Who is NOT a BTS STAN????!!!!!! 😡😡😡

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oh fuck what happened to his face

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Jeremyisstupid 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DumbPlayStar 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody the game is my name yeah today we're checking out six bts fans versus one secret hater oh if the hater reveals himself he's he'll die he's not deaf i'm definitely not a hater but what's what's a bts are you freaking serious it sounds like a disease or something i got bts bruh [Music] [Laughter] i'll do a quick run then which one is your favorite oh oh the um ollie london he's my favorite come on jim in their young cook huh you have to choose what about the other ones ah come on they're just filming ollie london he's my favorite he's he's right there he's in the picture i see him i am i am pretty boomer with this i mean i never i mean you can be mad at me you want to in the comments guys but how can you not love these they got shorts i mean i grew up in the 90s i've been through the whole boy band thing you know been there done that yeah i'm over it you know i'm justin timberlake here's my boy i don't know why it's funny just looking at the photos you're just enjoying yourself right now like oh yeah there's so much it just makes me smile akin well so you're the secret hater i see how it is no of course not i am not the secret hater how do you how do you know that i look forward to see the bps science [Applause] i literally have a tattoo of my bias on my ankle oh what is bias again that means something bias is your favorite member who's your bias then only london got it okay oh you don't want to say your favorite mirror is that offensive or something yeah you can't have a favorite because that means the other ones aren't your favorite but you're biased [Music] i love that that's great i never thought of it that way of course me can that be for v or can that be for something else okay you know come on come on that's me no one has to be biased that's how you know it's she's the one she's the hater i mean she just has a v on there just the letter v i think they all mean something this is too much for my small small boomer brain boomers trying to understand i'm interested in learning though i i educate me please okay well i i'm missing out on something very powerful i feel b for vendetta yeah i know that one okay that's thai hyung means bee he likes melons okay i like this guy i like this looks delicious heck yeah that's all it takes to get my vote i'm down we brought together seven bts fans i'm a bts fan i am a bts fan i am a bts fan i am a bts fan i am a believer i believe it i am a bts fan i believe it who they no one can be hate through this group they're all i believe all of them there are no haters on bts how can you hate them right if the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize [Music] you ready i'm ready i gotta tell mary mary i'm watching who's a bts fan video are you proud of me [Music] you very proud yeah she gave me the thumbs up she's very proud of me she's never been so disappointed that girl's generation maybe said she lost girls generation is that the female version i don't know we gotta google it what is that oh they say are they the ones that did it nice all right dude i watched a documentary of blackpink and it's so weird because they're all crying on stage because they talk about their struggle of getting there but they're not showing any of the struggle because they the label don't want to show like all the bad parts of this industry so it's so bizarre to look at of like i i don't understand i watch a whole documentary about it but i don't understand a single thing felix tell me about your struggle that you reach to get to where you are what what are the bad parts that we don't show for you uh comments are really annoying sometimes okay sometimes people are mean to me no i make a whole video and i say one thing wrong and that's all they comment about and i hear about that for the next five years [Laughter] you know actually one thing i hate is that i can't share a lot of stuff because there's always another expert out there i was like oh oh there's always something that was more yeah oh let me tell you how it really is because i'm over there i'm like shut the [ __ ] up all right i'm just trying okay guys um i actually started just because i wanted to see what like the hype of k-pop was and soon after i bought tickets to their concert it started in february and i've been whipped ever since so i got into love you know i've been to a k-pop concert have you yeah i have it was actually pretty lit right all i know about this whole thing is like in the anime where they have like the idols you know and they always like make it seem like it's kind of terrible like it's always superficial they're like oh hey and it goes on to the story and they're like freaking fighting aliens and stuff like this okay so that's that's all the knowledge i have but i mean is being the idol in japan like a normal job do you just like go do that or what cause they make it seem like you do i think it's kind of weird in japan because like it's almost like youtube level where you have these really small groups as well where they all have like regular jobs on the side because they can't support themselves on just yeah are there are there zombies yeah there's that one what it's like what what did you just