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♥[Heartbeat pounding intensifies]♥ [Jack, Narrating] You hear that?... That's the sound of your heart... Trying its best to keep you alive. Trying to keep at a slow steady pace. When you're in love,♥♥♥ Sometimes it beats faster and harder When you're about to win a round in Fortnite, it beats the hardest it ever can. When you die for the 400th time in Sekiro, it just BEATS- OKAY!, it's I might as well be dead at that point. But for this episode, our hearts are connected. Our hearts beat in unison. Our hearts beat as one. For as you can see... [Clap x2] There is my heart on the screen- Oh, no, not the actual thing! The heart beat! Come on! There it is! My heart rate is on the screen as you can see. It's now at 111!¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)_/¯ I don't know why. Maybe because I'm just so EXCITED about recording videos that my heart spikes all the time. It stuck at 111 there for a second. I thought I was gonna die. [nuuu don't die] So I play a lot of horror games. A lot of "Scary games". A lot of games the think that can get to me, the Gaelic warrior. NO, not today! You're gonna see that- I don't get scared. Not at all. Not even once. I'm not gonna get scared at all My heart rates gonna say super low *lies* The only time my heart rate is gonna get high is when I'm yelling too much and then I run out of breath and my heart's like, "Ahh! What's going on?!" But because I play a lot of horror games, I'm gonna prove a point by leaving my heart rate on screen So you guys can see just how unscared and unfazed that I get [sure] Haha... Cuz you know me. :P *WaPOOSH* Top of the mornin' to ya laddies, my name's Jacksepticeye! And welcome to "Escape The Ayuwoki". I thought it was the [...] like a Japanese thing or so- Apparently it's "Ayuwoki". *play on "[Annie] Are you Okay?"] 'cause it's a Michael Jackson game. Who knew? [I didn't knew] Bit risky doing a Michael Jackson game now in 2019 after that uh... Documentary came out. Haven't seen it myself. I don't know what's in it. I really want to watch it, but I don't live in America and I can't get it easily on my own... So I'm waiting for it to come out at some point. I really want to see it.. But anyway, I'm gonna make my own Michael Jackson documentary. Um, English porfavor *Jack's mexican accent* Uhm. Instructions? Uh, do I need them? No, I'm a Youtuber [ya.. in this case you do need it]. We skip the instructions and we just played the game Anyway, I'm assuming I have to run away from Michael Jackson. *damn ya Jack* [In-game voice says] They- Ooooooh (∩◕ꔢ◕)⊃━☆゚.* DAMNNNN, this is a good-looking game! SLENDERMAN!, What are you doing here? [probably chillin'] Is that Slender? Is that my mom-? Michael Jackson's gonna be walking around here somewhere. Probably moon walking around. [I think you get it] Do you think he'll just slide up behind me like? [High pitched Micheal Jackson] HEEHEe! And then "Jump on it!" and then punch me in the face? Probably. Anyway, let's- let's do this! Alright? LET'S GO GAMERS! That's an upside-down dead person. Actually, I don't know that. That could be a pig in a blanket for all I know... [In-Game sounds and the Ayuwoki coming] OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! [jumpscare coming] What the hell?! OOOOKAY. [In-game loud screeching scream] [Jack screams] AAAAAAAAH!! ᕕ(૦ઁᗝ૦ઁ)ᕗ Okay, Michael, geez calm down will ya! "You are dead." No, I'm not! My heart rates still going. You can see it. Haven't flatlined yet, but that didn't scare me I'm scared at all! Shut up. That's why. Alright, maybe we'll try it again. Maybe I just died right in the first five seconds of the game [you died when the game started]. That's fine. Could I hear music? I think I just heard a hee-hee *Jack's probably being paranoid* [Door creaks] [Door creaks] This place is weird. Oh, it's a radio. What are you playing? [Reverse techno, distorted music] Is that Billie Jean backwards? [I think so] [Singing] "She said I am the one" "Oh! The kid is not my son." Bu-Do-Doodle-Doooo [Me: claps] I think that that's what it is. Alright Billie Jean King. I'm gonna shut you off for a second. Shush! Listen! It's nothing, just like the sound of- Oh I heard hee hee. [Gasp] Oh Oh God, he's crawling around! [scary music intensefies and upcoming