THINK AND SPEAK IN ENGLISH | How To Talk About Your Daily Life Fluently In English

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hey in today's lesson i am going to teach you how to finally think and speak in english i'm going to explain the connection give you a simple formula that will help you finally start speaking like a native english speaker are you ready well then i am teacher tiffany let's jump right in all right so the first thing you have to understand is the 5ws method that's right we must first start off by thinking in english using the five w's who what when where and why so let's say we're talking about our daily life and we're going to start with our morning routine look at this man he's working out hard but we want to describe what he's doing like a native english speaker so we must think in english who is he his name is mike he's 50 years old what is mike doing mike is working out hard when at 6 00 am every morning where at a large gym not too far from his house and why he learned the importance of discipline from working on a farm and the importance of staying in shape from his military background so again what have we done we have thought in english we saw what was happening this man was building muscles and he does it every morning this is his morning routine and we use the five w's so now how do we speak in english about his morning routine so once again we have the five w's here organized who what when where and why which will lead us to speaking about his morning routine watch this read along with me i am 50 years old but i still work out hard at 6 00 a.m every morning i usually exercise at a large gym not too far from my house people always say my consistency is impressive honestly i learned the importance of discipline from working on a farm and the importance of staying in shape from my time in the military you see what just happened right using the five w's we thought about his morning routine and then we were able to speak think and then speak now i want to break down some of the words some of the vocabulary words within this speaking portion but i want to remind you to use the five w's to talk about your own morning routine now i see a word in here that maybe you don't know the first word is consistency good after me again consistency excellent now the word consistency just means the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way or of always happening in a similar way so let me explain something to you really quickly about this word remember who i am your english teacher right so every sunday i make it a point to upload an english lesson sundays at 8 a.m eastern right so i want to do it on a regular basis my behavior my pattern is uploading english lessons for you on sundays so i am trying to practice consistency makes sense right you got it now maybe you have a little bit of trouble with the pronunciation i want to remind you to download the english with tiffany app within the app there are many lessons and courses but i have a specific course on pronunciation that will help you so you can download that course uh you can download the app all right so consistency now let's go back again and look at what was said the next word was impressive impressive so after me impressive excellent again impressive good job now this word impressive is also very important if an object or achievement is impressive you admire or respect it usually because it is special important or very large so for example me when i think about you as a student as an english learner learning a second language or a third language and for many of you a fourth language english is not your mother tongue i am impressed your abilities are impressive why you are learning another language you are so intelligent so that's an achievement you are very impressive makes sense right so again we said that mike's morning routine is impressive all right now there's another one that i want us to look at very quickly the other one was discipline again discipline excellent all right now what does the word discipline actually mean it's the ability to control yourself or other people even in difficult situations so maybe your favorite dessert is ice cream when you see the ice cream you want to eat it all but you're on a diet you're trying to lose weight so you have to be disciplined you have to control yourself from eating all of the ice cream makes sense right in english we say discipline are you a very disciplined person let us know in the comment section alright so we have discipline now once again looking at what was said to describe his morning routine we have all of the information and we're able to speak about his morning routine because we first thought about his morning routine using the five w's who what when where and why now before we move to the afternoon routine i want you in the comments section to write about your personal morning routine now remember again using the thought section thinking in english you must first again say who what when where and why so let us know about your moaning routine in the comment section alright here we go let's move on to the afternoon routine again you're going to notice this pattern think speak think speak think using the five w's and then you'll be able to speak fluently in english here we go afternoon routine let's look at this afternoon routine maybe you're at work and you have to have lots of meetings with your co-workers so who my team members and i we are web designers what go to a team meeting in the afternoon when around 2 p.m in the afternoon where in the big conference room down the hall from my office why to discuss how we will create all of the images layouts and videos for a new corporate website so once again what did we do we thought about the afternoon routine who what when where and why we are organizing our thoughts about this period of time you can do it for any situation now we've thought about it again we have the five w's very clearly broken down for the afternoon routine so how would we now speak about the afternoon routine here we go this is how we would say all of that information i am a web designer and i work with a great team got it almost every day we have a team meeting at around 2 p.m in the afternoon got it when our team meetings are in the big conference room down the hall from my office got it where we need to discuss how we will create all of the images layouts and videos for a new corporate website got it i explained why so because we thought about our afternoon routine five w's we were able to speak fluently in english about our afternoon routines again think and speak simple formula use the five w's and bow you'll start sounding like a native english speaker now within our answer there are about three things that i want to explain to you so here we go i want to explain the first one the first one is at around let me take this off the screen very quickly