BONUS - Logan Paul Please Hire Us

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wait wait oh oh oops this is what you guys are thinking in your tiny little brains right now you're just small [ __ ] dumb little friends already happened this week i don't get it it's saturday what it's the weekend they where they shouldn't be posting on youtube cause you're so stupid because you're so s and stinky too just used to your dumb little routine yeah i made my coffee already don't push the episode it's not thursday night why are we getting another episode okay let me explain it for all you s stupid dudes out there what's what's 6 times 9 69 let me explain what's going on right now what's 7 times 8 56. that's an easy one give me another one um what's nine times three times five seven all right seven eight sorry um so this is what's going on this is why we're posting another episode this week we did post one on thursday and now this is another one in the same week as a bonus this is just another free episode for you oh here you go oops more content oh uh let me explain what's going on so we posted a free episode on thursday we posted a bonus episode on tinymeatgang yeah where is it patreon.comgang right that's every week actually post a bonus episode there that's an hour long and a little bit more unhinged yeah um so if you're listening for free then you get this episode for free as well because of the whole covet fiasco we missed a week of love island we had some ad deals lined up for that week that didn't get fulfilled and so in order to um fulfill those we actually recorded an hour-long video of us playing the love island game yeah which is gonna be up on the channel as well so i look forward to that but audio-wise it just did not cut it it wasn't a podcast and so we thought we can't just release this as an audio we can't do that to you guys so we thought [ __ ] it let's get back in the ship and let's just and let's just do another free episode so again if you're listening for free you get two free episodes this week and then there's another hour on patreon.comtinymeatgang i just have to say one other thing about the jake paul fight no [Laughter] what's up guys this is the tmg podcast this is today's free episode if you want this episode of ad free and an extra bonus episode you can find that right now on our [Music] [Music] the army air forces has announced that a flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army [Music] [Music] [Music] please look at all the signs flashing your seatbelt and get ready for debate guys today's bonus episode is presented by the ticket app seat geek yeah live events are back and if you're looking for tickets to anything sports concerts bull riding competitive spitting i'm just kidding that's not real but if it was you could download the seat geek app and use the promo code tmg to get 20 off your first purchase all right let's go okay it's just if tyron would have actually no i mean the first clip on here is logan paul job thing yeah we're done talking about the pauls except there's this one yeah that we should definitely watch you see this oh bro did you watch it oh this is this is um man not only did i watch the [ __ ] [Laughter] you know like you see when tyron went through god dude i swear to effing g bro just let me show you like this dude okay no we have to talk about this but you know what else you have to talk about what because it's related to logan paul miss gif on twitch oh my [ __ ] dude this guy i know i'm like jumping ahead but this dude made a website where you could get nfts of twitch streamer clips and he was advertising this as like a um sorry i said that backwards you get twitch streamers like clips as nfts and he was i'm glad we're talking about this because i do have one more thing to say about it yeah good good good good an energy of tyron's [Laughter] the worst combination of things people are like shut the [ __ ] up nah this one is actually crazy this dude makes a website advertising these nfts for streamers and he tried to make it like one of those scams where you know a a clip will only be minted as an nft if the streamer approves the sale okay and so misgive found it and he starts talking to the dude about it and he's like hey man like i think that the gist of what mischief was saying was like i don't think this is cool like i don't know if you can do this and so oh by the way the the guy who made the website works for twitch okay and so just as i added sort of like hey man once you talk to my boy and his boy was his lawyer he brings his lawyer live on stream with the guy who made the website and his lawyer's like bro you are violating so many copyright and trademark laws like i can't even begin to like break them all down and the dude keeps trying to his only talking point at least in the bit that i was listening to was yeah but but the sale isn't approved unless the streamer says so he's like that doesn't [ __ ] matter he's like you're still advertising all these people as like you're representing their face and their image and whatever the [ __ ] so by the end of the conversation the dude goes uh i i guess i i guess i could just um in this in this order he goes i could take a couple clips i i could take the website now just like [ __ ] just collapses or live on stream i mean oh but not really does the streamer get some of the royalties yeah but like i think he had pre-minted a couple and like it was already sus like you know he's trying to put on like it's this great thing for the streamer and obviously he owns the website he's managing how the money comes and is distributed right um and so mischief's lawyer was like we get offers from people doing [ __ ] like this every day and you just circumvented twitch and us and you're you're you're like your reasoning for that is like but i didn't approve the sale yet it's like doesn't matter because another thing people were pointing out was this dude had yeah this is it my clips tv he had like every streamer on there medium and small name streamers so this dude was just going for the grab like whoever i mean it's so funny because it was like one of the first ideas with nfts is like oh let's nft like popular movies and youtube videos yeah it's like but doesn't make any sense because you don't own the copyright of the content yeah own the rights to the nft pointing to this content yeah which is like what is that what does that mean nothing it means nothing yeah um yeah there's been some crazy crazy developments in in nfts last week have you heard about loot all right this is it we're gonna talk about this for two minutes i promise then we're done loot oh that's the one