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translate this sentence eat drink and do bozell I am drinking and you are paying Wow I never thought I would find a choosing beggar in duolingo huh everyone my name is Jake and welcome to choosing beggars well we're gonna be looking at people who don't deserve more but they want more it's like come on bro just be more grateful I'm giving you this for free you get it for free stop whining enjoy hi I'm a huge fan of your work it very good I need you to draw my OC because you good artist and I like your arts a lot I don't have any money but would mean a lot to me for you to draw my OC for free if you ignore this then you're a mean artist and I won't be a fan anymore Oh No so you won't be a fan of me anymore if I don't draw your OC for free mmm-hmm that's right but I still will be a fan when you draw my OC because you're a nice artist and didn't ignore me like other artists oh okay then I'll be a nice artist and draw your OC for free good here's a reference of my OC there reference which I've crossed out for their protection okay done here you go no I want a full-color drawing of this not a sketch oh my bad there you go yeah no I wanted an actual drawing as good as that booty girl you drew you asked me for free art so I give you what's worth free art you're a mean artist that don't even want to draw for their fans I'm really poor and have nothing but you don't even have kindness in your heart to make me a good drawing of my OC for free yep a nice iPhone X selfie in your profile picture by the way honestly for free that's kind of a good picture I wouldn't complain him the North Face is giving health care workers a 50% discount fork over 19 Oh but screw the rest of the essential workers who cares about them who entitled much it's like they give you 50% up for some people who cares like they give 50% off for some staff members like do you say oh why are you giving this up I work for a different company why aren't I getting the fridge girl with a very large Instagram following asks for free stuff from a small business during a pandemic hey I would love to do a collab with you my Instagram is blank I have over 2k on that and I think my followers would love your products I will make it a highlight on there for your product and advertise it with my own pictures what do you think hey hun more than happy feuds a post about it after you have purchased I was just wondering would you send some products and I would promote them what do you think my lovely I love unfortunately I do not give away items for free I already have them priced very low at 2 pounds per pair of earrings including postage would you send a pigment and a pair of earrings what you think lovely and in return I will put your D pop in my Instagram and promote your products hmm I'm sorry but if you have 2,000 followers no one's buying anything like you do a promotion for a product you're getting zero sales like I have a bit more than 2,000 followers I don't think if I posted anything I would get any sales but I don't think any of you would care right if 2300 don't have 2300 any lower okay if you paid today $2,000 hmm I've got $1,000 in a baby krookodile I don't know what he's gonna buy but that baby crocodile might be worth over a thousand I would kind of want a baby cook at the whole Assassin's Creed 2 is free again after the Valhalla reveals oh great they give us one of their oldest games for free how generous Ubisoft and yet still one of the best Assassin's Creed games in existence introducing the best assassin in the entire series yeah but it's so old I don't want that 2009 Shh I'm gonna go complain on other websites about how I can't get free games that I want ah looking for free laptop for work 0 pounds I am looking for a laptop that I can use for my work and home it's size can be anywhere from 11 inch to 15.6 inch I will need it delivered to my address will be given if I accept your offer Franz I would accept Microsoft HP Acer Asus Lenoir Oh Apple etc okay there's two things I'm kind of pointing aiya will be given if I accept your offer like you're getting a free laptop bro are you gonna decline it and then saying Bruns I would accept and then leaving etc in it does that mean you're gonna accept all of them one-star I don't like this game anymore but it won't let me get a refund if only that's how everything worked like oh I've just watched this movie I mean as well get my money back right I mean I'm not gonna watch it again from the same theater oh yeah the popcorn as well I already ate that I'm not gonna be able to eat it twice you may as well give me my money back guy gets a fine as a consequence of his own actions and asks a friend to split the fine because they happen to be there too hey you know that day I drove through the bus lane when I was with you I got a thirty pound fine so we'll just go Hobbs on it you were there with me and it's only fair no I'm not giving you anything you were driving this guy went on a adding random people spree and then has the nerve to post this looking into the comments I can confirm most of them don't even know who he is so if you aren't helping me with a place to crash you will be blocked smiley face I helped all of you and it's time to return the favor I am offering 240 dollars to let me stay at your place if you can't do it because of personal reasons that's okay if you tell me you can't because you don't know me you'll be blocked you shouldn't have added me if you want it to be a [ __ ] well I mean I would help you but you know I live in the UK and I don't actually know you most people aren't happy to let strangers stay but that aside your superiority complex would make it a big no from me thumbs up who wants random people on Facebook just