Will It Gummy? Taste Test

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whatisscoobydone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


Stevie: "You're like, eating his gummy nip milk."

Link: "I've got a job to do." πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

There were so many reasons they lost the demonetization war even before the last round. Rhett was just pure anarchy and it was glorious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tepid πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett was in a pure chaos mood and Link wanted none of it lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/B0mb-Hands πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't think any amount of coffee could have prepared me for Rhett face f-king Link with the gummy beef tongue. It was a little too early for me for that kind of debauchery 🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NepEnut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett drops the F bomb lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tboothe92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode is so chaotic lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WakeupDp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I appreciate Link’s stance on the Pizza Bagel slogan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/foodmydudes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pre beef tongue: I wonder if the cereal milk tastes like milk bottle sweets. Do Americans HAVE milk bottle sweets?

Post beef tongue: ... never mind

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fotheringhay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we asked the age old question. - Will it gummy? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat intro music) - Good mythical morning. - Ever since we had that gummy cheeseburger back on "Will it Cheeseburger?", gummies have been stuck in my brain, like, what's something sticky? - Gummies. - Yes, like gummies. Now, have you ever seen these bags of gummy bears and gummy worms sold in the same package? - I have not. - Let me just take a moment to say I am totally against this. We got to preserve some sort of consistency and the sense of scale of the gummy universe. Are these giant worms or they're tiny bears? I don't want to think about that. You don't want to think about that. Don't do this anymore, Brach's. - Okay, don't even think about it. - But I won't say that I'm against all forms of gummy experimentation, in fact, - Experimentation. - It's time for- [Both] Will it gummy? - Today, we are gummifying everything and that means that each dish will be a candy gelatin recreation of a particular food, including all of that food's components. - And here's a craziest part, each gummy part will taste like the ingredient that it is mimicking. Yes, I don't know what kind of Willy Wonka witchcraft the Mythical Kitchen got into to pull this one off and what sort of demons they consulted, but you know what? We let them do what they want to over there. And we like it. - I do like it. I like it. Yeah, first up, we have Bagel Bites and from the way that they hang out in microwaves and burn innocent mouths, you know that they think that they're hot stuff. But when gummy is the bagel, can you have pizza any time? These are jiggle bites, Bagel Bites made of gelatin. And that is instantly impressive. - Josh. - If you squint, you just think you got a slightly larger than life Bagel Bite. - What did the demons do? - [Josh] The demons didn't do a ton. Also, unlike Willy Wonka, we have murdered zero children in the Mythical Kitchen so far, I'd like to clarify that. - Well, I mean, hey, listen. - We blended bagels with water and then we turned that into a gummy, we rendered out the pepperoni fat, we turned that into a gummy. We made a mozzarella broth and gummified that, and then ditto with pizza sauce and tomato paste, oregano. We turned that into a gummy. - Well, you just keep saying gummified - Wow. - and turning it into a gummy, but I still don't understand what's happening there. - Smells like pizza. - Is that like befriending a horse and then scraping off his hoof stuff and then mixing it- - It's better not to befriend the horse if you're going to scrape off his hoof and turn it into gelatin. No, the process of gummification, you heat corn syrup and sugar up to a certain temperature and then you add that to gelatin and other sweeteners like Sorbitol to give it structure, but we've infused everything with the actual flavors of the ingredients in there. - And gelatin does