where you can get the tyre yes yes that one punch [Laughter] no then if you put a serum in it you get like the melted zombie version of it no no no i haven't um damn i could have gotten you there loot my balls loot something yeah loot luke my balls now whole whole everyone listening is like [ __ ] like piss like a sports game like loot loot loot so loot is no it's not no not this basically the guy who created vine dom oh okay that guy yeah he created this set of nfts all like programmatically created uh programmatically like what's the word i'm looking for created yeah sure loot crates yeah like video game loot crate so it's like divine robe and and blah blah that's all it is there's a black image with your loot that's it and the floor for these things is 30 ethereum it costs 30 ethereum to buy the cheapest one so but what the idea is it's like a platform to build on top of so people are already building games uh on top of this people are already building like ways to illustrate what you have in your loot crate and create other nfts out of that that's where i think all this gets like really really exciting yeah so you you sold like everything to get in right yeah right yeah [ __ ] right but there's actually this other dude i know um who was my friend's co-founder they went through y combinator together for a crypto company he just started a company called party bid i think it's like people can get together and bid on one of these together oh smart so marcus actually ended up doing that so he's like he owns one of these with like 200 other people oh nice yeah it's kind of cool anyways that's it two minutes done yeah that's it logan paul yeah he's hot i was also just going to plug our party bid guys so if anyone from the patreon wants to join us to bid for you know one of the loot squares you know just totally up to you yeah let's let's get in on one of these let's buy one as a podcast that's yeah oh yeah that would actually be kind of fun we should okay we'll start one a 30 dude a [ __ ] nft owned by 20 000 people let's do it so funny it also is it's funny but like let's just say on the off chance that these things keep rising in value we all make money together baby as a podcast we'll be the richest podcast hosts and podcast listeners in the world this this is like this is [ __ ] serious we are an army guys [Laughter] yeah we should man yeah let's start one and let's buy the most expensive one oh [ __ ] let's own the most expensive one that is so messed up but if we all put in five dollars you know we're doing it we're doing it i'm gonna go home and start a party and we'll link it in the description it should be like max contribution like only you can only put in five bucks you think yeah but that's never going to do it it should be like 0.1 ethereum or something like that it's like what 400 bucks is it i don't know i guess i actually don't know if there's a minimum or i guess there's no point in doing a minimum just let people do what they want okay fine fair yeah let's do it if we can be the richest podcast and listeners together that's crazy yeah that would be sick everything like nine people are going to sign up and we'll have 17 to work with that's why people hate when we talk about nfts because like no one is into this [ __ ] yeah everyone's screaming no no whatever set up a party bid anyway now we're doing it okay logan paul we're gonna take a quick break from this bonus episode to thank the sponsor which is seek geek live events are back and that means you're getting 20 off tickets at sea geek with promo code tmg whether it's concerts baseball basketball football festivals or more sea geek puts tickets from all over the web in one place to make buying simple yeah if you somehow don't know what seatgeek is they're a ticketing app that makes buying tickets super simple we've got the app on our phones we certainly do let's pull it up here and uh let's see what's going on okay we got uh oh nate burgazy is playing whoa yeah in october where in anaheim let's go i'm going to that for sure what's cool is that they map the auditorium so that you know you're getting a a good deal they grade each seat green of course means you're getting a good deal and red you know is the opposite of that means you're getting a bad deal yeah and if you're worried about getting a bad deal or a good deal or any kind of deal you don't have to worry because we got the hookup certainly do use the code tng for 20 off tickets at seatgeek that's 20 off your first purchase with the promo code tng make sure you click the link in the description to download the app okay let's watch this clip run it you know this you know this clip everybody if you don't basically you're going to find out basically i'm not going to explain it you're going to find out so basically it's a story i'm interested in the story i just talked to logan paul i mean like he was just being nice and i get it media whatever he has to be nice pause it before i approached him he was okay i haven't seen some [ __ ] like this in forever i don't know why but this gave me like old internet vibes yeah you know yeah like this gave me like uh leave britney alone vibes leave brittany alone this is classic like early early internet where you didn't think things would go viral or be seen by a lot of people you just kind of like did it yeah and dealt with it after or like yeah early early influence or early youtube vibes too when people like didn't know that you can't just really approach people yeah and say whatever you want you know yeah i don't know yeah anyway let it rip my guy he's bragging about making three million dollars i make a hundred thousand dollars a year 22 i do make 100 000 that's cool and i want to i want to act i want to i want to do these things i'm gonna break down right now me too brother oh i'm sitting in the castle i don't know what to do like i did come up here by myself i do have family but we're not the closest i killed them all i don't have really close friends you know there's millions people trying to do what i'm trying to do let's watch this clip okay no i know i didn't i quit my job no wait it's a story i'm interested i'm sorry i quit my job legit two days ago i came up here took a risk i'm originally from ohio sneak up here no i didn't sneak in here i didn't think what do you mean like on stage are you just like yes i did you're one of it's one of the sneaky sneakers i just did you print the ticket and stuff no i just need to talk to you i really i'm trying to talk to your brother i'm trying to talk about business trying to talk about trying to get a job like i want to i want to do media i want to i've been trying to get