The Big Lebowski explained by an idiot

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You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kitty015 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yeah. That video pretty much tells it all.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/abornemath 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the big lebowski the movie is in los angeles and we start with a texan feller given some narration about a dude called jeff lebowski who likes to go by dude who's a very bro dude chill not a person smokes a lot of weed and pays for sub 1 groceries with checks 69 nice so dude goes home and immediately gets his head shoved in his toilet by two goons asking about their money because his wife apparently owes their boss a bunch of money and they're like give us some money about it but then dude's like bro i'm not even married you got the wrong lebowski bro come on dude so they break some of his bathroom towels piss on his rug and leave and he needs some new toilet paper cut to the dude hanging out with his friends in a bowling hey it's mike wazowski i mean steve buscamish i don't know how to pronounce his name so he hanging out with steven fat vietnam veteran walter talking about how he really butt hurt about his rug and really dude your butt hurt about the rugged not the bathroom floor i mean you could trip on the floor and [ __ ] up your foot and [ __ ] but the rug come on man anyway walter keeps going [ __ ] you steve you stupid [ __ ] and tells the dude that the power mistook him for this other [ __ ] with the same name who's filthy witch and is married to the strawberry wife called rabbit bunny and he gets it in his head that he's the one responsible for his pissy rug and the dude should go take it up with him and he should reimburse him for the busy bug so dude calls up to rich lebowski goes over to his mansion and his assistant short conor bryan here showing him some of his awards like oh yes this is the key to pasadena that mr laboxy likes to lube and shove up his ass every once in a while yes i want these other underprivileged kids he springs to college he has rich lebowski comes in and he is a potato bound to a chair and he's also fat as [ __ ] then he proceeds to throw some shade at the dude and the dude throws some shades on see that plate i should continue to stop sucking my dick big jeff tells dude he's lazy bubbling dude walks out telling short corner everything's fine man big man told me take any rug i want take it home yeah it's all good so he picks out a rug and while he's leaving he sees bunny jeff [ __ ] of a trophy wife and a drunk nillas nihilist i don't know how you say that word is it tomato or is it tomorrow who knows top 10 unsolved mysteries next day baby bowling [ __ ] walter arrives babysitting his ex-wife snuggle because he's a [ __ ] simp then pulls a piece cause smokey over here stepped up with a line and tries to knock down an eight i don't know like i think those are the points he got i don't bowl the point is he broke a rule walter ain't happy about who so he pulls this stupid [ __ ] because he's a fat crazy vietnam veteran simp so someone calls the cops on him but they leave and the cops arrive immediately after all right so the average response time of the police in america is 10 minutes okay so technically speaking fatso the [ __ ] came all the way over only to spend 10 minutes there whatever later on big jeff calls the dude up but not about the rug me the matcher is more serious because the whole has been stolen or kidnapped yep kidnapped and the bad guys want big jeff to drop a million dollars of ransom money in exchange for the whole but big jeff is a big fat [ __ ] and he wants uh the dude to do it because they think that he is big jeff and he can confirm if they're the same goons that piss on his run and in exchange for his services the dude will get 20 thousand dollars okay honestly cool sex offender jesus he's a person in this movie that ultimately doesn't matter but i really wanted to mention dude tells walter about the easy doe he's about to score which is a very unwise thing to do because dropping off ransom money could get you killed you brain dead idiot but whatever he also tells walter that he thinks the whole kidnapped herself to suck some more money out of big jeff then we cut a dude listening to some soothing bowling noises and these three peeps show up and knock him out he has quite a nice acid trip wakes up without his road then big jeff hits him up the kidnapper is called and they want the mullah so he goes over there and is instructed to go alone but takes walter with him because once again brain dead [ __ ] anyway walter be like listen i was thinking we should keep the million dollars because the [ __ ] kidnapped herself we who the [ __ ] and the [ __ ] didn't kidnap herself okay she's really kidnapped oh she's gonna die dude if we don't give them the money okay this whole she kidnapped herself talk was just conversation okay just a thought man listen even if she really is kidnapped we'll just grab her from the kidnappers and take the money too and leave with both easy peasy man that sounds like a [ __ ] awful plan nah it's a beautiful plan dude nice and simple just like nam could you shut the [ __ ] up about goddamn vietnam we didn't even win that one but then they get a call from the bad guys telling them to throw the money off the bridge so dumbass's plan here is moot okay it doesn't matter so he's thinking on