ENGLISH TECHNIQUE #1 | Learn English Faster With This One Technique

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hey how are you i am tiffany and i am excited to teach you today's lesson i want you to learn english faster using this one technique that's right here's the technique and i'm going to show you how to use this technique and how to apply it so that you can learn english faster but before we begin i need you to do something for me you see my goal is to help 1 billion students that's right 1 billion students around the world learn how to speak english with confidence but i need your help i need you to do three simple things i need you to like this video share this video and subscribe to this channel here we go like share subscribe come on i said like share subscribe last time like share and subscribe i'm teacher tiffany let's jump right in [Music] all right here's the technique you need to connect everything to your life there are many different things in your life that are important but the five main things are people situations times places and also the reasons why you do certain things you see in other words everything you learn needs to connect to every aspect of your life but here's the interesting thing we have on the screen right now person situation time place and reason but in other words we're saying who what when where and why you know where i'm going right now some of you have already studied my previous lessons dealing with the five w's but i've never taught you the five w's like this this one technique to help you learn anything in english faster using the 5w so let's start with the first one the who all right so a person in your life this will help you have a mental trigger related to a specific person now this is so important because when you think about your life your life is made up of different experiences right but those experiences are connected to people those who are important to you and you'll never forget their faces or their names because they're important to you that's why connecting what you're learning to someone in your life is so helpful so this is how we do it we ask these questions either who taught it to you who can relate to it or who would you like to teach it to so let's say for example we have this idiom rat race now for pronunciation after me rat race good job last time wrapped race excellent now a rat race is just a lifestyle in which you are always chasing money and success but never getting it that's right you're always trying to get more money and success but you're never getting it now that's the meaning but remember we need to connect it to our life right so let's see how we can answer the questions with who all right so we have rat race now remember a rat race is an idiom we have the idiom right here and it's a lifestyle in which you are always chasing money and success but never getting it remember our goal is to figure out how can we connect it to the who we have the three questions who taught it to you who can relate to it and who would you like to teach it to here we go who taught it to you well rat race you actually just learned it on my channel that's right in the video so you can say teacher tiffany taught me this idiom again this is going to help you later on because you need to have triggers where did you actually learn this who did you learn it from and we have teacher tiffany now who can relate to it so you want to think about someone in your life who maybe is living a lifestyle where they're chasing money and success maybe you have a friend maybe your friend's name is brandon alright so maybe a good friend of yours brandon is chasing money and success and you met brandon in college all right so again you're creating these triggers connected to what you're learning now what about this question who would you like to teach it to remember i've always mentioned the importance of teaching other people what you learn so let's say for example you have a classmate right and your classmate's name is sally sally is your good friend and you and sally study together often so you want to tell sally about rat race alright so again this is how you connect the who you connect rat race to your life by answering who all right now what about what now remember the what deals with a situation in your life this will help you have a mental trigger related to a specific situation or in other words you're connecting to the experiences you've had in your life so here are the questions right here what were you doing when you learned it what situation can you describe using it or what is another way to explain it again we're speaking about the word expression idea or concept that you learn in english so let's say for example we're looking at the adjective refreshing it means to describe something that cools you down or energizes you when you're hot and tired you know like a cool refreshing smoothie right it oh it cools you down but how can we connect a smoothie the the word refreshing that describes a smoothie how can we connect it to our life right a situation in our life here we go all right now we have refreshing now refreshing is an adjective and again we learned that it means we use it to describe something that cools down or energizes you all right and you see right here we have this delicious slushie or a smoothie and i actually really love smoothies all right so here's the question what were you doing when you found either the adjective the word or the idea or when you learned it so what were you doing when you learned refreshing so let's imagine hmm maybe you were watching a youtube video about food so let's say you were watching a youtube video about food okay watching a youtube video about food all right and this word came up all right a youtube video about food now what situation or thing can you use to describe it right what can you use or what can you describe using refreshing so again i mentioned i enjoy smoothies and slushies so maybe you can describe your favorite what dessert that's right maybe you can describe your favorite dessert what's your favorite dessert right and then what is another way to explain it so instead of just memorizing this definition right here let's write it in our own word so refreshing refers to something that does what makes you feel cool and what cool and energized again you're just rewriting the definition in your own words but by doing this again connecting it to what right the what things in your life all right refreshing now is going to be easier for you to remember in the future all right so what about when a time in your life now this will help you have a mental trigger related to a specific period of time this is so important again we're talking about different aspects of our life right so my life and your life we have different experiences but when you start connecting the things that you're learning to your personal life then you'll start to learn english very fast here we go all right so when did you learn it when can you use it in real life and when will you