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ha they cancelled III because they know some unhygenic gamers would have been in there smelling like spoiled deli meat and Corona would have evolved into the t-virus in that environment smart move from someone who has been to one of those events and smelled you know a roomful of gamers I just want to say spoiled deli meat is the perfect description everyone my name is Jake and welcome to rare insults where we're gonna be looking at insults and quite a lot of time compliments that are really rare I don't know why it's called rare insults won't know what these are come but most of them are insults ok ok like the video this guy from America's Got Talent ah he looks like science he does look like science it's more of a compliment than an insult but yeah to the person who took my coffee mug off the shelf in the 12 hours I wasn't here between yesterday in today thank you for reinforcing my faith in humanity you are the human embodiment of wet socks you are the human equivalent of herpes if it was composed entirely of mayonnaise I assume you don't believe in current fake news pretend virus which is great because I've had a nasty cough lately and I hope terrible things happen to you you waste of oxygen I picked you slurping tepid water that tastes like stale coffee and might backwash out of my mug is you sit under your bridge and make passers-by answer riddles I bet your favorite color is yellow no you didn't you people with favorite color of yellow they are they're true scum a video of review bruh this guy looks like he's 6 foot 5 and 5 foot 5 at the same time I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing I mean it's a compliment to be 6 for 5 but it's an insult to be 5 for 4 right well maybe not I don't know University of Alberta while the risk of catching copa 19 remains low in Alberta students should observe social distancing including avoiding contact with romantic partners and friends who may have been exposed engineering students please note that no action is required Oh Oh ed generis students that's gotta hurt no news is good news bigbrother guests are unaware coronavirus pandemic they've been in isolation since February the sick and have no idea there is a global pandemic and well I've seen the show these idiots wouldn't be aware if they were out of the house Eva just way though these guys will be the sole survivors of the entire world Millennials and narcissists bro I cannot afford a house and car and family or to ply all I got is me myself and my front-facing camera the ands of a humorous effect grammar is a European colonial instruct you sentient fedoras Oh sentient fedoras haven't heard that one that's a good one when the kid says daddy he's getting away do something he sounds like a middle-aged fat woman from Tennessee who drives those scooter things around the Walmart where she spends all her free time wait can we see the actual clip yeah I could totally get that you look like the type of guy to wash his hands after taking a shower this is a doctor as well oh just found this while watching the h3 a tree podcast she talked about how she thought Egypt was a made-up place Trisha is the type of person that looks up and down before crossing the streets just in case that could be a mole coming out of the ground that could be a a plane coming from the sky or even a meteor huh the lead singer here looks like if Mountain Joo was a person yeah I guess like just neckbeard is that what is going for the people going to crowded events right now are the same people who hear a weird noise in horror movies and decide to split off and check it out yep that's so true yeah I went shopping today and literally all the bread is gone like why do I take the bread why wouldn't you take like pasta and canned food bread is gonna go out soon yeah you can freeze it but not for that long why do all manipulative white boys look like a chain-smoking version of Slenderman what is he doing with his hand there that's really freaking me out this guy playing guitar on a really cool-looking guitar it looks like a cyber truck and a guitar had a child yeah it does it's not an insult though that looks for hella cool this dude right here looking like he's on his tickle guard position no one's tickling this guy's neck I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if he was in a tickle guard position that does not look real a new dating app is launched for men with small penises that Bible says it's called dinky one but they definitely missed a trick not calling it pinda alfred the great says awful caption please turn your brain on lut bible alfred the great hey Alfred don't worry we've seen your DM and I've let you know the full name of this app and where to download let us know any further questions it's more of murdered by words but I'll let it slip into our insults mango like croaks la crow I don't know what this is it tastes like when your foot falls asleep chaotic evil people who don't drink TV static well I guess I don't really want to try this drink any mother today for show-and-tell I brought one of my own patent pending inventions I have in my hand an invisible [ __ ] Iser one-shot renders the victim a babbling simp adult and utter [ __ ] oh sure Calvin give us a break as Ronald proves it's quite effective even at long range hey wait does that mean Ronald here was the original symbol why am i I literally go to the next thing and it's me Jake looks like that cliche rich bully that makes a smug face when he takes your tomato juice thanks guys 98% of vote if I didn't see a really good one when I first did face cam it was like Oh Jake looks like a rich bully in a Christmas movie and I don't know what it is with the rich bully I'm not rich but I can see the Christmas movie thing broke again okay he looks like arty game if he had a crippling cheese addiction I don't know what that means but I like arty game he's a funny guy so I'll appreciate that huh every time I think um uh eyeball my eyes I miss you too much remember those two rats from ice age that are with Ellie his teeth remind me of them wait the rats from I'll slash awful everything this YouTube that's not very nice looks like some sort of missing link between Neanderthals in the giant trash island in the middle of the ocean I don't know if that's funny or really harsh but you guys roasted me so someone else can get it as well another one of Trisha Paytas she paid with her brain cells to do her plastic surgery did she have anything begin with can you do that he looks like a mix up of all three members of Nirvana to be fair yeah I can see that I can see that two minutes thirty two it looks like he stole the Lorax his mustache and put it on his head thinking it was a good idea just saying his head speaks for the trees this guy in a suit Adam Silva looks like the guy always trying to steal the recipe to the Everlasting Gobstopper I will find it this guy you have motivated me to stop participating in boxing events and liking fighting sports because of how much I want to beat those guys you who what did he do hmm he looks like a depressed version of Tom Holland underrated and then the next comment of Freud water Lamarr I was so confused at first I was like wait what Freud wallet Ilima is that some kind of really rare insult but now the guy's name is Fred Watson's someone just described me is the person that finds the cure to cancer but when they try to send me an award I'd be like what the Frick is in a dress that's oddly specific but spot-on that's like the perfect description of someone who's really book smart but not like street smart right this guy who's doing a tour I presume no I knew this is but he looks like Eminem if you ordered him off wish can you even order off wish anymore like you can't even order on Amazon like wish be like at least a year for deliveries this girl who is on trial for doing very bad things she looks like a dollar store version of Cara Delevingne I wouldn't even give him out for the thing she's on trial for now she's just like if she's ugly at least if she was a dollar store she'd be worth a dollar now she's not worth anything Billy eyelashes music is for girls who think they're insane but in reality they're too scared to ask for extra napkins a McDonald's mom mom can you can you go and ask for extra extra napkins please this person is streaming themselves sleep to 1,700 viewers sleepover stream all night subs get snap Jack my boy sent me this 1,700 people really in here watching this chick sleep Snow White and the 1,700 Sims I'm sorry I don't care how attractive you are or what you're doing how are you getting 1,700 people to watch you sleep like I won't zip you like fart in the middle of the night as well that's gonna be embarrassing hi everyone I'm Fabio Capone art director at this guy's army he does look like a custom-made or he probably spoke into his phone says semantics at Chesky bro why is your name the Salman old car makes is it starring her booth movies encounter number one man that's weird look at the rendering the detail all of those twitter users on the screen oh wow there was some really good rare insults right she knew the video look that one says I don't know what it is it'll be best for the viewer and most recent upload all the other way around click one and then follow me
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 185,744
Rating: 4.9531431 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: EagBXtJLa_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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