jumpscare] [In-game screeching scream] [Jack] Micheal! Micheal! STOP IT!! I don't like Michael Jackson.. I'm hearing the hee hees but I'm not doing the see sees. (◉͜ʖ◉) [ingame character talks] Ya think?! Oh no a locked door. What do we use to get through it? Aha! A key! My genius human brain kicked in. You know what? I'm just upset cuz I'm not scared. Oh he's comin'! He's comin'! I hear him. [Footsteps and scary music INTENSIFIES] Michael? Oh lord! Oh lord! [High-pitched dramatic music] "Hehe!" He's just scuttlin' around that little freak! Oh Lord, is he coming back, Michael? [High-pitched dramatic music] "Hehe!" Okay, my heart's not beat that hard, Michael. You're gonna have to try harder to scare the Gaelic man. All right. I've seen scarier things on a Wednesday, Michael. [How does your Wednesday look like] "Hehe!" Stop. Stop. Go away, please. Oh, I have a little hidden icon. I didn't see that. Haha. The hidden icon was hidden from me. Alright is he gone? Hush-sh-sh-sh. "Hehe!" [Jack copying game] "Hehe!" Yeah, he's gone. I think Michaels coming back. There's no where to hide! "Hehe!" I'm Hidden! I'm Hidden! Ooooooh god. [In-game breathing] [Jack breathing heavily] Okay. Okay, Michael. Michael! [Approaching music and monster's footsteps] [I will now use a "(⨴෴⨵)" for a jumpscare] (⨴෴⨵) [Jack scream] Ahhhh! Jesus! Okay! Oh lord! Oooooooooh mama! [Jack breathing heavily] Okay, the heart racing a little while to kick in there Michael. O-oh there it goes. *nervous laughter turns to crying* Alright, Michael! You're making my heart rise! All right, what are we getting up to? 115? You can do better than that, Michael. You can do better than that. I know you can. Are those pictures of Micheal in the floor? [In-Game Whispers] You do have to get out of here. Oh! there's a gap I can go through! I'm a silly boy! Well, actually I'm playing as a lady. So, I'm a silly lady. [In-game foot steps and eerie noises] All right. I need a key to get out. That's all I know. I just need a key. A key for me. [High-pitched] "Hehe!" [Door creaks] No. Michael! Michael! (⨴෴⨵)*Run for your life Jack* Micheal for the love of god! Michael, will you just stop it please! I'm sick of lookin' at your weird face! Stop it! [Jack claps twice] Get out of here! I need some Anti-Micheal Jackson juice. Ar- Wai- He's already shown up at the first five seconds of my round! [Jack sings WAR - Why Can't We Be Friends] "Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friend-" I- Michael Jackson didn't sing that song but I wish he did. So he'd be my friend. Do you think if it just moonwalked everywhere I'd be fine? Michael we're supposed to be friends, okay? You're Jack's son. You're supposed to be my boy! [I'll be your boy] I don't know how I do this. I don't know where I go I don't know how I get away from him. I'm doing it now though. I'm going this way[THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU NEED TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!] This is- this is a mistake by the way. Huge mistake. [In-game sounds of footsteps and heavy breathing] [Character whispers, "I have to get out of here."] [Jack] I know you have to get out of here. I'm trying. [Monster] "Hehe!" Uh-oh. He's coming! He's coming! Okay, I'm hidden. I'm hidden. He can't find me. I don't even know where I am. [Clothes rustling] [Jack shaking] Ooooooooo. Michael? *nervous* oh he's so close. Oh, he's so close. Oh, I can hear him. Oh he's "hehe"ing in my ears! [Jack high-pitched] Hehe! [Jack sings "Micheal Jackson - Billie Jean"] "Billie Jean is not my lover!" [MJ grunt] "She's just a girl who claims that I am the one!" [MJ grunt] [Autotune] "The kid is not my son! A-Heheeeeee!" [chuckles] Have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going. I'm hiding under every... Bloody object that's in my vicinity. Oh, I'm not hidden here. Oh, I'm not hidden here. I'm just making a dart for it. Every tiny step of the way. Where's the key? Where's the key? Where's the-- [autotune] HEheEE! Oh Lord, there's a whole other set of stairs and a hole other set of area. [creaking wood in-game] Oh, he's gonna have heard that [yup] Oh He's definitely gonna have heard that [In-Game distorted radio] Really don't like the weird freaky demon music. [Gasp] I can hide in the cupboards. I can also make a whole lot of