Try Not To Scream Challenge

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- Today we try not to freak out. (man yelling) - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) (fire crackling) Good Mythical Morning. - Today, we'll try to conceal our fear during some truly frightening situations. - And today's episode is sponsored by SimpliSafe. SimpliSafe provides easy to use, totally customizable home security that focused equally on the most up to date tech and a reliable relationship focused service team. - SimpliSafe enables you to design a system best fit for your space and ships it directly to your doorstep. So you don't have to deal with a lengthy ordering and setup process. - Mm-hmm, and now that we have the Creative House, keeping things safe is a priority there too, particularly safe from Chase, who has already violated all of our other workspaces. - Yes, and luckily, SimpliSafe has got sensors to cover every window, room and door, plus lots of great extras like water sensors, smoke detectors, HD cameras and doorbell cameras and your home is professionally monitored 24/7. If anything happens, SimpliSafe's always on team will call for police, fire or medical assistance immediately. - And hey, that's comforting. It's almost as comforting as visualizing Chase sitting on our couch in long pants and a turtleneck, 'cause I have been desperately trying to erase the image of naked Chase on our couch. But that has been an uphill battle. It can be easy to rack up a cost with other monitoring services, but SimpliSafe's interactive monitoring service begins at only 50 cents a day. The other guys lock you into 36+ month contract, and their monitoring costs are close to double, and sometimes more. - They've also launched a new wireless outdoor security camera that features an ultra-wide, 140 degree field of view so you can keep watch over your entire outdoor space. Plus a built-in spotlight, digital zoom, and full-color vision at night, so nothing slips by undetected. - Not to mention these incredible motion sensors we have set up around the Creative House. They detect the unique heat signatures of people, including Chase, so if there's an intruder in the home, they automatically alert the SimpliSafe monitoring team who will dispatch police and everything, from the outdoor camera to the motion sensors is so easy to set up yourself. - And by using the SimpliSafe app, it's easy to check in on your home, arm and disarm your system, watch livestreams of all your cameras, all while you're away. - Yeah, so visit to learn more and to get at least 30% off your SimpliSafe security system. - Okay, now it's time to face our fears and hang on to your pants, because today, we're being subjected to a series of scares designed to give our willies the willies. It's time for Can We Keep It Together When Being Chased by a Masked Man in Leather, or Will We Freak Out and Lose all of Our Clout? - Every other day but today, the startle reflex is a good thing. It is an involuntary reaction to a sudden stimulus designed to protect the body from attack. So clenching our jaws, shutting our eyes, and shrugging our shoulders are all, shoulders. - Shoulders. - They're all examples of this natural response. It's innate. Even babies have startle reflexes. - Oh, I've scared a lot of babies, but today, we're trying to suppress those reflexes, as the Mythical Crew has created a series of startle-worthy challenges, specifically designed to frighten us. And all we know is that anything could happen, at any moment. - But not that one. - Nothing happened there. - Any kind of reaction. - Missed opportunity. - Closing our eyes, cringing, making a noise, those are all worth a one point penalty, and I'm told if we have any bigger reactions. - Like, good Lord! - Things beyond the pale of natural reflexes, yeah. A little good Lord will get you, Stevie will penalize you two points for that. - (chuckles) Okay. And the person with the fewest points in the end wins and the loser gets a spine-chilling punishment in "Good Mythical More." - Let's face our fears. (eerie music) - Welcome to the Scare Lair. - Okay, Stevie, what is up? - [Stevie] To escape this simply unsafe room, where anything can happen at any time, all you have to do is say the secret password. The password exists somewhere in this room, and you have to find it. A panel of mysterious judges and I will be watching your every move. If we see the slightest reaction or