People break their legs on purpose. why?

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ever showed your legs no i'm not even i'm not even on wiki feet they don't even get my stuff all right so if we were about to get leg lengthening surgery this is what it looks like let's check it out the surgery done and now i'm five seven potentially devastating complications it is kind of creepy you're breaking both of your femurs to where i did broke both of my peoples to get this surgery so i basically have just two sticks of bone you break your femurs is that the fat legs yeah it is it's the fat leg they break your femurs oh i want to see this [Laughter] we have to be very careful about what we do and how it's done i think you have to do it in india like it's illegal don't feel like you break your bone and like the bone marrow whatever like you eat like a lot of diseases and stuff can't you yeah but it's worth it dude going from a beta to a sigma man i'm a heat shoot you go from 5 11 to 6 foot man so tall if you say you're six foot like no one's gonna know it doesn't matter anyway not that i would do that that's a wild stupid that you're doing but if it's gonna make you happier in the long run then it's worth it it's a wild thing to do it's called growing pains i guess so well i think they set how much they uh separate the bones before they like grow together anyway we'll we'll see i don't know i'm fascinated wow i'm disturbed i think i'm probably tall dude a few inches taller beta look how short magnifique what is this the hell is this countless articles linking size and success hey when they when they google go back what did that say is okay all right we know but bbc have been googling oh oh my goodness being small is seen as a big disadvantage there are real life advantages to being told i gotta be honest and this is not just me being average height which i am by the way not that it matters i never understand i remember early like girls saying i like not like tall guys right that's the thing you learn when that's a thing you're like but why they all look skinny and bony and weird they look like rattle they look like you do this something and it starts playing music you know what i mean click on the bones yeah am i the only one no i'm not shaming tall people i just don't understand the preference i guess they want a big strong but they're never strong they just pick a tall guy what do you mean it makes no sense mary told me that she doesn't like like uh like very skinny like overly skinny guys and that's why she feeds me so much you know the ideal body type you should google eddie hall oh let's go let's go like i want a strong man i'm like dreamlike that's what the strongest gonna get right there but you probably wouldn't guess that he's like 6'4 or something like that either he's freaking tall oh you think that's tall interesting bro you're like you're like five eight shut up what are you we talking about i'm six foot [ __ ] you're really having this conversation with me right now i am not five eight take that back right now i am like barely six foot right yeah and i'm way taller than you i'm bad this is slander dude why why did where did they get this [ __ ] number this is [ __ ] barely taller than martsy is marty's tiny what are you talking about kidding me what are you doing i don't know it just keeps redirecting me he's like freaking 20 feet dude i'm getting a whole head ahead of her plus she's got heels the whole forehead that's it this is a joke it's okay to be short man it's fine i'm not [ __ ] short look at that look at that i am at 180 i'm 160. that's not even 60. oh yeah how tall is markiplier's haircut in this photo really why is that why i got jack so tall yeah this is see you mean do you understand i don't mind but i know i know what i know okay just to keep playing because i could do this all day with you are you needing like surgery is this research no i don't think a thousand pounds it claims to be able to help patients grow no we're watching this video again oh that's good because i don't need that but whatever it was blinded by this was he measuring a soviet doctor treating injured soldiers returning nice soviet uh medicine that's the kind of [ __ ] i want to do sign me up die techniques have changed during the last 70 years but many of the principles remain the same a hole is drilled into the leg bone which is very literally broken in two a metal rod is put inside and held in place by another do you think they carotid chop the legs just i'm just saying they probably do i would if i had to drill in yo you just drill into it and that's how they break it the last moment they give them chop it yeah they have to chop it but someone they don't show it this rod which is lengthened a little bit each day extending yeah yeah they have a rather they lengthen until the patient reaches their desired height and their bones are finally allowed to heal back together the surgery was once reserved for people with a serious injury or deformity but an increasing number of people i think i think i've had an email about this it was like increase your length by at least like three inches or something but it was just a pill good joke nice but do you think they could actually do this you know is that how penis surgery works you break it with a karate chop i don't know that's what i'm asking you know do you karate chop it and you get a metal rod and maybe like a remote control you can like you know there will be no surgical instruments anywhere near that region for me okay i don't even want to know what happens no thank you i am not even googling it don't forget okay but i mean it wouldn't make sense right how has no one figured this out yet how to lengthen your