Reacting To Things That Aged Poorly

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Soooo can we get those framed photos of them as old men?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/howdydoodybooty 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Stevie's dolphin impression is certainly .... something.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/KillerPalm 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just a little nitpick: I think the second segment was a little unfair. FourFourTwo is a football-magazine (hence the name) not a celebrity based one. Maybe it would be easier for them, if Stevie said sports magazine instead?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Karakotaera 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Can we guess why these things aged so, so poorly? - Let's talk-talk about that. (warm electronic music) "Good Mythical Morning." - History is full of mistakes. Sometimes they're good, like penicillin, post-it notes, or chocolate chip cookies. But sometimes, things that seemed great at the time have aged incredibly poorly like Britney and Justin's matching jean outfits at the 2001 AMAs, whoo, I can't forget that! (Link groans) Putting cocaine in Coca Cola, I've tried to forget that. - Oh. - And wearing Crocs to a petting zoo. - Yeah, the Croc holes a perfectly sized for petting zoo poop pellets to pass right through. - Right through. Many big name corporations and publications throughout the decades have made poop-to-shoe level mistakes. - Hmm. - So how about we turn these out of fashion whoopsies into a big fat game? - Yeah. - It's time for "All of These Things Have Aged Oh, So Poorly: If a Canadian is to Blame, They Should Say, Sorry!" - Okay, here's how this is gonna work. We're gonna be showing an old ad, article, headline, or some other kind of widely distributed material that has aged particularly not well over time. However, some key words or pieces of information have been censored out, and guess what we have to do? - Oh, I love that. Fill it in! - We have to uncensor it using our brains- - Fill it! (crew laughs) - And these whiteboards to guess. - I love filling it up. Okay, whoever's closest (Stevie laughing) to the correct answer wins the round, and the loser of each round is gonna receive a punishment in the form of something that has aged poorly! - The points escalate each round, the loser will receive a very special piece of poorly aged art. - Oh. - All right, Stevie, show us the first one. You're the judge. - [Stevie] Okay, yeah, yeah, I'm always the judge. So, we're gonna be like traveling back through time, so I'm gonna go with the most recent poorly aged things, and then we're gonna go further and further back. So, first up, we have an article from 2007. Fill in the blanks- - Way back. - from this TechCrunch headline. The Futurist: We predict the blank will blank. - Hmm. - 2007. - [Stevie] And like, in this whole game, I'd say, the blanks don't necessarily represent the number of words. If you wanna put more words in the blanks, sometimes that's okay. - Yeah, but it has to fit in that place, right? - [Stevie] Well, yes, that, yes. - Okay, here we go. - It's 2007, get myself in that 2007 frame of mind. - Okay, I said, the internet will implode. I mean, not literally, but like, you know, figuratively. No one's gonna care. I know that's kinda late, but that's my guess. - Huh, okay. I was kinda close. I said the Segways will proliferate. - Oh, you went positive. (Stevie laughing) - Yeah, right, yeah, that's back, it was in the golden age when we thought it was gonna- - 2007? - Be like, everyone's gonna be on these things, man. Everyone, your grandma included. - [Stevie] Okay, it actually said: The Futurist: We predict the iPhone will bomb. (Rhett chuckling) So I feel like Link is, Link is a little bit closer on that one. - Yep, yep. - [Stevie] And he wrote the date in the top corner of his board. Rhett, because you lost the round, you must wear this dyed fake hair clip-in, the fashion equivalent of this poorly aged article. - Oh, I like that, I like that. - iPhone has done pretty well, just for the record. - Ah. - [Stevie] Okay, next up, we've got a 1998 article from British magazine FourFourTwo. - Oh, yeah, is it? - [Stevie] FourFourTwo did a nice little spread showing what they thought celebrities would look like all the way in the year 2020. And here's what they thought one British celebrity would look like. Who is this digitally aged celebrity? - I don't, first of all, there's nothing recognizable about this person. 