hint of fear, you will be penalized. - Mm-hmm. - Well, we're kinda both a little afraid right now. I mean, I feel like we're standing like two scared little boys. - All right, so we got, do we got a timer? Should we start? - Yeah, you ready? - All right, we're looking for the password. - [Rhett] Oh no. (thunder rumbling) - I didn't react. I didn't, I've already reacted a little bit. My arms moved- - I just said, oh! (creepy cackling) Okay. - I don't- - So it's like an escape room. - My instinct is to not move at all, and just point. - Okay, password. You wanna go clockwise or counterclockwise? Is anything important here? - We got a- - Or is there a trap- - Oh! - Part in here? - This has freaking got oil on it. - This looks like the kinda glass you can break on somebody's head. - No, no. All right. They're all oily. - Everything is oily because your hands are. Like this, only that was oily. - All right, let's go this way. Look in those drawers. - [Stevie] That's the wrong way. - Ah, the woman with the mysterious voice. - All right, I bet you there's a password. Not in there. - Guys. - What? - Look at the clown? - Okay, he has an ice pick. (eerie music) (chuckles) Okay. (both laughing) You see how steady-handed I was? I got an ice pick from that clown, and he didn't even notice. - And now what with the ice pick? - Maybe we stick it in this pumpkin? - Oop. (clown screams) You didn't get me that time, punk. - [Rhett] It might be in the dictionary. - [Stevie] Look around the room. - Okay. - What are you going to do- - You're saying that we're getting- - [Stevie] With the ice pick? - A little too focused. - Okay, we're doing something with the ice pick. Do you still have the ice pick? - Don't do anything with the ice pick? - [Stevie] Use the ice pick. - Can I use the ice pick? - Absolutely not. - So keep- - Do that motion with the ice pick. (shoes squeaking) - But what about these? (crew laughs) One of these is alive, too. Sink the ice pick right in its eyeballs. (eerie music) (Rhett chuckles) - (indistinct) Hair pin, I'll put a throat into you. Focus. - It's David Hill, and he's a dentist. - Stop misbehaving! (clown laughing creepily) - What are you? - Stop misbehaving. - [Dentist] Stop misbehaving. - Are you saying stop- - Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick. - Pick, he says pick. Pick the lock. - Oh, oh. (creature wheezes) (both yell) I knew that that was a person, and it still got me. - Just look at the pasty ankles. Okay, that's, stop. (balloon pops) Oh. (man cackling) - Oh, look I- - Oh, there's the key. - I got a key! - All right, so we found the key. How did you know to do that? - Well, just 'cause it's- (balloons pops) - He didn't flinch at all. - No more keys. - All right. Put the key in the lock, homie. Oh my gosh, look at that picture. (eerie music) (creature screeches) (both laughing) Now he got you. He got me, too, but you're closer, man. - It's too big, man. - Okay. - [Stevie] Something else needs to be unlocked. (Rhett groans) - That needs to unlock something else. Is there a lock on this? - Does he have like a, a chastity belt? (crew laughs) - All right. - Who is that making that noise? That's such a good noise. (woman screams) - Oop, this one's locked. Oh, look, there's two locks over here. (cackles) Looky, looky. (Rhett sighs) - You're probably getting a good idea right now of how bad we are at escape rooms. Okay, this is- - Yes, yes, bottom drawer, open. - [Rhett] There's probably a key in there. - Take this out. Oh, there's a book. We have found a book. - [Rhett] Is it the Book of the Dead? - Oh, it just opens. (Rhett laughs) Put me back where I belong. - Don't listen to it, man. There's a key in there, right? - Nowhere. There's nothing else in here. Put me back where I belong. On the shelf. Oh. - Oh! (man cackling creepily) - (laughs) You see that? Okay. (eerie music) (objects rattling) How's that? How's that for you? - We did it! Oop, oop. - Safe word. - Lights just came on. That means there's keys over here. - Are you saying that a light- - This just got pushed out. - But that was already out. I pushed it back in. Here, open this. - Hold on. I bet you it's got a key in it now. (Link laughs) Hold on. How did y'all do that? Hold on. It's just a piece of paper. - Hold it up to the light. - Supposed to eat it? - Pee on it. Do you have to pee? - Maybe you put your oil on it. - I think there is something hidden on it. - Did something fall out? - [Stevie] Check