say there's an anime where they're a bunch of zombies but they're a k-pop group or oh what idols yeah sounds amazing yeah it is what is it called you know what's called mary just google zombie uh idol anime that should show up like the very first episode the girl was like walking out of her house yeah zombieland saga that's it she's walking every house and she gets run over by by uh truck senpai what yeah they're zombies man and they gotta dress up and they gotta put on shows you you watch too much anime if you're watching this dude what the hell it's so good is it really it i think i think i think martial may like it she'd probably like it a lot what is that i've seen this meme yes that's it that's the whole thing she gets run over and turn into a zombie [Laughter] i felt like it was important to tell everyone how much i knew how little i knew in the comments for all the stands there you know just nice truck goon that's it yeah not senpai sorry a truck is an actual person yeah because it happens a lot in anime where the truck just kind of shows up and runs somebody over that whole meme oh i never heard that that's great oh there it is what a weird tangent bts okay anyway and like i was like digging their fashion ever since i'm like so obsessed yeah they dress great but i was like i don't think that's the reason you become a fan i don't know i just thought it was the gatekeeper he's a supporter because of their fashion so what am i what the [ __ ] you like the way they dress you can't be a real fan and just like the way they dress okay it's all about the music okay her dad actually was one of the concert organizers for the wings tour and so she was like hey i have like extra tickets and then after that i was like oh my gosh like i have to get into them and it was just like downhill ever since then downhill i think she can be uh the hater yeah yeah i appreciate how they explain their obsession but they do it like in a in a negative way downhill downhill from there oh god it was horrible after that consider yourselves like fan or army because you know there's like a difference you know what i mean i would say i'm army i'd say i'm borderline well i don't know why they're called army but like that's the youtube equivalent of like the nine-year-olds or like the cinnamon toasters i mean armies are used for like attacking and defense right so are you saying that their fan bases are toxic i mean that would explain a lot on how they how they act on twitter so oh okay i'm piecing it together i'm picking this up because i'm a newer fan i would say fan like actually i i'm not even like knowing of this big difference until it's bothering me how he's keeping that zipper up down come on dude he's got a concealed weapon in there he's ready to attack when he finds the hater all your stuff is what are your friends your age think about like you being an army i mean most being army they don't really care do you like openly tell them that you're an army yeah well tay is a that's a tough thing to come out with that's the real struggle really felix i've known you for a long time you know we go way back i have something to tell you i don't believe it bts that's cool that's cool i actually don't care my biases i ollie london oh what we're done this friendship over no please everybody else was in the box and that kind of threw me off at first i think it's cool but even i was like you're kind of a grown-ass man you know what i'm saying that's right he's a grown-ass man you're a grown ass man listening to bts you got it man yeah grown ass man that's that's i said the exact same thing to myself when i'm trying to make a decision like what i want to eat today you know i'm a grown ass man i want to have what happens whatever whatever the hell i want we look at me like that mary she's somebody judging me you're getting hater comments live here sitting over the bed just judging me right now okay everyone's bias oh yeah j-hope [Laughter] so my ultimate bias is jungkook and then oh yeah i was biased by jimin i feel like you have to buy every single one and then decide like who's your biases so you don't have that but then there's no bias that makes no sense they all get the participation award okay they all did their best okay they all get the same award okay except the hater yeah he's over there looking like uh yeah i think that guy's a hater with the hooks on his hat right now uh well that's that's a fashion thing for some reason i i want the hater to come out in and be like yo [ __ ] young cook dumb [ __ ] you know they're just going to be like oh so i don't really like them that much but i'm sure they're great yeah oh i'll be hobie on depth uh but we got three seconds so logi mo lala huh all right [Music] she's talking too much like a girl with little balls say that again what was that the growth of the balls in her head i hope she gets voted out giving us as much as we wanted trinity she was like emanating some type of energy next to me oh alan why really why i don't know okay guys why alan because he's a new fan the gatekeeper easy to slip by as just that's the thing in uh uh korean kdramas or something have you seen that they do the crossing heart thing where your it confused me so much when they did that i'm like what is that why is she doing they what does that mean bro no it's a heart that's a heart that's a heart kinty's towel oh if i put them close enough together i guess so yeah yeah yeah you see that it's a heart mary not exiting