what are you good at i was having dances i did like that i did i did that video you know like oh yeah oh yeah you know well she really got what it takes i don't i don't need a mentor i mean why would i do that i want to be i want to be like i'm 22 years old i'm just trying i bet i can't be a mentor right now right in my life i'm a [ __ ] up myself i need a mentor you know what i'm saying like i need to imagine you need people around you no i don't have connections with people i have jake that's it you have a brother you have people friends you gotta you got friends you gotta i don't you don't have friends i don't i swear to god i'm here by myself i'm here where are you from i'm from norway you're a good looking guy bro you have friends bro you're [ __ ] lying you have friends go make content do stuff with your friends i'm glad you quit your job it takes balls to do that bro but like now you got to actually try to make a step i'm not idea but i'm not the guy directly you're just you're the guy you're the cop i'm not the guy like you know life isn't about handouts you know what i'm saying i know you've got a lot of handouts i'm trying to work hard for a little money no money i don't know i can get a job somewhere else all i want to move to la and i want to i want to be able to be part of it look i have to go if you really are serious about it bro you should move to la and just like you approached me start making connections with every single person you know i'm serious i've always said this if you have if you're charismatic and you can talk to someone you could make it in l.a that's my advice i quit my job logan's a dick he's hot though logan definitely should have hired that guy on the spot yeah dude give him a job so what bro sleeping on it talent man yeah make him the head of nfts for you yeah damn damn yo this guy you're my chief nft officer damn that sounds like uh that sounds like a pet name for like crypto dudes yeah they hook up yeah you're my chief nft officer don't [ __ ] play with me bro you're my pudgy penguin that's one of the you can be my fan gang i'm overboard when i'm aping with you oh you want to mint this alka bone i'll show you give me your loot [Laughter] i'll show you minty little alka bone right here yeah nah this dude's account is if you go he like made a shirt you see he saw the one i sent look go down go down look at this one more this is playing with fire dog keep going uh where is it at where is it at it's like after the logan paul intro uh uh scroll up scroll up scroll up that one in the to the right to the right of that one yeah second row yeah that joint logan can i have a job oh i made a video and i'm gonna post it what am i gonna do okay you got a job for me and they're just mocking them you're tired bro all right thank you logan i texted love you know man you know what it is man and i was like hey man it's [ __ ] up you know what i was like you know what i'm going to embrace this [ __ ] because people want to make fun of me i'm going to make fun of myself [ __ ] it if i make bro hello good looking guy looking guy bro you have friends bro i need a job logan i need a job all right i finished the shirt damn [ __ ] so that was after the whole thing happened yes after he killed his whole family then he went to go see he snuck it to see logan dude you have friends man no i i seriously don't i killed someone i killed them all i'm serious when i say i do not have friends dude come on you're a good looking guy you want to go see him you want to go see him let's go to tennessee i used to have friends i mean of course logan i used to have friends [Laughter] but i don't anymore oh no i think you want to give me a job [Laughter] oh this this is you know capacity for the joker arc this guy right here yep yes yeah this is same vibes as like the next being on the show yeah next time like logan is gonna wake up on an airplane him and the whole squad like like chained up in their first class seats and this dude's gonna be walking up the aisles and he's gonna be like just holding the pilot hostage with a serrated blade he's like now logan we got the gang all here we're all we're like this yeah we're all like this dude aren't we just come on say it we are right someone's got to get us home and we're going down as we speak so who wants a pilot logan's you need a pilot logan to bring us home pilots pilot tries to like get away [Music] oh jeepers he wasn't part of our gang though was he logan neither was everyone else in the back so i took care of it you look down the aisle the whole second passenger oh my god logan just starts crying he's like trying to get out of the thing what's wrong logan you're a good looking guy you got nothing to worry about so tell me logan can i have a job now you want to hire me to fly the plane logan's like yes yes yes you can slide the plane too late and just run straight runs down the aisle opens the door just goes out now it's logan mike and all the [ __ ] like papers are flying everywhere dead the dead bodies for a [ __ ] coach just [Laughter] not first class just getting all piled up in the door just it's too many trying to squeeze out then logan wakes up [ __ ] lays back down and then sleeping right next to him have a bad dream holy [ __ ] man yeah don't do that don't do that but that guy did you can't do that man oh man he like what a really really bad way to handle it too like the first there's so much loss in translation there in the first like 15 seconds of that conversation he's like oh you're one of those guys that sneaks into events and does youtube videos right yeah he's like no yeah i mean yeah i snuck in here but you know i just i want to talk business and it's like what yeah no you can't that's the equivalent of like you know when you crush on a girl way too hard and you're just like she's like walking into her re something you might do in like high school or some [ __ ] yeah see your see your crush walking into her like pinkberry job and like you're in the parking lot like oh wait hey i didn't see you at six periods she's like oh [ __ ] how do you know this is that a different for perfume than you normally wear is that a different perfume perfume perfume i mean you still smell amazing it's just different from what you normally smell like get the [ __ ] out of here yeah man poor guy you dropped some hair i don't i just can't tell if he's like like in a manic state like is he gonna come to and like you know is he just gonna go off the grid for a year and then come too and be like make us all feel bad and be like hey everyone um i'm the uh logan i can have a job guy uh turns out undiagnosed uh bipolar uh maybe and um taking