r/Choosingbeggars "You Want Me To PAY For The Product? WTF?"

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welcome to r slash choosing beggars where an audience member walks up onto stage in the middle of a live performance and argues with a singer i'm looking for a room to rant my aunt decided to kick me out because i couldn't pay her one month's rent due to me wanting to see a movie instead she's rich and i need the money more than she does anyways however your home must be smoke free no partying no loud music no friends over late and my significant other should be allowed to live with me rent free i'll tolerate your pets so long as they're groomed but no pit bulls i don't want to go there with you so don't waste your time i'll pay 150 a month in rent and i'll split utilities if you have a room that fits this description please message me wait a movie ticket is like what 10 or 20 bucks or something so she got kicked out because she couldn't afford 10 in rent but now she thinks she's only gonna have to pay 150 rent for her and her boyfriend fat chance this choosing beggar is in for a very rude awakening i just read your reddit posed and please don't kill yourself but if you do could you donate me your leftover money i prefer at least fifty dollars but i'll take 45 dollars too i just think you should donate your money to me since you aren't gonna use it anymore hey let's look on the bright side at least this choosing beggar started the conversation by saying that op shouldn't kill himself so i guess there's that post it to answers.yahoo.com can you make a male babysitter pay child support i'm a single mom going to college with my sister we currently written an apartment together a couple of weeks ago i asked my neighbor a trustworthy guy if he could watch the kids for two hours while i went to class and my sister wasn't home and he agreed if he babysits and doesn't accept pay can i sue him for child support because he took on a fatherly role i'm sure i can convince the court that he accepted a fatherly role lady if you're looking for a guy to pay child support then maybe look at oh i don't know the real father on this next post opie makes this post on a public facebook page my baby is sick with kobet and i need to go pick up groceries can anyone come by and watch her just be aware you aren't being paid and sometimes the baby cries constantly or throws up so you'll have to deal with that too and then people in the group reply hun i'm sorry but maybe ask a relative posting that in a group like this won't get you much help you need to rethink something if you're asking a bunch of people on facebook to watch a baby with kovid and who's throwing up i don't need to rethink anything it's common courtesy to help someone alright so obviously giving your baby away to some random person you meet on facebook is probably a bad idea but can we also talk about the fact that if this lady is covered in covet-infested baby vomit then maybe she shouldn't be walking around a grocery store hey girlie blank just freaked out about your facebook post on harry potter would you be willing to sell me a journal and necklace for a christmas gift for her we're at work and she's telling us how crafty and talented you are oh how sweet i would love to do a custom order the journal is one of a kind so if i were to make another one the cover would be a bit different if you're okay with that i have several covers you could choose from that's fine you choose i know nothing about harry potter she's so excited about the necklace things in advance awesome i'll get started on them the necklace would be about 10 in the journal would be about 30 bucks since they take a while to make is that okay absolutely fine i'll pay you in cash buy the girl something cute perfect i will i finished the journal awesome i love the blue glad you like it the necklace will be done in a couple of days ah i keep forgetting to tell you that everything's finished perfect how would you like me to pick them up total price what about one night this week blank can drive me over and i'll just pick it up quick the total is 40 bucks i can probably drop them off sometime next week i need to get groceries anyways and i love walmart pickup perfect then just let me know the date and time okay will do it'll probably be wednesday sounds good i just showed the pictures to blank just now and he knows that my daughter loves harry potter but he doesn't think she'll ever wear the necklace and won't write in the journal he doesn't think it's the right gift sorry choosing beggar these took days to make you can't custom order something and then not pay oh my i thought the set was made when she saw the pics of both of them she sent pics to me and they were made already when i saw them as well i confirmed with you right here that it was a custom order really op you'll be able to sell it if you already sold one set as you say no i didn't sell it i made it as a gift for my niece the journals only sell when they're a custom order it's one thing to say that you don't want it and a complete other issue when you're lying about not knowing it was a custom order i made it very clear multiple times that i was making these items specifically for you lying i never mentioned custom order to you i said i didn't want the order first and i never did lie about the custom order it never even came into my conversation for you to even say that i was lying we're done texting have a nice holiday with family and friends i was specifically making these items for you that's called a custom order go back and read the messages and explain to me how you didn't understand that these weren't already made i confirmed the journal with you to make sure that you like the cover i went on to tell you that i was still working on the necklace all of our correspondent supports that i didn't already have these items made i just absolutely don't understand how that wasn't clear which is why i used the word lying i'm sorry if that was too harsh op you don't have to apologize she knows that she was lying she just used that as an excuse to get out of paying you does anyone have a free 6 cubic foot samsung oven that they don't need i accidentally broke the window of ours and i feel that it's not our fault but samsung isn't giving us a replacement spoiler alert it is their fault do you take commissions i do my price is set at five pounds for one thousand words up to ten thousand words at which point it increases to seven and a half pounds for one thousand words are you interested i am but not at that amount maybe three pounds per five thousand words i'll send my idea in an email wait please tell me you're joking what do you mean for five thousand words i normally charge 25 pounds you're asking me to take three pounds yeah it's not like it's your main job right i'm sorry i'll be refusing your offer if it was for a thousand words i might consider going a bit lower so you're refusing my offer but you posted about being poor i might be posting about that yeah but i won't be lowering my charge that would mean i have to lower it for everyone else too it takes a lot of my time to write proofread check and so forth have a nice