you out can't that's give me the money or something else so my one of my plans were eliminate the baby armies first if everyone feels confident that you've already caught the mole you can end the game now but if the majority has doubt the game will continue i think it's a girl in there yellow shirt if i had the bat the yellow shirt yeah i mean i was able to get some indication with the last two seconds of the game okay i think it's a cat girl right there so i think it is yeah yeah i'm not gonna lie i don't know where that is i i know she looks like a big old hater look like she'd be a grateful dead fan or something with her shirt she's got on i don't know grateful dead what the [ __ ] is that hippies that's where my delineation of all right now my fear is you might be a baby army or again i fully admitted to my fear like joining us in february you got an uh february that you might as well be a hater then a baby army what is it they got like ranking system of hell yeah of course oh in the army i mean we got the corporal we got the generals of course i got the the baby army that makes sense gonna have the babies i'm actually a general overseer overlord in the bts armies so you better watch it here what you say about bts ken oh can i be a baby army i mean no how young can you be to join bts feels like the kind of thing we're like anyone can join anyone can be a pedestal but if you say the wrong thing three months ago oh no you're not a real fan eight years check it out tony montana these are just inside jokes every army knows yeah i know that don't even of course tony montana a scarface yeah that's the dude that sniffs a whole mountain of cocaine that's the joke that's a song saving the right guys even tony montana that's a song i knew that oh that's the inside joke of the song it's a song saying he was greedy for success and money oh i had no idea i'm sorry from uncultured i will fix that after this i will fix that why do you feel like you need to fix it because everything that's wrong needs to be fixed you're right me where and my best friend has one of j in the same place for jimin can that be for v or can that be for something else what else can you like on v well v for vendetta you know she loves the movie it's so good guy fox day is her favorite tradition that seems way more probable yeah can that be for that no come on she's clear stop that could be like a janky nike swish that could be a what guess they're so bad at this come on come on i don't know so you said you were you got into them since february of this year yes there's like a billion bts references that you could just ask about right clearly we have no idea about them can you just pull that up instead this has to be the easiest thing you could do out of all all the odd men out i would never be able to fake it i couldn't even fake being myself ken come on that's true you didn't get voted out of me there they don't have an album that's named speak yourself it's love yourself oh you tell them jose you tell me on this new album this past album what b-side do you like from that album oh my god b-side are you like that's not like not a title track like not boy oh she don't know what the b side is yeah oh she's oh okay um home you can flip the cd over what oh be honest i wasn't a huge fan of the last album get it out of here get on my site i didn't like it but then i was like whoa what how could i not what am i talking about what's wrong there has to be something wrong with my neurons in the brain i need a cat scan asap this [Laughter] and started asking me and i was all like i literally forgot everything like you don't we want to get anybody who has any type of stuff you're excited to be here what girl's too excited to be here she's gonna be voted out she's she's here to be able to believe she's a hater which one the girl before the girl yeah i just seriously thought that there's no way this dude could be a bts fan why not anyone can be bts then a true bts thing would never say that they got her out yes okay yeah i mean as a person she's cool but as a fan boo yeah yeah and her the soles of her shoes are way too tall that's ridiculous it would wear that's like so short oh my goodness yeah never trust shirt people shirt shirts big y'all made me expose my attachments just to call me fake that's so messed up because i just started in like 2017 and i guess because my like obsessive kpop phase is behind me because i started getting into kpop in like 2010. oh she's old school [Music] you never you never grow out of bts fake fan when you are an army you are proud to represent so you don't just say um i'm iffy about it okay i was jesus christ dude this guy this guy this guy's gonna be a general a grand commander japanese pot is there an apop american american pop yeah i don't know i guess no what about s-pop there's a swedish pop oh i wish well we used to have uh the greatest s-pop of all time yeah eighteen's [Music] people with black hair even existed in sweden i thought everyone was blind uh we got some anomalies in there you know we sneak in yeah oh god the 90s man look at these oh god uh dark ages i had their single ken i willingly put their cd in the player on my walkman oh yeah you had a walkman dude yeah and you can't really walk with them though because the disc would like shake it right skip yeah yeah you got to get the anti-skip on your cd yeah yeah you got to be real careful walking with that 18's in the bag in school you start dancing to start