the other volumes. - Steve is like- - Check the other volumes. - Stevie's like the person who stands in the corner at an Escape Room that we always consult. - We know you're watching. - Oh, this one's got, yeah. - Yep, yep, yep. - This one's got a key in it. - Oh yeah. Another sheet of paper, guys, if you're following along. - Oh, oh! It's that these things say things on them. - What do you mean? (creepy cackling) - This says one. - Is it a blacklight thing? This one has a one on it, too. - Oh, you know what it is? This doesn't say one. It's got a word on it. Pick up your oily magnifying glass and read it. Is that really the right distance? How are you gonna read it from that far? (man yells) (Link yells) (man continues yelling) - I remember him from earlier. - Yeah. (crew laughs) - I was yanking on his thing and everything. He didn't move at all. She, it, I don't know. That's about right, though. You gotta hold it closer. - Well, I can't, I'm definitely not gonna be able to read it. - I'm telling you, man. Like, we're too old to use the magnifying glass. Okay. - We can't read it. - Our eyesight is so bad. - Hold on. - We're the oldest people in the building. - I think I can do it. I think you gotta put it right next to it. Put it right on top of it. - That's now it- - Yeah, it is. - That's not how it works. - Let me try. (Link laughs) - I can't read it. It's so small. - The password is- (both laughing) All that for that? (crew laughs) It says it's something DDS. David Hill, DDS. - David Hill, DDS. (dentist yells) Is that it? Did we get it? - [Stevie] Correct. You're now free to exit this room. (both sighing) But before you do, would you like to know your scores? - Yes. - Oh, yeah. - [Stevie] Okay. Rhett, you- (Rhett yells) - I told you it was that glass you could bust- - Nothing. - On somebody's head. - Nothing. I did not- - Can I bust in on your head? - Yeah, sure. (cup tapping) (Rhett and crew laugh) - It broke off, and so I'm sorry, it hit you really hard, 'cause it broke off at the stem. Okay, I'll bust one on my whole face for that. - No, don't! It's gonna hurt too bad. - No, no, it hurt because it didn't break. If it breaks- (cup shatters) it doesn't hurt. (mechanical laughing) - What the crap, man? You need training. - [Stevie] Rhett. - He needs to get more points for that. - [Stevie] You received 14 points. - Sweet! - [Stevie] And Link, you received- - Less. - [Stevie] 13 points. - Yes! That was scary. - [Stevie] Yeah, but you know what's not scary? The relief you feel knowing that SimpliSafe's always on team is there 24/7, if anything happens. (eerie music) - As you can see, we can't. - Mm-hmm. Wish I could. - [Stevie] In this next round, you'll be dining on some devilishly deplorable foods. Your job is to eat your early dinner without getting freaked out or reacting in any way. - Of course. - [Rhett] No reactions. - Shoot, man. I mean, I didn't like the escape room round, but like, this is- - But you won. - This is getting visceral. - [Stevie] Please dig into your first course of spooky peeled grapes. - [Rhett] Okay, now I've been told that this is- - [Link] Why would you say spooky? - [Rhett] I'm reaching far. - [Link] Oh. Okay. - Oh, you remember Buies Creek Elementary- (Link yells) they used the grapes for the eyeballs? They would do the haunted house in the locker room. - What the heck is that? - [Rhett] Well, I can smell something that smells like it's from the sea. - [Link] You want me to actually eat this? - [Stevie] Put the whole thing in. - And chew. You ready? Give us a countdown, Rhett. - Oh, gosh, I can, okay, this is not gonna be easy. - Is it an eyeball? It's a freaking eyeball, dude. - Oh, gosh, you're right. (Link gags) It's a fish eyeball. Oh, why'd you say that, man? - No, wait, let's put it in our mouths. - Three, two, one. (Link gags) (Rhett gags) (both gagging) Why? - Of course, I'm not reacting now. - [Stevie] Well, that went well. (Rhett laughs) You can remove your blindfolds and take a look at your grapes. - Oh, God. - Gah! I mean, I put one in my mouth, man. But I couldn't even chew. - Oh, I did a- - Blegh. (bat screeching) It's a bat. (crew laughs) So you're adding bats to injury. - It's a bat on a string. - [Stevie] Okay, it's time for your next dish. You're going to be sticking your hands in spooky spaghetti. - Okay. - Something tells me it's not spaghetti. - I'm gonna use my eyeball hand here. - Oh gosh. Oh gosh, it smells like. It smells like