r/Awesomeoffbrands | uh,, uh... slick.

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holy crap it's Captain America you looking a lot different cap what's up guys and welcome back to mi name is Damien and today we're looking through our / awesome off-brands this Kalinin fried chicken restaurant in Kaliningrad Russia including a picture of city namesake michael Kalinin dressed up as the KFC colonel and you know what it's not about who did it first it's about who does it best ok and of the day if they're doing their thing and they're the best thing in Russia for fried chicken and blessum more power to them hey honey I'm going to the Walter Mart to buy expired milk you want anything rotten eggs maybe I got you donkey painted a zebra for safari themed wedding in Spain and don't worry about it okay that's a real snoozer real zebra what it sounds like Eddie Murphy nah nah that's just a zebra oh it's the tootin mean age needle toodles you know the first time I read this my brain just autocorrected to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but the more I look at it tootin mean age needle toodles I kinda wanna know what a needle Tito is not an idea [Music] the more I look at it the better it gets that's incredible you know I don't like calling it modren I like calling it memories of butter I eat it and I cry all right you understand that e-sports they're glasses of but if you want to see I don't we got to pay extra okay pay up do you want to see how these biases ah Peppa pig's little brother try to figure out how to pronounce this cuz it's a Gucci ripoff but that's supposed to be an end so is that pinky it's like all consonants it's gonna be difficult uh yeah my elevate headphones logo beats elevate the legend of lonk okay an ironic Lee I would wear that shirt I think that's funny I like that hey yo dude it's a link know where the legend along oh it's the Final Fantasy thing well that's in school that's kind of cute that's funny that's funny to me that's a great ripoff hey hey dawn welcome to what a burger what a burger no we saw we saw nasty patties get it right son don't get it twisted you're missing an s pal is that how you're avoiding the copyright I also like to think that that's not an L but just an uppercase I on the lathe logo the fist is this ripping off coca-cola or dr. pepper the physicist I like that that's cute another thing I would on ironically wear a D dog I dig that that's cute that's themed all dienes okay now we're getting a little ahead of ourselves I don't know if I'd wear that all beetus okay we are nama 'less we are a region forgive and forget expecto patronum why is adidas you know I would imagine that Nike would be the most ripped off but I guess adidas just has more knock-offs ass in us take the lead I am the most cattle take the feed is you'd most cattle nice that's exactly the adidas brand name naruto vs avatar season 2 well what happened in season 1 haven't sure a dental like a Batman and Superman and that girl why there's Wonder Woman 2 so 3 DC characters in there the Avengers versus the Justice League but dental office that's funny babe my capitalist Pig who's at the Toy Story pig a little beanie little crook beanie I love it why the hell does this bag have 69 written all over it cuz it's the funniest number bear Jordan glacial Park Montana you know I'd wear that I'd wear it I know it's beavis and butt-head bread don't know what this is from hearts that is oddly concerning what TV show did the Beavis Butthead rip the New Testament presents the Bible to vol 1 hail to the king of the Jews baby be rockin a Duke Nukem joke or is this an Evil Dead reference black mirror Prime Minister Michael Tucker soft - that's great it's one big in joke so I thought Tucker soft just made videogames not toys that's cute that's funny who angered Bart Simpson well if I'm going to Universal Studios that's the last thing I want to see is buff Bart or mmm I just can't I'd also wear that that's funny I like it I just can't hey why can't you write you there's candy hey look if the kids got it too early on he's got a sense of humor I love it oh that's a star cars lightning McQueen's looking a lot more dangerous um good thing that much right now cats 2019 but every character is played by Nick Offerman and Offerman's all for it he says let's do this where they can a cat in a dance you know I the fees for it give them a give them a roll give them a roll that's a hard cool that's a badass Celine Dion shirt that's brutal that's metal that's metal as hell so in China and France and then in Texas we got our own Tower it's not as tall but I could palace you know Noah their Tower it's gonna have a ten gallon hat on it and that's that's that's the true you can bank on enjoy what now what are you asking me to enjoy I'm sorry that that doesn't say coke does it well its cayenne pepper hot sauce so it must be good unless it's like 90% in vinegar based Colgate that's just a message to brush your teeth you ugly heathens brush your teeth twice a day hygiene tips from your pal Damien cool Joe why Scott oh I don't know I feel about the ice coffee one double barrel Roasters what's a double barrel roaster that intrigues me the credible Hulk you wouldn't like me when I'm angry because I always backup my rage with facts and documented sources is this the credible Hulk sounds like a fantastic skeptic youtuber of channel name that's funny dude it's the funny Dino in the know the funny Dino and Martin we got a rock and Martin in a funny Dino hey it's a cleave las' I love a Cletus drink away all your problems I mean hey if you say so I'm only 20 but no one has to know wow just for me the 911 convenience store were we fine there now you know just some jet feel and some memory pills so I never forget is that Shawn Michaels that's Shawn Michaels what is he doing and what is he doing in this VIP what is he doing this movie Avengers of Justice force wars Shawn Michaels what are you doing