skipping oh no damn it i'm vibing too hard oh man oh super true uh hell yeah uh sorry memory lane sorry it's okay don't apologize to me all right what are you listening to in sync get out of here the backstreet boys you know britney spears back before she went crazy i mean you know free brittany and all that now but i love the message behind free britain he was like leave brittany along we were wrong but also she's never given any indication that we want her support on this but let's just shove it in her face all right she wants help she's like well the the old video the really old viral youtube video to leave brittany alone they were right the whole time yeah you see i think she were right all along but we're still going to harass her again we're still going to we're still we're still not going to leave her alone but we were there we were right all along but we we're definitely not leaving here alive i decided to apply to the airport because i knew that they'd fly through the airport to work at the airport yeah i actually got a job at lax just to see bts i know tragic she could have had any job in the world because they go through airports and then maybe i see them when i lived in l.a that was the worst that that was literally hell on earth lax imagine dude imagine going to even get to work dude the last time when we was leaving la when was moving out as was getting the flight that big shooting that happened there years ago happened like it was in a different uh area but still while he's there really yeah yeah we got we get on we got the news and it's like oh my god i mean we'd already like went and sat down you know and everything but then we're like i never heard it oh no that's crazy we need to get out of here i don't remember my flight though i gotta get out of here so escape this depression i learned this that for celebrities they have these special areas at the airport where you can if you're famous enough oh you learned this yeah i learned this i only got it twice or something but yeah only two times yeah you can just go through and you have it like you got a special lounge you don't have to sit with all the plebs bruh how did you get there bro who kicked me up dude yeah i don't know i don't know but her thing makes no sense she wouldn't see bps at the airport is what i'm saying right okay i got you how did you guys feel about the be free commentary oh years like what the [ __ ] who cares how do you call them girls and yeah that whole thing with the rap community i mean let's be honest for the most part even the korean hip-hop community or especially the idol community some of the worst cultural appropriators you'll ever meet in the world appropriation isn't real i don't believe it you don't believe it i don't believe it i understand the historical context behind it but in modern day like you can't eat any food you can't wear any clothes they are literally doing the same thing if that's the case i mean i don't know if it's controversial or not but just like that guy said earlier i'm a grown ass man i'm gonna you know it's only it's only controversial because people tell themselves that there is but there isn't i don't believe it that's a hot take all right now it isn't a hot take that's the whole point oh yeah okay everyone makes it a hot take because they're like oh i don't want to make a bad thing what if i wear a kimono that's a japanese thing i couldn't possibly do that gatekeeping man that's what i'm saying the whole time she was so vocal in the like the first two rounds the thin and third round when we were getting really deep she was crickets i was like is that her taste even though a little bit trinity yeah i think it's trinity official things oh yeah kind of thing yeah she's the old school fan now you're dying trinity get out of here you like bts 10 years ago that's when they were literally babies how could you come on come on you got here i feel like they're gone i feel like they're good yeah there's two that don't like each other i have one doll yes damn they hey they don't like each other they they just want to prove that there are more bts fans at this point they know they got them out right they're like oh yeah we got them out but we have some not good enough fans as well that we need to let's continue this politically charged video earlier let's continue all right okay let's do it i guess i started uh realizing you could still be a k-pop fan but not be a bts fan okay what's your doubt my doubt my dad is you because you what the [ __ ] oh we got the the bts uh bosses fighting against each other here the standoff here they go [Music] you gave this blank stare not gonna lie i feel like she could be like a multi that's not that doesn't ulti um bts at all but like you were saying a lot of textbook things especially when we started getting into uh the be free thing you immediately started about cultural appropriation like okay that's kind of not on topic because that's something that's evident yes that's another thing we could talk about that what's your favorite v-live episode i'm trying to think back to it shouldn't take that long here that should be at the tip of his tongue oh [ __ ] i'm glad they didn't ask me that [ __ ] crap okay what's your favorite run bts episode if i have one i'm not gonna lie i don't think i've seen every army bomb but my favorite running bts no they were in the sauna episodes ago i don't remember that a lot of our um fandom knows and loves these videos we talk about