BO. - What the crap is this? - What is this? - God, y'all. I hate this month. - I have smelled this smell before, and the only time was when I got my nose really close to a pig's anus. - What are you doing sniffing a pig's anus? - Oh, it was in this form. It was like, a cooked, a boiled pig anus. And I'm pretty sure that's what we're dealing with here, and it's- (Link gags) It has that intestine quality to it. - [Link] Shut up, man. Let's just take a bit and not. You know what let's do? Let's take a bite and let's not- - Not react, man. - Not react. - Yeah, I can do this without reacting. - All right, gank it. And- - Where, where is it? - And I'm just gonna take a bite. - Oh yeah, just a bite, just a bite, yeah. No reaction. - And sync it. Oh God, oh. (Link coughs) (Link gags) - It's a couple reactions. - Uh-uh. (vomits) - That was a reaction. - I can't get it, it's stuck to my tooth. (yells) (crew laughs) (Link continues yelling) - He's really racking up the points. - (spits) It wouldn't leave my mouth, man. I don't know what happened. (crew laughs) I need to floss more. Oh, crap. (Rhett spits) I need a napkin. Oh, stupid, stupid, stupid- - [Stevie] Okay, you can remove your blindfolds now. - Stupid, stupid, stupid. Gah! - [Rhett] Is that anus or is that just- - [Stevie] It's intestines that lead to the anus. (fabric whooshing) (both yell) - Oh God, come on. (crew laughs) Why? - I'm gonna be flossing out pig anus the rest of the day. - You know it's just intestine, and you don't know it's even from a pig. It could be from a person. - Shh. - [Stevie] For the final dish, you may remove your blindfold. - Oh, now? - Yeah. - Right now? - [Stevie] And remove the cloche from your final dish. - Do the honor. Do the honor. You want me to do it? - Yeah. - [Stevie] And lastly- (Rhett gasps) (crew laughs) - Why, I was about to say, why is there a big hole in the middle of it? - What the crap? - [Stevie] It looks like you were just scared. But you know what's not scary? - Oh, yeah, feeling safe in your home with a SimpliSafe home security system? - [Stevie] Yeah. Also, Mamie lamb testicles, because that's what you're going to be having now for dessert. - Now who is that? Can you just tell base don the skin tone? - I think that's Travor. - That might be Travor. - It's very pasty. - Yeah. (crew laughs) - Very young- (eerie screeching) (both laughing) Young and pasty. - Yeah, it's Travor. - Now, oh my God. - Why did you go for that one? - Oh my gosh. 'cause I wanna hand it to you. (Rhett laughs) It's a balloon. - Travor was squeezing that one too hard. - I don't think anyone should ever do what they're asking us to do. - What are they, whoa, what are we being asked to do? - [Stevie] Take a bite. - Okay. Good Lord. (crew laughs) Give me a point for that. - Good lord. - So we just shouldn't react. - We just shouldn't react. - We shouldn't react. - [Link] We shouldn't even think about what it is. - Yeah, it could be an apple. - Yeah. Dink it. (Rhett inhales deeply) And sink it. (crew laughs) (Rhett gags) (Rhett coughs) - How are you doing this? (crew laughs) 'Cause it ripped. - Ah. (gags) (crew laughs) (Link moans) (crew laughs) (person bangs) You still down there? There's no exit? (crew laughs) Oh my God. Ah. I didn't flinch. (Rhett laughs) (crew laughs) The good news is, this episode's still not over. What are our points at this point? - [Stevie] So, well, they keep racking up. I was gonna tell you, but then the baby happened again. Rhett, you have 37 points. - Wow, that's good. - [Stevie] And Link, you have 44 points. - (laughs) That's a big round for you. - I thought I was winning. - Well, it was the, you reacted a lot to the anus. (eerie music) - [Stevie] For your final challenge, you'll be entering a mysterious catacomb made by our very own Severed Twinkie Fingies. - Ooh. - [Stevie] You must follow the directions- - He can make VR games? - [Stevie] Okay, Link, it's your turn. Whenever you're ready. - Oh, I'm in the cave. - This is a catacomb. - [Randy] Happy cotton candy here, Daddy. - Oh gosh. I heard Cotton Candy Randy. (eerie twitching) (Rhett humming) - Oh, freak! This is our thing? - There's nothing to be scared of. It's just, hold on, is this Cotton Candy Randy's lair? (yells) Oh God, okay. - [Randy] Oh, yeah, love that. If you see him again, let me know! - It's a freaking Cotton Candy Randy lair. Is it gonna suck me up in there? Who are those people? Ah! - [Randy] Oh, yeah, love that. If you see