in this film do you give someone Sweet Chin Music do you give Steve Rotten and Ozzie Sweet Chin Music I look at the flying dong no it's just a flying disc don't worry I never want to see this image ever again for as long as I live I love the Anna Moore's but I don't love this however I see where they're going here Bart Simpson does bear cannae resemblance to Garfield I played call of Groody early [Music] he looks so happy about it too I love this kid he played call of grooty early hey look it's the guardians of the gums and he is tooth braces for only wait 100 why you why do you have a monthly payment for braces and anyone who braces I want to explain this to me that's a little weird to me hey look it's the home cheapo all of our tools break and nothing works home cheapo that is also something I would wear purely because I think that's funny get up and close with me in a conversation you look at my shirt hey it's polo wait wait what's going on you a polo shirt dude you know role-reversal hungry birds what does he want to eat he looks hungry that's some clever marketing ice-cream shop owner hangs off-brand posters of himself all over the store I like that may the floods be with you pop a fudge in the sorcerer suite I love this guy I really love this guy someone filling with this place is I want to visit them I want to see these posters in person and just take a photo with all of them this is great this is lust rate that's minions dressed up as spongebob characters all three of the most important ones oh yes the iPhone 6s but body spray I didn't want the phone I wanted to smell like an iPhone 6s which smells you now like a white girl narcissists pointone they show off by listening to Western music justice Bieber is as good as ever Oh justice Bieber I almost threw up in my mouth will getting this one Kermit the hand that's cursed another weird one I love the logos like this they're just something's just not quite right like yes I do I do like did you make your own cover art or is this all bootleg minun craft attack attic Alex call of ducting why do you have two copies of men and craft and call of duct tape my money China Edition worse Tiananmen Square in this show me Thank You goodwill very cool money giant there's a new giant in town everybody knows real estate is a great investment in trading properties can be fun money giant takes some of the tricks of the trade and puts them together in a fun and exciting board game that lets you develop strategies to becoming a millionaire yes that right you know monopoly was never made to be a fun game it was never supposed to be a fun board game it's Captain America the first one that's funny I like it Oh nakai and also Abbie Babs no it's Addie abs not to brands on the same shoe Hans at a collab see Windex Windex nice glass cleaner Windex Windex I think I'm gonna go with the nice nykeya I would wear that shirt there's gonna be a lot of the stuff that I would just wear on ironically cuz I think it's funny like I would wear an ikea shirt why wouldn't why wouldn't I ninja fortnight ninja explosive battle what is that a beyblade Oh want any of that ah yes the Octagon Obama fried chicken if this is a real place I want to visit it where is this in 1908 we had Hydrox in 1912 Oreo as I said before it's not about who doesn't first it's about who does it best at norio still around Hydrox not so much I didn't do it Oh Jason POG nice mega life through prayer to a holy and righteous God did you take the two bands and just put them together for one shirt and pick a death in prayer I like your style dude is that Pima is I'm not gonna say it cuz it's supposed to be Levi's so P Nuys and not the other word you dirty-minded Baggs is that the swampthing cleverly disguised as detective Pikachu cuz he's fooled me speaking of Pikachu this is worse I like that the box art form is correct kind of why do we have three Pokemon ones back-to-back pokemons squirtle Pikachu hey it's per hub we have the ebony the hard core the loops oh yeah a Pakistani man named sitar books open a cafe shop with a Starbucks logo with his face on it named it's at our books Starbucks ooh demanding loss cuz he said that's my name and face in the logo sitar you're a champion is that Louis Vuitton sneakers no it's not don't believe any what they say snipers out of morbid curiosity I try the snipers if I get sick I get sick is that the space war is that the Darth intruder helmet I love it does that spider-man with the heat sick stranger things and that ways that Britney but with the note she ever had the nose weed in the photos did she why did the add that in post Oh cuz of 11 that's right I forgot that 11 has a nosebleed so sick how you don't sup Supre man supreme ensue pre man i thinks the pre man is probably the way i should say that huh nothing wrong with that one just a typo stuff I saw when I was in China dude I would wear both of these is the thing the fact that they're knock-offs and they're Peppa Pig is completely hilarious to me timmi middle finger hell yeah I wear Timmy middle fingers merch Timmy middle finger sounds like a dope rap name Wendy's old fashioned hamburgers but her face looks all weird Toy Story 5 woody gets frickin ripped it punches buzz right just dumb hey the yacht dice game why am i oddly surprised that there's a Yahtzee ripoff that shouldn't surprise me as much as it is minecraft none then then now our craft get it right and that brings us to the end of our / awesome off-brands and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/awesomeoffbrands, r/awesomeoffbrands top posts, r/awesomeoffbrands best posts, awesomeoffbrands, awesome off brands, r/crappyoffbrands, r/crappyoffbrands top posts, r/crappyoffbrands best posts, crappyoffbrands, crappy off brands, crappy offbrands, awesome offbrands, reddit funny, r/awesomeoffbrands emkay, emkay
Id: 6LhpK49NJgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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