teach it to someone else again choosing one of those questions so let's say for example the phrasal verb rush into it means to make a decision very quickly without much thought or consideration now that's the definition of the word but again we need to connect it to a specific situation we already did that but a time in our life right so how do we connect it to a specific time in our life here we go all right now we have the phrasal verb rush into and this means again to make a decision very quickly without thought or consideration so you see we have our little timer right here our little clock and it's running now what we're trying to do is connect it to a time period or an event in our life right so here's a question when did you learn it all right so when did you learn this phrasal verb rush into we can say oh i learned it on sunday at what time sunday at 2 p.m maybe you were watching this youtube video and it was 2 p.m when you saw it all right so when can you use it in real life think again about your own life when can you use rush into again to make a decision quickly so maybe you can use it when you're what when you're speaking about a project at work right maybe you got an assignment from your boss and you want to do it properly and instead of taking your time to plan things out you just rushed into it because you were looking at the time all right now when will you teach it to someone else again we're connecting it to a certain event or time period in your life so let's say you want to teach it to someone and let's say you're going to teach it this weekend maybe you're meeting your friends right this weekend when you meet your friends again connecting this information is important because it will create a trigger your brain will say hey remember when you meet your friends this weekend you need to teach them this phrasal verb alright so now we have where a place related to your life this will help you have a mental trigger related to a specific location remember this is so important because when you have a mental picture of a place connected to what you're learning you'll remember it so much faster when you go back to the word or the expression or the idea or concept you were trying to learn so here's some questions related to a place where were you when you learned it where can you hear native speakers using it or where can you go to use it in real life so for example the slang we go way back i use this a lot we go way back now this slang just refers to having known someone for a very long time so now what we need to do is connect it to your life where the location right so let's see how we can do that for this one all right so now we have we go way back this is slang and i mentioned that i like to use this slang term a lot again it just means we have known each other for a very long time you see right here these individuals look like they're very happy they've known each other for a very long time they go way back all right now we're trying to connect it to what where we're trying to connect it to a location in our life right so where were you when you learned it again maybe this time instead of watching a youtube video maybe you were actually watching an instagram video on your phone where i teach slang so you can say ah i was in my room maybe you were laying on your bed right laying on your bed so laying on my bed when i learned it now where can you hear native english speakers where can you hear a native english speaker using this maybe you can hear them using this again we're talking about going way back now it's time for you to think creatively when would a native english speaker say oh man we go way back we've we've known each other for a very long time maybe at a reunion again thinking very creatively right maybe at a class right a class reunion now where can you use it in real life think about it when would you say to someone we go way back maybe you can use this again when you've seen someone when you haven't seen someone in a long time and then you see them again maybe when you meet your old friends right maybe you meet once a year you can use it then wow we go way back and that's how you can use this slang term all right now let's go to why a reason related to your life this will help you have a mental trigger related to a specific reason or cause now again this is where you really need to think a lot when you're learning something new you need to connect it to a reason so there are three questions you can use to connect to this reason here we go why is it important why were you doing what you were doing when you learned it or why should you personally start using it for example the phrasal verb tune out it means to stop paying attention or to ignore what is happening around you again a very useful english phrasal verb right we've learned words we've learned expressions and so many other things but how can you connect this to your life by connecting it to a reason so let's see how we do it specifically for this phrasal verb all right so now we have the phrasal verb tune out tune out and remember tune out just means to stop paying attention we can see right here this woman looks like she is not paying attention at all but again we know the phrasal verb we understand the meaning but now we need to connect it to our life right so we have the y and we're looking for a reason so why is it important why do you think this is important well maybe because it can explain what students do in class sometimes it can explain what students do in class you know sometimes when i was in korea some of my students they would kind of tune out now younger students sometimes because after school they were very tired so you can explain what students do in class now what were you doing or what were you uh oh we wrote it twice here we go what you were doing when you learned it all right so let's fix this right here it's okay we're gonna keep going with it so what you were doing when you learned it so what were you doing when you learned it maybe when you learned tune out you were watching what an english movie okay you were watching an english movie uh oh this was correct guys here we go i'm gonna fix it why were you doing what you were doing when you learned it this was a long one all right so you were watching a movie because you were relaxing okay because you wanted to relax all right you want it to relax so this is correct we're going to take that out why were you doing what you were doing when you learned it all right here we go why should you personally start using again why should you start to use it well it's important for you to start using and think about you're a student right so you can use it because you are a student and you want to be careful not to tune out right you are a student so again you're just looking for information that can connect to everything that you are actually learning all right so now we have this full technique broken down into five parts connecting it to a person in our life a situation a time a place and even a reason again who what