Why Kung Fu Panda is an Unexpected Masterpiece

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funding for shaperless is provided by squarespace the sponsor of today's video from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business it has been a hot minute since i made a love letter to a dreamworks film like i think the last one was in december 2020 yeah we should probably get another one going let's see here eeny meeny miny you the universe has brought us my next dreamworks analysis video what what what what so uh kung fu panda is really good like really great like extremely excellent like incredibly [ __ ] amazing in ways you would never guess if you haven't seen it before from the tight screenplay with hardly any wasted scenes to the unbelievably stellar fight choreography and overall direction yeah i'm pretty comfortable calling this film a masterpiece i've been prone to overuse that term in the past i will admit but here we have a shockingly ambitious film that lives up to all of said ambitions and undoubtedly deserves the masterpiece label in my eyes i think most people and especially most people who watch my channel already know this but i also think it's about time i take a deep dive into why this movie is as amazing as it is and we'll get to the other two eventually don't you worry i just figured i'd start one of these dreamworks retrospective serieses off with the first film for a change cause i woke up in a logical sort of mood today for some reason and there was no way in hell i was doing the entire trilogy in one video like a bunch of you requested cause there's way too much to say about each individual film to do that this isn't like madagascar where my entire analysis boils down to this one is funny and this one is not funny didn't laugh the thematic depth of each installment in the funny jablinski games panda movie trilogy is incredibly significant and truly a sight to behold so let's finally dive into the first movie proper starting with the reveal of what's on the dragon scroll yeah we're just gonna get that out of the way right now and it's squarespace so that's the secret ingredient to building an amazing website who knew uh yeah let me talk about squarespace some more now and then we will get to funnypanda moments squarespace is a fantastic intuitive online website builder that allows you to create beautiful websites for your business or personal hobby present your work using squarespace's professional portfolio designs display projects in customizable galleries and add password protected pages to share private works with clients you can even present your videos from youtube vimeo and animoto on your squarespace site add an image overlay to your video to improve your website's load speed by waiting to embed video players until playback starts every design automatically includes a unique mobile presence that matches the overall style of your website so your content will look great on every device every time and if 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gone into typical dreamworks fart poop humor [ __ ] nonsense chicanery i mean you got a movie where jack black is a big fat panda how easy would it have been to just make the panda fart and have that be the humor we did it guys comedy is saved but yeah kung fu panda doesn't do that because it's a chad movie that actually writes and tells jokes a lot of the humor comes from poe's boundless enthusiasm for kung fu despite his lack of skill or talent as well as the contrast between his laid-back lifestyle and the rigorous attitude of shifu and the five the contrast even works well between poe and tai long one scene that always cracks me up is when poe has to reach the dragon scroll so he imagines it as a cookie tai long is completely oblivious to this fact however and assumes that the scroll has given him power it's a very funny little moment that also speaks to how much people underestimate pose unique abilities not only are the jokes as written pretty funny but the entire cast has such good comedic timing and they make so much of the humor lands jack black is excellent as poe and really breathes life into the character making him his own it's such a match made in heaven and i can't imagine anyone else playing this character it doesn't feel like a lame celebrity stunt casting like most seth rogen roles do and oh yeah seth rogens in this movie okay let's just move past that he's he's fine he's he's inoffensive in this it's just whatever i think ian mcshane's performance as tai long is really underrated it's not only menacing but he also does a great job with the larger-than-life comedic scenes there's a reason why finally a worthy opponent the battle will be legendary became a meme after all james hong as mr ping come on man i can't get enough of his voice it's so distinct and energetic and funny his love of noodles and soup is just so infectious you can feel the passion james hong brings to every role and this one is no exception lastly i wanted to highlight randall duck kim cause his delivery really does add a lot to the surprisingly effective comedic moments with oogway this turtle boy may be the wise old mentor figure but he's also allowed to have his fair share of kooky moments that endear us to his character without ruining the tone of important scenes one of my favorite examples is when he's like there is just news there is no good open only for shifu to tell him that tai long escaped with his response being that is bad news if you do not believe that the dragon warrior can stop him this joke works so well because it's a funny reaction we didn't expect from mubway but after a comedic pause he continues the sentence and reveals that he's not actually contradicting his previous stance attention funny joke that also does not undermine the character another example is when shifu asks him who the dragon warrior is and he just responds with i don't know because yeah he doesn't yet