pp how has no one figured that out yet well i think they have i think it has been done it's just like risky right didn't like uh was that old rock drummer dude didn't he have it done or something no way what and then he like went and like made a video with pamela anderson tommy lee yeah didn't tommy tommy lee had penis surgery he denies it he definitely he definitely had penis surgery you should never have to deny that that means you're guilty he 100 percent tommy lee images oh god [Laughter] it was at least a rumor i don't know if it's true or not but i heard they like like they go in like you know behind the sack like in that area and like dig in there and they're not gonna dig anywhere keep playing available in more than a dozen countries from germany the us right germany india south korea turkey greece italy and even here italy okay wait they're living in uk why does this guy look like he has maker stop it as a five foot seven mountain of a man myself i can understand that there's anything wrong with this kind of surgery you know you're in london ghetto when they when this guy look at this guy can you do mate [Laughter] does he have like sunscreen on his nose when he walked about what is that it just looks like it explain this to me why in any uk like whenever they're do that why do they walk and talk they're always walking somewhere you're right they are it's really weird especially when you notice and they think it's cool they think it's cool they're just like look i did this in one take and we were walking at the same time wow it's like my 18th time walking but we did it all right there are people that get these surgeries done by doctors who really don't know what they're doing and like that's a scary thing you know it's not who are these doctor taking on projects that they don't know what they're doing what the hell how does that even a thing yeah what you're gonna walk in doctor will be taller he's like well i've never judy chopped a leg in my life but yeah i'll sure i'll stick a rod in your femur and drill holes in it whatever i'm sure i can do it i feel doing that i feel like i would definitely do it now that i heard you say that i would definitely do that if i was a doctor yeah i'd be like how hard is it how [ __ ] hard is it easy no problem i got a metal rod and i definitely i definitely have that brain i just realized i can do that i feel like every youtuber that's like had a music career of any kind hey things like that ah music's easy i can do that to sign your slap shut up if you can make a song monetize your freaking take it down wrong they're not wrong either for thinking i can no i will not listen to this slider what you think it takes talent no four months six months after the surgery you have to really know what's going on and still be in contact with your doctor after that so that you can get the full benefits and rehabilitation that you actually wanted i feel like this guy is just justifying to himself like oh yeah i did this crazy thing but i had a good doctor other people have bad doctors yeah i don't know what he's talking about he's just talking about how other doctors are banned it's like this is completely besides the point you did something weird okay according to my research more and more people are deciding it is worth it several clinics are performing leg lengthening operations at five times the rate they were just ten years ago people are having it done each year dr goodyear specializes in lim reconstruction for people with an injury or deformity but what i'm interested in yeah british eyebrows right there lengthening procedures they've had abroad how long can you get the legs do you reckon when does your femur max out because i'm gonna look like i'm walking on stilts like why don't you just get stilts couldn't you just replace your femurs with like metal steamer feet and metal femurs kind of like uh wolverine and x-men and just get like oh get some adamantite yeah yeah yeah hell yeah that'd be sick every time you go to the airport you start beeping you're like it's my legs dude i don't know what you want me to do you wouldn't even fit through the the box so you have to walk there you you just like walk right in there like what's going on here this is like wait wait wait is that the same person oh that'd be sick look at that man leg like for such serious surgery most people who i've come across who wanted cosmetic lengthening actually have quite often psychological problems body dysmorphic disorders yeah no shh what are you you gotta have something going on if you're like i need middle rides in my legs i'll do anything doctor yeah he had a condition which meant he required surgery to straighten his legs he then opted to have the leg lengthening procedure at the same time reassured go together and it wouldn't affect so he's like bonus legs bonus length all right yeah well he's doing the surgery because he actually had like a problem that's because he just wanted to be taller okay unfortunately he's been dealing with problems ever since oh so can you describe what your complications were yeah okay so really my only complication was the fact that my bone separation was happening faster than my bone growth would happen so basically my legs have been my bones have been pulled apart um at uh quite a fast rate but my bone growth wasn't there so therefore on the x-rays you could sort of see it sort of like the gap getting bigger and bigger and bigger and nothing so basically i just couldn't you just haven't slowed it down what yeah that's why i was like what do they do there's like like jacking up a car or something like cricket cricket it's like okay stop my bones need to grow back yeah okay two inches tall here it's fun skydiving