steps to handle it now more likely i think it's like a bad manifestation of like hustler culture could be that yeah because i don't know it's just like that i think i'm like that's like a big part of his fan base yeah that's true yeah i think he attracts that like with i don't know all the money making stuff and it's like you know it's just dudes that are like i want to be like you but like quickly yeah and so like i think they'd think that his advice would be like just go out there and take what you want such a crazy way to [ __ ] just make me like you make me like you come on logan it's for egg doll yeah freaky friday freaky friday friday it does happen logan's in his body no wait who gets to be the church now logan you want a job sorry now i'm gonna go jack off with your penis in the mirror don't touch my dick that's gay that's weird why is it weird it's mine now he's like hitting it on stuff yeah stop doing it dude i'm ruining my friend stop look at this just there in the venue yeah look everyone's like whoa logan what the [ __ ] dude it's not me hey everyone look at it [Laughter] damn that would be that's the only way to get like the paul brothers it's the freaky friday their [ __ ] and just make them wake up to someone else in their body ruining their brand uh i'm logan i'm on impulsive the biggest podcast ever and i'm ending it or switching to jake's body and be like uh what's up it's jake i'm gonna street fight i'm gonna street fight brock lesnar right now what are you doing no you're gonna get what's up guys i'm gonna rematch tyrone woodley mma four ounce gloves and i'm gonna do it one-handed i told him i'm gonna tie one hand in my pants so pretty easy fight and it's happening tomorrow yeah live on twitch we're just skipping the negotiation process so in case i didn't happen to be jake looks to the tv camera there's no way of stopping me uh guys tomorrow i'm going to be live streaming my head budding competition with a brick wall really looking forward to it or just something like oh like the the free jumping squirrel suit [ __ ] i'm gonna do that out of an airplane tomorrow no no i'm not gonna do any training i'm just gonna go for it yeah [ __ ] it actually that's too quick dying is too quick it has to be more uh you know yeah a lot more gradual yeah like doing the impulsive podcast and then getting a brain sponsor be like guys we want to thank some brand these guys [ __ ] suck i'm not reading that it just does that for every brand just a slow whittling away i take blue chew every single day every day and it's killed my ability to get a natural boner i can't achieve an erection naturally anymore unless i watch anime so yeah definitely buy this stuff yep yeah i think um i think that guy should then logan definitely should hire him what job also by the way that guy makes 100k a year he doesn't hold a candle to [ __ ] broke boy bobby yeah he would not make the forbes list he'd be top of the welfare list yeah top of the welfare list [ __ ] loser yeah what an idiot well now he'd be on the bottom he's the best he's the best loser he'd be on the bottom now because he's got infinite pto oh yeah now he's got yeah megan zero why i mean why would you even quit before that yeah why would you see how it goes and then quit yeah it's such a thing you could just like wait and do you could even lie to logan be like i quit my job but really you never did yeah why would it matter yeah because then at least you can go back to your 100k job and then people like what'd you do this weekend oh yeah that's fine no no what is it that's cool it's on a weird road trip yeah oh do you go with friends i don't have any i don't have any friends really how that's a long story man he should work on that first probably yeah digging up the remains of his friend um yeah so that's that um what was the one you said uh don't watch this oh my god pull that up yeah play it wait by the way i hate i hate to [ __ ] do this i'm gonna be in raleigh north carolina in the middle of this month dates yeah days updates guys that's every comedian's podcast dates all right starting off with some dates we're gonna be raleigh yeah 16th to the 18th three days in raleigh yeah wow cause like the way the clubs do it's just so weird yeah it's fine nice i feel like it's just a good way to just speed up the development process of this set yeah just do them all in a row yeah and then for sure you know what are they yes september 16-18 i'll be in raleigh at the good night's comedy club you know it'll be a good time you know doing a new set tickets at uh i don't know some long ass link he's gonna be like good nights comedy club dot com slash xz dot co dot uk just go to my twitter and click the post it looking flyer and then that's the follow-up tweet yeah oh here's the link goodnight event slash 48559 so that's event 48559 again that's comedy dot goodnightstock slash event four eight five five nine promo code tmg [Laughter] all right guys we're gonna take a quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode and that's public is an investing app where you can buy and sell stocks follow investors and share ideas what's different about public is that you can follow other users portfolios including people like us philip defranco emma chamberlain graham stefan and thousands more we're both on the app you can find us at cody cohn noelle miller what's different about public is that they don't sell your trades to market makers like other investment apps and you'll get a free slice of stock when you go to tmg to download the public app yeah you can get started today with as little as one dollar so what are you waiting for if you're interested you can go to tmg to get a free stock slice you can click the link in the description for that you know we love weightlifting on this podcast i can't wait for this to get to it this is me right after this show i'm going right to the gym doing leg day baby happy leg day [Laughter] [Laughter] what do i do they should cut me the first time i [ __ ] lost it play that one that you sent me i was crying this [ __ ] logic project are you getting it oh what's this one i want to be able to produce like this one day unexpected item [Laughter] unexpected [Laughter] that's a hit [Laughter] when you not too early you be like unexpected [Laughter] wait i don't know how wait what's happening bro i hope we just break everybody so if anyone whether you're a lady or a dude if someone nuts too quick i hope this is what you guys think of play it one more time burn it in their brain can you imagine you know i just picture [ __ ] just like a lady laid up on her back dude not seen her she goes unexpected item and [ __ ] he's like what it's a it's a tick that you just give me that towel oh that's good man what'd you just say to me unexpected item and [ __ ] it's a tick tock i don't know that one ah you just give me that towel oh go to this go to the fat uh f fact oh the fake vaccine card again this is awesome 20 uh go up 24 year old chloe merzak from illinois was arrested after allegedly using this fake covet 19 vaccine card to enter hawaii and avoid travel restrictions so go down to like the first reply yeah she said she got madarena mad air now that wasn't the only thing there was like six different things ah where is it first reply get [ __ ] dude [ __ ] it's so funny it's not even there i'm such an idiot you're so dumb literally this is what you get for doing a saturday podcast [ __ ] dumbass [ __ ] idiot have you made your arrangements oh right there right there go up okay right here spent six hundred dollars for a flight to hawaii and also paid for a fake vax card says she she was vaccine delaware even though she lives in illinois says the second dose was five weeks after the first dose um and it says moderna moderna with an a yeah i guess this isn't that funny [ __ ] yeah have you made your arrangements [ __ ] for what to jump off a building because you just literally [ __ ] that bit up so bad [ __ ] so stupid such a small ball thing to do my sound this thing isn't even they're laughing they're laughing but yeah at your small balls so loud why is it turned up [ __ ] crank it hurts it hurts more when it's louder i know i feel like the logan paul guy right now yeah dude yeah because of how bad you messed that up i mean it's fine it's fine i'm moderna with an a yeah yeah no honey it is good good thing you quit your job for this why did we do this stupid episode i hate this what's the stripper powerpoint i gotta see this i don't care open up in your eyes now okay all right here we go are you guys ready for this yes okay now before you start worrying or getting excited this secret pertains to my life doesn't affect anyone the only reason i'm sharing i want the people i love and trust the most to know what's going on in my life and just be a part of my journey okay are you getting a dog what's going on okay puppy what this secret does mean i'm talented i'm cool and powerful okay what the secret does not mean art school i'm pregnant or endangered not pregnant that's good are you ready for this did you get an acting gig [Music] i'm a streamer and i love it now there are some frequently asked questions so first you might be thinking why what what's the point well it's a sex positive environment and i can express myself safely it's a performance the dad's like tricks if you will how am i staying safe well you see there's full anonymity in this club environment you may not know how everything works per se you don't know but you know this culture of strip clubs in portland is very much sex positive very safe there's not like drug or uh shady business practices that are commonplace or anything like that i don't know if this is the best method is that why i've been able no i think instead you got to just do it and then take all the money you make and buy them like a car or something yeah do you want to do any other kinds of sex work you can pause it all i do i just love the are you really i'm a stripper he's like are you really she just went to the next slide it wasn't even my dad's like which which club because i'm gonna make sure not to go yeah that's what he's worried about yeah no i think she should have just been like uh y'all want to go to a show on saturday and then took them all there and then just came out on stage oh god why it's sex positive she said in an enemy she could have performed got off stage sat back down with them and said what i miss and they're like there's this great dancer on stage and she's like oh that was me and they're like how were they how are they not going to tell that it's their own daughter she said it's anonymous how is it anonymous well i think her you think her dad knows what her [ __ ] [ __ ] looks like they can see her face she's not wearing a mask did they wear masks and strip clothes i thought that's what she was implying with the anonymity but i think the anatomy she can use a fake name is what she means can you say in an enemy anonymity anonymity and an amenity so it's like if a girl's laying on her back and then the guy nuts and then it's like no it said moderna with an a oh god that's why it's funny can you give me that towel look i like the i like going back to her dancing up there and then the dad's like whoa kind of looks like yours i'm sorry i'm sorry baby i'm sorry just kidding just kidding horrible i like the idea of the dad being like which club are you working at and she's like i'm sapphire just like [ __ ] i love that place god damn it great what nights of the week saturdays i'm guessing cool the best night [ __ ] that's boys night tuesday as well oh well [ __ ] me [ __ ] i can't have anything nice can i you know that i started this family to do something great and just bit by bit you all take from me take my favorite things first her you took my whole [ __ ] life away because you're the one who wanted three kids and look at the third one now she's a stripper and she took away my strip club first it was poker night i can't go to poker night because i gotta take jamie to dance class and now i can't even enjoy the all-you-can-eat wings buffet at sapphire on a tuesday whole family just like and the daughter's like imma just close the laptop i'm sorry i didn't mean to trigger you i'm sorry it's just not even about her being a stripper anymore dad's like what's for dinner anyways wife's like i thought maybe we'd have domino god [ __ ] damn it's the third night in a row he's like he's like let's just move on and eat dinner what's for dinner oh we could go get the wings if that would make you feel bad i don't want the [ __ ] wings with you i want to go with the boys who i rarely see anymore do you know these peak narcissist you know what this is gonna do to me you know what it's gonna do to me now every time the boys go to sapphire they're gonna be looking at you making fun of me you see if tyron just put [Laughter] we're getting a little carried away we're getting a little carried away it's getting a bit theatric we got some theatrics this episode see see what happens when we get on the ship after 12. yeah it's way more it's a different vibe it's way more fun i agree we we've learned this lesson many times and we keep [ __ ] it up don't what is this don't why have you had this on the screen don't don't don't what don't even begin to make fun of this these