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hey i am teacher tiffany and today i am going to teach you 10 english sentences that's right 10 english sentences that you can use today starting today that will help you sound more like a native english speaker these are sentences that you can use every single day are you ready well then let's jump right in now remember these english sentences will help you sound more like a native english speaker so the first sentence we are going to look at is right here would you mind if i called you back in dot dot dot one more time would you mind if i called you back in dot dot dot now this sentence this question can be used every single day think about it there are moments when you are doing something and you're a little bit busy but then you get that phone call someone wants to speak with you but you don't have the time now you have to let them know in english that you're going to have to call them back but if you know this question this structure you will sound more like a native english speaker so again you say would you mind which makes it very polite would you mind if i called you back in five minutes in two hours in a week so you can put the time period in that last spot so again i'll show it to you would you mind if i called you back in and then give the period of time this can be used every single day and again it's a question that we as native english speakers use every single day now let's look at the second one here's the second one you can use every day i'm not quite sure i caught what you said again i'm not quite sure i caught what you said now this is a two-part one let me explain this part i'm not quite sure i caught what you said this literally just means i'm not sure i understood what you said but saying i caught what you said makes you sound more natural think about it like this when you catch a ball right it's a similar thing that happens when you listen to someone and then you understand what they said it's like your brain caught the information so you can say at the very beginning i'm not quite sure i caught what you said the next you will say would you mind repeating it one more time would you mind repeating it one more time again i'll say the full thing again i'm not quite sure i caught what you said would you mind repeating it one more time once again you're seeing this would you dot dot dot when you add this to a question it sounds much more polite so as a an english learner you're going to hear many different things and sometimes you will not understand what a native english speaker is saying in those moments you can say you can use this i'm not quite sure i caught what you said would you mind repeating it one more time trust me the native english speaker is going to be so impressed with your english skills and with the way you use this combination of two sentences because you will sound so natural all right so remember use this sentence and question combination all right every single day here we go the next one number three is right here thank you for asking but i am going to pass excuse me to have to pass at this time again thank you for asking but i'm going to have to pass at this time thank you for asking i'm being polite and saying wow i really appreciate the request but i am going to have to pass at this time i'm actually rejecting the request but it's so polite the other person will not be offended so again you can use this every single day people will request things from you people will ask you for things you can respond like this again you can use this every single day thank you for asking let them know that you appreciate the fact that they asked for your help hold on i'm gonna drink some water guys delicious all right you could say again thank you for asking but i am going to have to pass at this time you're rejecting their request but very very politely all right here we go next number four can i help you with anything in particular this is the part that's added right can i help you you probably know that already but can i help you with anything in particular this question is getting very specific hey i really want to help you but is there anything anything specifically that you need my help with this is a great question and you can use it every single day maybe you are studying with a partner you're studying english and you recognize that your partner is having a hard time you can say hey can i help you with anything in particular your partner will then respond with yes i'm having trouble for example making long sentences in english and maybe you are an advanced english learner so you can help your partner with that particular issue now i'm teaching you many different sentences many different questions that you can use on a regular basis every single day this is an issue that many of my students have had in the past so i actually created an ebook called how to make long sentences in english and maybe you need this book as well maybe you need this ebook to help you make longer sentences in english like an advanced english learner so if you'd like to get the ebook all you have to do is hit the link in the description but again this ebook will help you make longer sentences in english so again when you're speaking with your partner and maybe they need the same help you can say hey can i help you with anything in particular you got it right particular meaning specifically you got it all right now let's go on to number five here we go number five is hey how did things go with dot dot dot this is a really natural question here we go hey how did things go with dot dot dot what you're asking is hey what's the update did everything go okay how was the presentation how was the meeting how was the class how was your project instead of saying how was your project another natural way of asking about the project is to say hey how did things go with the project so again this is a pattern a sentence a question that you can use every single day think about your own life maybe you have family or friends that you see on a regular basis and maybe they are doing something and you want to know what the update is i want you to think about that and today i want you to ask someone this question in english you can do it i believe in you all right so here we go next here's number six do you happen to know how to dot dot dot again do