his feet and throws his dirty underwear out instead of the money okay then he jumps out the car his hidden uzi goes off luke crashes into a pool and the bad guys take his underwear and run away why the hell did you jump out of the [ __ ] car you goddamn fat [ __ ] what if they looked inside and found no money and saw you jump out the car huh how the [ __ ] is that a smart move he would you'd be driving away and you would be stuck right there dead huh what if they had a sniper posted up what if this is just stupid on so many levels anyway fatigue is like [ __ ] it let's go bowling so they do that and dude sitting there with the phone ringing in his lap just trying to comprehend what the [ __ ] just happened like and walter ain't no help either cause he's just too worried about the timing of their bowling tournament and how the [ __ ] are they still even in it didn't do get a phone call saying that their team was disqualified or some [ __ ] because walter pulled out a gun the [ __ ] doesn't matter cuz they leave find out that the car has been stolen he's like [ __ ] the briefcase was in there so let me get this straight you left a briefcase that has a million dollars inside of it and your rusty toaster of a vehicle but you kept the phone are you out of your mind that's rule number one of leaving valuable [ __ ] in your car don't do it so he reports his stolen car to officer discount shore corner brian and officer i'm at [ __ ] everything then gets a call from a lady about his rug goes over to her place to find her doing naked flying art and she comes down and gives him a paper to wash off all the paint that's on his face and how the hell are the only couple drops of paint on his face she was flailing those brushes around like she was helicoptering a dick what the [ __ ] he should be covered in pink anyway she talks about vaginas and sex and tells him that she is big jeff's daughter but she hates him because he's a jerk and he stole a million dollars from the get these kids to college foundation and bunny is his ho over trophy wife that owes money to porn people and she knows about this whole kidnapping ordeal and she thinks that he handed off the money to the kidnappers so she tells him if you bring back the money i will give you uno hundred tolerance that is not how you say hundred king spanish also she stole his rug because it's of sentimental value to her also called chungus she sends him home in a limo and somehow the amount of average in this cup keeps increasing from shot to shot to shot it must be some sort of magical cup and i want one he gets home and notices that a beetle has been following them when he gets stolen to another limo with big jeff and conan and big jeff goes you [ __ ] this up where's my money they're gonna kill her listen man your wife's a crazy [ __ ] she owes money to a bunch of poor dudes and she kidnapped herself man oh yeah well we got this letter observe her severed pinky toe so now they're gonna pee on his life if he doesn't fix this [ __ ] so he goes take some advice from walter but walter he's being allowed obnoxious [ __ ] american and a bad friend so he goes home and takes a bath then these goth nazis come and throw a pharah at his pee pee and go like where is the manila skin we believe in nothing lebowski they are going to cut off they leave and he's next day comes when he goes to pick up his car because the carinos found it but the briefcase is gone wait did he look for the briefcase in the backseat this jackass really didn't even put the briefcase in the trunk what a stupid kumquat anyway cops like lol and he goes to the bowling alley to see steve and walter walter keeps being a [ __ ] like you know what you really kill the vibe here dude with your whole life threatening life or death situation you're put in right now that's really sensitive and could kill you [ __ ] you we got our bowling tournament to worry about let's go steve then this dude shows up next time gives him some compliments and some advice then leaves okay one how did he arrive so silently just listen to him leave dude arrived like a [ __ ] ninja two what the hell is this man saying sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar will eat you bar barn the subtitles i watch this with says bear which kind of makes sense but still speak normal you yankee doodle [ __ ] and three i understand this guy is the narrator from the beginning of the movie but who even is this guy man doesn't matter next up naked lady calls him he goes over to her place and finds baldwin french stash who's slightly insane and keeps laughing like she tells him to go check out the doctor because they knocked him out in the face and you know check his face up and [ __ ] and she takes a call and they go like he goes to the doctor and the doctor checks out his penis and he just goes along with it and then he be drinking and driving because once again [ __ ] gets freaked out by the bill that's fallen and crashes into a pole again and i have a question can you not wash the rug is this pea stain gonna stay there if you wash it because it seems to me like you could have washed it man avoided all this nonsense but it doesn't matter he finds a clue in the scar of who stole it it's a test result of a kid teenager and goes to the kid's house with walter because somehow they found his house because of the name of the thing and whatever he takes walter over there because he has learned nothing from the last time he cloned quote helped him they arrive like [ __ ] kid