have horse hoof, right? - I don't, you know what, don't answer that. - There's some sort of hoof. - It's too early. - Specifically, miniature horse hoof. - It's too early. Dink it and Sink it. - Little Sebastian hoof. - And you get a nice clean bite there. - It smells just like a Bagel Bite. There is no crunch. - I still don't get their slogan, "If pizza's a bagel, can you have pizza anytime?" - 'Cause you can have bagel, what do you mean? You have bagels for breakfast. - Bagels can be had anytime, bagels you can have at breakfast, you put pizza on the bagels, you're bringing the bagel part of breakfast into the breakfast with pizza on it. - So they're saying, Bagel Bites are saying that Bagel Bites are breakfast foods. - They can be. - That's not true. - [Stevie] They can be anytime. - I don't believe that they're breakfast foods. I'd rather eat leftover pizza for breakfast than a Bagel Bite for breakfast but I like a Bagel Bite, but not for breakfast. - You just convoluted your argument by saying you would eat leftover pizza for breakfast. - Let's get back on task. - Which I agree with. - I don't know, what do you think about the savoriness? - I mean- - Is it doing things for your mouth? - It's not bad. I mean, I'm not thrown for a loop. It just kinda feels like I'm chewing a sports mouth guard. - I don't know, have you done that? - I like it, I think that I could eat this anytime of day, even breakfast. - Can you like pull it? Like can you, I want to see the, yeah. - Like. - No, you cannot pull this, just like a sports mouth guard. - It looks like something that will be on display to make you buy a real Bagel Bite at a storefront. - I mean, it doesn't really stretch that much, if that's what you're interested in. - [Link] It cannot be destroyed. It does not fall apart. - From this angle, that kind of looks like those little cutlets. - Is this going to will or not though? We kind of need to get on with it. - You can't see my nipple anymore. - Huh? - I'm going to the ball and you can't see my nipples. - I'll just make the decision. Bagel Bites, will it gummy? - [Both] Yes. - Do you ever find yourself disappointed by your morning cereal because it's too dang easy to eat? Do you want your breakfast to present more of a challenge? Do you live by the words, "Tougher breakfast, tougher morning, tougher me?" If you answered yes to any of these questions, the gummy fruit loops is the cereal for you. We're calling it fruit goops. - Oh, here it is right here. I didn't even know it was lurking. - Look at that, that look like something, out of something like you see at Ikea on the breakfast table, you know? And then you go up to it and you're like, "It's not real." - Honestly, I didn't expect for the milk to be completely gummified, but I applaud you for doing that - [Josh] Yeah, we gummed it up real good for ya. - Do you have to make these individually? - [Josh] Yes. Uh-huh, that's correct. - So they're only on top. - Yeah, uh-huh, I'm not gonna lie, it'd take a while. - You got other things you got, you just can't do this for days. - There's a lot going on here. - Oh my, it's like, it's like your- - I'm not, I'm mining. - [Josh] It's not for breakfast, tough for you, Rhett. Come on now. - I got it. - [Link] It's like Carving a canoe with a spoon. - It wasn't easy, but I got it. - I'm just going to eat this. - So how'd you get, you gelatinified milk? - Yeah, yeah, we added that to the corn syrup, the sorbitol and the gel and it turns out you can gummify pretty much anything if you have the will to do it. - The taste is intact. - Tastes just like fruit loops. - Yeah. - I mean, you're the cereal guy. - I mean, you definitely need a knife. - I got one. - I mean, I'm so close though. Okay, there it is. I didn't, I'm getting a couple. How did the milk taste to you? Let me. It tasted okay. - It's so chewy. Good gosh, do not break that bowl. I feel like something's about to break. I don't know, is it? - Well, I was trying to make a chicken cutlet with the milk but I guess I'm just going to have to do that. I'm going to the prom and you'll never see my nipples. - Oh, it's kind of hard. - Surely brought it for the prom, I mean. I like a flat boob. You know what I'm saying, I like a boob that is big and then flat right at the end. Thanks for clarifying. - Thanks for clarifying. Jinx. - That's my favorite kind. - Jinx. Can I have that back out so I can like do my job. - Have what? - The bowl of goop loops. - If you want it you'll have to take it. No, I'll give it to you. - Yeah, I don't want to have to feel you down. - Now, let me just say, it didn't