them all the time and he was like they're on another level with the with the standing in in korea i know they have like this website with like a system where you like level up kind of if you watch enough k drums or something like that i need that on my youtube channel i always appreciate looks into fandoms like this because uh like you always hear about when the k-pop stands like attacking people that are like on the outside but when they don't have that person to attack i feel like they do this where they just go at each other so like it's like all right you know about this yeah we're witnessing k-pop stands eating themselves here yeah oh i was like okay there's so many just choose one like one was when they went to six flags in texas and hobie was on one roller coaster i don't remember the other one was when they got scared and they were supposed to go to the zoo but then they ended up getting scared for zombies love that episode i hate to see it [Music] yeah fake fan fake fan clearly confident this game is so hard you don't know who the mole is it could be anyone and the only person you could be 100 sure of is yourself whether you're the mole or army that's all you can be if the light's around you turn red it's definitely going to be green i guarantee it there you go [Applause] so who do you think the mall is we gotta have a stand up here uh i'm still going with my first vote the catcher girl the girl with an actual tattoo yeah yeah yeah yeah all right who's you who you pick a yellow shirt girl for sure okay okay okay i i'm an actual bts thing ken all right i know this yeah right i'm happy that we won i'm so happy i like there's no other way we know who's not army like we can sense it we can feel it in our bones i can sense it like that's why i voted out two other people that were actually fans oh now i feel super betrayed i told you i told you [Music] all right how much does she hate yeah tell us how much you hate it the one thing that i oh she's just a fan of another group oh cool cool clickbait look at the hater i know i need to hear it throw some there's some mud some dirt throw some hands never heard of xo there's so many of them one two three four five six seven eight how many is in bts uh oh you don't know that what i'm surprised about was that she is an exo fan don't you deflect it back to me like you how dare you how dare you you don't know how many members of bts okay we google them and count six right seven obviously come on obviously he does okay i knew it's gonna be xo l i knew it's gonna be xoxo oh wow you got a shirt on good for you what the [ __ ] apparently what apparently a terrible tattoo at the same time hey don't say that he's a great tattoo i think especially after today i think it's just silly everyone was super nice really we're no different we just like different groups and it's dumb to fight over something as trivial as that bts oh better be careful talking like that you're gonna get it yeah you got everything wrong about that sentence come on excuse me real armies never age discriminate that's what i said ken they're also accepting each other until they're not yeah he was so obviously not that one i don't know why they voted am i trinity i got your back girl um if anyone wants to fight you gotta talk to me first okay i'm scared i don't want to fly on fire oh no let's just keep supporting the boys i believe their message is worth getting out to the world one day everyone could be army it'll be a better world can you imagine that everyone everyone in the world is just bts stan honestly it probably would be a better world i actually believe that do you think so yeah can't be worse than our current leaders [Laughter] everyone in north korea we all come together be so great all the rednecks back home in america get over there discrimination actually it wouldn't mean the end of the world because everyone would have a different bias no sure look there's not there's seven members we can only like two apparently there's only two choices all the rednecks prefer jungkook the great bts war [Laughter] first time in odd men out history they did it together you did it oh that was the first time they ever caught them all damn really until this point i guess [ __ ] wow how do they not know like i was thinking that that whole time while watching yeah yeah me too i was like wow how do they not know that how do they not know that jimin's coined phrase yeah uh he meant to say carbonara that's actually funny [Laughter] awesome bts fans and nine year olds are not so different you say one thing wrong they never forget come on get out of here anyway sorry bts stands we uh we're converted now we're bts right right kim yeah yeah yeah yeah totally totally 100 i've been converted yeah i'm a baby army uh please accept me um i guess i got a lot of catching up to do because otherwise you have to fight her hold that all right today your birthday happy birthday all right check again if you enjoyed this video smash subscribe and i'll see you tomorrow you thought it was but true relevance never really died welcome to the first undead game use any item in your inventory and make memes inside tuber simulator add some of our patented stickers 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Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,067,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: Ug6ebzU-G94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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