Can We Follow Directions In Spanish?

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What a great idea for a game! This was a refreshing breath of air for GMM. Rhett and Link were so wonderfully goofy and lucky. It's excellent to have their Mythical Crew speaking in other languages. I sincerely hope they do more versions of this game in the future!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 109 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such a great game! This should be a series. Also, Kalyn has such a wonderful smile.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/randomespanaguy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really loved this episode! Plus More was absolutely hilarious!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is such a great conception and really shows how learning a language is so difficult! I was laughing so much

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CheeseWeenie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such an incredible episode. So many quotable moments. 10/10

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sinnuh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great new concept episode, loved how Nicole said they would 100% screw up haha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SithPsyco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hilarious and such a nice change of pace. Also, I love Kalyn! She seems like such a sweetie.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Go_On_Volt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know what episode Kalyn helped with as part of the mythical take over?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/flackboxessanta πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I felt the discomfort radiating off the crew by the end of More. Davin and Nicole seemed uncomfy in a β€œoh haha this is embarrassing pls don’t make me say it” kind of way but Kalyn seemed to be getting a little mad (imo) and I felt for her. Maybe it’s just not being as used to experiencing their sense of humor firsthand that made the difference in her reactions vs the other two. She seemed even a little insulted (maybe? total speculation ofc) that they didn’t seem to be trying to take it seriously by immediately guessing the β€œimmature” things. Overall I thought the main episode was very entertaining and a great concept, but the execution of the More derailed a bit into awkwardness.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/astute_potato πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Is understanding a new language easier than you think? - Let's talk about that. (warm electronic music) "Good Mythical Morning." - And bonjour, Link. - And hola, Rhett. - (laughs) They say that one other, if you speak a foreign language, you have to do. - We're doing a lot of this today, I guess. - They say that one of the best ways to learn a language quickly is through immersion. So today, we're gonna jump right into the deep end, thanks to the help of some multilingual crew members, and the challenges that they've created. Now, do you consider yourself to be good at learning languages? Do you speak anything besides English? - Do you speak anything- (Rhett incoherent) - I don't really speak English! - Well, we both took three years of French, and you know the only thing I can say in France is I eat green beans - Yeah, that's right. And I don't even know how that's said. So, you're ahead of me. Well, let's see how much we can pick up through a little linguistic trial by fire. It's time for "Can We Follow Commands in Languages from Different Regions? I Can Barely Speak English, Much Less Norwegian!" - We'll be given a collection of items necessary to complete certain larger challenges. And each challenge will include a series of instructions on how to get it done. But these instructions will be given to us by a Mythical crew member in another language. And they can only give each instruction a total of three times. - Okay. - So, this is also, we have to listen and retain. - We have to listen? - Yeah. - Oh, crap. - There is gonna be decoy items too, to throw us off. - Those dadgum decoy items. Okay, this is probably gonna be pretty difficult, but we are gonna be given a special lifeline. We can ask the crew member for a one-word translation of any word of our choosing. We can only deploy this lifeline five times through the entirety of today's game, so we're gonna wanna use it very strategically. - Every time we complete a specific instruction correctly, we're gonna earn a point with a maximum of 10 points each round, which we will never get all 10 points each round. - Hey, we might. - But. If, no, we won't, if we get at least 15 out of 30, we're just going for 50%, we wanna make a 50 on this test. - That's a passing grade. - This morning, then we will be named the official dialect daddies, and then (sputters) we