apartment to drop her off and she said tiff why don't we hang out actually for christmas day because we had hung out prior like the days before christmas and i said okay i said well what do you want to do because she cooks well and i like to cook as well i can cook well too so i said okay are we going to cook all day or what we're going to do she said how do you feel about painting all day we just came from a trip where we painted all day and i said i love the idea and we literally painted all day now we ate delicious food in the evening but we painted all day and i can remember as we were sitting in the floor in my living room she was painting and i was painting and we were listening to we listened to sermons we listened to music christmas music and i just said man it's amazing to have a friend that loves art just as much as i do now that i'm back in america she's in korea again uh husband baby he's so cute but we both still talk about that like man we miss being around each other to go on these trips where we just paint all day so one day again after uh things are a little bit more safe a little safer i'll be able to travel to korea and visit and we'll do another painting trip all right guys maybe you have experienced the same thing you have a friend that has the same interest as you and you have a wonderful time together let us know about it in the comment section alright guys i hope you enjoyed today's story time and learned a little bit more about me i'll see you next time
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 90,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, fluency in english, speak english fluently, learn english, english speaking, english fluency, speak english, fluency, fluent english, how to speak english fluently, speak fluent english, how to get fluent in english, how to become fluent in english, english lesson, learn english speaking, speaking english, native speaker, learn english conversation, speak english with tiffani, how to speak english, english lessons advanced speaking, english conversation
Id: N6qe-eA5ieA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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