noise! What the hell is the freaking-- KEYHEE *please someone make him stop* Look like anyway? God- SHUT UP! Sound like Michael Flatley, lord of the dance, in here. Key, key, where would it be, and what would it look like? That's what I would like to know [maybe key shape :P] I don't know where he is now at this point. That's good though. The further away from me he is, the better. [Gasp] Maybe it's down there. Oh! I don't know, but now I'm terrified to go this way cuz he's just kind of round the corner and "hehe" me in the face. [Can anyone tell me how many times has he said "hehe" in the past 9 mins] [scream in-game] [Very spooked] What the frick was that?! [idk] *DASHI RUN RUN RUN* WhY THE- LADY! wHy ArE YoU JuSt ScReAming for no reason oN yOuR OwN- Oh, oH OH Get in the cupboard, get in a cupboard! Oh cotton-eye Joe. What was that? Why did she scream? Who can she slap? Hoohhh, You need to just take something to calm your nerves cuz you're scaring the children! [#9yrOldz] Oh, I can see him scuttling around like a frickin crab. (\/)!_!(\/) He's coming this way. He's coming this way. he's coming this way [Ayuwoki]: hee-hee [scared whistling] OkAY Okay, Michael, why can't we be friends? Michael- I'll buy all your albums! This is- He's just hanging out now Is he gonna leave? 'Kay, he left. Uh oh. Uh oh, I might have just backed myself into a corner here Okay.. [Game instructions] "Use the flashlight sparingly." Just use it sparingly. Please don't tell me that this flashlight is gonna be anywhere- (⨴෴⨵) OH GOD, OH MY GOD! OH JESUS! [monster screeching] Okay, Oh Lordie! *heavy breathing* Annie Ayuoki [are you okay]? No, I'm not. I'm very upset! [sighs] Okay, maybe I should read the instructions. "You have to escape the mansion "But in order to do it, first you have to find the main gate key. That key could be anywhere in the mansion'" "Be aware of the Ayuwoki." Well, that didn't help! Oh, look at him! Look at him! Oh God! In this game, Michael a freak. Why is he crawling around like that?! So freaky. Oh,That's way worse than if he was just walking normally *hee-hee* "HeeHee!" *Jack, pls stop* I've never been more terrified of a hee-hee in my entire life. I've never been more scared of Michael Jackson in my entire life. Oh God, I am not hidden. I am not hidden from the Ayuoki. Am I Annie? Annie Ayuoki [Are you okay]?(⨴෴⨵) *monster screaming* Hi guys, and welcome to this episode of watch people die inside. I'll be your host Jackseptic- GOD DAMN IT, ANYWAY- Can't find me Can't find me. I'm hidden *scared sobbing* Oh God, please don't find me. Oh, there's a door there! Ooh! 'Cha boy go through 'cha door right now. Jump onnn it! You do have to get outa here- Leah, stop line dancing in the cupboard! All right? You're freaking me out more than the Michael's freaking me out! "Hee-hee!" *Jack pls* All right. he's doing that all day 'cuz he's wacko Jacko and he's gonna fall on his backo. Ohhhhhhh Hiiiiii BuDdY!... Okay, okay, it's fine, it's fine. Michael?! [editors note: you've been scared by you've been eaten by a smooth cannibal] Doh, Lordie Lu! Hohohohoho! *Santa?* Okay! Oh Lord- Michael, go away! I don't know why I'm yelling! [YoU YeLl AlL tHe TimE!] Wait, does this- this game doesn't use my mic, does it? Wait, shh! [YES, IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!] [whispering] Okay We're gonna be very quiet from now on Shut the fu- How am I alive, how am I alive? How did I survive that? How did I survive that? Oh, come on. [door issues] I don't know how I'm alive. Oh Lord No, that was miraculous! I'm not cut out for this, man! okay sh- [puts thumbs in mouth] [burps loudly into mic] [whispering] Thats not fun at all. is there anything over there? I don't know Just go there. [gestures to be quiet] [breathing heavily] [normal] Okay, okay, okay it's off. what's this? Scary monster? It's not a monster, it's Michael Jackson! [well now he is scary :I] "HEehEE!" Can't go that way. [whispering] Let's do a test. let's do a test to see if Wacko Jacko can actually sense my voice. [yells] Hey Michael! I'm down here! Over here, Michael! [whispering] I don't know if he actually can. Okay, that's test one. Test one is completed, okay? Let's do another test. [yells] Hey, Michael, you suck! [MJ comes angry >:|] [whispers] Oh, I think he actually can hear me. Oh, that's worse... Not a fan. [gulps loudly] Not a fan of that. [frantic breathing] Okay, okay, okay! Oh Lord. Oh god, Michael! Okay, okay You can just f off now! Thank you, byeee! Okay. Okay, [stutters] I've gotten good at controlling my heart rate. You know why? 