who already bought a corvette with a money dog they knock on the house and lady opens up and invites them in because that's normal to invite people in without having any form of id dads in a [ __ ] polio machine and the kid comes out and they try to squeeze the truth and the money out of the kid but he ain't budging he got a poker face to end all poker faces so elsa's like all right [ __ ] face you won't talk then you better look outside and he goes outside starts messing up the corvette and i bet it even the kid's car and yep called it it ain't his car it's neighbor's car he comes out like i know what to do you [ __ ] [ __ ] i just bought this guy last week why you [ __ ] i [ __ ] your car now i [ __ ] your car alright fair knife you crazy gringo bo how do you know that it is indeed his card not just some random rust pocket on the street doesn't matter they leave and dude tries to do the smart move and unfriend walter over the phone also tries to secure his door shut but [ __ ] doesn't know how the door of his own house works and the piss bandits just waltz in then we cut to some flying titties whoa they take it to jackie tree porn who's the porn dude that bunny owes money to and he wants her and the money i guess i don't know then porn dude excuses himself and dude go snooping around for some clues but finds a porn doodle what is this mr tree porn comes back and drugs the dude dude has another sick acid trip and ends up on the street the cops find him and they beat him up and send him home and then the taxi driver throws him out on the street because he didn't like the music he was playing and then buddy drives by with all her toes and i'm gonna be honest here i didn't know it was bunny until i saw all her green toes you know some people be dick has been all like all black people look the same all asians look the same being all racist and [ __ ] i say no basic white [ __ ] however indistinguishable from one another unimportant dude guy gets home and finds out his house has been trashed and the naked ladies they're like i want you to [ __ ] me jerry [ __ ] me so he does indeed and then she's doing this yoga [ __ ] and he'd be like the [ __ ] that oh i'm trying to conceive a baby oh no don't worry i just want your sperm i don't want you i want to raise the baby on my own okay far out then they get to talk about the million dollars in this case and how her dad actually broke and he once again stole the million dollars from those underprivileged kids putting them to calls and [ __ ] and dude goes like oh this case just gotta blow wide open wider than your legs so he calls up walter like you gotta come pick me up and take me to big jeff right now yeah no one gives a [ __ ] about you being jewish walter why is this dumbass dudes enlisting the help of [ __ ] up walter again you don't even need him this time your car is somehow still functional [ __ ] use it whatever walter's on the way and duke confronts the fat bald widow in the beetle who's a private detective hired by bunny's family to find her because she run away from home and ultimately he does not [ __ ] matter cut to golf nazi zuma and walter driving to big just mansion bunny's back she just went out partying with some friends i never bought to tell anybody that she left and big jeff pissed now listen here's what's going on big jeff was pissed that this hoe was sucking his already empty bank account drive so when she left and the goth nazis somehow knew that she left and said this whole fake kidnap scenario he jumped that opportunity to steal some money from the poor little kids that go to college keep it himself and then give the dude an empty briefcase and claim that he stole it therefore the [ __ ] is gone he got some money two birds one stone but the dude is not that [ __ ] he pieced it all together and he confronts big jeff and big jeff's like up yours the dude calls him human paraquat and walters like he's a phony you're a [ __ ] body and he believes he can walk so he goes over to prove that i know you've been dropped on your head as a child walter but there is never a wise move to do without concrete proof told you after that they leave go bowling sex offend the jesus be mad as [ __ ] and the dude putting nail polish on the severed toe what they try to go home but on the way they see the dude's car on fire with the goth nazis and ze vance manila they fight the germans forget to use their only gun well maybe it was fake who knows and they lose the captain diabetes here [ __ ] finally heals of some uca and steve dies of a heart attack because yeah that happens so they cremate him to scatter his ashes and find out that the urn is going to cost 180 [ __ ] dollars what the hell they're gonna put them in a coffee can aren't they yup totally call it again walter says some nice words about steve although he was a complete dick to him to learn the movie who gets married walter because his brain has small pp and he's carried ashes all over him then they go back to bowling and the narrator cowboy shows up for one last time this movie has 13 weeds out of five launchers [Music] you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 975,452
Rating: 4.9593387 out of 5
Keywords: The Big Lebowski, the big lebowski explained, the big lebowski recap, the big lebowski review, everything wrong with the big lebowski, movie recap, movie, recap, spoilers, funny, haha, lol
Id: YtkHB9bUC34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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