day b-word i hope you starve to death okey-dokey have a nice day my mom just died and we need to set up a funeral so if you can please donate since we don't have sufficient technology to set up a funeral online it needs to be delivered for free and in addition to the free computer or phone please donate some money a few thousand would be nice here's my paypal address and then someone replies i can donate some money i also have a phone left over from when i upgraded sorry but we can't set up the funeral with a phone i need a dell alienware 17-inch monitor because my father can't read small text thank you for the money down in the comments we have this reply from shoebox landlord my dad is getting surgery and the doctor is going to use a new machine to operate on him but it needs to be powered by a playstation 5. so could someone please donate a playstation 5 to save my dad also the machine would work better if the ps5 has assassin's creed valhalla on it oh and send some money too a few thousand would be nice selling cheap pc from 2007 or 2008. hi i'm interested in the cheap pc is this still available considering the specs are so outdated and aren't worth anything would you pay me 80 cash to collect and take it away for you i can pick it up first thing tomorrow morning cheers this next post has a message received on ebay i saw in your listing that you upgraded from an older apple watch why not instead of selling it give it to someone like me who wants it selling it is just greedy on your part i'm happy to take it off your hands and i'll pay a shipping fee of 7.50 which is more than reasonable please respond right away as i would like to watch by new year's eve funny you should mention new year's eve i think your new year's resolution should be to get yourself a job our next write a post is from age mitch this happened tonight at a gig that i was playing at and it was one of the worst cases of a choosing beggar i've ever witnessed it was so rude it was actually just pretty hilarious so i'm playing a free gig put on by my local council it's an outdoor amphitheater so everyone can just come and enjoy two sets of free live music context this is in western australia so we have no crowd restrictions in the second set after a few songs the singer says that if people like the music he has cds one song later after we finish playing the tune a woman comes up on the stage in front of the entire audience which stops the concert and says where's my free cd i'm going now the singer was baffled and said why do you think it was free well how much is it then i usually sell them for 10 bucks i don't have 10 on me and i'm going now so are you gonna give me the free cd i'll think about it you only have 10 seconds because i'm leaving okay bye the best part is that the singer then announced on the microphone that this woman had stopped the concert because she wanted a free cd and everyone in the audience basically laughed her out of the room was anyone else reminded from that one scene in robocop where it's like give me your cd you have 10 seconds to comply giving away spray paint and glue for free hello is this still available can i pick this up tomorrow hi it's pending pickup today i said i would come get it send me your address please someone else asked before you and that's pending pick up so sorry dude that's bs i messaged you last night saying that i could pick it up this morning i can come pick it up right now help out someone who would use it dude i had someone else message me last night and arrange for pickup today well before you message me it's first come first serve that's what i'm saying if they're not going to be around until this afternoon i'll come pick up the stuff right now that's not how i operate man i told the first person to message me that it was theirs if they don't pick it up by the time they say they will then i'll move on enjoy that douchebag you probably have a cheater for a wife have a great day and god bless reactions like this are so bizarre oh so you called me a douchebag in that case i'll definitely do you a favor now and then down in the comments we have this story from none for gretchen i recently sold my ipad a few days before christmas i got tons of auto messages asking if it was still available the first person to respond committed to paying in full and meeting me the next day i didn't bother going through the remainder of the messages meetup was seamless and i updated the ad to sold and it cleared all the messages from the messenger then i got an angry message from some mom she had messaged me sometime the night before telling me to text her back at a phone number i told her the ipad had been sold already she got so mad and went on about how she sent her phone number and i never texted and she could have come by today and how i ruined christmas blah blah blah selling standing dishwasher for 50 pounds hi is this still available will you take 20 pounds hi choosing beggar yeah it's still available for pickup on saturday the 23rd in january onwards the price is currently 50 pounds 20 pounds as the listing says the dishwasher is selling for 50 pounds if this isn't an acceptable price for you then i apologize and wish you all the best 20 pounds and i collect now have a good day trust me you'll come back to me and tell me to take it for 20 pounds you will never sell it for 50 pounds i gave you an offer now so you better take it before i change my mind i'll take my chances thanks don't worry i'll take it from you anytime because i'll be the only one who's interested i've had this advertisement on for less than a day and i've already had multiple people express interest i appreciate what you're saying but with respect i am not selling this dishwasher for 20 pounds you will sell it when you give up on the price which i'm sure about here i'm not gonna say another word i'll stop sending you anything i'll leave you to your mind and illusions duly noted have a good day even if the choosing beggar is right and 20 pounds is a reasonable price for that dishwasher i still wouldn't sell it to this choosing beggar because why would you want someone that smug to win on this next post op is a 16 year old who repairs small engines i can absolutely do this repair for you but it would be very helpful if you supply the blade for me if you want i can just sharpen the blade you already have i charge 10 bucks an hour with a 20 minimum an oil change is also 20 bucks i do have the new blade already i doubt the oil change and blade swap should take more than an hour i disagree with the minimum charge of double especially by a minor if you were paying rant or had a family to feed i might think differently thank you for your honest reply good luck and good luck to you for finding a better deal godspeed down in the comments we have this reply from joshua next time i go for a job interview and i hear the salary is 50k a year i'll say i have a wife and 10 kids oh of course then the salary will be a hundred thousand dollars per year that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 373,473
Rating: 4.9480581 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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