r/Choosingbeggars I Don't Want To Catch "The Gay!"

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today's video is sponsored by expressvpn welcome to r slash choosing beggars where someone is terrified that they might catch the gay on this next post op does modeling and a photographer reaches out to her hey this is pretty random but i'm trying to get more into portrait and street photography and i was wondering if you'd be down to do a shoot sometime hi i'd love to my raid is 40 bucks an hour unfortunately i only have time for paid shoots right now ha don't flatter yourself i collaborate with img models and crew from nbc pro bono because they know the quality of my work that's awesome i don't doubt your capabilities i was just letting you know my rate because i'm really busy and i don't have time to collab right now and your reply seems kind of aggressive wait did this guy just try to flex on op by saying that he works for nbc for free dude that doesn't make you cool that makes you a sucker this next post comes from a facebook nursing group at the doctors of blank hospital some of you know but for those who don't my mom needs a knee transplant she's been using a cane for two years now and had a fall in september at mcdonald's while ordering her breakfast we rushed her to the doctor who had her knee x-rayed and with tears in his eyes he informed us she needed a knee transplant this serious surgery has cut to the core of our family and we can't see this family moving forward without her we told the doctor that under no circumstance would we allow the knee of a gay trans homo or lesbian to be put into my mom's body do you know what the doctor did he laughed he told us that there was no way they could even discriminate between sexual likes when it came to using body parts then he lied to us and told us they would use an artificial parts we have declined the surgery we cannot risk mom getting a body part from a gay lesbian we're seeking out the opinion of several other doctors and the advice of our priest what has this world come to this is one of the ways trans homo and homosexuals are spreading we will not be subject to this if anyone knows a doctor in blank county please let us know and then other facebook users respond hey opie amongst the myriad of things wrong here i just wanted to say that knee replacements do indeed use artificial parts my father had both of his knees replaced your mom will be fine and someone else replies are you serious [Laughter] do you really think that your mom's knee could be gay think about how stupid that sounds you're suggesting that her mind and body will be attracted to men but but her knee will get horny for women and then down in the comments of this reddit post i'm going to read this reply from is there cheese once i was a heterosexual like you [Laughter] once i was a heterosexual like you then i took a gay in the knee maybe this is why all these high school teachers are so insistent that girls cover up their shoulders in school because as we all know gayness resides in the joints gay shoulders gaining gay knees gay elbows i mean a heterosexual has to be careful nowadays if you rub shoulders with the wrong gay person then bam you get gay shoulders too and there's no turning back i've been going through the responses in this reddit pose trying to make sense of what this guy actually believes and i'm going to read this response from pez x because i think this is the closest thing to actually making some sort of crazy person sense i think he believes that homosexuality or transsexuality is a literal disease like hepatitis c that would be transmitted by knee replacement are there really people out there on planet earth who think that if if a gay person sneezes on you then you catch the gay on this next post op sells clothes and she gets a dm from a random person hi i'm interested in working with you guys how so so you guys could send me something and i'd post it on my story and tag you guys and go live promoting you guys no thanks i don't feel comfortable working with a private account weirdo b word lmao imagine coming into my story asking for free stuff then getting upset because i said no b word i didn't text you it was my manager you're ugly anyways so you deserve to be burnt now shut the f up before i take a hot dump in your mouth you annoying b-word i hope you flop and never sell anything you crusty dusty b-word oh you're big mad now selling 2002 porsche for 22 nine hundred dollars i'll bring the cash with me and i want to hit the expressway and if it does over 170 miles per hour you got a deal sounds good this saturday works for me anytime i like the car and i want to make sure it'll do over 170. i'm a street racer sounds good yeah that's not going to work for me sorry man yeah i figured you were bsing on the top speed but why i'm not bs'ing you on the top speed lol i looked up the car's top speed and you can confirm it if you want i'm not gonna let someone take a vehicle i own a hundred miles per hour over the speed limit why if i have the cash in hand if it'll do it we got a deal what's the problem if she does it then it's my car i'm not gonna let some person i don't know endanger myself in my vehicle trying to prove a top speed that's insane i'm giving you your price not jerking you around you can count it before we take her for a spin not gonna happen sorry if you're looking for top speed this really isn't the right car for you anyways well then good luck what i see is that you're afraid and the car will maybe do 140 top speed i just looked it up you're lost out of 23 000 good luck in someone giving you your asking price you may get 20 to 21 000 that's about it sorry you're so afraid but the fact of the matter is your car won't do it i've never seen a v6 do over 120 ish without a supercharger or turbos you're absolutely right because you lied about the speed and you're a chicken turd good day liar loser you know this might be one of the few posts where i actually agree with the choosing beggar what are you some kind of scaredy cats you won't let a complete stranger get into your 22 000 vehicle and drive at 170 miles per hour what are you a [ __ ] uh yeah dude if that makes me a wuss then i'm 100 a wuss i am scared i'm scared of you because you're a freaking psychopath but what i want to know is how can someone this stupid have 22 thousand dollars just lying around this next post is a job posting for an internship program and hold on to your butts because it gets crazier and crazier we seek hard-working team-oriented individuals interns should be comfortable with standing on a boat and from a land-based point for up to eight hours non-stop while looking for citations through binoculars and recording data interns are also expected to work many hours identifying dolphins and entering data onto a computer database interns should be patient and flexible and remember that no one can control the weather or cetacean movements and for clarity here cetaceans are basically dolphins and porpoises internship fee the internship program is a full-time voluntary position there is no compensation for these internship positions and successful applicants