if ryan's synthway guitar can deal with it it shouldn't be a problem employers prefer hiring taller men women only want to date other guys men get leg lengthening surgery society why would you do that how can people do this this is crazy i really don't get like the uh focus on like how tall you are as a guy doesn't matter yeah but you you and i are not like super short like imagine you were really sure i am a giant and you are sort of average i guess i'm like an ogre high and you are like a troll height oh wait how tall okay that means i get the two heads too so i can shoot the double videos oh nice what are you talking about i'll say i didn't get the whole height thing but then i was like well you know i don't have that problem so i guess i wouldn't right it's like i don't get people doing no surgery and you never have that i don't understand people that are like you know ugly or poor or anything you know like why bro just don't be poor just stop being poor it's not that hard god dang look at those but the thing is shouldn't your femurs be like super long compared to your tibia or cows or whatever it's called i'm a youtuber not a doctor i have no idea i like how it looks like he's bigger because he took the photo closer it's like your before and after workout pictures you know you're before you're taking like the bad lighting and you sleep yeah okay so he gained eight centimeters nice oh we got testimonials would you ever get any kind of cosmetic surgery no no definitely not not like your nose or anything like that i didn't i don't i don't particularly like my nose but i i don't mind it maybe i get like a hair transplant or something i'm gonna fix my my aging hairline i'll never be bald man it is escaping me it's running away yeah i mean you do what you want i've ever told you about jaw surgery that i had you know something that it was pretty intense so as a young as a young man i had a bit of an underbite like my jaw my bottom jaw like oh stuck out a little further the southern inbred i'm super redneck it was a little bit because my jaw had overgrown but my my top my upper teeth area or whatever just didn't grow like it was supposed to so the way they fixed it after i stopped growing and i had you know my braces and everything was like lined up and they were ready they cut around like you know like you got your gum and like up there where that kind of meets like the skin of your lip and comes out they basically cut all that away pulled my face back and sawed the top this top pallet up here sawed it out and moved it forward and then cut my jaw and like a little thing in it and slid it and then screwed it together so the the whenever i go to the dentist's office and i have an x-ray they're like what the heck has happened were you in like a car accident are you okay oh what i just had my jaw fixed i had to get it fixed because like my teeth were like digging in i was having a bunch of problems like bunch of jaw problems so i had to get it fixed okay at the time you could have asked like can i get a longer jaw you could have had you could have been like chin man i could have had the crimson chin you know it could have been just got it what the [ __ ] is the crimson chin again the crimson chin yeah check out the crimson chin man oh hell yeah this could have been you bro yeah dude it's like severe deformity that could have been me maybe this is what i looked like before i had the surgery i forgot i had that it's been 15 years or something like that they had to go back in one time too because like some of the screws up here like around my nose came out and they like pull my lip up again and pull it out and it was painful ah that's me that sounds painful wow it was wild wild times wild times it's like a 20 000 surgery can you believe that ugh bro they barely gained anything are you kidding me look at it 180. getting like what five centimeters eight centimeters that doesn't seem our thing i want to be a giant if i do this i'll go play basketball after i get this done yeah i guess my nose for example like i never thought it was bad but i remember people would always tease me about it and i'm like i don't get it what's the problem what is wrong with my nose yeah exactly i'm a beautiful man what are you talking about i i don't know i don't i generally don't know what the problem is but i mean i think it's the same with length like you do it for other people because other people tell you that you need to be a certain way and you don't no one has to be a certain way just be you man just be you don't do it man i guess like i'm on a little bit of a topic now with because i did another video where people were injecting a bunch of in there to get muscles and oh it's like the oil and stuff yeah and it's just it seems to be way more common about guys especially wanting to look a certain way and i think that's a topic that's rarely brought up you know what you hear about fema girls like wanting to look away and how that affects them mentally which is obviously still a problem but i never realized this how much it actually affects uh guys as well i think i may be haunted my xbox just turned itself on hello okay your xbox like leg lengthening please thank you no it hurt us talking maybe okay anyway i can't i can't see you bro yeah when you watch through this you'll see all right kevin hart is short and he's successful handsome and awesome so there you have it guys thank you for watching this video check out ken and check out me and see you next time bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,322,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Id: r6tplLv6Gao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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