that's what the ceremony they immediately hold right afterwards is for even during his silliest scenes the movie always maintains oogway's wise persona and doesn't contradict itself which is how it's done so yeah the movie has a pretty good sense of humor it's not the all-time funniest dreamworks film or anything but it still has a lot of good laughs and memorable line deliveries that really stuck with me to this day but that's not really the main appeal of this movie let's talk about [Music] [Applause] bro how are the fights in this movie so good like what the hell i legit don't even know where these intense gripping utterly phenomenal action sequences came from dreamworks has never really been known for action before prior to this point they've just kind of been the funny haha shrek guys i guess the shrek movies have had some action in them but nothing on this level like we love the i need a hero sequence for the music the story tension the humor all that jazz phenomenal scene but it's not like the actual battle choreography is anything special but this movie is just god damn it's an actual martial arts movie with animated animals in fact looking into the movie's development it was first conceived as a spoof movie before jon stevenson one of the directors retooled it to be more of a character based wushia comedy obviously this was an excellent choice since dreamworks already had a big spoof franchise in the form of shrek and i doubt kung fu panda would be looked upon as fondly if it was just shrek again but a martial arts parody instead of a fairy tale parody in an interview stevenson stated our choice was not to do the parody or the simplistic comedy we said let's take kung fu panda which is an idea everybody gets comedically but then let's try and surprise everybody by giving them more movie than they might expect from the title let's try to make it a real martial arts movie albeit one with a comic character and let's take our actions seriously let's not give anything up to the big summer movies let's really make sure that our kung fu is as cool as any kung fu ever done so that we can take our place in that canon and make sure it's a beautiful movie because great martial arts movies are really beautiful looking movies and then let's see if we can imbue it with real heart and emotion we kind of hoped that maybe when people see the movie they'll be surprised that they get a bit more movie than they may be expecting from the title needless to say they succeeded kung fu panda was at the time the most complex film dreamworks had ever made from an animation standpoint and you can tell that just by looking at it the sheer effort it took to choreograph these fight scenes to make sure the kung fu was fast and dynamic and exciting while also maintaining a resemblance to real-life martial arts i truly do not envy these animators man but thanks in no small part to the top notch direction they really pulled through and delivered some beyond incredible sequences that i still feel are a bit slept on by the general public despite how well received this movie was like i'm shocked animation twitter does not pop the [ __ ] off every other week talking about the stellar choreography camera work lighting and feeling of overall awesomeness at play during every one of this movie's action sequences prior to his prison escape tai lung is talked about as someone to be feared but then we actually get to the prison and we see how impossible it must be to get out of here it's so far underground there's a thousand guards and only one prisoner one way in one way out and he's chained up in a giant turtle shell contraption he'll never get away oops he got away but the way he gets away is just oh man i'm still geeking out about it he uses a single feather to unlock the pressure points in his shell a feather he only got a hold of because shifu sent a messenger bird to the prison to make sure he didn't escape shifu's actions inadvertently caused this whole debacle which oogway did try to warn him about one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it everyone knows how that line foreshadows shifu's contributions to tai lung's escape but i personally think you can even feel the echo of it when tai long is trapped by these heavy weights only to break free thanks to the crossbows firing at him and breaking his chains yeah maybe you guys should have just not shot at him since he was still trapped but oh well live and learn assuming these guys did live because i don't know i think they might have all died in this fight anyway worthlessly we get to see tai lung's ingenuity at work using the crossbow ammunition a springboard so he can propel himself upward and then this [ __ ] shot man the contrasting colors between him and the arrows the immensely satisfying sound when they all hit the elevator just oh god it goes so hard i'm not going to do a play-by-play of everything in this fight scene don't worry but i just can't stress enough how flippin cool all of it is the movie sets up the sheer improbability of anyone escaping this place and then it shows us how effortlessly tai long makes quick work of every trap in his way and every guard unfortunate enough to cross his path it even manages to be stunningly epic while also keeping the comedic tone intact like when he stuffs a mace in this guy's mouth and cartoonishly sends him flying in the time it takes this guy to fly through the air tai long has already taken out like 10 other guys on ground level he then catches this guy and throws him into another guy i had to play this at 0.5 speed just to make sure that's what i was seeing just who choreographed this and can we give them a gold medal can animating unbelievably stellar fight scenes be an olympic sport now this scene is the moment where the movie proves it's more than what it was letting on it's more than just a cute goofy haha funny jack black panda comedy it's a god damn real ass kung fu movie and