1998 British celebrity? Oh shoot. What is that guy's name? I'm just gonna have to describe him, 'cause I. (crew laughing) - I can't remember this guy's name either. - Really? I'll tell you your guy's name, if you tell me my guy's name. Rhett, you first. - Sir Paul McCartney. (laughs) - What? He was an adult in 1998. (crew laughing) - It was a joke, it was, he was already older than this guy. Oh, so 1998. - And oh, you made a joke. - I didn't have any good guess. - I can't remember his name. - I was gonna say Ian McClellan, but I couldn't remember his name. - I said, angry Batman from the Christopher Nolan films. - [Stevie] Christian Bale? - Christian Bale, Christian Bale. - [Stevie] No, this is David Beckham. - [Link] Oh, I see it now! - [Rhett] Yeah, and he kinda, he, that is how he looks now. (crew laughing) - That's, they. Well, Rhett's guess was- - I had a person though. - His, his- - Mine's an actual person's name, it's not a description of a person. - [Link] His guess makes no sense. - [Stevie] You did write the date at the top of your board. - Hey, no, you can't be giving points for writing the date! - Don't tell him that, (crew laughing) she's not giving me points for that. She's giving me points for, he was a child actor. - [Stevie] Okay, fine, no points, no points this round. (buzzer buzzing) - I think. - [Stevie] You both get a photo that shows what you will look like in the year 2025. - Oh good, we- - Oh. - Oh my God. (Rhett chuckles) Look at this. - Yeah, that is awesome, and probably very accurate. (Rhett laughing) - [Link] Ah, it's so scary! - [Rhett] I love it. - I am not gonna have the same haircut, and I'm gonna have a beard when I'm this old to cover up that chicken neck. (Rhett chuckles) All right, hit it. - [Stevie] Okay, this is a headline from an article in the Telegraph, back in the '90s, reviewing "Star Wars: Episode One: The Phantom Menace." So fill in these blanks. Blank will soon be as loved as blank. - They got Portman there. Is that a distraction? - It's got Portman there. Okay, this one seems obvious to me. You think you got it? - [Rhett] Yeah. - Yeah, okay. Did you say Jar Jar will be soon as loved as Yoda? - I said Jar Jar will be as beloved as Chewbacca. - Mm. - [Stevie] Mm, it's gonna be tough, because it was Jar Jar Binks will soon be as loved as Winnie the Pooh. - What? - Oh, but I, look, I- - Winnie the Pooh? - Hey, Stevie, I put Binks in there. - [Stevie] (gasps) That's true! I think that Rhett gets the point. (Rhett laughs) - Oh, wow, you did say Binks. - [Stevie] So, Link, that means we have to show the world a photo of the time you yourself made a bold cultural statement. (crew laughing) - [Link] That's Photoshopped. - No, I remember when you said, I remember when you said, I believe that they have the purest love. - Kimye is forever. - And if they don't last, then there's nothing else to believe in. - [Stevie] Oh boy. This poorly aged comic strip strip cell is from "Batman" number 66 in 1951. - Oh, we're back to Batman. - [Stevie] It reads: Meanwhile, at the Joker's hideout. The Joker says, so, they laugh at my blank, will they? I'll show them, I'll show them how many blanks the Joker can make! (Rhett chuckles) And I'm looking for- - Didn't age well. - [Stevie] A singular word. - That works at all three places. - [Steview] Yeah, it's also on the front of the newspaper that he's holding. - [Link] Ah. - I feel pretty confident. - Really? This is freaking difficult, man. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta think, aged poorly. - All right, what did you say? Oh, you know what? Let's plug the Mythical census before we give our answers, 'cause this is important. - Oh, tricky, tricky, tricky! - We're doing another Mythical census, and we really want you to participate. This is not a drill. This is the real Mythical census for 2021. Last time we put out a census, we found out lots of interesting things, which we, the whole team discussed everything that you told us. - One out of five of you likes metal! So few of you live in Sumner County, Tennessee. I mean, we got it, this is information that we need. And seriously, we do a lot of things with this information, knowing how to make better content for you guys, develop better products for you guys. - It's so important. We will bribe you, we will give you a 15% discount from the Mythical store,, if you complete this survey, okay? And claim your coupon. Thank you for filling out the survey. Even if you've never filled out anything, especially if you haven't, this is the time to do it. We need you. - Okay, I was a little influenced by an earlier- - Okay. - An earlier question that we had, but I'm pretty sure it's- - So, they laugh at- - So, they laugh at my iPhones, will they? I'll show them, I'll show them how many iPhones the Joker can make! Chortle at Joker's iPhones! (crew laughing) So iPhones was my answer, three times. - Mine, I don't know. I said, so they laugh at my makeup. I'll show them, I'll show them how many ups the Joker can make. - Up, that's weird, that's weird. (crew laughing) - Chortle at the Joker's makeup. - [Stevie] So, they laugh at my boner, will they? I'll show them, I'll show them how many boners the Joker can make! - Oh, that's slang for iPhone. (crew laughs) - What does this mean? - Is that an iPhone in your pocket or do you have a boner? - How the heck? What, what, what's he talking about a boner? What is a boner? - [Stevie] Mm, mm, That is a good question. - [Rhett] That was a long time ago. - [Stevie] Well, while we try and find the answer to that, oh, it's a mistake, it's a mistake. A boner's a mistake. Thank you, Carney. - Just a mistake? - Yeah. - [Stevie] You, let's see, who won? Makeup, iPhone, I mean, at this point, what's, Link was trying, Link. - Rhett wasn't even trying. - Yeah, exactly. - Punish him, thank you! - Come on. - [Stevie] Rhett, you have to take a big old bite of this not connected to boners in any way banana, which has also aged quite poorly. - [Link] Oh my goodness, oh my gosh. That's what you get for not trying, you smart Alec. I'll show you how many boners I can make! - (laughs) Oh, there's. Look, look at that. - [Crew Member] Oh God. - I like how you smelled it first. - [Rhett] It's nice on the inside. - [Link] Ooh, gross. All right. (Rhett laughs) - They laughed at my! - I'll show them how many boners the Joker can make! - They laugh at my banana boner. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, this is an ad for men's ties from designer Van Heusen. (Rhett mmhmms) - [Rhett] Oh my gosh. - [Stevie] Though the ad's visual message very much speaks for itself, fill in the blanks for the tagline that aged even more poorly than the picture. Van Heusen, show her it's blank. - Show her it's time to get off your knees, girl. - Uh-huh. - You think you got this? 'Cause- - No, I definitely don't, but I think I've got a good slogan. - I'm willing to bet you $50 that he, that he put boner in his answer. (crew laughing) I know you did, man. I haven't even looked, I know you put boner in your answer. - No, that would've been good, it would have been better than what I actually came up with. I came up with what I think is a good slogan. - Oh, you're trying now, okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Let's hear it. - Show her it's more than a tie. (laughs) - What else, what? (crew laughing) - I don't even, it just sounds like a good slogan, you know? Show her it's more than a tie. - I think this, they could've thought this worked. - Okay. - Show her it's business time. - Oh, okay, all right, yeah. - Okay. - Get it, you get it, business tie? - [Stevie] Yeah, it's, oh, it's worse than that. It's show her it's a man's world. - Oh God, come on, Van Heusen! - [Stevie] (groans) Oh, it's bad. - A man's world. - [Stevie] I mean, both of your guesses were pretty good, but I understand Link's a little bit more, (laughing) so, I think Link's gonna get the point. - Well, the ambiguity in mine is what makes it a good slogan. - [Stevie] Okay. - What do you mean, it's more a tie? Well, do you wanna find out? (crew laughs) - [Stevie] Let's see, your punishment is a poorly aged fitness trend that, similar to misogyny, makes absolutely no sense. Please show this shake weight that it's a man's world for 10 whole seconds. (weight rattling) - And let me tell you while he's doing that, if you wanna spice things up in the bedroom, slap on a dress shirt and a tie, period. You know what I'm saying? - They laugh at my boners! (crew laughing) - Stevie, let's move this along. - [Stevie] Okay. - You wanna see how many boners the Joker can shake? - [Stevie] It only gets worse from here. - Okay. - [Stevie] We've got a very poorly aged Vaseline ad from the 1940s. Fill in the blank, caring blank always blank. - Okay, all right, okay. - Okay, I'm not proud of this one. - All right, go for it. - Caring moms always rub it. - Okay, all right. Well, I got pretty close to that. I said caring boner always boner. (crew laughing) - God. I was a question too quick. (Rhett laughing) I'm always a little too quick with the boner. I should've waited. - You have a slow boner, you know what I'm saying? - I got a- - Delayed boner. - Yeah, you gotta, you gotta wait for it. - Can't be an immediate boner. - [Stevie] Caring dads always lube. - What? - What? - [Stevie] Just really, it rolls off your tongue, doesn't it? - I mean, I was so close! - Well, Link did, Link did say moms. - [Stevie] Yeah, I'm gonna have to give this one to Link. So that means that round, Rhett- - Caring dads always lube? - You to put on this pooka shell necklace, a male fashion trend that aged about as poorly as the words dad and lube in the same sentence. - I kinda feel like I'm winning. - [Stevie] But also, Link, you, sir, have won the entire game- - Of course. - [Stevie] Which means you get a nice aged piece of art. And that piece of art just happens to be that photo of Rhett that he no longer gets to keep of himself. So, you'll be going home- - Oh, really? - [Stevie] With both of those lovely pieces of aged art tonight. - Gosh, this is, I mean, this is our freaking future. - I can't get this on, so I'm gonna hold it like that. - At least we get, look, we look shocked at how ugly we are. - (chuckles) I'm so ready to look like that. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell! - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Megan Forsyth from Pasco, Washington, and I'm gonna try and McRib for the first time. And it is time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. No, Rhett, why? - She loves it, you can tell. - She made up her mind that she wasn't going to like it. - She's acting, she's a great, great actor. - And I agree. - Great actor, but she loved that McRib. Click the top link to watch this play the cringiest game of "Would You Rather: Aged Poorly Edition" in "Good Mythical More." - And to find where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. We wanna create even better content and products for you. And you can help us by taking the 2021 Mythical census that, and hey, you get 15% off the store!
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,307,926
Rating: 4.9310608 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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