at around now this means near or close to approximately and it usually refers to a numerical value or point in time so for example let's say you're gonna have a pot you're gonna have a party all right so you're gonna have a party right and you say hey guys my party starts at 3 p.m everyone's like okay i'll be there but then one of your friends says oh my goodness i have to work that day and i get off at 3 p.m but i'll rush there and i think i can get there at around 3 45 it means approximately i'm going to try to get there at that time in english we use at around so again look at how we used it in this situation we said we have a team meeting at around 2 p.m meaning approximately makes sense right okay now what about down the hall from i said down the hall from now this is also something we use on a regular basis so down the hall from means it specifies a location along the hall like if you're in a building there's a hallway so down the hall from means you're talking about a certain place along the hallway it means further along the hall from a specific location i'm in this spot but it's further down from me it's down the hall from dot dot dot so my office is down the hall from my boss's office the bathroom is down the hall from the conference room you see what's happening right you're telling where something is in relation to something else in english we say down the hall from so in this example speaking about his afternoon routine her afternoon routine we said our meetings are in the big conference room down the hall from my office makes sense right okay now there was one more that i wanted to explain it was corporate corporate now again after me for pronunciation corporate excellent now we saw how we use this we said the last sentence we need to discuss how we will create all of the images layouts and videos for a new corporate website all right so what does corporate mean corporate actually means relating to a large company so think about apple i love apple computers i love apple products apple is a huge company now the main office could be referred to as the corporate office or the headquarters so corporate just refers to a large company so when we explained the afternoon routine we said they meet to discuss what they're going to do for the large company website or the corporate website makes sense right so now we understand corporate so again we were able to speak about the afternoon routine like a native english speaker very fluently simply because we first thought about it in english one more time who what when where and why all of these pieces of information were included in our response when we spoke about the afternoon routine so what about the evening routine all right so here we go evening routine maybe you enjoy hanging out with your friends so we have to start with again the who my closest friends and i they're my elementary school friends what we go out to eat when every thursday at 7 p.m where popular restaurants in our area why we are all foodies and we enjoy spending time with each other after work now i want to pause really quickly and emphasize something again this phase this step this stage is very simple it doesn't matter what level you are in english you can think of who you are with what you did very simply where you were why and when again the thinking portion is simple breaking it down using the five w's right now we have everything that you do in the evening with your friends having a great time now we need to speak in english about your evening routine so here we go evening routine using all of the information we gathered from the 5ws my closest friends and i have known each other since elementary school usually we try to hang out every thursday at 7 pm we go out to eat at popular restaurants in our area because we are all foodies but more importantly we truly enjoy spending time with each other after work now you know how natural that sounded right but look i just used the five w's and you can do the same thing to sound like a native english speaker now there are a few words and expressions that i'd like to go over with you the first one is hang out after me hang out excellent now let me explain what hang out actually means here we go it means to spend time relaxing or socializing informally or to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone hey spend time with your friends at a restaurant i used to enjoy cooking for my friends when i lived in south korea i loved it and i would invite them over and we would hang out spend time together so in the comments section i want you to tell us where do you like to hang out do you like to hang out at the mall at your friend's house maybe you like to go to a cafe where do you like to hang out let us know in the chat section all right so we say hang out in english so again looking at it what do we see we my closest friends and i usually try to hang out every thursday at 7 00 pm now i want us to look at the next one go out to eat you may have heard this one or you may not have this just means again to eat at a restaurant or away from one's home so i mentioned earlier that i love cooking but sometimes it's nice to go to a restaurant to let somebody else cook for me to let somebody else cook for myself and my friends so we go out we're not inside we go out to eat let us know in the chat section where do you like to go out to eat maybe in your country there are some amazing restaurants where do you like to go out to eat i love going to indian restaurants as you all know i love indian food and mexican food as well so we say go out to eat in english and again we saw we said go out to eat at popular restaurants now the last one i want to explain is a popular one foodie you got it f sound front teeth bottom lip after me foodie excellent all right now let me explain what a foodie is a foodie is a person with a particular interest in food or a person who loves a food and is very interested in different types of food yes i consider myself to be a foodie i love so many different types of food i love indian i love haitian i love mexican i love mediterranean because the food is delicious so i consider myself to be a foodie because i'm so interested in food maybe you're a foodie as well alright so we say foodie in english and we explained that my friends and i are foodies makes sense right okay so again what we did was we were able to explain talk about speak english fluently about my or your or their evening routine simply simply because we first thought about it in english who what when where and why and then we were able to give the response like a native english speaker now honestly i hope you enjoyed this lesson i hope you learned a lot and i hope you put this into practice you can do it i want to encourage you all you have to do is think in english like a native english speaker using the 5ws and then you'll be able to speak like a native english speaker thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to help you and to teach you and guide you along your way don't forget to download the english with tiffany app you'll find more courses on pronunciation and many other things to help you along your english journey click the link right in the description alright i'll see you next week but as always remember to speak english you still there ha ha i know you are and you know what time it is come on and join me it's story time hey i said it's story time all right today's story is about food that's right i explained earlier in the lesson that i am a foodie i love food and i have a friend who is also a foodie and we actually became close friends because of that so let me explain what happened so i had been in korea for about eight years and i came home just for a short break and i was going to go back to south korea to finish my last year and a half there now when i was going back i was told by the office like the head office that they were going to place me at a new school a school i had never been to so i was a bit apprehensive because i didn't know anyone there and all of my roots my korean family members lived in seoul for those that know about seoul it's the major city in korea and they wanted to move me to the outskirts of the city look up the word outskirts on the outside kind of like the suburbs but a very quiet area and i said you know what it's okay i prayed about it and i decided to go so when i got there there were only i think three or four other korean teachers and i think two or three other foreign teachers like americans or native english speakers it was a very small school i left a school that had 10 and another school that had 20. so this was a very small school and in the school among the korean teachers there was one teacher and i'll say her name annie she may watch this video her name was annie and she seems really nice she seemed very organized and she also seemed to be a very good teacher just from observing her when i first got there and i was like okay yeah she seems basically about business and i am a person that is about business i take my job seriously and she seemed to be that type of person as well so anyways annie approached me one day and said tiffany you know would you mind teaching me the bible now we had known each other for maybe a month we weren't close but we saw each other every day at work and she recognized that i enjoyed teaching the bible to my students so i said sure no no worries she knew i spoke korean and she also spoke english well but she said hey i think it'll be nice to study the bible with you in english and if i have questions i can ask you in korean sure no problem so we started studying the bible we had a great time she loves god i love god and we had great conversations so we had been studying with each other for maybe about two or three weeks and again i noticed that she was a very hard worker i admired her work ethic but that was the extent we didn't do anything after work we just saw each other at work very cordial very nice to each other so one day annie approached me when we were in the staff room and said hey tiffany do you want to go out to eat for lunch and i was like okay sure you know i was new to the area again i'm a foodie but she and i had never talked about food she said you want to go out to lunch i said sure she said yeah there's an indian restaurant not too far from here now remember i told you my favorite food is indian so inside i said oh yeah but outside i said oh that sounds nice now annie knows me very well now so my responses are a lot different but you know i didn't know her that well and i said oh okay you know that's nice let's go i was excited so anyways the next day we decided and we went to the restaurant so we get to the restaurant and again we're just talking great conversation it was really easy to talk to her we had great conversation and we talked about life you know my experiences her experiences and then the food came now when the food came remember i am a foodie i love indian food so i know what indian food is good and what indian food is not good so the plates arrived and like there was the steam coming up from the curry and then i saw the naan and i was getting excited because my nose was happy i could smell that the seasonings they were correct right so but again i was still talking to annie and we were just talking so the food came you know we prayed over the food we you know kind of like wiped our hands off and i took a piece of the naan and i dipped it into the curry and when i put it to my mouth i said it was y'all it was good and i was kind of enjoying it and in that moment i heard annie do the same thing like this food is good now again a lot of the conversation was happening in korean because we switched over when we were at the restaurant so i looked up and i said this food is good isn't it she said whoa yes this food is good and i realized oh my goodness she's a foodie too needless to say fast forward wow has it been four years four years and she's one of my closest friends we enjoyed that meal and she realized how much i love food and we just talked about oh my goodness the seasoning the naan is good the curry is good this is good and we realized how much we love food so the next week we went out to lunch again and the following week we went out to lunch again and we kept going to different restaurants we would make plans to go and travel we would go 45 minutes in the middle of the day to go get some delicious food and rush back to work for the afternoon we loved food and we bonded over food of course our love for god as well but she became one of my closest friends and we are still close to this day all because we found out that we both were foodies now again guys you all know how much i enjoy food i want to know are you a foodie if you are what's your favorite food put it in the comment section annie if you're watching i can't wait till this pandemic is over so we can eat some more good food annie you can come on and visit me in america alright guys thank you so much for joining i hope you enjoyed today's lesson remember to think and speak in english i'll talk to you next week i love you and don't forget to speak english
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 960,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, fluency in english, speak english fluently, learn english, english speaking, english fluency, speak english, fluency, fluent english, how to speak english fluently, speak fluent english, how to get fluent in english, how to become fluent in english, english lesson, learn english speaking, speaking english, native speaker, learn english conversation, speak english with tiffani, how to speak english, english lessons advanced speaking
Id: ag3RnEaB3zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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