it deserves to be recognized as such i'll fully admit that the action in this movie hell and the entire trilogy really does kind of peak with this scene but it's not a huge gap the other fight scenes in this movie are definitely up to the same standard and they only barely fall short of this one like the bridge scene is just so phenomenal it's such a creative and precarious location for a battle to take place at you're constantly fearful that these characters are going to fall into the abyss plus tai lung's ferocity is even more potent here than it was in the last battle between him slamming tigris across the boards on the bridge and choke holding her with the ropes you just remain incredibly fearful of what he's capable of even when the five theoretically should hold the advantage they even still keep the humor intact with viper forcing tai long to hit himself and mantis inexplicably being left alone on rope duty it's just such an incredibly thrilling action set piece that concludes with an absurd display of tai lung's abilities like for real how did he do that it's also a great showcase for one of my favorite little details about the furious 5. the fact that they're all based on real life martial arts techniques meaning the animal they are actually informs their fighting style it's just so cool man oh my god they're so cool they're so cool they're so cool as for the next major fight in the film shifu vs tai long we'll talk about that one later since it's less about the stellar action and more about the amazing character drama the confrontation delivers but for now let's move on to that final confrontation between po and thailand it's the goofiest and most loosely choreographed out of all the fights in this movie which makes perfect sense since poe's brand of kung fu is so unconventional but the creative ways he keeps the scroll out of tai long's hands utilizing everything in his general vicinity and calling back to previous scenes during his training is a really nice touch i always particularly liked how he hid the scroll under a bunch of pots and mixed them all up as a callback to when shifu did that with his dumpling see there po actually played along with shifu's game and found it the way he was supposed to while tai lung takes the easy way out and just knocks all the pots away because he lacks patience and doesn't want to abide by the rules of the game and cause he's evil and [ __ ] it's a nice way of showing the contrast between the two characters overall i think what this scene does best is make it believable that poe could beat tai lung using all of his unconventional and unexpected tactics considering how tai long wins every single battle he's in over the course of the film the concept of our flabby panda buddy successfully taking him out at the end seems less and less possible but this fight really sells the concept that poe could eke out a win without nerfing tai long in the process especially because tai long kinda wins at first knocking poe down and getting the scroll only to realize that it's blank as [ __ ] knowing that the limitless power he hoped to acquire all his life was a lie he's probably not in the best mental state during his final confrontation and poe can easily take advantage of his blind rage it's ultimately a very effective final confrontation that trades in some of the more visceral action from earlier in exchange for a wonderful expression of what makes poe special speaking of poe and his specialness i'd like to talk about him and his wonderful journey over the course of the movie because he has a little something called imposter syndrome i sense the dragon warrior is among us that is impossible [Music] i touched upon this briefly in my shrek 2 analysis from many many years ago but one of the central themes of kung fu panda is that of imposter syndrome you know it's funny i didn't actually know there was a name for imposter syndrome back when i wrote the shrek 2 script despite having it all my life and in a post-emogus world i wish i didn't know the name for it and could live in blissful ignorance but that time has passed anyway while i do think imposter syndrome was handled in a slightly more compelling way in shrek 2 kung fu panda's depiction of it is still really strong poe pretty much experiences the textbook definition of it after oogway chooses him to be the dragon warrior seemingly by accident he's suddenly thrust into a prominent position surrounded by people he perceives as being much more capable and deserving of his title but poe's strength as a character is his unbridled enthusiasm and optimism he doesn't initially doubt he can be the dragon warrior he just assumes that first shifu needs to train him to fill that role and so he refuses to quit taking beating after beating but still staying for more because he believes he can do it initially he's pushing through the imposter syndrome but that doesn't mean it isn't still there one of my favorite scenes is when he accidentally barges into crane's room at night and like crane's trying to be courteous and nice despite the fact that he trained his entire life to reach a certain position and then it was just given to some random panda that fell right out of the sky but then crane blurts out you don't belong here which poe interprets as the same thing his imposter syndrome has been telling him deep down that he doesn't belong here at the jade palace training alongside his idols he could never hope to live up to he expresses his reluctant agreement with what crane said but crane feels bad about this and backpedals saying he was just talking about not belonging in his room so po leaves a little embarrassed but mostly relieved and then tigress opens her doors to say the same thing you don't belong here poe interprets this the same way crane apparently meant it that he doesn't belong in her room and then she proceeds to clarify that she doesn't think he belongs here at the palace learning kung