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this is what donkey would have looked like if he had drank the human potion instead of Shrek wasn't it just a handsome potion but still if it was a human person yeah I can see this everyone my name is Jake and welcome to rare insults where we're gonna be looking at insults that you don't hear that often hence the red bit that's why they're rare insults nice kanye west tweets out easy slides ed says wouldn't wear these things if they could make me walk to be fat they do look like those like $1.00 shoes you can get from any like supermarket there should be a zoo of drunk white people doing stupid stuff yeah there is it's called florida and you could read about the stupid stuff they do on the news every day cody KO and his girlfriend this fool is digging himself with a wig no now he's got a point so anyway computers are just rocks we tricked into thinking using electricity to people receive a pair of those sunglasses for free after their first sexual assault charge cool ahh rest in peace anyone who worse this is Kaylee says no sometimes that's act true Fraser says hmm something I'd expect there from someone who spells their name using leftover scribble tiles that's so good for real though like I'm sorry if your name is Kaylee but who spells Kaylee KH e yl I I but that's not how you spell Kaylee this beauty pie video the blonde girl was so basic that if you dropped her an acid it simply balance the pH I guess you could say that was a chemical burn chemical burn know this apparently kid you know this kid ruined Santa Claus for his class yeah and apparently Santa Claus isn't real he's just a made-up person little pomp God his kids are gonna say that first words before he does well pump the type of guy to lock himself in a motorcycle you just imagine him calling oh I'm stuck I stuck and then they come up to him he's like just saw his motorcycle with it locked Hannibal stands like he's waiting to be created into a custom player huh hey is someone gonna customize me come on come on someone please customize me Minister of Health in Belgium I guide others to a treasure that I cannot possess I always wondered what you looked like when your health bar was a 300 percent Oh or maybe she consumed the previous health ministers and gained all their knowledge so she's actually immortal and she's like the healthiest person ever I'm slaying I'm slaying I'm so laying new so where I played you on Wii Sports tennis mat no ma is that you Oh what happened yeah Jaden looks like he's trying to hide his drug addiction by intentionally making himself look like he's addicted to drugs hmm yeah kind of oh yeah wearing all the Louis V outside Louie V just to be clear this does not protect you from anything except the shame of being publicly recognized while wearing this hmm unless you post it publicly and then everyone can see you oh he looks like John Cena had a baby with the Blue's Clues guy is a Muslim or that is less Michael more isn't the worst introduction on Kitchen Nightmares hmm she's a living paradox she looks like she wants to talk to the manager but she is the manager I'd like to speak to myself huh basic stuff but it's cheap and you can wear it dude talks like he's trying to fill up the word count on an essay that's due at midnight honestly screw viruses they're not even alive they're just strands of punk-ass DNA that go around messing up as normal and god-fearing life-forms you don't even have a nucleus you stupid bacteriophage looking horizontally transmitting RNA clump ah well you heard it here first coronavirus is no more it has just been destroyed it's over breaking news video game players are urged to play at reason times to avoid putting an extra strain on Internet networks during the corona virus outbreak online gaming is the biggest threat to Internet bandwidth these next few weeks this guy probably thinks all games are like Super Mario Bros and whines about them while watching beachhouse 2020 edition and college frat boy adventures I just love the fact that he's using bandwidth to tweet this like how ironic could it get this guy you look like an apple product I don't know what it is but yes he does maybe it's the adverts up all day you know like the plain background plain shirt just very plain slashed roast me all right guys give me your best shot you look like you lost interest in Billy Eilish after she turned 18 oh no no people in our little air B&B spots so we're just hanging out with them yeah for 24 looks like Riley Reed found the National Guard's donut stockpile oh yeah it's true it is true she looks more like Miss Piggy now in my opinion whatever this thing is oh my god what is this thing he looks like the final cologne boss you have to fight in the middle of the mall oh you don't want to try my samples well step up I'm in a health bar apes' every said goatee looks like the kind of guy to murder someone then turn himself in yeah I can kind of see that and yeah he is just somebody we used to know now guys yeah he's gonna kill someone these two people in boombots they look like they were actually born from a Walmart we were born here we will die here wow I didn't know the Minecraft grass blog create a twitch channel he does look exactly like a dirt blog why would he choose that hair color little Jason's first selfie oh yeah making his last mmm it looks like he's about to fire mr. incredible it does look exactly like that guy get a picture of him the drummer looks mad cuz he forgot his way mmm yeah drama looks like he forgot to lock his apartment and now he can't focus on anything he's very concerned drink the type of guy to wake up everyone and tell them that he's going to sleep yeah yeah just just like a douche bag he's probably not a douche bag but he looks like one I don't want to tell you you're wrong I just deeply disagree with you on a personal level I have never heard such a hardcore passive yet ruthlessly aggressive remark ever gosh darn I kinda want to know where this quotes from now that's very accurate um is your brain formed out of dried waffles people on discard to savage my discard is gonna be starting soon by the way just just a plug it's not yeah you could join it but it's not finished yet it's gonna be good this guy in court yeah he's obviously guilty it's written all over his face if he had the word guilty written on it that would just be perfect literally perfect so if the Queen dies Big Ben explodes what happens when Prince Charles dies an organic carrot in the ground in Cornwall wilts as an American this is exactly how I imagined English banter yeah this is all we joke about just the Queen and Princess Charlie makes a good villain even though he is about as intimidating as a grapefruit and an Oprah I've seen some pretty intimidating grapefruit in my time I'm a weeb yeah you're the kind of weed that would go to Japan and wonder why there aren't subtitles so yeah you're not really a weed guys look at two minutes 20 he looks like a 3d model character you could probably use the Hannibal one from earlier on this guy like he looks like he's ready to be customized yeah you're trash go play action man you waste of oxygen how about you speak better English you failed lab experiment there are these Xbox chat such as wild she looks like fungus from Monsters Inc after he got put through the scream extracted her the little purple dude I love Justin but the dude looks like he spends his free time lifting up rocks in his back garden looking for cool pocket is that like a smart way of saying he's dumb if he looks dumb trip you read he looks like the type of person to fart in the toilet and then flush it I've actually never heard this insult before but everyone's getting annoyed that Oh it's been said loads of times and apparently it was first used at Drake and yeah I can see that too kids react - mm-hmm it's not appropriate for kids wow the girl who said it isn't appropriate for kids is the type of kid that will tell that teacher because the class is sharing answers yeah if you would this kid no one liked you okay not a single person liked you this is the man who invented the Scoville scale or the spicy scale yeah this guy's the type of guy to have a pistol duel over a blanket cuddle if he looks fifty or five what is it yo why does he sound like how a dry snake looks who is this person who's he talking about billionaires son trying to be relatable if he was a spice heat the flower intellectual filmmaker bruh his videos look like a 12 year old who just discovered iMovie and his face looks like the default one before you customize your character a third one of customisation and you can customize your character too by clicking on screen enjoyed that doesn't actually help you customize your character that was a lie but it's another video if you want to watch that you can following if you want to I don't mind
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 361,105
Rating: 4.9511719 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: Qr5XMj5bjBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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