really wanna be called that! (warm upbeat music) Welcome to the lingual lounge. - Okay. Wow. I feel very different about this now. - And welcome Gabriel! - Yes, we've got Mythical crew member Gabriel, who will be giving us instructions in Spanish. (crew cheers and claps) Now, yeah, Gabriel's first time on the show, welcome. - Thank you. - Also my first time seeing you without a mask. - I have a face, I actually have a face. - Is it what you were expecting? - Is it nice to know we didn't hire you based on that face? - I sent a photo. - Yeah, I know. - What is that supposed to mean? Okay, how long you been speaking Spanish? - It's a great face. - Technically, it's my first language. - [Rhett] Okay. - So, my grandmother started teaching me when I was like a baby. - Okay, can you give us a little something in Spanish to, you know, just prime our Spanish pumps? (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Right. - Yeah. (crew laughs) I mean, maybe. - And we got a crap ton of stuff over here. We are ready for the first instruction. - Yeah. - [Gabriel] Okay. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - A mas grande. - Okay. So, big more, more big. - Crap, what were the first words? Whatever we do, we'll have to make it bigger. - No, no, no, no, no, no, hold up. But mas grande just means very big, it just means very big. So, I think. - Oh. - It might be taking the largest paintbrush. - And we can ask him to say it, but only two more times. - [Rhett] Okay, can you just? - [Link] I didn't, did you hear him say a color? - Could you- - Yeah. - Could you give it to us one more time? - All right. (speaking Spanish) - [Link] Wait. (crew laughing) (Rhett and Link speaking Spanish) (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Record, what? (Rhett and Link speaking Spanish) - Do you want me to keep going? - [Rhett] And now finish it. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Okay, pintura, okay, paintbrush, okay. - Yeah, the biggest paintbrush. - I got this, yeah, yeah, we got a big paintbrush! We did that, y'all! Now we gotta recoge this thing! - Recoge, so there's first two words, and we, I don't wanna get a translation yet. I think we cut the paintbrush. Recoge the paintbrush. - [Stevie] Um, gentlemen, might I remind you that- - Oh, we can do things! - [Stevie] There are 10 steps to this, and this is the first step, so if I feel as if you're really trying to complete the project, and he's- - It's only step one. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] It's step one, it's a very simple, simple thing. - There are 10 steps to just this part? - [Stevie] Yes, yes! - Oh, crap. - [Stevie] He's only told you the first little part of what you're supposed to do. - Okay, grab, grab the, yeah! - Let's go, let's go, and we got it! - Grab the big paintbrush! We got it, we got it! - We got the big paintbrush. - We got it, okay, wow. - Done. - All right. (crew laughing) - Now what? (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Oh, pick up the maroon paint. (crew laughs) - Oh! (Gabriel laughs) - Which I think, I think that red can also be maroon, it just depends on what part of Mexico you're from. - [Link] I thought maroon was blue. - I may have just said something offensive, but it was just a joke. You think maroon is blue? - Yeah, if you were marooned on an island, what do you see? Bunch of blue. (crew laughing) - [Rhett] Hold it, it might be brown. - Okay, if you thought it was red, let's just go with it. I don't wanna use my translation yet. - Stick it into the red paint. - Yep, okay. So, we're not gonna stick it yet, but we're just gonna come over here with, this is our final answer zone. We have the big paintbrush, and we're gonna stick it into the maroon paint, which is red. - [Rhett] Maybe it's brown. - Let's move, we can ask him later if we don't need to know. - Yeah, you're right. - All right, third step. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Paint a circle. - Blue, azul, that's blue. (Rhett laughing) Beep beep. - Paint a blue circle. (Stevie laughing) - Pinta, so. - But what about the? - We need to pinta on this, and we should've grabbed this earlier. - [Rhett] You want me to paint a blue circle? 'Cause that feels right. - With the biggest paintbrush, you paint with the red, and then you paint a blue circle around it. Remember, the previous step? - What? - [Link] Maybe it was with a different brush, but there's a blue circle around the red. - [Rhett] That's beautiful. - [Link] Now what? (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Lave? - Lave. - Clean the brush and the water. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - And then get Maria's paintbrush. (crew laughing) - [Link] Okay, and. - So, we gotta figure out which one, Maria, which is probably, maybe it's, I think Maria means medium, and medium-sized. All the Marias I've ever known have been medium-sized. - Right, take it. (crew laughing) - So, here we go, all right. - All right, so we have- - We have the Maria brush. - We have cleaned the mas grande brush in the agua. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Something about the sun. - The sun. - What does- - Say it again? Pinta. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Oh, it's the sun, and we paint the pedals of the sun. - Yeah, a flower. (Stevie laughing) (Rhett whistling) Yes. - [Rhett] Hmm, hmm. - All right, it took us a while, Gabriel, but we are locked in. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Of course, I gotta clean Maria's brush. - Clean the brush. (crew laughs) (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Verde is green, we have get the green paint. - [Link] So, verde- - [Link] So, you gotta stick it into the green paint. - All right, and then what? - And now what? What do we paint with this? (crew laughing) (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - Paint the entire bottom- - With green. - [Link] With green. - [Rhett] 'Cause it's grass. I think we got that. - [Link] Next step. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - I think, present it in a very extra way. (crew laughing) (Gabriel laughs) All right. Hey, hey! - Hey, hey! (crew applauding) - And is that it? - That is somewhat it. Ah, you guys got six out of 10. - Hey! - That's good! - That's pretty good. (Rhett clapping hands) That's pretty good. - Yeah, yeah! - Okay, so what were were supposed to do, exactly? - So, you were supposed to pick up the largest paintbrush. - Got it. - Yes, right! - So you got that right. You were supposed to dip it in the brown paint. - Told you, man! - Brown! - I told you that might be maroon! - You were then supposed to paint a circle on the blue paper. - Oh. - Ooh, yes. (crew laughing) Azul papier y janik. - And then you were supposed to wash the paintbrush, which you did. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then dip it in the yellow paint. - [Stevie] That was the Maria mix-up. - Yes, amarilla is yellow. - Oh. - You thought it was a Maria paintbrush, which. - Oh, hmm. (crew laughing) - Got it, got it, got it. - And then you were supposed to paint sunflower petals, which I gave you because you got the yellow pedals. - [Rhett] Yeah, we did. - And then wash the paintbrush again, which you did. - Uh-huh? - And then dip it in the green paint, which you got. - Yeah. - And then you were supposed to paint a stem and leaf. - Oh, that's not. (Gabriel speaking Spanish) - You did not, but grass. And then the final step was present your masterpiece. - Oh, in an extra- - And we would like to present this to you, thank you. This is in lieu of a paycheck this month. (crew laughing) (warm upbeat music) - Please welcome Mythical crew member Kalyn. (crew applauding) - Hey Kalyn, how you doing? - I'm doing good, how are you? - Great, now you're gonna be speaking Korean at us. All right. Now, you may remember when we did the Mythical Beast Takeover where Mythical Beasts wrote episodes of the show. Kalyn was one of those, and then became an official writer. - Yeah, no big deal. - Moved from Ohio out to LA. (crew laughing) So you speak a lot of Korean in Ohio. How long have you spoke Korean? - I guess almost 10 years now. I majored in it in college with minors in Spanish and Chinese. And I also studied abroad, and then I just kept studying once I graduated, and now, here I am. - Okay, can you speak a little Korean just to kinda tune the ear? - Yes. - [Kalyn] Sure, sure. (Kalyn speaking Korean) (crew laughing) - Hey man, this is gonna be hard! (laughs) I didn't get any of that! - There is one important thing to know. In Korean, the verbs come at the end of the sentence, versus in the middle, like in English, so you have to very, like, very carefully listen very differently. - Okay, verb at the end. (crew laugh) - So what we do is what is at the end. - Okay. - Okay, I don't know how we're gonna get any of this, but okay. - [Kalyn] Okay. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - She said cup. (crew laughing) - Jubba, jubba something seyo. So that's the verb, jubba and something seyo. - Seyo. - All right, so we, it appears. Come on over, Rhett, let's take a look at what we got. It appears that we have some sort of a coffee bar. Is there coffee? Ooh, this is hot. - That's hot water, and we've got coffee grounds. We have a mortar and pestle, which we could then make ground coffee. I mean, I don't know. - And we've also got Folgers! - Let's just go straight for the Folgers. - Let's hear it again. Slower, one part at a time. - Okay. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Trog seg. (crew laughing) (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Mogu cup. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - I thought we're going- - I think we grab all the cups, because we're making drinks for everybody! Toto, all of them! (crew laughing) - Okay. All right, step one complete, Kalyn. - All right. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Okay. - Mogu cup? - But she said seyo again. She said seyo at the end. So we're supposed to do the same thing that we've already done. - Juseyo is just please, so like, don't pay attention to that word. - That's not the, you said the verb was at the end- - It is. - But then you added please. - Oh, she's just saying please, she's being polite. - Yeah, it's a command, so I'm saying, please do it. - Okay, can you say it one more time? - [Kalyn] Sure. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Chan. (crew laughing) Is what she wants us to do. I think we have, okay. What is the next to last word after it, before please, was what? - Chewo. - What does that mean? - [Kalyn] Pour. - Ho! - Pour! Pour. (Kalyn and Rhett laugh) So, to go backwards, she said that in the first instruction too? - She said, pour something into the cup. - Oh man, I knew I should've gotten on that BTS train. - So, we just need one cup. (crew laughing) - We just need one cup. - You want your cup? - But we do need to pour. - Let's make this for Kalyn. Get her cup. - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - She keeps saying please to us. - Yeah. (Kalyn alughs) So, we're gonna, but we need to pour something. - Well, we have a few options. - I think it's gonna be hot water, I mean, why would you pour milk first? - I agree, by a process- - Water. - Of just intuition, you go with the hot water. - [Link] Check it out, Kalyn. (Kalyn laughs) - [Rhett] Okay, while that's filling up, give us the next instruction. - [Kalyn] Okay. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Instant coffee, put some Folgers in that hole! - I heard her say the word, instanto. (Rhett and Kalyn laugh) - All it takes is for you to say things in English. (Kalyn laughs) - [Link] It's gonna be great, Kalyn. (crew laughing) We're making this for you. - [Rhett] I'm sure we'll have to stir it, but she hasn't told us. - Nope, she hasn't. All righty, we are ready for the next step. - [Kalyn] Okay. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - I'm just going, I'm just saying, I think tookei is two. - Two scoops of something, no something else, no milk. - Two, what does she want? She doesn't want salt and pepper in her coffee, that's crazy. - No, it's gotta be two sugars. - Yeah. - No cream. - [Rhett] Where you getting no cream from? (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Hold on, oh, suritong packet. Suritong packet. - Suritung packet. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - No juseyo, what, that's please. - Hey, she's, oh, yeah, right. - It was please. - Yeah, yeah. It's just two sugars. - [Link] And I think it's just one, I don't even think it's two. But I thought she held up a two. - Put two in there, everybody wants two. (crew laughing) - Two sugars, no cream. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Just, she's helping us! - Just a little bit of cream! - She's helping us! (crew laughing) And that's okay, because that's how people speak when they're interacting in foreign places. - [Link] Right. - So, what does she want a little bit of? - Hmm. - It could be anything. It could be a little bit of syrup, I mean. - It could be any of these three. - I don't know what kind of problem. - [Link] Say it again? (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Almond, she said almond! - Muchigom. - She wants a little bit of almost milk! - Get silky with it. - Oh, brother! - A little bit of the almond to go! - All it, when you give us hand motions, and say things in English, we are right there with ya. - [Link] But just a little bit! There it is. - Just a little bit, yeah, just a little bit, yeah. - [Link] Okay, yes. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Ta. (Kalyn and crew laughing) - Oh. - I like that word. (Kalyn laughs) I kinda just wanna know what ta means. - Say it again? (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Oh! Ijei su karakato. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Ta saku juseyo. - And, is that it? - So takuse. (Kalyn mmhmms) I think that's put the top on this puppy. - I think we gotta stir it, I mean, 'cause we're not savages. - I mean, we're totally, probably- - [Rhett] Grab a spoon and serve- - We're just totally inferring at this point, 'cause we don't wanna, do we wanna translate a word? - What is that? - The most important word in your sentence mean. - The last verb, the takaso. (Kalyn speaking Korean) - [Rhett] Sakosu. - (laughs) Stir. - Ah! - Ah! - We didn't need it, man, we didn't need it! We just wasted it! (Kalyn laughing) - And you know, I gotta give it to you, man, you would be. - Yeah. - You wouldn't survive in a foreign land. - I'm ready to go to Korea. - But you'd stir something. Mission accomplished. And finally? (Kalyn speaking Korean) - I think what she wants is us to take a sip, and