r/Choosingbeggars Mega-Karen Demands I Give Her My Pony For Free!

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where someone wants to hire a medical doctor for minimum wage so for this next post opie provides some context i decided to close out bumble for a bit due to mental health reasons and i followed up with one girl on instagram after maybe an hour of texting with all of her responses comprised of one or five word responses she implies that she's hungry and she heavily suggests that i buy her food i mean i don't even know the sound of your voice much less who you are and you're expecting a stranger to buy you food and to add insult to injury this was right after she said that she'd prefer to date a friend of mine instead of me and if that wasn't enough i received a message a few hours later with dude i'm hungry so anyways on to their text conversation i don't have any food here and if i was offered anything i want i wouldn't know what to say i wouldn't know what to say in any context either so i hear you on that well first of all grubhub ubereats or doordash for sure i tend to go for fast food and dessert when i'm feeling depressed mcdonald's and wendy's are my mvps haha i don't buy food what do you mean you grow it then nope i have others buy it for me you pay for everything well guys can get spoiled too not financially oh we definitely disagree on that we're all just people at the end of the day i definitely love to spoil my significant other but i always love when things are reciprocal then perhaps i'm not for you the guy pays for everything or i'm out then i wish you well i'm looking for a more modern and equal partnership the funny thing is i usually do pay for everything but not because it's an agreement that just sounds strange to me sorry it's just how i was raised man don't you just love it when she lays out all of her red flags before you even make it to the first date it really saves a lot of time and money this next post comes from the comment section of a youtube video stop it with the racing games they're boring then don't watch you be quiet he's gonna do what i want i'm the viewer and he has to respect me you stop being so nosy it's not up to you it's up to me then unsubscribe be quiet you you don't get to decide anything i do man i'm lucky that i don't have many youtube fans like this the only time i get a whole lot of criticism is when i get a rating wrong on an r slash am i the butthole post then you guys really let me know that i'm wrong now hiring chefs are you looking for a low-paying but rewarding career apply to the best kitchen in the south four-year degree in master's degree of culinary arts with five years of experience preferred but not required apply now inside i don't know i feel like this poster has to be a joke because people wouldn't really advertise that the job is low paying right people can't really be that dumb can they this next post is a review on trip advisor of maui beach this is not a beach for romance or wedding pictures the beach was clean and a beautiful sight i'll give it that but it was always cloudy or rainy here every time i came to the side of the island i thought that it would be a little more private with upper class people here or family-friendly beaches like the other side of the island i was under the impression that i could get beautiful wedding pictures here on the beach since i just got married here disaster disaster disaster all the way around the beach was crowded during sunset it just had tons of 20 year old kids who were disrespectful plus there were tons of people who would move out of the way for our wedding pictures they gave us dirty looks like we had no right to be here wow me and my husband were shocked along with our kids we're christians and we've never been treated like that before we ran into a lot of drunk people no compliments out of their mouths i would not recommend this beach for lovers or happy christian families with small kids or even just getting married pictures very very bad experience here god bless thank you for hearing what was in my heart so this lady showed up at a public beach and then expected everyone else to just clear away so she could take wedding photos lady if you want to rent a private beach you can do that but it's going to cost you money you can't expect hundreds of other people to put their vacations on hold just because you want pretty photos also who goes to a tropical location and gets upset about the rain that's what tropical locations are known for our next credit post is from carl the well endowed so my parents bought an amazing house on a lake about five years ago the people who owned the house before were the kind of people who are so wealthy that they don't even know what they own and they didn't notice when things went missing my parents bought the house fully furnished with all the water sports stuff included so the summer after they bought their house they noticed that their canoes and kayaks would be randomly moved around the dock my dad really didn't care if the neighbors used his canoes but after he had to replace a kayak paddle for the second time my dad decided that he was just going to buy all new equipment and lock the good stuff in the shop down by the water instead of just storing it on the shore on the dock well he bought four nice kayaks and a new canoe and we were out in the water before long it only took a couple of days for a neighbor to come knocking at his