come in contact with any of me. I think we should be evaluating this as if we're still a cereal, right? So, we don't- - That's what I'm saying, it's up to you, man. - There's no signature crunch. - It is an arm workout. I mean, look, I bent a spoon. - It's dangerous. - [Stevie] You're like eating his gummy nip milk. - I've got a job to do. (crew laughs) And it seems that only I can do it. - I don't think it works. - It doesn't work. I wish it worked. I mean, the crunch means so much. And the fact that you can injure yourself and you have to chew so much, good gosh. - [Rhett] So fruit loops, will it gummy? - [Both] No. - We want to congratulate Mythical Chef Josh and the Mythical Kitchen team on the release of their very own potato chip flavor. - What, you said, - [Both] very own potato chip flavor. - I said potato chip, 'cause we're from North Carolina. In partnership with our friends at Mischief. - Now, we've eaten some really crazy stuff on this show. - Pretty much every testicle on the planet, every insect, even insects with testicles. - Right, but there's one line that we have not crossed and that is the legal line. - Because that's a pretty firm line. - Well, put on your dancing shoes 'cause we're about to cross it. - All right. - Introducing illegal chips. - Yes, there's horse flavor, casu martzu flavor, AKA maggot cheese and fugu, AKA blowfish. Now eating all of these things is actually illegal, but now you can find out what they taste like without actually going to prison 'cause they just taste like those things. Josh, come out here and tell us about your flavor. The fugu poison blowfish. I'm gonna move these over here. - You're on the bag, man. - I am, yeah. Shoutout to Zack for taking that photo like two years. - Yeah. Yeah, that's nice. I'll hold this here. Tell us about it. What's the deal? - So we really wanted to create a flavor of chips that nobody's ever had before. I've never seen anything like this. And then what's more, we were like, what if it was a flavor that could actually kill you? And then that enticed me and here we are. - Fugu poison blowfish can kill you because of the poison part. - Yeah, so it's a natural defense mechanism called tetrodotoxin that causes cardiac arrest, paralysis and eventually death. - So we're going to die when we eat them. - No, I mean, you know, we're all gonna die one day, but you probably won't eat them. But that said, when you eat them, your mouth does start tingling from the toxin. - So it has a similar sensation. - The potato chip? - Yeah, it will give. Uh-huh. We worked with scientists to make this all happen and I'm super proud of this. You boys ready to ride the lightning? - You went from working with us to working with scientists for a change. - There's a little fishiness, maybe? - Yeah, definitely. No, no, no. I mean, this has the actual flavor. We not only worked with scientists, but also a Fugu importer to create this chip and make sure- - So you can really experience what it's like to do something illegal with your tongue. - Dink it - It's like playing "Grand Theft Auto" but for food. - And sink it. - Oh, you got a semifoldy. - Oh, well, first of all, it tastes good. - Yeah, that was another thing, we wanted to make sure it doesn't suck. - Yeah. I mean, I can- - Hold on, there's a little- - I can easily want to keep eating more. - There's a tingle. - Yeah, uh-huh. Comes in the back of the palate, especially if you just start- - I want more. - I know, it's addicting, right? - If you just really load up, you get a big tingle? - Uh-huh. I'm a guy who likes a big tingle. - [Link] This is pretty cool, man. - All right, well, I'm anxious to try horse next, but I'll save that for later. - It's a desert chip. - Horse meat and maggot cheese. But if you want to be one of the few people who get to taste these limited time, illegal chips, go to illegalchips.com, grab a pack before they sell out because they will. And you want to get in on that action. And check out the Mythical Kitchen channel tomorrow to see Josh's real life journey to taste the deadly blowfish. Thank you, Josh and congratulations. Congratulations to the whole Mythical Kitchen team. - I will lure you this way. - Shovel them off to the- - To the edge of the table. Very cool. Very illegal. Very chippy. Okay, Rhett, try this. Oscar Meyer wiener gummy not made by the Mythical Kitchen - [Rhett] Made by Oscar Meyer. - Does it taste like a hot dog? - No, it tastes fruity. - Would it be better if it did? - Well, I would like to find out. - Good idea. Next, we have wiener jelly. - [Rhett] (chuckles) Hey, look at