exclaim how great it is. I hope you didn't want this. (Kalyn laughs) I can't wait to get my little sip. - Whoa, that's strong! (Kalyn and crew laughing) Whoo! - Well done, Korea- - Wow! - That'll get you going! - Wow, please! - Seyo! - All right. So, did we nail it? - You actually did pretty well, you got seven out of 10. - Hey! - Hey! (crew applauding) - Okay, so what were we supposed to do, exactly? - Okay, so at first, you were supposed to grab the green mug. That was mogu cup, so it's mug cup. - Oh. - Mogu cup. - You were supposed to grab the green mug, but you grabbed that, that's fine. Then you were supposed to fill it with hot water, which you did. - Yeah. - And then add the instant coffee, which you also did. - Yeah. - And then after that, it was two packs of sugar, which you almost sabotaged, but you got it. - Yes, yes. - Hah! - And then you were supposed to add a dash of milk, but it was a dash of skim milk or non-fat milk, not almond. - Oh. I didn't hear an almond in there? (Kalyn speaking Korean) - Yep, I hear it now. - Like, almond milk is just amond. And then after that, mix everything together with a spoon, which you did, and then the last part was just shout, coffee's ready! - Coffee's ready, oh, I'm sorry. We drank it. (crew laughing) (warm upbeat music) - Before our final round, we wanna remind you about the last quarterly collectible item of the year, the Rhett and Link plushies! - Not a sponsor. - And we don't want his hearts through a worm's anus. - Again, these are only available to Mythical Society members, and you gotta sign up for third degree quarterly or annual by December 31st, visit for details! - Let's talk about that. - "Good Mythical Morning!" - And lots more where that came from. - You're gonna put it in your pocket? - Oh yeah. - Hello Nicole! - Hi! - [Link] Welcome Nicole, everybody! - Hi! (crew applauding) - Now, it is our understanding that you speak Farsi. - I do. - [Rhett] How long you been speaking Farsi? - Since I was born, my parents taught me to speak Farsi, and English kind of at the same time, so. - All right, give us some Farsi to tune our minds. - [Nicole] Okay. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - All right, and is there any special sort of grammatical thing that we need to know, like we did for Korean? - Yeah, so the verbs are typically at the end, and the adjectives are after the noun. - Oh! That's helpful. (crew laughing) - [Nicole] Yeah. - The adjectives are after the noun. - Yeah. - So we've got an object, and then we've got the way to describe that after it, and then when you do an action at the end. - Yeah, yeah, we've diagrammed sentences in Farsi before. - Yes, sometimes. - Sometimes, I get it. - Yeah. - What can we say? English has very weird rules too, so. - We've got hats, we've got accoutrements, we've got shirts, blouses, skirts, more shirts down here, and pants. - And pants. - All right. - Let's hear the first instruction. - [Nicole] All right. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Buluz. - Hadolv, I don't know. - Buluz, buluz, blouse! - Blouse! I think it's probably just, step one, it's probably just- - [Rhett] Just a blouse. - So let's just grab the- - I mean, this could technically be a blouse. It's a polka dot, but see- - But blouse could mean shirt. - We gotta know what that adjective, 'cause if it's polka dot, then we know it's this. Well, it could be the sweats too. - [Link] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So, that second word was what? (Nicole speaking Farsi) - [Rhett] Yeah, what does that mean? - Polka dot. - See, buddy, I told ya! - All Rhett! - I told ya! Take me to Farsi land! Okay. (crew laughing) - All right, so. - Iran. - [Rhett] That would be Iran. - Yeah. - That would be Iran. - All right. we've grabbed a polka dotted shirt. - [Nicole] Okay. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Put it on the taller one. (crew laughing) - What we need to do is we need a translation of the other object, right? - The first word. - But buden is the object, right? 'Cause it's the first thing. So, what does buden mean? - Buden means next! - Ah! (Nicole and crew laughing) - I said- - Hey, you know what? Hey, it's a moral victory, because next time she says buden, we'll know it just means next. - Yep, you call that a moral victory. - We're not gonna confused. Yeah, definitely just a moral victory. - Somebody's gotta wear something! - [Rhett] We've missed a step. - We know this is- - I think we just have to guess something. What would be the coolest thing for you to put on? Probably this. (crew laughing) - So, like a. - You gotta go do something, you gotta guess. I mean, you can't just not fill out the SAT question- - Like a knight hat? - You put C. - A knight hat. - [Nicole] Ready for the next one? - Yeah, buden. - [Nicole] Okay. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Well, the word that she's saying, collet, say it again? (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Derazero, we need to know what means. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Delazero, what is that? - We need to know what derozero means. - Derazero means tall. - See, you, buddy! - Put it all on me, bro. Put the derazero on me. (Nicole and crew laughing) I am the derozero. - [Link] All right, throw that on. - Okay. - Whoop! There ya go, yeah, bring it down! All right, now what? (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Drifsaditzbazar. I'm sad it's bizarre too. - Oh. (Nicole laughs) - I think this is pretty sad and bizarre for you to wear. - No, but this is for you. - Oh, for me. - This isn't for darozaro. - Short guy, sad and bizarre. - Darozaro. (laughing) - Darozaro is all done, man. - Next. Ready? - Yeah. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - We're both gonna get dressed. - Oh boy, boy, boy, boy. - So I think this is me continuing to get dressed. - Boy, boy, boy, what does darozaro do now? (Nicole and crew laughing) - I think. - I mean, I definitely think we should have these skirts on though. - Yeah. Okay, let's hear the next one. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Another bizarre. - Right, now the short guy puts on the skirt. (Nicole, Rhett, and crew laughing) - Oh. - Yeah, man, we're all over this. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Let's step through that. - [Nicole] Okay. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Hula con. - Hula con. - Raksa hula con. - Hula con, hula con. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Le bose, on the mouth. (Nicole speaking Farsi) - So, I think this- - I think you gotta put the Groucho Marx on. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. - It covers the mouth. (crew laughing) Okay. - [Rhett] Next step. - I don't have any more steps! - [Link] Oh, that's it? - That's all! - All right, so, how did we do? - And just in case, I think maybe because- - Um. (crew laughing) - I'm just gonna go with the way, here, here, here. - Oh yeah. - Give us one opportunity here to maybe get an extra point. I think we put it on, and she wants us to do a little. - Catwalk. - [Rhett] Something like that. (crew laughing) - All right, we did that too, Nicole. - Yeah, yeah, we did that, and just for points. - Okay, so, reminder, you guys needed two points to be dialect daddies. - Yes. - We definitely got it. - I'm gonna run through all the things that we did, and what we did right, and what we did wrong, okay? - [Link] Okay. - So, number one was put on the polka dot shirt. - Okay, we grabbed it, but we didn't put it on. - You grabbed it. - Okay. - [Nicole] But you put it on in a later step, so you got one point for that. - Yes. - Next, try on the top hat. - Oh! - Oh! - Top hat in Farsi is cola derazero. - Of course, it is. - Yeah, and then the next step was taken off the top hat. - [Link] Oh. - [Nicole] Put the beanie on instead. - Oh, I almost was gonna do the beanie, man. Dang it. (Link mmhmming) - Next, try on the blue skirt. - Hey! - Yes! - On the floor! And then. - Hold up. - On the floor, that blue skirt? - [Nicole] Yeah, you got it. - We were so close, okay. - And then put on the red clown nose. - Oh, you got so close, man! - Yeah. - And then do a hula dance to show off your new outfit. - We did a some sort of a strut. - 'Cause you said hula. - I said (speaking Farsi), which is hula dance. - Oh. - Yeah. - So, you guys got points for the polka dot shirt. You guys got points for blue- - Yes! - And you guys got points for skirt! - Yes! - [Nicole] So you're dialect daddies! - Yes, call us that forever, Nicole. - [Nicole] Yeah, a hundred percent. (crew applauding) - All right! Man, special thanks to our multilingual crew. - Yes! - I mean, I'm feeling pretty dadgum basic right now. (Rhett and crew laughing) After so many- - Yep. - Like, crew members with breadth of language knowledge. - Hey, but we learned a little bit today, man. Can't you tell? Just look at us. - Yep. (crew laughing) This is gonna become my thing. - [Rhett And Link] Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Nicole, why don't you say, you know what time it is, in Farsi? - In Farsi? (Nicole speaking Farsi) - Hi, I'm Melindina from Argentina. And these are my books. (Melindina speaking Spanish) That's Spanish for it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Hey, you know what? I kind of inferred that. - I love it. - Click the top link to watch us guess how to say different body parts in different languages with the Mythical crew in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. To get the Rhett and Link plushies, join third degree quarterly or annual by December 31st. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,158,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 6_0YyYemUjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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