fu alongside the masters and that he should leave if he has any respect for them the fact that she specifically said you don't belong here after crane did implies that she could hear their conversation and that she specifically chose the words that would cut poe the hardest it's such a great scene for establishing not only poe's naivete and earnestness but also how ruthless and blunt tigress is especially compared to the rest of the five who keep their frustrations and disappointment inside while we're on the subject i just like how the five are written in general and how distinct all their positions are on poe they're admittedly not the most fleshed out in this first movie or any of the other movies honestly but they all express differing opinions on poe through their dialogue tigress is incredibly frustrated with him and isn't afraid to share that fact mantis and monkey aren't afraid to crack jokes at his expense and viper and crane are more compassionate and concerned about his well-being there's also some solid growth where we get to see them gradually warm up to him over time but we're not there yet right now poe has been thoroughly ratioed by tigress and his imposter syndrome is taking over he tells ugwe about how much he sucked today and how much the five hate him and how he thinks he should just quit and go back to making noodles but oogway comes in clutch with the sage wisdom he's known for essentially telling him to put this day behind him and keep moving forward yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why it is called the present sopo takes this advice to heart and pushes through his imposter syndrome he pushes through an intensely rigorous day of training specifically designed to get him to quit he consistently fails but he refuses to give up in the hopes that he can live up to the expectations thrust upon him and the five start to take notice minus tigress of course but the rest of them start to bond with him performing acupuncture on him to heal his wounds admiring his cooking and joking around with him at dinner and for these brief moments poe finally gets to know what it feels like to belong alongside his idols but it doesn't last word comes in that tai long has broken out of prison and is on his way and poe doesn't take this news well and this right here this is the scene where all of it just comes out all of poe's insecurities and frustrations he's kept bottled up inside for so long he admits that he would rather be verbally and physically berated by shifu while trying and failing to learn kung fu because he prefers it over every day of his life just being himself he held out hope that shifu could train him to be the dragon warrior completely changing himself in the process but now he sees this as an impossible task and challenges shifu to prove otherwise which shifu isn't sure how to do and it's like [ __ ] man imagine being this discontent with your life and who you are only to suddenly get a chance to live and train alongside your heroes believing this is it this is your dream come true this is your chance to be the kind of person you've always wanted to be but everyone seems to hate you especially the person who's supposed to be your mentor your guide through this vast new world you're otherwise unprepared for and not only do you not have guidance or friends but you're the same person you were when you started you can't live up to these crushing expectations and become this entirely new capable person you expected to be by now it's honestly soul crushing but it's what poe has to go through but poe eventually overcomes this thanks in no small part to shifu overcoming his biases about poe we'll get to that in a bit before i discuss the resolution of poe's arc i think it's about time we talk some more about tai lung yeah we're not really supposed to talk about him tai lung is in my opinion a far more fascinating antagonist than a lot of people give him credit for i actually slightly like him better than lord shen from the sequel they're both surprisingly compelling villains but i think the sheer ferocity of tai long on top of his super dramatic story is what puts him over the edge for me like i said before his fight scenes are phenomenal and we got a sense of how animalistic and powerful he is in the prison break scene since he manages to pull off all of these feats without speaking a single word he's like the kung fu panda version of darth maul giving us an intense silent action scene first on top of a rich dramatic characterization later on the only difference is we get both of these in the span of one movie rather than it being in one movie and a tv show ten years after the fact so shortly after his prison break we get to hear tai lung's backstory recounted to us by tigris she is essentially just using it to make poe feel worse about himself so it has a purpose to the narrative while also giving us the audience exposition coolio essentially shifu raised tai lung as his son training him in kung fu and telling him he was destined for greatness to be the dragon warrior however oogway refused to let this happen due to the darkness he saw in tai long's heart tai long was outraged and laid waste to the valley trying to take the squirrel for himself all as shifu remained emotionally powerless to stop the boy he raised after oogway took tai lung down and sent him off to prison shifu was heartbroken and never truly recovered from this he never loved another protege in the same way as he did tai long presumably not only because he didn't want to raise their hopes too high like he did before but also because he was too afraid to express genuine care for anyone else lest he run the risk of getting his heart shattered all over again it's a fairly standard but incredibly well executed bit of backstory for both tai lung and shifu and more than anything else it expertly sets up their inevitable confrontation towards the end of the film this is without a