you happen to know how to do again now you're asking someone if they know how to do a specific thing but instead of saying do you know how to dot dot dot you're saying do you happen to know how to do dot this is another way of asking them that question but it's a little bit um more polite it's also um teaching you again how we speak we say this hey perhaps maybe i'm just guessing but do you happen to know how to so it's really a good way of asking someone you're guessing that they may know how to do it but you're not sure so you're adding that happened to within the question at the beginning so hey do you happen to know how to make long sentences in english do you happen to know how to give an introduction do you happen to know how to write an english paper you can create any sentence any question using this pattern to ask someone if they know how to do something all right okay here we go so number seven is right here it was a pleasure meeting you i look forward to speaking with you again in the future one more time it was a pleasure meeting you i look forward to speaking with you again in the future now this is another combo right but look at it what we're saying is hey man thank you so much for speaking with me and spending time with me acknowledging that you enjoyed the time you spent with the person then you're adding in the future man i look forward to speaking with you again in the future this is a great way to end the conversation a great way to end a meeting letting the person know you appreciate them and then adding in hey if i have the opportunity to meet you again in the future i would love to so again it was a pleasure meeting you i look forward to speaking with you again in the future so if you memorize this combination again you will sound more like a native speaker native english speaker you can use this every single day all right number eight i'm a little swamped at work i'm a little swamped at work now this is one again very very natural and we as native english speakers use it on a regular basis swamped means extremely busy having a lot of work a lot of projects very very busy and so busy that you can't take anything else on so if someone says hey how is work going you can say whoo i am very or i'm a little both are okay i'm a little swamped at work not too too bad but i'm kind of busy or i'm very swamped at work the key is understanding swamped maybe let's practice that real quick after me swamped good job last time swamped excellent and it just means to be extremely busy at work when you say swamped at work alright so again i'm a little swamped at work and you can take out the little if you'd like but you know what it means now now number nine would you mind lending or giving me a hand with dot dot dot would you mind lending or giving me a hand with dot dot dot now remember we talked about earlier would you mind again adding this into a question makes it much more polite so would you mind lending me a hand you've probably heard that before it just means would you mind helping me or would you mind giving me a hand again it just means hey can you help me but now we've added this last part where you're specifically saying what you need help with here we go would you mind lending me a hand with this box i need help lifting this specific box again i'm helping you become more of an advanced english speaker and that means you're giving more details you're explaining exactly what you need help with all right so again would you mind lending or giving me a hand with this box this project etc all right so let's move on to number 10. here we go is there anything in particular that you would like to dot dot dot once again is there anything in particular that you would like to dot dot dot once again this is something you can use every single day so think about going out with your friends right and you're trying to figure out what to do you don't know where to go um you don't know what activity you're actually going to participate in so you can say hey is there anything in particular anything specifically special that you would like to do like to eat like to see you're gonna use a verb here right so again it's just another way of asking someone hey what about you what would you like to do what would you like to eat and again the pattern is is there anything in particular that you would like to dot dot dot you can use this starting today now here's the challenge i have for you i want you right now to take action you can use these sentences every single day what i want you to do is in the comment section i want you to use this sentence number ten is there anything in particular that you would like to and finish the sentence that's right write your sentence the question in the comment section and i want you to finish it using this pattern it's a challenge i want you to use what you are learning all right so again using this question this pattern is there anything in particular that you would like to and then fill in the blank i believe in you you can do it these 10 sentences and questions you can start using today and sound more like a native english speaker now remember i mentioned earlier that i created the ebook to help students like you around the world learn how to make longer sentences in english so i do want to remind you if you want to get your copy all you have to do is click the link in the description now for those of you who do click the description the link in the description you'll get 25 off but you have to click the link in the description that's right i want to help you sound more like a native english speaker so to get 25 off of your copy right now all you got to do is hit the link in the description thank you so much for joining me today i really hope you enjoyed this lesson i hope you start using the sentences starting today so that you can sound more like a native english speaker alright i will see you next week in the next lesson have a wonderful week but as always remember to speak english you still there you know what time it is it's story time hey i said it story time all right so i'm going to tell you a story today about when i was in the fourth grade yes i was in the fourth grade i think i was either nine or ten years old now as you probably already know i was a very studious student it means i enjoyed studying i enjoyed learning i got good grades i always did