r/Blursedimages · CHICKENS! ARE YOU OKAY?!?

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all right the day I get married if whenever that may be this is how I'm gonna take my wedding photos how's it goin everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is that container what I'm taking a look at our / blurred images oh this one's just blessed look at all those dago's welcome to the dugout rain everyone knows the Queen she only has the finest fashion sense what this toad this toads earned his wings Norton AntiVirus yeah that should protect you oh not again not these posts Oh God just close the windows please I get it I get it's the meme but it's it's Batman a big cat carrying a tiny cat and the big cat carrying a tiny cat bless the blip it has been blessed you know I think now more than ever we have to work together as a species and even even now the Bloods and Cripps we got to all be protected hey wait a second I don't think that's how you're supposed to do the pledge oh no you gotta wonder if these are intentional sometimes come on you show respect to the truck the truck shows respect back oh this cat's ready to box don't don't don't cross this cat I tell you you're asking for a woman how re-establishing the Soviet Union can bring back this NGO sponsored by McDonald's oh my god this this guy isn't having a very good day I can tell oh my god yeah just just give me the Bob Ross yeah you know just the way I like it it's him but he's been turned into a cupcake genetically engineered cat girls in 2020 Phelan I think you might want to step back on this one I love this when you spawn like a bunch of mobs in Minecraft in one spot and they just make a circle of them never in my life did I ever think I'd see a cat wearing Calvin Klein boxers and there he goes a man's just doing it himself all right oh man that that lines up pretty well huh you sure just look happy the communism couple how romantic Godzilla one cookie I love this just taking an image shrinking it then shrinking that image and putting it in front of it and then shrinking that one I put it in front of it just an endless loop it's it's amazing yes the tables have turned I don't like this house this is uh he looks very very suspicious I don't like it wait a second I don't think that's how shadows are supposed to work I don't think that's how dogs are supposed to work oh man you wouldn't think a dog's mouth would look like that on the inside destroyer Donald you got a chill man doom crossing I love these crossovers what peekaboo there he is he's an egghead oh come on man why'd you got it why'd you why'd you have to erase the guy's leg messed up I tell you the youth of today oh this is just awful I've seen one of these before it wasn't this image exactly but can you imagine this PewDiePie's really tall rhett and Link are just two dudes reading a book on female ejaculation while eating a head of lettuce he's living his best life yes a Marlin same that's the only appropriate response to that right oh and spring-trap in Jesus but why is spring-trap green I can forgive everything else in this image even the mime in the background but why Green the elusive loaf [ __ ] you ever seen one in the wild it's a rare sight playing - no stop don't eat Pikachu up and it's too late man that's how Goku was born oh why why you got to do that wrap it up grapes and chocolate egg wrappers this is cruel is beautiful art gumballs never looked better just look at that happy that happy smile oh oh I get it I see the dudes now getting a haircut the hair is getting a dude cut interesting yeah other way around oh there sure was an attempt everything looks pretty good the hair the outfit but man that face I don't think that's quite Hermione this person took it upon themselves to buy Neapolitan ice cream three of them and chop them up and then put them in their individual boxes that's just just by the standard ice cream one flavor in a box oh good god what is going on with this statue I don't like it where is this oh man this image classic rapist search and it looks just like him it's it's a big goof transparent pockets because why not I guess yeah sure also wait a second I don't think I didn't notice that shirt what this is this is Smash Brothers yeah this is how it looks in case you've never played smash Hot Wheels Stephen King's it's Georgie's boat my god yes I believe this painting is called The Scream I think but it's the Joker Batman The Dark Knight kgv uh-uh not a fan of this one hey wait a second this guy may have some explaining to do Oh God you made out who made a Lego set out of the the dancing coffin meme it's pretty funny though I can't deny ooh Oh No can you imagine opening your mailbox to that I would have a heart attack instantly oh come on McDonald's come on you didn't see this one coming you know in the testing phases oh man there's a lot of uh there's a lot of tables turning here the cab is now doing the homework and the girls sing to the music she's looking out in the distance oh and it's daytime what Luigi what are you doing in that anime get out of there ah classic this this cat is not very happy I would advise staying back him on the inside I don't like it poor cat was expecting food but alas it's just a box I'm sorry this is a Mike Wazowski TIE fighter this is a tattoo someone got willingly I hope of a Mike Wazowski Thai fighter who thought to combine those two