doubt my favorite scene in the movie not just because it's a cool [ __ ] fight scene but because it's the perfect conclusion of both characters storylines tai long calls his old master his father figure out for abandoning him and denying him the title of dragon warrior once ugwe said no and even though he's not the true dragon warrior he's not wrong in pointing out how messed up it is for shifu to get his hopes up all those years to train him until his bones cracked only for him to find out that all of it was for nothing the true tragedy of the character is that you can see exactly how shifu made him this way how his constant praise was translated into arrogance how his insistence in tai long's destiny as the dragon warrior resulted in a genuine betrayal when it turned out shifu was wrong the scars of shifu's failure continued to haunt him for years resulted in him never truly being able to love another of his proteges he suffered his future students suffered but most of all tai lung suffered he sealed his fate by succumbing to his rage but ultimately it was shifu's well-intentioned but deeply misguided kindling of tai lung's ego that caused him to turn out as evil as he did it's why after a verbal confrontation and a fight with incredible art direction and intensely dramatic shots like seriously why does this movie go so hard for real we get this last moment between them where ty lung mockingly demands to know how proud of him shifu is and shifu solemnly expresses how proud he was and how his pride blinded him from what he was turning tai lung into the power in this scene derives from shifu fully taking responsibility for ruining tai lung's life with empty promises and finally telling tai long he's sorry and this one reaction shot of tai long this right here that's the best [ __ ] in the whole film it's the look of someone who despite all the evil they've done has nonetheless been genuinely touched by the apology the acknowledgment of negligent wrongdoing that set them down this dark path that they never expected to receive you even see his eyes start to well up before he realizes he's gone too far to turn back now and insists that he doesn't want shifu's apology but the eyes don't lie hearing a parent admit that they failed you instead of blaming you for your own shortcomings is some pretty powerful stuff and is especially rare to hear in a movie for kids and yet tai lung is too far gone too consumed by his hatred and too entrenched in the pursuit of the power he was wrongfully promised he wants his scroll so po shows up and they fight over it and blah blah blah other cool thematic stuff is revealed through their contrasting reactions to the scroll or something blah blah blah let's discuss now that we've covered poe and tai lung's journeys over the course of the film it's time to bring it all home and compare their reactions to getting what they've always wanted the source of limitless power the dragon scroll okay so before we get to that there's a really good scene earlier in the movie with oogway which i know is kind of a redundant sentence because every single scene with oogway is automatically really good but it's the scene where oogway tells shifu that he needs to let go of the illusion of control shifu has tried in vain to train po the usual way to implement the same level of control that he had during the training of tai long and the furious five and it hasn't worked out but through this clutch-ass peach tree metaphor oogway lets shifu know that he needs to be patient he can't make a peach tree blossom when it suits him nor bear fruit before its time but shifu's like well actually i can control where the fruit will fall and where i plant the seed so you're wrong plus ratio plus you fell off and oogway's like you silly head that plant is always gonna be a peach you may wish for an apple or an orange but you will get a peach and a peach can defeat tai lung if you believe in it you just gotta believe then ugly dies and the music is [ __ ] phenomenal han zimmer and john pal really pop the [ __ ] off and contribute to one of the most beautiful moments in the entire trilogy everyone loves this scene and i'd be remiss to not mention it at some point after this we get that scene where poe finally lets all his insecurities out to shifu and then the next day we see poe accidentally performing some advanced kung fu maneuvers in order to get food except there are no accidents are there no shifu finally understands the meaning of oogway's thrice repeated message and this is how it finally clicks for him that he can train poe by meeting the panda on his own wavelength and instructing him in a way he'll actually respond to with food god i'm [ __ ] hungry it's almost like different people learn differently or something and trying to standardize a method of learning will inevitably leave certain students behind i am going to send the ceo of the american school system a dvd copy of kung fu panda so they can see what a [ __ ] idiot they are sorry what was i saying oh yeah this is the first indication of the potency of the movie's message which essentially boils down to what makes you different makes you special it's a pretty standard message on its own but the way it's presented in this movie really does feel fresh and unique poe's distinct love of food his round physique and his boundless optimism against all odds all come in handy for him as he manages to beat his master in a kung fu dumpling battle and then after winning the dumpling he says he's not hungry a subtle callback to tigress saying the dragon warrior can survive for long periods of time without eating or maybe he just didn't want to eat the dumpling because it was bouncing around everywhere and it's probably really gross now that's probably the reason i'm trying to watch my calorie intake either way we've seen po go from complete embarrassing novice to someone who's actually pretty capable in the art of kung fu all