well on tests i was that student now i enjoyed having fun as well but i really loved learning so in fourth grade unfortunately our teacher got sick so that year we had lots of substitute teachers we went through quite a few and you know as kids when you have a substitute teacher you're excited because you really don't have to study too hard because the substitute doesn't know everything that you've been studying so you get a lot of recess time so we had a great experience with our substitute teachers but eventually they did our school did find a permanent a new permanent teacher so i remember when she opened the door and walked into our classroom now she was the short lady that's the first thing we recognized we may have been in the fourth grade but we knew that she was not tall she was a shorter lady she was wearing glasses and she had kind of like a stern this is what stern means right very serious and a little bit maybe mean a stern look on her face when she walked in she said hello fourth grade and we're like hello and so she walked in told us her name and she sat down and she proceeded to basically teach the class and let us know how things would go so she was a good teacher we didn't really like her as much in the beginning because we felt she was so strict right so one of her rules was when you finish taking a test you need to bring it up to her desk and immediately go back to your seat and put your head down right put your head down don't talk to your friends put your head down so okay it was in our opinion we're like this rule is a little bit much but okay we'll follow the rules again i was a good student too i followed the rules i really didn't get in trouble much i got in trouble for like talking with my friends but nothing bad so anyways one day we had this exam so we were taking the test and i finished pretty early so i stood up very quietly i took the test to her desk she said okay go back to your seat sit down and put your head down i said okay so i walked back to my seat right and i sat down and right before i put my head down i remembered wow we bought this new picture that was on the wall and i just wanted to look at it again really quickly so again i sat down and i was about to put my head down but i looked at the picture i was just i was an artist so i was very fascinated um with beautiful things so i looked at it really quickly honestly it may have been for five or ten not even 10 seconds five seconds within that five second period one two three tiffany i heard my name called and i was like whoa so i looked at her and she said tiffany come here now i didn't understand what was happening so i stood up and i walked to her desk and she said didn't i tell you to go back to your seat and put your head down and i was like yes i was putting my head down she said did i tell you to lift your head up and look at the picture and i was like no but i was she said no and she gave me at that time i think it was was it detention i can't remember the punishment but i got punished for looking at a picture and even now as a grown adult thinking about that situation it still baffles me i got in trouble for looking for five seconds at something and then she called so anyways again needless to say we did not particularly like her during that year because she was extremely strict she said i didn't tell you to look at anything i said put your head down immediately technically yes she was right but i mean five seconds so anyways i'm back to my desk of course i was upset i was not a rude kid though i just was upset that i got in trouble laid my head down of course my parents had to find out and everything now fast forward again that entire year she was a good teacher now that i'm older she was a good teacher she was extremely strict and we didn't really like her strictness let me say that her strictness that year however when we all trans like we all moved up to fifth grade we all agreed that we loved her as a teacher and it wasn't because our fifth grade teacher was bad no she was great too but i think we realized the reason why she was so strict just like a parent is strict with a child giving the child rules and things to follow the parent is literally trying to guide the child and i think once we were out of her class we realized that so much so that up until now we love her so much literally what has it been 30 no 20 something you know 30 years wow 30 years i'm getting old um it's been like 30 something years and we still love her to this day when i see her like i've seen her at some event she's still little she comes up not even to my shoulder she's really little when i see her it's like i turn into a middle school child i turn into an elementary school student i'm like hey how are you because i really do love her so even though that situation was a little bit you know as a kid you're kind of shocked now as an adult i realize you know she was just trying to guide us and help us understand the importance of rules so i hope you enjoyed that story maybe you had a strict teacher when you were in school maybe not but you can let us know in the comments don't forget once again to remember make your own sentence using this question is there anything in particular that you would like to do dot dot make your own sentence and put it in the comment section and also remember to get your ebook right now how to make long sentences in english click the link in the description to get 25 off i want to give you this gift because i want you to sound more like a native english speaker alright guys thank you again so much hope you enjoy the story and i will see you next week have a wonderful week and i'll talk to you next time
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 326,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, how to speak english, make long english sentences, learn how to speak english, how to use english sentence, daily use english sentences, english speaking practice, english sentences for daily use, learn english sentences, simple english sentences, daily use sentence in english, everyday english sentences, useful english sentences, common english sentences, english with tiffani, learn english with tiffani, 10 english sentences for daily use, english, tiffani
Id: NOdIdz1Sugw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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