that. - I mean, yeah, this is- - This is a lot bigger. A completely jellified and gummified hot dog. - It's life size. Josh, what did you do? - [Josh] No wieners were harmed in making this wiener jelly, but we did blend up a couple of hot dogs and then mix that with all the sugary, the horse hoof mixture and then ditto with all your favorite condiments, yeah, your mustard, your ketchup, relish. - It smells like a hot dog. - [Josh] Yeah, unsettlingly. We concentrated a lot of hot dog water. - This is an amazing visual presentation. I got to give it to you and the team because it looks like something that would be in like Lego Land. I don't know, it looks like a Lego hot dog to me. - Well, I want you to give it to me. - Well, there's only one. This is what we're going to do. - I'm trying to go hands-free. I want to get the Wiener. You took it away and you took all the, I mean you took. - Oh, it came out the top. - You squeezed it. - And I got a little cramp in my. - Here, let's do this. Let's stuff it down in there. - Why are you touching it everywhere? Really? Okay, now grasp it. I'm coming from the top here. You're taking it to yourself. Like, keep it in the middle. Okay, All right. - It's not going to work, man. - Well, if I had done it, this is how I would've done it. I would've held it there and I would've come in and I would have invited you to grab the other side of the wiener. - That made a squeaky noise. The taste of the hot dog is very strong with this one, the consistency of a gummy wiener and the consistency of a wiener, pretty close. You know what I'm saying? Like it's just a bunch of pork paste and stuff that's shot into a tube. - But then, when you cook it, it kind of changed it. So it kind of feels like it's raw. - I do not like it as much as a regular hot dog. - I do not like it as much either. I am rather unappetized right now. - We're in an uncanny hot dog valley. - Great to look at, hard to swallow. Hotdog, will it gummy? - [Both] No. - Imagine you threw the coolest party your friends have ever attended. You had the ice creamiest of cakes and the bounciest of castles, but you're really whiffed on the appetizers. Everybody hated your jelly bean casserole and the party imploded. Hindsight is 20 20 and you know what you should have served? Gummy deviled eggs. - Yeah, baby. - Breathe life into every get together with deviled eggs. - Okay, so they are, they're gummy and they are scary. - I don't wanna pass up this opportunity to remind you that these could also work as nipple covers. That's all I'm going to do. That's all I'm going to say. I'm not going to draw any more attention to it. I'm not going to make a joke about, "I'm going to the party and you can't see my nipples." I would never do that. I'm not going to put it in contact with my skin. I'm not going to stick it in, - It's yours, - touch it on myself, and then bring it out, button back up. - Touch it on myself. It really has the scent of egg. - Whoa, it has an egg scent. - What did you do? - [Josh] I'd like to say that since this is going poorly from a "Will it gummy?" angle, I think we should switch to "Will it Nipple Cover?" 'cause we've been very successful. - Yeah, queen sweep. - We actually took powdered egg whites and powdered egg yolk and added that to the gummy mixture to create this along with just some good old fashioned mayonnaise, a little bit of paprika on top. - At first blush, this could almost pass as a deviled egg that somebody had done something different in the yolk part. - Yeah, the yolk is scary lookin'. - I love a deviled egg though. - I can tell that it was like squirted in there in kind of a - Yeah, an aggressive squirt. - Looks like a pile of egg poop. Do you want to eat it? Sure. - I do. - Yeah. - Oh, this taste is fricking spot on and the egg could be an egg because it's the same consistency as a fricking egg. - The only thing that's different, you can't break it apart. It's very resilient. - You have nailed- - I'm trying to get, trying to get used to that. - You have nailed the flavor profile in a way that I didn't think was possible. - You're so happy. You know what? I think you're too happy. Look at this. - Yes, gummies, bears, - Get it out of my face. - and worms in the same bag. - I've been thinking about getting a punching bag because I seen a lot of people on Tik Tok. - See, and now, - Get it closer, get it closer, get it closer. - Now try this, try this. Okay. So, now. - Is this high protein? - Yeah, sure, why not? - Does that give you more of a balanced perspective? 