because shifu adapted his training method to what worked best for poe and what brought out poe's unique inner strengths and after the five return home defeated it becomes clear that in order to beat tai lung it's time for poe to learn the secrets of the dragon scroll and become immortal but upon opening it what the [ __ ] yep this [ __ ] empty yeet everyone is justifiably really confused and scared since they all believe that poe is no match for tai long without the sort of supernatural power they assumed the scroll would give him and it's a perfectly reasonable assumption tai lung seems utterly unstoppable and if the furious 5 couldn't beat him how can poe do it without any special ability so they evacuate the valley and poe returns home to noodle dad james hang who sees how upset poe is and tries to cheer him up by telling him the secret ingredient of his secret ingredient soup and it's also nothing there's no need for any sort of special sauce or secret ingredient because to make something special you just have to believe it's special like oogway did when he selected po and insisted it was no accident like shifu did when he finally put his preconceived notions about poe aside and trained him in the way that brought out his special attributes and now it's time for poe to come full circle let go of his doubts deny his imposter syndrome and finally tell himself that yes he does deserve the title of the dragon warrior he stuck with his passion he put in the work and he earned the title that no one not even he thought he could live up to if his dad can make plain old noodle soup taste unbelievably amazing then why can't he a big fat panda become the legendary kung fu master he always aspired to be so po arrives to save shifu and do battle with tai lung keeping the dragon squirrel out of his hands by utilizing the unconventional abilities that make him special a perfect reflection of everything he's learned throughout his training process ultimately however tai long knocks him down and finally seizes the scroll for himself opening it up to once again reveal nothing he's obviously shocked but poe gently explains the scroll's meaning to him how there's no secret ingredient and that it's just him and where poe found the power to believe in his own strength through this revelation tai lung just can't do that his entire life he believed in the promise of greater power some sort of ability the scroll would bestow upon him in order to make him truly unstoppable his rejection of the true nature of the dragon scroll speaks to his inability to accept his true self and come to terms with who he truly is as poe has by pushing past his self-doubt and returning to fight tylong without any quote-unquote mystical power in tow poe proved himself to be the true dragon warrior and by rejecting the skrull's message as it was explained by poe tai lung proved that the title of dragon warrior is something he could never live up to he instead relentlessly attacks poe ultimately failing to defeat him due to a combination of poe's unique special attributes he's too flabby for tai lung's nerve attacks to do any damage something that was foreshadowed earlier when mantis couldn't find his nerves while doing acupuncture po also uses his girth to knock tai long around in unconventional ways and ultimately finishes with the iconic wushi finger hold something he picked up the knowledge of through his insane levels of dedication and passion to the art of kung fu skadoosh indeed i guess according to the third movie all this did was send tai lung to the spirit realm but i kind of like the eight years of bliss where we thought po literally just murdered tai long that's just me though and the ending is so wholesome and rewarding it's so great to hear the five most of whom belittled him over the course of the movie finally showing their respect and calling him master it's so great to see shifu finally find inner peace with the mistake he made with tai long finally resolved now that he trains the true dragon warrior there's even a cute imaginative 2d credit sequence with a similar art style to the opening dream sequence of the movie and a post credit scene i literally did not know this movie had a post-credits scene until this year when i started working on this video who knew i wonder if this video will have a post-credits scene the answer is no but let's move on to the conclusion is it possible for a critically acclaimed blockbuster that spawns an entire franchise to be a bit underrated cause that's how i feel about kung fu panda it's obviously still talked about and still beloved by a ton of animation fans but i feel like not enough people give credit to how artistically special it is under the surface of its goofy premise and silly jokes it legitimately stands as one of the most impressive animated action films ever made at the very least it's definitely got the best action in dreamworks entire catalog even outdoing its two sequels in this department it also offers compelling character drama for both its hero and villain wonderful music excellent art direction good humor just pretty much everything you could ever want in a movie i'm sure you've already seen it before but maybe give it a re-watch because it holds up exceptionally well and i would love to see more people discuss its dramatic strengths speaking of dramatic strengths you better believe i'm going to talk about kung fu panda 2 sooner or later that's a movie i absolutely have no trouble calling underrated so stay tuned for that and then i guess i'll talk about three as well i mean sure why not good night valley of peace [Applause] you
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 2,177,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, Kung Fu Panda, Po, Shifu, Tigress, Tai Lung, Mr. Ping, Monkey, Oogway, Viper, Crane, Mantis
Id: c0i2denrl7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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