things secrets revealed how to make bedrock of course it makes it just makes sense a bed surrounded by cobblestone my god okay Michael Jackson escaping the cops on a tricycle sure I guess what what Oh classic cosplay I love this little mushroom dude amazing oh the thing on the right looks like one of those things from ocarina of time those screaming monsters not a fan and what this does not look good whatsoever all right Oh Nicolas Cage hello you think that's cursed just wait okay well that guy in the middle has a normal backpack the other two guys in the ride and left Hey the Nirvana bags we'll have to do this is not how you bend over to collect your box of giblets and body parts this is careful don't hurt yourself wow man I got got by lightning guy by the second this whole time the Sydney Opera House there's just bowls and plates my god yes sir Pepsi and night and ooh oh man oh whoa all the bus looks like it's part of that building that white one oh god my head it hurts yeah that's right the tikis are actually all just giant Pez dispensers that Affinia sandwich I think this is a Phineas sandwich ladies and gentlemen boy the things you see on these subreddits oh man that poor guy just went right through we just got launched I don't like these pigeons looking at me like this you came into the wrong house fool oh my god Pikachu ate a man and now the man is trying to escape but in the process it's choking out this woman I've never seen this plane before I don't think this is how they and they're already taking off oh well oh come on why'd you gotta put the Pikachu's like that come on yes the three equal pokemon gun ones this one coming out intend oh well someone certainly tried to draw this dog very interesting oh my god the police station five controllers actually a transformer I'm all for it I'm down Real Talk though I actually do like the new design I like it a lot Phish bees pufferfish bees got some things on sale strange yeah got some soap sanitizers toilet paper of course what this person has the original doom it's just like it's doom on their fingernail because why not I guess oh my god I've always seen that the bottom image of the mouse as a mouse but I've never seen the computer mouse get caught in a mousetrap amazing Oh Rick Rick listen you don't have to do this what happened Rick look I like your song personally you don't have to do this just just think about what you're doing is that just king kim jeong-hoon on a roller coaster a ride okay I guess okay this taco has the power of God an enemy on his side more like saw three Peppa Pig yep I remember the scene in Peppa Pig where someone's head got exploded I'm a sexy skeleton under man and creeper only at conventions oh my god that duck pulled a sick drift good god he's a woman now and human ah yes a smashing plate we're having yeah look at that kitty just smiling I love it also the cupboard behind it looks very ominous for some reason everything in this image looks very ominous also if I'm not mistaken that's my ID card 64 and then in 64 back there hmm smoked wheat smoke weed everyday' I'm sorry mr. snail but I'm afraid you were going too darn fast oh my god it's Snoopy in real life who would have thought all this maybe get another carrying Snow White great sonic you and Pete pika Sonic I don't know what to call the bottom one I don't watch anime but I've seen that character with that hair before but it's Obama now magic God he's about to get decked by that statue stay over there oh my god can you imagine just well looks like you didn't stop in time [Laughter] you know every iteration of Superman is just great oh man I do not like this at all tad pigs Oh how'd it make yourself derp just get a mirror and put it there I guess whoa that is a thick Pam sandwich good God couldn't find your fancy gray socks well just step in a nice mud puddle I guess oh my god there's one thumb one two three four five six normal fingers I mean hey this guy could probably probably shred pretty good please touch only with your eyes thank you okay lady the sign didn't mean literally his eye sir toilet paper of toilet am no lady what did you do why did you kill Cookie Monster what this cars are willing amazing I love the cars with the headlights that come out this cat I never thought I'd see a cat wearing an anonymous mask oh don't Face Swap with your dead grandma come on where did my sister go what is the context of this image I want to know but I really don't ah great Will Ferrell with this Megamind cosplay why did they make celebrities do this presented to copa90 n-- for passing 1 million cases World Health Organization oh oh I get it I see it it's a mama wrench feeding her baby wrenches whoa ok minecraft ok I don't think that's how I don't think that's gonna get breath of the wild working on your Gamecube I'm sorry and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash worst images thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure did that subscribe button and the balancing you notified every time easy peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 171,976
Rating: 4.9462466 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, blursed images, blursed, reddit blursed, reddit cursed, reddit blessed, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: TM6mIQuC620
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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