are real life nfts no this is just an example of what stripping and anonymous would look like oh yeah that's hot yeah that's [ __ ] hot we should make a tv show called the masked stripper yeah with with that owl [ __ ] that is absolutely what i want to see oh yeah i would watch that giraffe bust it wide open all right man you can quote me on that please clip that please clip that post that on shorts post that on shorts i would watch that giraffe bust it right up [Laughter] oh [ __ ] we learned this lesson many times bro we learned this in in the second ddp we learned it at the the studio before the ship never before 11. you get the cranky ass episodes curmudgeon the assabs except the love island gameplay was fun which the love island gameplay that was fun this week yeah yeah it was a good time yeah that was a good time we recorded for a while and we're going to chop it up like uh like the old old-school way the thing you guys actually wanted yeah i guess and it was we had a good ass time we were dying listen man she's safe okay there's no drugs i just want to keep talking the presentation for a strip club is kind of like interesting that's a good i guess it's a good way to um ease them into the idea would be funny if she played a series of strippers to be like okay now if i were to just play this clip tell me what you feel she just starts going through more the dad's like um this is pretty good it's just like an eight no i didn't ask you to oh oh what'd you guys think of that [ __ ] hot honey damn joe rogan is covet positive yeah you got you guys you guys can go party in the same [ __ ] house the two he is huh well you and joe just go party in the same house covet positive because we've had coconut ass yeah what's like the big deal about this i don't understand why everyone's freaking oh you're just going to hell that's all me yeah why because you got coven oh i see no i don't know you're like literally the devil because you got sick well no because there was like no because he he the big deal was that he took the ivermectin [ __ ] and and other people are taking this and dying i don't know what's happening to other people but i guess it's like a horse dewormer okay and uh people are taking that instead of the vaccine because he took it i guess he promoted it maybe yeah he's had like some people on his podcast that have said like it works and the like big pharma isn't acknowledging it because they can't make money off of it yeah probably huh i snorted some the other day i mean it's not as good as ketamine yeah yeah it gets you nowhere near as high i don't know dude i just know he made a video saying he has it and he has to move his shows hello friends let's go tell us joe tell us the good word this is my god jesus i got back from the road saturday night feeling very weary i had a headache and i just felt just run down and just be cautious i separated from my family slept in a different part of the house and that's such a flex i got fevers and sweats and i knew what was going on so i got up in the morning got tested and turns out i got coveted so we immediately threw the kitchen sink out of all kinds of meds monoclonal antibodies uh ivermectin z pack uh prednisone everything uh and i also got an nd drip and a vitamin drip and i did that three days in a row and so here we are on wednesday and i feel great i really only had one bad day sunday sucked but monday was better tuesday felt better than monday and today i feel good i actually feel pretty [ __ ] good uh that's the good news the bad news is all right positive how do like really rich people like the we there we we threw the kitchen sink at it yeah how do they have those relationships with doctors and like how do they all have like personal doctors and whoever the [ __ ] they need it's just one text away you know that's when you it's like when i'm sick it takes me like two weeks to get an appointment with my doctor yes because you're not actually famous i know but how do you get there you'd have to be rich enough like at a certain point if you make a bunch of money like let's say you know i sell an nft tomorrow for 200 million bucks yeah how am i how am i going to establish that relationship the illuminati oh it's a warm-up yeah yeah once you get in you're good recruited okay yeah they'll give you all kinds of [ __ ] to make you feel better you can get on julia roberts uh whoa what's happening what is that weird must be nothing yeah totally cool anyway yeah no you once you get once you get accepted in that's when you get all the crazy you know like uh julia roberts had like the baby foreskin treatment what to like make her younger oh he told him oh yeah and like what's the stem cell or no the [ __ ] drinking fetus blood or whatever yeah yeah what's that called again oh it's like leaves there's that there's also like the it's like blended up fetuses does blood transfusion to be younger yeah all that so yeah we immediately threw the kitchen sink at it well because he just you know as soon as he got it he just made a call to you know and they're all dressed that's you see he's in the forest yeah where else would he get that immediate treatment he went to the bohemian grove he was like i got kova doing my little stand-up tour that's fine and they're like that's fine they immediately brought a goat skull full of blood they're like drink this first like laying that hut will get you ivermectin and zpac so they killed a horse yeah harvested the ivermectin right there yes this is fresh mr rogan yeah covered rogan and so that's why he's feeling better yeah keep going keep rogue coven jovid cove and joe you know something there rovid19 robot19 joe rovid19 yeah that's good so you know look look how look how gray his skin is and [ __ ] you know it's because he's in the grove he's like he's depleted a little bit and now they're just refilling his life force with all the good for him though yeah glad he's feeling better yeah no but to answer your question i think i think yeah i think if you did sell nft for 200 mil i think yeah i think someone would like probably reach out to you and be like let me be your personal guy you know he just introduced you to the world like hey buddy congrats on the sale now that you've gotten this high in the you know it's like once you like level up in a game to the max level you get to join like that you know that cool kids club yeah of all the people who beat the game oh yeah okay so you just like it's like an implant it's like an inbound thing you don't even have to like worry about reaching out to anyone yeah you just get hit up yeah it's like hey bud you're like you like how you think you ever had um a