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overheard one kid at the Mall of America tell his friends he had to get his wisdom teeth out and his friend says why gotta make room for more dick and Wow insults have really come a long way since I was a kid how have I never heard that before I guess it's like only used in certain situations but yeah it's good hey everyone my name is Jacob welcome to rare insults where we're gonna be looking at rare insults which means insults that you don't see very often you probably know what rare means by now yeah well enjoy the video George Carlin said think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that what real-life example of you seen that validates this view there is a considerable overlap between intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists yes Mike Park Ranger on why it's hard to design a bear-proof garbage can no yeah I've definitely seen enough of those facepalm videos to realize that some people are just not smart this was on a post about Elon Musk calling some guy an idiot Elon has become the uncle you thought was cool but is actually a child with lots of money he's got people either like loving a lot or they hate him there's no in-between it is the huh I swear if he were fatter he'd be wreck-it ralph no he does look exactly like wreck-it Ralph where's the FBI commenting mister what do you hope to FBI New York officials slammed a popular tick-tock ER for dumping a tub of cereal on the subway a new low pulling a prank on essential workers in the middle of a global pandemic and making essential workers clean up your mess Despicable Wow this man has the IQ of a slice of bread that's been left out in the Sun for three months god this pulling a prank and then there's actually doing that and he better not have just left he bare of clean every single bit of that up for as long as it took oh my goodness if he was to kiss Hitler their facial hair wouldn't touch shoot they were made for each other Wow just two dudes that keep getting called Jesus staring at each other ah you look like if Jesus was a - Ian with extra Botox I'm pretty sure any man can just become Jesus all you need to do is grow your hair out to like shoulder length grow your beard out a boom you look like Jesus right Lilly Singh becoming a late-night TV show host lily is so unfunny that I want to make a religion based on her and then become an atheist just so she stops existing to me I kind of feel bad for these guys in a way that because they're so censored like they have to say what everyone wants to hear otherwise it's just like they're losing their job instantly messaging friend after him and is now ex broke up she's questioning her sexuality I don't know isn't she Pam I don't know she's like a Lego set with half the Lego confusing as hell hey it sucks that you broke up but at least you still got the jokes this dude looks like old logic got addicted to opium and went to audition for a Where's Waldo post I found him he's right there right in the middle ah the girlfriend's voice is like brushing teeth and then drinking orange juice I don't even need to listen to this - no that just sounds awful Steve Underwood's facemask serves two purposes they said it won't have an intelligent comment yeah how many pounds of krill does this man ingest daily Sh why does this guy look like The Lorax I'm so confused Oh Ellen's looking rough these days I feel bad for her found this in a meme you las' video rice gum looks like he's watching his food he up in a microwave he's like hmm yeah it's almost ready yeah almost those girls have more operations than my mouth no body and trust me I've done a lot of homework this week trust it kind of looks like you know when you playing Super Smash Bros and you all pick the same character so it just changes the color today my son Ethan came home with another homework from his wacko teacher according to his teacher we are all supposed to be Homo sapiens lady you know nothing about science I tell you what there are people out there who consider themselves to be Oh sapiens just like me and billions around the world that lady sure is dumb just because she's one of those lady boys from Thailand doesn't mean we are all homosexuals first thing tomorrow is giving that lady a piece of my mind hmm I don't think she has enough mind to be able to give pieces away yeah she's really not gonna be able to function soon if she's giving it away like that it is never okay for men to give CPR to an unconscious woman resuscitation is just a fancy word for ready uneducated is a fancy word for stupid you seem to be both you dim-witted feeble-minded lunkhead oh fish excuse for a meat sack with one freaking brain cell Oh No this woman is drowning ah she's drowned oh I'm gonna have to give her CPR oh wait I remember that one time that that one woman said on line that I can't this is they up guess she'll die now please me just just leave her is that what you mean is that what you mean woman people I just punched a person who told me to wear a mask in the store and it was in front of the police they clapped all [Applause] those emojis make me want to throw a flashbang into a room of epileptic children yes police do that you know and punch someone in the face police are like wow thank you doing our job for us punching those random citizens meet blank the self-proclaimed Aryan leader of the Brazilian Reich Jesus I saw the hair in you Nazis love bad haircuts apparently there are no mirrors in the Third Reich Third Reich brilliant to be fair to the guy I mean Hitler wasn't Aryan either because you know blonde blue eyes he didn't have that but what is this like logo on his arm but that's so bad hmm what do you know you're homophobic yet look like a drag queen what's going on with her eyes like that's not a good look sorry dude looks like 20 twinges Tim Bieber and Mark Zuckerberg long-lost son I mean to be fair Mark Zuckerberg probably has like a bunch of robot sons that we don't know about the strongest Irish accent you'll ever hear this is how sign language sounds to deaf people when all of your fingers are broken I watched this yesterday and is not like he's not speaking he's just good ah Willoughby place of he looks like everyone's first attempt at drawing Keanu Reeves he's even got like all black suit as well Instagram reality wow you can't even tell yeah it's definitely real those teeth are brighter than the explosion from reactive oh gosh she really needs to pay another person to photoshop because that is just that's an awful joke just my friend look like Pocahontas oh yeah nah she looked like the people that took her land Oh mmm Wow Alex looking like a 14 year old rookie cop ready to shoot an unarmed person why do they all look the same is it the mustache it must be the mustache and haircut 27 year old man that hasn't reached puberty he looks like those kids pretending to be adults by having two of them in one outfit is a condition and I feel bad like I feel bad for the guy but he does oh wow that there's a video in your ads it's amazing holy that is taken at next level this better be like a ten-hour thing because oh wow Jake Paul's book is actually pretty good if you run out of toilet paper Jake Paul has a book well no he probably didn't ride the bike he probably had a ghostwriter but what does he talk about there's nothing he can talk about if I ever write a book please unsubscribe I don't know what I'd write a book about well within the next 10 years there's nothing I could write about so I feel like that's it yeah it's for money really isn't a cheat Paul writing a book this TLC video mmm this guy is the human equivalent of mayonnaise just very very plain he looks like the zero point one percent of germs the lysyl didn't kill me mom we go get James Charles mom no we got James Charles at home the James Charles at home I mean he looks nothing like James Charles so yeah please can we go get James Charles my father was extremely close with his paternal grandmother she had raised him at a very trying time in his childhood she died when he was in his late 30s her funeral my dad was a sopping mess and his stepmother had told him that it was rude to cry at funerals he replied don't worry I won't cry at yours it's rude to cry at funerals what surely it's the opposite like it's the most accepted time oh it's Lily sing again I don't know how to explain it but she's like the personification of when corporations make their logos rainbow-colored for Pride Month just you've got to be accepted all right please please accept us this man his ears look like that upside down and it's really bugging me these guys are like the before and after commercial for a hair growth product hey if I ever sell that I'm getting these two whoever these are you hired right now can you work for me right now and sell these two videos right hey how would you sell them this one's really good and this one has lots of uses they're not they're just videos but you can click them if you want
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 188,466
Rating: 4.9555197 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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