like oh yeah sure you could be my friend isn't it for like close friends and family isn't that what it's supposed to be done King doughnuts we're offering a free medium hot or iced coffee and a doughnut to all nurses and healthcare professionals on five six all you need to do is number one when ordering say you're a nurse or healthcare worker therefore the offer number to order a medium hot or iced coffee and doner at number three go on and Crow your day and it's also teacher appreciation week - I'm all for the nurses and appreciate them but you guys don't appreciate any of the frontliner wait I thought teachers were like off school aren't schools all closed and you online now my uber driver just stopped to give a beggar some change I was going to compliment him very kind the beggar yelled 75 cents I don't want this and threw it back at the car I just experienced the literal biggest can't be choosers and it makes me sad I don't understand that kind of logic because if everyone gave you 75 cent you'd have a dollar fifty three dollars six started keep going up that's kind of a lot of money so why you hate him VE Day if anyone local to me is out for a wander and passing by lady he'll drive around 2:30 p.m. onwards I will be leaving some bagged up homemade scones and cake on a table on the drive perfect for your afternoon tea at 4:00 p.m. will there be any other snacks I can't eat scones due to an allergy I'm on a long walk and we'll be passing that direction about then worked up a big appetite and some sandwiches would be great also any drinks thank you in advance no you won't be getting anything bro who is this Taiwan's 50,000 masks donation has arrived in Toronto oh cool thanks Taiwan only 50k didn't China send millions yeah they might have but they're still donating 50,000 like I'm not gonna say no I don't know what that person's done probably nothing on my Facebook marketplace this lady was asking for all of this stuff for free and free delivery she had at least three more lists of stuff what we got living room of the stove dining room I don't know what these two are I assume that's kitchen kite there's a kite over here and telescope and Mike why do you need to tell us wait what's magic stuff look at that stuff is she expected there coronavirus naik is donating thirty thousand shoes to frontline health care workers so people think Knights neat for free help what about the real heroes who have lost their jobs in a trying to keep their family together and feed them kinda stupid to donate shoes to people making huge money in overtime wait did they just that I'm just getting on to the next one I'm not even gonna comment um my sister stopped at Starbucks on her way to work the night shift as an RN her Starbucks app wasn't working properly and realized she didn't have her wallet to pay for her drink unfortunately they wouldn't even give her a complimentary coffee on nation Nurses Day I can't believe you don't support frontline workers during this unprecedented time shame Starbucks isn't required to give you free drinks just because they aren't giving away free drinks doesn't mean they don't support them but I'm pretty sure Starbucks are giving away free drinks to frontline workers right like a lot of them are so the graphics designer who did my first three covers for only $100 just upped his price on me for the rest of the books I want to self-publish he says that six more covers are worth way more than $200 total and that he gave me the special pricing before as a favor because we're related now he's asking two hundred and fifty dollars for each new cover design not total each I told him to take a hike and that he's too greedy for his own good and that no cover graphic is worth that much I don't know where the little punk gets off thinking he can rip off authors like that if anyone knows a graphic designer who won't try to gouge me for basic services hit me up in the comments Oh looks like I lost a lot of friends today over a simple post stating how I felt about getting ripped off over some cover designs that's okay screw everyone who left the guy who did the designs is terrible at his job anyway anybody who took his side over mine I don't need to be friends with these guys gonna be really confused when he logs on like the next day and he realizes he no longer has any friends because they all deleted him and blocked him huh where my friends gone it must be a glitch social-media influencer requests us to send her five to six items we refuse and she gets it angry the items you have are adorable I am a local social-media influencer I have around 27,000 followers love and I would love to promote your items oh thanks for contacting us we would appreciate any support from you yes babe would you send me items to promote for my page like a sponsorship we are a small business so we haven't started doing any kind of investments in promoting our items through influences um babe you won't regret my promotion I can get you a bunch of people to buy from you trust me love you can send me five to six items and I'll post them regularly babe no thanks watches your business falls down she becomes like this evil demon how do you afford this example maybe you could get me to twenty-seven thousand followers on this theorem so i could demand free stuff from random small businesses please look Instagram Twitter thanks I watch another video as well you me as well yeah once you follow me in stuff
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 249,648
Rating: 4.9627194 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy, $$$, $5000, donation, how to invest, best way to use money, inheritance
Id: jeZM6UilyRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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