will be responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from the research station and for providing and cooking their own food during their stay there's an internship fee to be able to participate in the program the internship fee is 50 euros a day or about 60 dollars a day this position requires a minimum of 30 days of continuous commitment which comes out to 1500 euros or 1700 within 10 days of receiving the acceptance letter a booking fee of 30 of the total internship fee must be sent to us to confirm your participation for clarity that comes out to 528 bucks one month before the internship start date a confirmation fee of 30 of the total internship fee must be sent to us if not paid on time an additional charge of 2 of the remaining amount will be added to the balance the program fee is non-refundable except if for some external calls the project is cancelled upon arrival you'll be asked to sign a statement where you accept the research and work conditions and take full responsibility for all risks involved we finally found something that's worse than actual slave labor if you're a human slave then you're just working for free but with these guys oh no no no you pay them for the privilege of working and if you can't pay you accrue two percent interest looking for free stuff in search of dresser for my daughter a full-size couch and a queen mattress i broke a bone in my bag and my mattress has become very uncomfortable and if it's not too much to ask for a bed set for a queen bed as well and then miraculously someone sends op a picture of their leather sofa presumably for free not to sound like a picky a-hole but i'm not a fan of leather oh you're not trying to sound like a picky a-hole okay because i was confused for a second alert op is an effing scammer he said his artwork is free but when i asked him to do a custom artwork he was going to charge me 25 for an effing sketch this is a buy nothing group i don't think he should be advertising here and then the artist replies dude these sketches are free but you asked me for custom work so of course i'm going to charge you down in the comments user garrett jace says it best you're giving away an old table i demand that you build me a cabinet for free instead do you play fortnite no why can you get skin i don't even play it so why would i because you don't play can i have your account no why because it's linked to my playstation account i want your instagram account so i can get a creator code lmao no chance buddy i want to do customs with my friend please lmao no and it would take like a year to get the code anyway wager me on fortnite for your account please wager you what so i can get creator lmao no please well you should give me at least you owe me no i don't how do i no you do i don't know you and you're a [ __ ] okay so gift me no you owe me no i don't wait here you give me the account or you gift me no i don't owe you anything yes you do you messaged me first so you owe me you wanted to give it to me lmao you deleted your first message no you messaged me first no i didn't you donkey wow you deleted message f you you're trash at fortnite lmao you can't even spell how old are you like five you are such an n word if you give me skin lmao this is too funny give me skin or my mom will sue you lmao this is such good content no give me the skin you inward alright alright you will or my boys will run you up g lmao shut your mouth you look five you want my email and password i'll give it to you give me the skin you pakistani n-word okay do it you pakistani n-word okay okay okay do it you pakistani b-word n-word the password is hentai underscore warrior 1995. no tell me the real one you inward it is are you gonna try it or not or should i change it before you do inward i'm gonna dox you lmao try your best your postcode starts with ls12 you live in leeds lmao okay that's public info geez and a quick side note here op's instagram name is at bin steel your real name is ben lmao incorrect steel nice try though your phone number is blank yeah wrong it's your brother no but i do have brothers you support right wing politics naji your mom works as a blank nope she's a blank your dad owns a slave shop lmao no my boys will run you down my dad paints stuff and lmao okay i pray for ben your grandma's buried in your garden lmao no your dad drives a blank no my dad can't drive what are you doxing this guy ben for what did this man do kill yourself you b-word no one likes you okay rj the f that's not my name ben i will epic murder you i will put a bullet in your skull oh scary i will stab you 22 times oh shiver me timbers my boys will batter you and your family nah i'm gonna dock you for real now your real name is blank your address is leads at blank and your mother works as a prostitute holy cow this is so effing funny my god who are you i taxed you nah that's not me you are so scared no man that's just funny don't post this on your story i am i'm sorry but i'll block your name out b word you joke man i am a doxing god you're a waster but man i'm sorry this is too good fam alright chief have a good day f you i know you're scared you better gift me lmao i'm on my way to cash in a fortnight creator code be right back right because nothing inspires me to give to my fellow man quite like someone dropping the n word with a hard r like 20 times on this next pose someone actually comes to r slash choosing beggars and makes a post looking for free commission and someone replies this up is for posting interactions with choosing beggars not for actual begging oh someone sent me here and you didn't read the subscription before posting i'm dying i can't believe this choosing beggar saw the r slash choosing beggars subreddit and thought wow a subreddit made just for entitled jerks like me to beg for free stuff without paying that's exactly what i was looking for so as you saw earlier in this video if you're not careful with your personal data then nine-year-old fortnite players will destroy your life so to protect myself against fortnite kids and karen's out there i use expressvpn to protect my data expressvpn protects you from hackers and companies who want to steal your data and if you frequently use your phone at a public hotspot such as at school college or at work then you need expressvpn even more in addition to protecting your data expressvpn can also unlock content on youtube netflix and other platforms on top of all that it's super fast to use i mean i'm a professional youtuber so i have to upload huge video files through the internet every single day but with expressvpn running i don't get slowed down at all so if you want to protect your data and get access to all that juicy content you can get three months free by going to expressvpn.com plus it's a great way for you to support my content so i can continue making daily reddit videos that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content then check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 601,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: tRFMNzCnm3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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