him again, let me know! If you wanna be in my mancave, you must return my precious items to my glowing pink hole. - Oh, okay. - [Randy] Hey, Daddy, can you find my back scratcher and bring it to me? Thanks! - My back scratcher? Oh, turn around. Well, there's a door here that I didn't see before. Or did it just... Okay. Okay. - Maybe I'll go through here. (water droplets echoing) Is that flammable? - That's a giant skull. Look at that. (dramatic music) (Rhett yells) Okay, I'm fine. I'm still fine. - Uh... (Link yells) (water droplets echoing) Crap! Twinkie Fingies made this? This is amazing. - Where's our freaking, I mean, you can use many of these things as back scratchers. Like I could use this as a back scratcher. - [Randy] There's my back scratcher. - Oh, it is a back scratcher. (Link yells) (creature growls) - You didn't get me that bad. Yes. - [Randy] There's my back scratcher. - Okay, all right. Well, there's some. (gasps) I'm impressed, Twinkie Fingers. I don't know how you did this. - I'm coming back. (yells) I sound like Popeye when I get scared. Ag-a-gag-gag-a-gag. (Rhett groans) (fire roars) - Okay. - [Randy] Thank you. Here's what it feels like. Tickle, tickle. (Rhett laughs) - [Randy] Bring my rat back to me. - I didn't flinch on that one. - [Randy] Be careful. He's sleeping. - Here, you can have it. (fire roars) Yeah! - [Randy] Thank you. - You're welcome. - Here's what it feels like. Tickle, tickle. (Link yells) (shoes squeaking) Now bring my rat back to me. - Is this where Cotton Candy Randy sits? I don't know if I wanna hear any more of his sweet nothings. - Crap, it's dark in here. - Twinkie Fingers, oh God! (Link yells) - [Randy] Oh, yeah, I'm snake-sitting for a friend. My rat's not in here. - Oh, thank you for telling me that. Crap. - Oh gosh. I hear his breath. - Bunk beds? (crew laughs) (Rhett groans) (Rhett yells) - [Randy] Oh, there's my little guy. So peaceful. He's such a heavy sleeper. - (pants) Okay, I got your freaking rat. - Oh, there it is. Oh my gosh. (rat chittering) Got him. - [Randy] Aw, there's my little guy. So peaceful. He's such a heavy sleeper. - I'm going. (yells) (crew laughs) (water droplets echoing) - All right. Thing is waggling. (crew laughs) All right. (yells) That wasn't really scary. - Here you go, you freaking freak. (fire roars) - [Randy] Okay, bye, Daddy. Thanks for visiting my happy place. - How about, oh, yeah. - [Randy] Okay, bye, Daddy. Thanks for visiting my happy place. - Is that it? (water droplets echoing) What? (Link yells) (creature growls) (Link yells) (creature growls) - There's more. Are you taking pictures? (creature growls) (water droplets echoing) I think I was turned the wrong way. I think something really scary just happened. Okay. (man yells) (crew laughs) - Okay. (man yells) - [Stevie] Whoa, that was scary. But you know what's not scary? - SimpliSafe? - [Stevie] Yeah. (chuckles) (Rhett laughs) - Come on over here, where nothing will scare you. - I feel crazy, man. We got our own freaking VR horror game. - I don't know how he did it, but I'm impressed. - Twinkle Fingies, good work. - How'd we do, Stevie? - [Stevie] Rhett, you finished with 50 points. - Okay. - [Stevie] And Link, you finished with 62 points- - Haha, that's more. - Which means Link must face a spine-chilling punishment in "More." - In "Good Mythical More," yes. - Yes, so thanks again to SimpliSafe for sponsoring today's episode. Visit to learn more and to get at least 30% off your SimpliSafe security system. That includes the new wireless outdoor camera for a limited time, as well. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, my name is Kate, and I'm in Queens, New York. I painted this huge pumpkin on a bedsheet, and put it on my garage for Halloween. Happy Halloween, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Hey. - You know what? Whatever works. - Do your thing. - Whatever works for Halloween. - Yeah. Anything goes, really. - Click the top link to watch us identify Halloween candy using only one of our senses at a time in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] We're bringing the heat with our newest mug, the GMM heat-activated mug with an image that changes when you add hot liquid. Get it now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,510,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: bQNTS6OZ39s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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