baby's foreskin before yeah you're like what how'd you like to feel five years younger and look at i'm sorry when you say look at like look at the foreskin or no no you look five years younger you're gonna look like force again [Laughter] yeah it would be i yeah family doctor is pretty high level isn't it we're just like family person just like all doctors are busy as [ __ ] all the time you know this is like being on a professional sports team where you have like an access to a team of medical professionals whose only job it is to make you feel better yeah how does a normal person have that where it's like you call up the doctor and they're like we'll be right there we're gonna throw the kitchen sink at it yeah i'm gonna make sure you're on stage next week you should feel like a doctor on your payroll i don't think it's a payroll but it's probably i bet you it's just some simp [ __ ] honestly i bet you that doctor has like a practice and when he got the call from joe he left a [ __ ] like with his with their tonsil hanging out of their head yeah yeah like he is in process of removing someone's tonsil and it's like doctor uh it's joe on the line he's like excuse me and then he just dropped the tool and the tonsil in the guy's throat the guy's like the spatula or the scalpel yeah drops right like just spraying blood out of his joe joe joe dude what's good man just going like way too high sorry i look like [ __ ] right now i look so i look so [ __ ] beat right now dude what are you up to man no he goes into his office lays down on the couch joe now i'm chilling man i'm here for whatever you want to do yeah no i mean we could what oh you got covered oh no i'll be right there yeah i just bet you that's what it is like just like he's so popular that there's a simp ass doctor out there like just because they're smart doesn't mean they're prone to like social pressure did i tell you what the the [ __ ] that i signed up for forward is called no this is not a sponsorship by the way i just i heard i heard it on a podcast or i saw someone tweet about it or something like that and um it's like it's basically like i think that's their goal to like fix um the experience of going to a general practitioner sure because i really do like when you want to have a physical or whatever you go to these guys and they're like all right what's wrong you're like nothing really and they're like oh yeah they're just like in and out in and out in and out yeah so this is basically because they think that people want like a real relationship with their doctor and they want their doctor to like understand yeah like preventative care instead of just like reactive care yeah it's actually [ __ ] crazy it was a crazy experience the first you get paired with someone and then like you're in a room with them there's this gigantic screen on the tv it's probably like as big as this hell yeah the whole thing is a touch screen and the doctor's like waving through like different parts of your body body like he goes from your head he's like how's your mental health let's talk about everything going on there then he like goes down he's like this is your blood test um like by the way you know how blood tests usually take like a week for you to get results it was like 15 minutes so it goes through everything like your cholesterol is fine this is fine this is fine let's go down to this area goes to the whole body and meanwhile there's someone somewhere taking notes and the notes are appearing on the side of the screen so that he can focus all of his attention on you that's creepy as [ __ ] it's nuts it felt like black mirror it was pretty cool and now i have this app where like any concern at all i can just text them like i want to get my testosterone checked and so i was like i just texted hey can i get my testosterone checked they set up a lab and appointment for me next week oh perfect it's pretty crazy i mean it's expensive as [ __ ] but i just wanted to try it and see if it like made me feel better why do you want to get your test checked because i just 30 is the time when it starts like i think it's like 40 percent of dudes have low testosterone yeah and like it affects everything so if it if that is the case then i'd like to just get on something to fix that you're gonna do steroids without me i mean it won't be like real steroids but no no no no no it's cool it's cool man it's cool i might over correct it ah it's fine no it's fine if i have low tea i'm gonna do whatever you have to do yeah dude you know i would never do no no no it's fine i would never recycle without you yeah no just to just take care of your health it's cool yeah do i get come on man don't be pissed man no i'm not i'm not i'm not you know i would never i'm not i'm not my tea without my boy no i know i know i know i'm not okay you sure yeah no i'm told you know i would never do that no you no i know i feel like you're still mad i'm i'm not i'm not i'm it's cool i mean you're just like you're just going to take it like this is like you have to like what what can you do all right well just know that i won't no yeah no totally fine did you did you get your testosterone checked a few years ago and it was high as [ __ ] okay good yeah not but that's not like a good thing cancer likes that [ __ ] oh okay yeah but i mean at least you have to be like extremely horny for the time yeah yeah until the old cancer kicks in but at least you get to live your life horny as hell yeah sorry no it's funny to put that omen on you i mean it's in the family high tea high tea and the big c okay high t in the big c so yeah guys no i laugh yeah that was just funny high t in the big c what's that stand for that's something depressing yeah oh like terms and conditions nah no yeah no um it's i actually set up an appointment like last week to go get everything rechecked so we'll find out together we'll compare t-scores yeah i also did uh 23andme just to make sure well he was like that was part of it they gave me at the end they're like do this so that we can tell if you have any like predispositions to any genetic diseases for sure is this all one big ploy i see what the [ __ ] you're doing what am i doing i'm not taking no 23andme nice [ __ ] try set up this whole website in this bit oh no it's a big screen dude it's really cool get [ __ ] try it man yeah you should try it no dude so there's someone somewhere taking notes though yeah someone somewhere yeah no idea where it's me on the other side of the screen live streaming what's up guys welcome to what's noelle's rage we're revealing it today run if i if i hit 200 000 subscribers today 200 000 tier three subscribers i will leak it