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hello I saw your ad though the ps4 how wonderful I'm currently selling it for one hundred and fifty dollars I feel like that's a bit high can we go down to around fifty dollars I don't have that much money yeah no sorry I'm pretty firm on my price I can't go that low I'm really sorry ah freaky you oh I'm sorry I can go down to like 130 is that fine you only went down $20 seriously I'm having a rough time $50 shut the Frick up if you are having it rough you don't go looking for a gaming console screw off will you if you're going to throw my kindness in the trash I might as well throw any kind of prick to give I'll be giving you one star on the marketplace screw you oh can you not afford any more stars do you want to discount fukui you I swear one hundred and fifty dollars for like a ps4 pretty good even going down to 130 I'd be like probably nah everyone my name is Jake and welcome to choosing Vegas where we're gonna be looking at beggars who accuses you they want the free stuff but we're not giving them the free stuff and then we record the messages and it's funny enjoy this person received free glasses and left the only negative review of this company the owner calls out her BS went in to get some new glasses and was told to pick out some frames I liked after doing so I sat by myself trying them on and no one helped me make sure I was making a right choice in a frame for my needs I picked a frame that was blinding because of the side arms I tried driving and thought I was going to have a wreck I couldn't see out of them properly when you pick out a frame a sales assistant should help you first because you can't see out of them until the lenses up or in so it's important to get help to make sure they are right for your needs these were not and so now I have to pay them to get replaced no one sat with me to help me fit them properly or go over what any issues might be the sales help lacks in any help at all I have never gone to get glasses where they don't sit with you and help you make the right choice these people just take your money and you're done go to America's best better deals and service for sure response from the owner Wow you received a comprehensive eye exam for free one pair of eye glasses for free and then another pair of eye glasses for free totaling two pairs of eyeglasses and the eye exam all for free all of this absolutely no cost and instead of a thank you we get a scathing review it's times like this that make me rethink my position of giving back to the community as much as I can afford to give back but I will not let you nor anyone's way blank opticals 35 year commitment since our inception in 1984 of giving back to the community as much as we can afford to give back Wow Dave you know what Dave just just leave it don't talk to this person she's word 7 k on anime figures bargain three hundred and twenty dollars hi I'm just saying the title is misleading as this is not a bargain how could he build children's toys be worth such a dime and live it in fact is these shouldn't go for more than two bucks each so I propose giving you $14 for all of them take it or I take you to court for misleading the public domain and criminal intent to commit fraud Thanks and do consider my every word hmm wouldn't say let me think about this for a minute you know I received this at 12:19 I'm gonna send this at 12:20 mainly go screw yourself okay if you could sue for this for misleading the public every single youtuber journalists etc would just be in prison because clickbait three year old game gets a random free update and choosing beggar still finds a way to be grumpy about it oh why didn't they put this into the game on release this game is almost three years old and you are still getting content for free and yet you still find a way to complain about it some people just can't be pleased it's not free content it's a marketing strategy that takes advantage of customers huh that's a new one well whilst you're sulking in your corner about being taken advantage of with free unexpected updates everyone else is going to be enjoying them may I suggest a new hobby it's not free content its content that was paid for upfront but not delivered until years later as a marketing strategy okay right I get it now you read the profoundly stupid or just a troll in either case I don't have time for this have fun never being appreciative of free things I guess I'm pretty sure it's free content like if they didn't have the the idea to do this content three years ago then they wouldn't have added it three years ago right I don't think they made it and withheld it for three years just so they could release it then that's not how it worked selling something for $300 you take $200 cash nope sorry prices firm how much can it make in 24 hours what are length wide tall or it's 24 pounds it's about one and a half feet tall one point three forty nine and a half inches wide I give you two to five dollars I can get one on Amazon for 136 dollars does 32 pounds okay then you can buy one on the Amazon then it's hard to shoot on people with the web I don't know what that means it retails for 499 dollars if you want the cheap one you can buy it from Amazon sell it buddy I am just not to you since you've got nothing in it you will still have it this time next year what does that even mean I'm actually heading to sell it right now with three people waiting in case they change their mind oh there you go look is the cash I got for it yeah gouging Oh looky you didn't fall for it then good luck with your amazon ice maker uh-huh yeah cuz you definitely found it