door asking where the new kayaks were my dad realized that her family was the one he was using and probably losing his stuff so he informed her that the new equipment was for his family only but she and her family were welcome to use the older stuff but just know that my dad wouldn't be replacing the paddles anymore this pissed her off and she whined and complained and my dad being the overly generous sucker that he is didn't rescind his offer to let her use the old stuff but thankfully he didn't back down on letting her use the new stuff well the next day the older canoe and both kayaks were gone and a quick ride on the boat showed that the neighbor had just taken them to her property apparently in her eyes being told that she could use them meant that she could have them so my dad took them back and now they've been safely locked away since i think we've only used them twice since then opie i'm not sure if this qualifies as a choosing beggar that's just a straight up thief believe it or not this is an actual job posting seeking healthcare analyst intern the salary is 7 to 12 dollars an hour requirements advanced degree in healthcare life science or related field with a phd or a medical degree preferred oh and also good chinese communication skills highly desired right right because that's what every aspiring doctor wants to do first go to school for like i don't even know six or eight years and rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars in school debt then after getting their medical degree which qualifies them to work one of the highest paying jobs on planet earth i'm sure they would much rather prefer to work this internship job at seven bucks an hour on this next post op is selling a pony for 200 bucks hi op are you able to get your pony to my place over three hours away tomorrow if you can i'll take her no bugger i don't even know of anyone hitting out or back from there i've really fallen for your pony there's plenty of transportation companies are you willing to give your pony away then so i can cover transport costs because i only have a certain amount of money no lady i hate to break it to you but if you can't afford to transport a pony then you definitely can't afford to own a pony on this next post an adult-oriented art subreddit banned posting of leaked content and one redditor gets really pissed off this is dog doo whoever came up with this rule f you artists should have a patreon to get paid if people want to but it shouldn't be paywalled outright you see people won't just give away money for nothing they need something in return to support a patreon if paywall content becomes public access then all the incentive to pay for an artist patreon would be lost well who cares at that point just keep releasing the good stuff anyway as a side hobby and get a real job for your main income so to be clear this guy was spanking it to pictures of naked ladies and then those pictures got banned because they were leaked from a paid patreon then this guy gets all pissed off because by god i should have a right to wank off to anime titties for free on this next post op is a young girl who took to facebook to complain about her uncle i'm also fed up with my uncle who's taking advantage of his parents my grandparents i don't ask for much but whenever i need them to drive me somewhere guess who has the car him but guess what he loves to buy takeout and new phones but never for his mother or his father he can buy a brand new iphone for a thousand dollars but he can't buy a car hmm i see where your priorities lay instead of saving money to move out my uncle simply spends money without a care it's going on five years and you'd think that something would have happened by now oh and he doesn't pay his mother rent he's like 50. pathetic oh and thank you for ruining the chances of me ever moving back and saving money cheers so essentially what she's saying is that it's okay for her to take advantage of her grandparents car but it's not okay for her uncle to take advantage of their grandparents car except except that what she wants is actually worse than what the uncle wants based on this description it sounds like the uncle just borrows the car to drive around but she wants her grandparents to actually show for her around like some sort of taxi service so best case scenario this is just one choosing beggar whining about another choosing beggar but worst case scenario this is a choosing beggar who's publicly shaming her uncle who's living with and taking care of her grandparents right if the uncle's 50 that means that grandparents have to be at least 70 and probably a lot older than that so yeah it would actually make a lot of sense that the uncle would live with his grandparents rent free so he could take care of them and this guy's reward for taking care of his parents in their old age is his niece publicly shaming him on facebook super trashy hello get baked i represent blank an extremely well-known influencer who has appeared on the 2018 season of blank his following on instagram is over 400 000 people he's visiting leeds next weekend and he's expressed an interest in visiting your restaurant with his closest friends if you'd be willing to offer his table of five a free meal including alcoholic drinks he would be happy to advertise his experience on his instagram stories please let me know so i can arrange thanks and then the restaurant owner replied i honestly don't know where to start