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Jennifer Lopez says men are useless until they turned 33 JLo was swiping on tinder on behalf of a woman called Brooke who was looking for love oh by all means let's give a damn about relationship advice from a woman that collects engagement rings like she Stannis why 33 though I don't like what was so special about that number there is someone she knows that we don't if everyone my name is Jake and welcome to rare insults where we're gonna be looking at insults there you don't see very often you know the rabbit I say this every time but yeah it's rare insults enjoy vanilla ice is having a fourth of July weekend concert in Texas despite Corona I should be fine we're still allowed together in groups of 210 that's tragic poor guy this catfishing and then there's whatever the hell this is okay what a weird way to announce to the world that you've never had a girl sleepover oh wait you know telling me it's not like the movies where she takes off the makeup puts the hair down and she suddenly she's beautiful Oh DJ Khaled went from we do best - we depressed the pic on the right looks like the typical Miami neighbor who doesn't speak one word of English but is a great mechanic it is it all from Miami that could relate to this I'm sure it's really relatable I think this is blue face with his trousers down this blue face needs to put his pants up for adoption as clearly he can't raise them himself I thought this was over I thought this trend was the 2000s not now fellas pick your perfect woman you got five dollars smart $35 good body $75 fat three dollars great ex $200 and yeah two dollars ahh I use my $5 to buy five water bottles I sell them for $2 each and get $10 with this I buy ten water bottles and I repeat the process till I get 1 million dollars then I buy your mom and I still have nine nine nine nine five left yeah if only the water bottle system was that easy God we could just have infinite money all the time oh look it's uh I don't know his name I forgot his name yeah yeah this guy bro how is he even a human this man looks like an onion true yeah we'll call him onion boy there we go onion boy I think it was backpack yeah onion boy that's him oh-ho go see my girl tomorrow in Hollywood look it's the the wax figure Wow Kylie has one of the most realistic looking wax figures I've ever seen and I'm confident it's because Kylie is 75% silicone herself honestly yeah probably Dwayne Johnson says rip Kevin Hart wait did he actually tweet that huh I hope so what do you hope such a trashy joke was tweeted sounds like do you really need to sort out your priorities one of them could be gaining knowledge perhaps on the subject of the super Tatum's that allow you to instigate the inclination of willful ignorance in relation to a 1080p monitor hmm just a thought eight hundred and sixteen down boats oh you know those people that tell you to just be yourself yeah don't listen to them move it's not that who you are is a bad person or anything it's just that you know who you are you're just a bad person hmm how dare you reblog my posts but not follow maze if you find a gold bar in a trash bag will you take the whole trash can or just the gold bar the fridge cold AF write down time of death ya know you're not wrong though yeah yeah that's fair I guess that's like if a youtuber told you to subscribe but you only liked one of their videos you're not good are you that's why I never tell anyone to subscribe because they might watch one good video and then they watch the other words at that like oh yeah you should notice subscribe if you watched like loads can we ban your momma jokes from this serb they're old stupid and have been done by literally every hundreds of times just like yo mama haha yo mama's so back her memory foam mattress wishes it could forget oh please please let me live let me breathe kind of feel bad for attractive people who are now having to communicate with them words for the first time and realizing they don't have a personality I feel attacked well you shouldn't yeah you're not the demographic I was going for hump dawnie age 33 Denis 26 fara 42 Christopher 57 and Amanda 26 are all facing charges for hate crimes in various degrees of assault both Donnie and Dennis are also charged with assault and battery and sharp and Amanda are also charged with trespassing wait a sec what a four of those pictures look like the same guy in different stages of meth addiction first second third and pause he's 27 in all of them oddly satisfying selfie okay yeah that's that's kind of satisfying I would definitely overcharge them for we do oh how much is this 500k yeah Cheers this is the owner of the Kitchen Nightmares show and the owner looks like he doesn't care that you broke your elbow i'ma tell you right now I don't this is dog Demuro I think he's a car guy doug is the type of guy to wear a lego show in a six-figure car dog the type of guy to break into a car to steal the owner's manual oh yeah I'm gonna read all about this car John C Calhoun 1782 to 1850 champion of slavery whose statue is being removed today in Charleston South Carolina so dude looks like every bad guy in every scooby-doo episode or how about if the surgeon that saves your life over a ten-hour operation can wear a mask the whole time your self-entitled donkey do face could could be your freakin piehole for 30 minutes while you shop for fake plants and bad furniture at IKEA okay there's nothing wrong with getting fake plants and furniture from Ikea okay you're allowed to do that that that's fine but wearing the mask just do that just do it Oh a nice big bro you look like you could turn water into weed hey there's a nice trick to learn I need to play for nah no boy you need to play Wii Fit Adventure you got more roles than a bakery to YouTube go ahead Savage there were approximately 1 million 10300 words in the English language but I could never string enough words together to properly express how much I want to hit you with a chair Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Jefferson wait those two said that oh okay five kindly looks like Kendall's twenty-three-year-old stepmom who is married to her dad because he's rich yeah I could see that out two cannibals are saying together eating Amy Schumer one of them looks at the other and says does this taste funny to you the other cannibal looks him in the eye and says no that made me laugh more than any video today thank you good sir yeah to be fair sometimes the comments are better than the video I don't know who this is but he looks like a stand-up comic of some kind this is what I assume patrick Star would look like as a human he's huge this guy looks buff neck bids always have the audacity to talk the most crap on people's appearance is if they don't look and smell like hairy deviled eggs I've never been so disgusted yeah I agree the switch light now available in you should drink more water and overpriced sticker it's overpriced electronic tape you uncultured PC dropping merch slinging sandal and sock wearing puppets someone told me about Dee Bradley other day like these guys just like do this onto a you have absolutely no right to talk about Vin Diesel like that when you look like the sloth from Ice Age if you were malnourished and three feet taller was it wasn't the slough guy really tall like Sid the sloth I swear sit the sloth is like the insult for every youtuber if you choose not to wear a mask we respectfully ask that you postpone your visit will be happy to debate the efficacy of masks with you when this is all over and you come in and to sell your dead grandmother's clothes dld are musts required yeah if you know well you know it's rice gum is actually really progressive I mean he destroys stereotypes like Asians being smart just yet straight up Wow the irony of protesting abortion while being harassed by someone who should have been aborted God I can see I can hear this image like you just know that's a Karen screaming comedians are the philosophers of our time to be honest oh I just rolled my eyes so hard reading that comment that they got stuck I'm blind now I bought a new keyboard and learn to read Braille so that I could come back and call you a dumbass yeah Meredith when you tell someone about hashtag Flat Earth and they freak out always remember you cannot make someone understand a message they are not ready to receive oh I'm actively losing brain cells by the day from 2020 in a few months I should be dumb enough to receive your Flat Earth message so get back to me then Twitter says you can have an edit button when everyone wears a mask I don't make mistakes I don't wear a mask oh it's kind of hard to not make mistakes when your whole reason for existing is what just a just a big one one big mistake yeah do you want to know what my entire reason for existing is telling you to click on screen and watch another one and then like the video and subscribe wow I'm like automate to do this now that's my entire reason it's kind of no it's good click on screen you
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 222,437
Rating: 4.9712644 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: K635BFYitnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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