'cause I think- - I still love it. - The white is great, the yolk takes a little more getting used to. - Even after taking our my aggression, I think this is, you've done something that you would receive an award if that was the kind of thing that we did on this show, but we don't. - I think what you should do is make a bunch of normal deviled eggs and put one of these in there and then film it for the Tik Tok. - Deviled eggs, will it gummy? - [Both] Yes. - If there was a gumdrop farm's tile in Candy Land where you got covered in syrup from the tongues of overzealous gummy cows and then couldn't move for three turns, I would hate that tile. That said, we gummified a beef tongue. We're calling this one "Over the lips, through the gummies, look out, stomach, here it commies." - Oh, gosh. Really? AKA gummy lengua. - Yeah, let's call it gummy lengua. - Good god. - So this is just a tongue? - [Josh] We boiled down a beef tongue just for hours and hours and then reduced the liquid, blended the beef tongue, strained that, added it to the gummy mixture and then sort of carved it back into a tongue. Sorry. - Yeah, thank you for pre-apologizing. - It's okay. - We haven't even tried it yet. It looks like a shoe. - It's got a heel. - It looks like a European loafer, like a mold for making like a European driving shoe. - Looks like a Rumpelstiltskin shoe. - Is this just like just a pad to like bring up the back? What is that? Yeah, you can take the heel right off of the shoe. So you can just do that. - Little cobbler work. - That's actually convenient because you know how you've been recently upgrading your tongue kissing practice game like you did with the toy. - Sure. - Just making up for lost time, middle school time. - Am I supposed to look this way? - [Josh] Don't look at me. I don't know. Oh, I'm not, I'm looking inside of myself - Look down, man, it's weird. to see if I'm ready for this. - [Josh] Oh, there it is. - Oh, really? In your mouth? - [Rhett] Hm-hm. - You're going to have to take the initiative here. (crew laughs) After the hot dog make out sesh didn't work, this is what you're going for? (crew laughing) - Stop. - [Stevie] We are gonna get a teen flag now. - I now know why you close your eyes when making out. 'Cause it might be that. - We're gonna need a teen flag. Is that what they call it? - [Stevie] YouTube doesn't even know what to do with us at this point, they just like write things in the notes, like shoved a gummy beef tongue into his friend's mouth repeatedly. - Yeah, wait, we can cut around that. - No, we can't. - Just a little bit of a jump cut. - We should just export that. So how did it taste when it was, because, you know, I wasn't thinking about the taste of the tongue when I was shoving it into your mouth, - There's still a sweetness. I love how- - I love lengua. It tastes like roast beef and it's even more tender. And I can taste that in the tongue. - [Link] Can you tell that they put taste buds on top, which is amazing. - Well, I tasted your mouth. Your mouth taste really came through that long European shoe. Let me get a real bite here. It's kind of like gummy gravy. - Boy, you nailed the flavor again. Damn. (Rhett spits) It's not that bad. I mean, I like just a regular tongue better both while kissing and also when I'm having like a lengua taco, I think I'm gonna go for the real thing. I don't know if this was an improvement. - [Josh] But I mean, can you answer the question, Will it nipple cover? - Thank you, Josh. Make him follow through on that crap. - Gonna really have to, 'cause this... - Beef tongue, will it nipple cover? - Yes. - Yeah. Beef tongue, will it gummy? - [Both] No. - Come on, who are we kidding? - Not at all. But you know what? We had a great time, didn't we? - I hate the- - Whoa, busted. - [Both] Busted, busted. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, Rhett and Link. We are in Brooklyn, New York. And we just did a honey taste test and it's time to - [Both] Spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (tapping jars) - (chuckles) Honey makes you happy. - I like that energy. - Click the top link to see us determine which gummy bear brand is the king of the gummy forest in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is going to land. Do you want to enjoy the electrifying illegal flavor of the world's deadliest fish? Yeah? Well, now you can. Stick it to the man and order yours today at illegalchips.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,186,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: pgTkw75J6vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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