when where why now what would it look like if we had the word irk you ever heard that word before the word is irk so if we have the vocabulary word irk how can we use this technique to actually help us learn english faster let's take a look all right so now we have this word irk right here it just means to irritate or annoy and we're going to apply the technique remember the technique is one answering who what when where and why and i selected a question for each of them so let's start with the why again looking at irk which means to irritate or annoy so who would you like to teach it to well you might say i want to teach it to my younger brother maybe your younger brother annoys you or irks you sometimes so you want to teach it to your younger brother what about the what a situation can you what situation can you describe using it well think about a situation that maybe annoys you or bothers you well you can say you can describe when people maybe bite their nails maybe it annoys you when people bite their nails you can say that situation what about the when when did you learn it well maybe you learned it last night alright last night while you were watching youtube where can you hear native english speakers using it well you can hear native english speakers using irk when maybe a parent a parent talking to his or her child right when a parent is talking to his or her child and then why is it important well it's important because it describes your emotion or feeling okay it describes your emotion or feeling so you see again we have irk but there are so many connections that we made to your life again who what when where and why and that's how you learn anything fast in english connecting it to your life using the five w's all right now you know the best technique to learn english faster using the five w's and you can apply it to whatever you learn i really hope you enjoyed today's lesson i love teaching english to you and helping you gain confidence in your abilities now if you want to continue studying with me all you have to do is join my academy by going to let's jump right in.com the link is right here on the screen and you'll also find it in the description thanks so much for joining me but as always remember to speak english you still there now you know i didn't go anywhere it's story time hey i said it story time alright guys so for today's story i am going to tell you when i got stung by bees now when i was in korea i lived there for a long time i loved hiking i loved being in nature so one of my closest friends and i we would go to the mountain a lot so we'd go to different mountains throughout korea and on this one sunday morning she and i decided to pack up a lunch and go hiking all day so we were so excited it was beautiful we were walking through the mountains we actually found waterfalls it was an amazing day and we came upon this interesting little stream right and there were lots of people and so we said hey let's kind of walk to where the people are so she said okay tiff you go first because there was kind of a small pathway that we had to walk through so we were all getting ready it was my friend and i but then there was a long line of people behind us because it was kind of a a smaller walkway and i started to walk and all of a sudden i felt something on my leg and i looked down and literally they weren't bees they were actually wasps came up from the ground and surrounded me i screamed my friend behind me screamed everyone screamed and i ran so i ran forward and when i stopped i realized that i had gotten stung by the wasps here's the problem they were in the middle of the walkway there were tons of them everywhere and i couldn't get back to where my friend was standing so people heard us screaming and there were some people that were in the little stream right below us so some of the guys walked up and they're all korean so they were asking me in korean i speak korean you know are you okay like and i said i'm fine but i need to get back to the other side because if i didn't i wouldn't have been able to go home so everyone's trying to figure out how i can get across and this one guy comes and he's standing near where all the bees are coming up from the ground the wasps are coming up from the ground and he looks at me and he says you're gonna have to run you're going to have to come through this i know it's difficult and i know you're scared but you're going to have to come through so i'm standing there again my leg my ankle is starting to swell up because of the sting the guy is standing there my friend is on the opposite side she's looking at me because she didn't know what to do and everyone is just standing there kind of panicking so the guy looked at me says ma'am you need to just come through so he says when i count to three i need you to come through so i count i said one two three and i ran as fast as i could through the wasps to get to where my friend was now they still were flying around me when i ran but they didn't sting me again so when i finally got to my friend everyone's like okay good everyone said we're not going this way again so i walked to my friend and when we looked down my leg was still swelling up and we're trying to you know get everything taken care of and everything has calmed down a little bit my friend has got got some ice and she was putting it on my leg for me i wasn't crying or anything it hurt but i wasn't crying and my friend looked at me and i looked at her and she said tiff i was about to leave you i said what so what happened when i ran through the bees again i didn't see them but when i got right where they were and they kind of came from the ground and surrounded me my friend screamed and turned to run away i didn't see her running away but when i turned back she was coming back toward me she said tiff i'm so sorry i was so scared i didn't know what to do so we laughed about it because she was gonna leave me behind so yes that was my experience getting stung by a wasp have you guys ever gotten stung by a wasp before or when you were hiking had something really strange or scary happen please let me know in the comment section i hope you guys enjoyed today's story remember if you want to keep studying with me and join our family all you have to do is go to the link right here let's jump right in dot com i will talk to you guys next week have an awesome week
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 77,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, english conversation, speak english, speak english with tiffani, teacher tiffani, teacher tiffany, english with tiffani, american english, english idioms, vocabulary words, english vocabulary words, english in 5 minutes, ramble on, how to study vocabulary words, how to learn vocabulary fast, irrelevant, tiffani, english technique, learn english faster with this one technique, english techniques, how to learn english faster
Id: h2aOz5dJx7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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