um no that's good taking care of your health i did stevo's podcast yesterday yeah was that [ __ ] awesome unreal to meet a legend like that in person yeah i was like fanboying so hard trying so hard not to that doesn't happen to me yeah but i mean how could you not i how could you not that's like for a 30 year old dude jack so that like jackass was big when i was like what 12 to 14. like that's like he's the man anytime i see like someone in gen z being like dude steve i love jackass like you don't actually get it you don't you don't because you're not like in the most reckless point of a male's yeah life is like 12 to 14 you know i'm saying 10 to 14 or whatever that's when jackass was big that's when all of us were trying to do it too but it's also that in that period there wasn't like outside of video games there wasn't really many ways to express like this that crazy like you know 12 year old now just like you know can play fortnite and then go on tick tock and like leave really thirsty comments and yeah like annihilate their brain with badges yeah like back then it was like jackass and nintendo 64. yeah like for most kids and when you saw that [ __ ] like you didn't you didn't have anyone in your life being like no you can hit your nuts for fun yeah no one was telling you that yeah or like oh you know a shopping cart yeah you can have fun with that yeah yeah yeah yeah so when you see that for the first time it's like oh this is life-changing yeah oh my god it's half the reason why any of us started skateboarding like doing any extreme sports was because them so i mean so many people made their own versions of jackass yeah yeah that's crazy it was it was wild really cool meeting him in person i mean we when we ran into him in montreal like he was just he was super cool his manager was super cool yeah like um is it still the same guy yeah yeah he he's on the podcast yeah yeah yeah scott is his name yes yeah yes um yeah we talked about that briefly he was like did i meet you guys in montreal or something i was like oh my god yeah we shared a green room yeah but i never he was like oh yeah and you watched the show and i was like noel did i had yeah yeah that was me i'll [ __ ] you i wanted to stay yeah tell steve i watched the whole thing yeah everything i won't leak the show but it was a crazy ass show yeah the stuff he did for that show was like wow well he he says it like in the episode that i did yesterday so i think it's fine but like they had to do like every every uh show they did they would give a warning like a puke warning basically and every show multiple people would leave because either passed out or threw up yeah and it was during his bit where he gets a vasectomy and they show the whole thing yeah like they filmed the entire thing like his sack getting cut open and everything i remember i remember standing on the side of the stage like that's all i could do i was like damn he got his balls cut open for the art that is dope yeah he made me feel like we were taking no risks on stage yeah it made me feel like even the point of jokes what an edgy joke oh epstein this guy cut his balls off oh pedophilia this guy had his nut sack sliced open then he rode a horse the next day you see the [ __ ] that he did with steve will do it oh which one he got a whole bunch of like [ __ ] it was like horseshit or something like that yeah he was saving it okay or was his dog [ __ ] i'm pretty sure he was collecting it and saving it sick and then he load it loaded it into a potato cannon and steve will do a shot it at the side of his face but he didn't wear an earplug and so it ruptured his eardrum of course and like the next day he was driving he was like he'll check this out and he snorted through his nose like this of plugging his nose and a whistle came out of his ear because there was a hole a literal hole in his eardrum from [ __ ] oh my god and it just healed on its own this man has escaped oh man serious injury and death like a million times the the firecracker prank that he did for his live show it's like he creates like don't play this don't play this because it might get he creates like a restricted a bed of do you remember this did you hear about this in a lot he he did a bit for his live show where he creates a bed of firecrackers and don't say this just in case okay i don't know how much he like reuses and [ __ ] like that i don't know his new set might be that's all i want to say okay it sounds [ __ ] crazy it is nuts it is nuts the result is like oh oh and the aftermath oh my oh my man they're they're like their [ __ ] too not [ __ ] but if for for what seemed to be so stupid it was pretty you know like genre breaking like the fact that they could become so popular off a movie of just like their dicks getting bit by snakes and you know hitting each other with [ __ ] that was like in terms like cinema like that [ __ ] was next to what big movies were coming out during jackass like i don't know the second fast and furious like that and like mission impossible it's five or some [ __ ] you know this is crazy yeah so that's sick it was cool shout out scott i feel bad that i forgot his name yeah scott i figured he wouldn't remember that conversation because he was pretty yeah he said um he was like oh yeah we went to that circle circular bar yeah that was pretty fun and that's when i met him too because i came back yeah at that point um but yeah it was cool to see them again and the his [ __ ] van is so cool because i told the first thing i said i was like i've damned you just because i wanted to know like the brand of your van yeah i'm so into vans yeah um he's got like so it's a it's similar to the winnebago that i rented but the winnebago the couches you have to like take some extra cushions out from the thing put like a thing on and then you can create it put it over yeah his [ __ ] has a like a hydraulic you can just press a thing and the bed comes down from the roof sick and then goes up to the roof so you move it up and you have this beautiful couch set up and then you move it down you have somewhere to sleep it's [ __ ] sick i want to buy one all right that's it for this episode right we're done bonus extra bonus this week yeah free yeah free just like that appreciate you guys and we'll see you on uh next thursday thank you so much everyone you know if tyron would have just you
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 523,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MrBd0Tyvga4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 38sec (3938 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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