'Cuz I'm not scared! at all! Heart rate, go back down. Stop. No, go down! Peaceful, peaceful! Zen. [taking a big ol' deep breath] [relaxing guitar music starts playing] I'm just on a meadow with the puppies right now. [Feels zen] I'm not even scared! [lying to himself] uUUUUHH GOD! [Well being zen didn't last for long] Okay, let's use the flashlight a bit more. Some more places to hide at least. That's good Don't see a key anywhere though. I'm gonna make a break for it. I'm gonna make a break upstairs. Alright, shush, he might hear me fpsf shhh! [scream in-game] JESUS! STOP DOING THAT, LADY! Oh god, Oh god, okay. Okay. Okay. Hide, HIDE. GET IN. AUGHH! Oh, It's like when the little girl did the scream for the velociraptors and Jurassic Park- It sucks! I've not seen a single KEY-KEY (stop him pls) Yet Easy does it. You got this. you're a cat. Quiet as a mouse. QUIET AS A MOUSE! (⨴෴⨵) [spooked] -DOH God OHH LORD I thought that I escaped! I thought that I closed the door in his face, and then when I turned around, he was right there! Ohhhh Merciful! Oh God. I'm fine. I never get scared at video games. All right, heart rate(123). I don't need you out here. Exposing me like this. Go back down, okay? Zen like a peaceful Buddha. Hi Michael. I see that you're Hee-here. Can you go aWAY-Hay? Okay, okay, good. I'm almost afraid to speak because I think that he can hear my voice through the mic. I don't know. I know if this game has that. I could see something glowing. Is he behind that thing right above the knife? Is he- Right where he just went? Yes! The gold sparkles. I could see something What is this? [gasp] Yes, yes! Wait, isn't there a door back here that I could just use the key on? OHHhh Big Baby Bo- OHHHhhhh! Oh, do I go down or do I go over here? I don't know! I'm going, I'm going. You have a key!! [scared frantic breathing] I almost didn't make that. Oh Lord, that scared me. Oh, I thought it was gonna get caught right after having the key. Okay. All I need to do is make it downstairs. Make it downstairs, get to that red door, and I'm good. I also need to shut up! [ok..] Never gonna happen. The door's right there. The door is right there. All I need to do is get to that door. Come on. Go away Michael. [shoo shoo!] I'm making a break for it. Yes! YES! Did I do it? I can't move. Yeah!! Part 1 completed?! As you can see, I am the master of horror games! As you can see, My name is up there on the top of the list for a king of defeating... This game. Thank you. Thank you everybody[Me: CLAPS]. And as the records show, didn't get scared a single time I told you, I don't get scared at horror games anymore. Not once did I even get even a teensy bit tense. [you flew out of your socks when the lady screamed...] Alright, I'ma- i'ma take the heart rate monitor off now because it was- it was acting weird. It was acting funky [Stutters] That wasn't real guys. On the outside, it may be explosive Diarrhea driven fear, but on the inside, it's a Stone Cold Steve Austin heart Of- Of determination and Gaelic will. But I have defeated Michael Jackson. He is no more. The demon has been banished, and you can all sleep soundly tonight. You're welcome everybody But thank you guys so much watching this video. If you liked it, punch that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS! AND! High-fives all around! *wapoosh* *wapoosh* And thank you guys! And I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO! [outro music] Now he can "Hee-hee!" all he wants [I hope you can't anymore]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,810,021
Rating: 4.9578085 out of 5
Keywords: Escape The Ayuwoki, Escape The Ayuwoki game, Escape The Ayuwoki gameplay, Escape The Ayuwoki horror game, scary game, michael jackson game, jacksepticeye escape the ayuwoki, heart rate monitor, heart rate, on screen, live heart rate, scary heart rate, high heart rate, jumpscare, full game, complete, ending, michael jackson jumpscare
Id: YQO8ytchSMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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