with this firstly we don't have a restaurant nor do we even f being exist yet the idea of jeopardizing what are already very frail margins so that some complete and utter [ __ ] can get fed and watered in front of his cronies makes me want to vomit all over myself i effing despise the overwhelming majority of the influencer industry i would sooner dig up the grave of my dead grandma bring her back to life murder her in cold blood and then bury her again while simultaneously severing my testicles from my emotionally void body than to allow this to happen in any business that i happen to have the misfortune of owning don't ever email me again jennifer i know that you're just doing your job but i hate you sincerely op alright so as r slash i have never once tried to use my influencer status to get free stuff for one i don't want to be a disrespectful entitled turd but for two i'm too afraid that i would go up to a restaurant and be like hey so i'm r slash and i have 1.8 million subscribers if you give me a free hamburger i'll totally shout you out what do you say and then the waitress would just be like did you say r slash like arse as in butt i'm sorry but i've never heard of you so please just place your order sir you're making me nervous and then like what's more there's a business angle to consider suppose i did go to some burger joint and i was like hey i'm marsh give me a free burger and i'll promote your stuff and they did it in that case i would have to have a youtube video and then in the middle of my video i would have to talk about some random burger joint would any of you care about some random burger joint that i went to or are you just here for reddit stories because i'm pretty sure that you're just here for reddit stories so as a business owner it makes way more sense to just buy the burger myself than to lose fans by doing stupid pointless ads that no one cares about so as a professional influencer i can just say that what this influencer is trying to do is just layers upon layers upon layers of stupidity oh and one final point this guy has 400k followers on instagram and apparently he has a secretary to reach out to restaurants on his behalf i don't have a secretary and most of the other youtubers i know don't have secretaries either so i would bet all the money i own that more than likely this jennifer person is actually the influencer just using a fake email account now hiring help from my new apparel line you must meet the following criteria one you must be pro-america two you must be female there is no three weirdly four must be fit and hot five must be smart six must be at least a c cup seven must make lunch eight must live in the san diego area this was posted on twitter so i'm guessing he ran out of character so i'm gonna finish off the list for him nine must be willing to let me sexually assault you at work every day so i went to this guy's website and he has a total of four t-shirts including such winners as alphas don't kneel apparently they don't count a three either also i just like to point out that there is absolutely nothing special about what this guy's done he's created four total t-shirt designs okay literally anyone can do this there are tons of websites let you design and sell your own t-shirts designing t-shirts isn't the hard part the hard part is convincing people to buy them hi i saw your ad for the imac is it still available is the price firm hi you have still available and yeah the price is firm would you be willing to take 300 my daughter needs a computer for school and we haven't found anything for in our budget please help i'm sorry but the price i listed was the lowest i'd take it's less than a year old and it still has applecare for another two years i understand needing a computer for school but i can't let it go for three hundred dollars please she needs a computer can you please take 300 also we don't have a car so can you drop it off our address is such and such actually if you can show me somehow that your daughter is in school by showing me a transcript a report card or registration etc i'll let it go for 700 bucks if you can't prove to me that she's in school then my price is still 900 if you can it's 700 bucks i'm all for helping a student in need i've been there but i'm not gonna take 300 bucks for a practically new imac 700 is the lowest i take 700 is too much please the most we can do is 350. when can you drop it off i am not dropping it off especially for 350. i'm sorry but it sounds like you need to explore other options best of luck to you and your daughter i found another ad of someone selling an identical computer for four hundred dollars if you'll take 300 i'll buy yours sounds like a great deal you should definitely buy theirs i bet your computer has lots of viruses man i don't understand why people are so obsessed with apple products if you don't have 800 bucks or more to drop on a computer then don't buy an apple computer a chromebook works just fine and you can pick those up for like 200 though i always have to wonder on posts like these does this person really want to buy a macbook for her daughter or is she just trying to get it for a low price if she can turn it around and sell it for a thousand that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 523,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: FyNuzMNTag4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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