r/Blursedimages · got your nose

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yes if Hulk and Black Widow had a daughter yeah not a fan how's it going over welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash blur stim edges everyone wants to know how do Xenomorphs wear their hats well guess they have multiple different ways I don't judge them you know you wear your hat yo the way you want I'm sure you spend good money on it or stole it from someone's corpse Charmian oops I'll a cardboard tube mmm feels great on the welcome to animal crossing readied in for Mature oh oh man then I'll pack he's um he's ready for war he's ready don't have a projector screen no worries you got ah oh no don't don't hold the balloons like that oh my god how many balls is that a lot him one two three four five that's impressive ah banana gun ooh oh man I don't like this two more arms and that's just general grievous I get it Batman speaking of Batman oh holy cow look at that that's that's impressive that that death hey cool mmm bean lamp I don't like it beware of log he will eat your feet oh my god why does he look just like him oh man I don't like this mm-hmm nope hey those should not be that big oh man this guitar I'm sorry boys but act up whoa whoa guys come on don't don't be beating each other up use these first he just sits back and watches with popcorn all right look I'm not one to look at ammunition and think oh hell yeah that's awesome but this it's pretty creative look at that that's that's awesome grenade bullet spider Captain America and Captain Mexico why couldn't we get this in the MCU can't get it right yeah oh my god I don't watch Dragon Ball Z so this isn't like I I get it I get the mean butt oh my god I don't remember this scene an alien oh my god that is that looks just like the character chrome hat there's a chrome hat all right what's what's the context though oh my god this man the live-action Star Wars characters if they looked like their uh clone wars cartoon counterparts whoa that looks like a combat helmet oh okay this makes me anxious you're using concrete to hold your cups and also one of them don't have a lid this is a this is awful it's not a corgi it's it's a quirky all right this is clever look at look at this person made the best of their cracked windshield crock dog oh oh my god kool-aid I don't I'm not a fan of this image nope cube sandwich okay I cannot tell you how long I've wanted this figure it is notorious it is I'd it's so funny I love it I need it DIY windshield rainbow I mean it's it's one way to do it I guess the tables have tabled I see now the dog is the one in the suit do not touch and I touch it no man don't fall for the trap oh god I just know I just noticed Pennywise in there I that is very spooky freaking dude perfect that's dude perfect enjoy [ __ ] I'm all right what's happening here that cat just went into light speed hey yo sup dog whoa wait a minute this milk it's disobeying the laws of gravity oh I do not like this this makes me incredibly anxious oh my god ah yes a classical piece of artwork Patrick Joker Rick Deadpool dang and Einstein me up the classic squad another role reversal now the the firefighter needs help getting down wait freakin the the coyote hired sonic to capture the the roadrunner okay okay um I'd like to know the inspiration behind this artwork and also why what is this I what what this is actually what this guy's looking at yeah I don't blame him yes and you know I need a grip and a freaking scope on my glue gun oh oh no oh Jesus Christ Flanders what what happened to you it's got buff thou must kill forgive Simpson you know I Trump Trump's hair right now doesn't look the best but I can certainly say this is probably worse all right this is cool this is awesome han Solo Carbonite fridge oh they're mini coke bottles coming out of a coke bottle or gummy gummy coke bottles oh no mmm nothing like cooking some dogs on an antenna mmm-hmm it just has to be hot enough got your nose I love these images so much there's they're so stupid Oh God why did you have to give them those eyes no this is uh this is cursed why why would you swap them why Kirby and I don't know who that I I don't watch my hero academia I'm sorry I don't know who that is but they're the same mmm kiwi egg yes the most tactical weapon out there oh boy this is suggestive perfect you gotta fix that crack somehow so leggo it is oh come on this this has to be intentional right right come on it's our Rambo chocolate bunny live laugh love Oh No Phineas and Ferb but live loot what are you gonna loot off him oh man Obama he's uh he's seen better days oh I don't like this implication at all mm-hmm nope just a bunch of Ronald McDonald's chilling in the back of the truck don't mind them flavor mango ah the McMath lab the boys just chillin the the boy planes oh man these these people have formed the ultimate life form oh my god there's so many role reversals the magician shall be the one to laugh and clap at Oh No Oh God Mike Wazowski why what what'd they do to you what's happening with this cat it's just it's entering a it's going into hyperdrive that's what's that's what it's doing Monster House I don't remember that scene this night we'll do whatever it takes to protect his wife ooh like Scoob Fred man's gonna kill us because we lost the van oh no nuggie tanks I don't like it what is what the subreddit this this subreddit is very very horny oh man I don't like this image at all at all pigeons online look gotta go somewhere right is that a is that a pill is an earring it's like someone asked a kid hey draw this image man why do people got to draw stuff like this you know I don't like it I get it could use a queen oh no don't don't eat them come on rethink this no one is ever going to believe you shy gal oh my god Barney Roger Roger okay it's been swapped somebody swaps in the subreddit hello samurai kitty looking kind of fresh though not gonna lie welcome to sort are online these guys are just there they're there in it the seagulls give any other seagull all right I love it seda is that a steel horse I think that's a steel horse that's what that's what I'm looking at right now this is called self-portrait is that what this is okay yeah you like what you see he-man do I turn you on paint me like one of your french girls he-man why is ditto a [ __ ] what why why these snakes are that they're watching me I don't like it Snape on a bus so it's Snape out of buzz what what else do you want me to say huh I I don't think that guys I don't think this is sonic it's funny feeling where could i get this controller I want this kingpin controller oh my god this this dog oh is it it's like two in one eye I don't like this at all stool sample I get it oh man everywhere I go I see his face Oh Mario why why Mario why no not not the dog oh why is this fork thick that's a thick fork tiger king car nice Oh I don't like I don't like toad in real life nope stop stop it yo this toilet though he's blazing it oh no cat No someone save him another role reversal that now the happy little trees is painting a happy little Bob this okay all right Oh Oh spider beetle nope Wallace vs. hanzo hasashi no wise why is this walrus bleeding watch your step I come on Jero we're at a Funeral yeah come on man get that get that ridiculous mask off it's not a whorehouse it's a [ __ ] home tender wings of desire a Colonel Sanders novella oh dear God oh man I don't know mmm not a fan of this yes Mark Zuckerberg he's got the he's got the Crocs he's in style ah a perfect way to end this off a cat peering through the clouds just just watching over and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash of worst images and uh I'd say was more cursed than blessed but you know you know how it is thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bells to get out if I'd have done easy peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 89,328
Rating: 4.9481101 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: 7pgDiJhJe-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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