online for cheaper and that's why you're coming here and really want it yeah my neighbors they have a huge driveway and I asked if my kids could ride bike in the driveway and she said no and they have a big pool too for hot weather and they said we can't use it so annoying oh wait your neighbor isn't giving you this stuff just just randomly and let you use it for free ah that awful neighbors then Timmy from Newark Inc says we'd like to receive donations in the exact amount he did just to help keep things organized all right to me you come here to see biggie you're getting donations that are donations are its hey here remind non-negotiable deal-breakers so don't swipe right if you are a short or less than 5 for 11 live with your parents or have within the last five years have roommates have never been out of country do not go on two-plus vacations a year watch MMA or boxing like anime don't have a clean home work less than 30 hours a week we'll need to work past the age of 65 I've ever cheated have kids have a cat slash cats don't love Mexican food are awkward in person and do not take initiative Oh who's gonna be the lucky guy that managed to get this gal Hood pips original donut says when generosity becomes an entitlement program it's called privilege I'm honestly wary of people reaching out to us and asking if we're going to give them a free birthday donor because we were closed due to a worldwide pandemic we furloughed our employees March 15th and we have been pivoting hard and hustling like crazy to keep the rent paid and the lights on until we are able to reopen safely in hire them back we will let everyone know when that time comes and we hope to see you all on your next birthday for your free donuts Nate please stop asking if we're going to honor missed birthday doughnuts wait people are asking for missed ones so like because the place was shut down and their birthday was during lockdown they're asking for everyone when they get out of it Wow like how bad do you want a donut for haut my family is giving away free scrap metal which resulted in this frustrating exchange I'm not gonna bother replying to her hi there yes it is we got lots feel free to stop by any time before 6:00 today to pick some out great thank you no problem I noticed in the photo there was a truck that held some of the scrap metal is that yours ah yeah that's our old 79 f150 haha part of the deal no sorry it's still a good working relationship okay I live over on orient not even a five-minute drive from your location I'll be home around 5:30 if you're able to drop the metal off to me oh I'm so sorry I think we have a misunderstanding the scrap metal is pick up only when I said we were using the truck to haul stuff I'm in a whole stuff out to our storage unit where we're giving them all away again if you are interested you can come by anytime before 6:00 if that doesn't work for you we're just gonna be back here tomorrow and Saturday just let me know and why not just drop off the pieces on the back of the truck to me I am five minutes away I don't have a truck to haul I'm sorry we're just not able to do that you can come over and pick pieces that will fit in whatever size vehicle you have though I'm sure we have something that'll fit on all sizes I just don't understand why you can't bring it to us this is our address okay fine spoke to my husband we will come pick up we need five or $10 for gas to get to you we have PayPal if that works for you you know what that's such a great idea Dora I'll transfer you right now you have bank transfer I'll send you 20 I miss will send you 20 just because it's such an issue for you I think this is a default message of I would like to buy your Jacqueline's Power Juicer for 115 dollars can you do 25 dollars oh yeah sure but there's a $90 pickup face hahaha okay fatty fatty Lamar I don't even have a picture of you have a phat personality ah yeah got it Thanks this 1993 Nissan for 1111 dollars is this still available and would you be able to donate it to me I have an inoperable brain tumor and in and out of hospitals so I have no money and have no job I can keep her alive how about you try keeping yourself alive first oh you see I don't know if that's her showing up like the guy just asked for a free thing so he's kind of a choosy beggar but yet anyone seriously looking to buy a slightly used shoved into Pizza one Sony rx100 mark seven four 850 dollars it's $1,200 brand new can I have it for free I really need one because I'm using my iPhone XS Max is my main camera bro you have an iPhone XS max like that's a really good camera what and also you shoved it into a pizza once please I need to know what happened there John and fours at these still available yes how much are they a hundred but can they maybe be 40 because that's all I have on me 70 and they're yours no because they are all ugly increased so 30 now because you're being unfair okay literally went down $30 from 100 early that was peridot he probably just wants rid of them but then you go down $10 ah perfect negotiating if you don't click the next video you're worse than Hitler that's that's as simple as it is you just worse than Hitler so you better click it I know it's free content as well but you better transfer me some money on the on the side please you don't have to do it just click enjoy you
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 337,553
Rating: 4.8916039 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy, buy gift, gift buy, ps5, buy console, buy ps5, how much is the ps5
Id: gaTMjDSU3uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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