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ah why am I even cooking the only thing I bring to the dinner table is dishonor to my family as a self burn over everyone my name is Jake and welcome to rare insults where we're gonna be looking at insults that you don't see very often they're rare that's why it's rare insults you like these videos look like and stuff enjoy where is the worst place you visited in the UK Sunderland Liverpool pigeons fly upside down over there as there's nothing worth pooping on visitors ah much of being told that you're not worth pooping on by a pigeon Belgian Parliament member whoever this is he looks quite young to be first this dude would get hit on in both gay bars and lesbian bus it's not just like a way to say he looks young I guess is he and let in in any bar let's be honest boys what's stopping you from looking like this mmm I don't want to look gay and lesbian at the same time how about that well then you're wrong there you need to be looking like the Belgian Parliament member if you want to do that oh yeah this guy who looks very sad like you look like the two guys from 21 Jump Street mixed into one can we get those two next to him that is so accurate she she got burned so hard she turned into the Statue of Liberty she looks like a rejected Shakespearean actress at a local high school she looks like that one girl yeah high school who would be like Barry into the Arts and get really annoyed if she didn't get a lead role man Simon Cowell you still look like that fun uncle at parties but now he looks like a dad that just found out his daughter was in a 6:9 video before after like he's had a lot of like surgery done to his face I feel like he just needs to lift his eyes up a bit but it'll look normal what do you call intelligent people in the United States tourists to do with forty-four thousand likes God to be fair though these videos really make Americans look dumb I'm pretty sure they like pick specific people they must do this looks like an elf who gives you quests to get into the Thieves Guild mmm I have a quest for you would you like to accept Big Chill whose mugs is mom but I look 20 yeah she thinks she looks 20 yet 20 years late for her own funeral I like have to have respect for morgues for like being able to monetize this stuff he probably makes millions but he's parents I just feel kind of bad for them like they're doing it they're making loads of money but they must get bullied when they go out with their friends right it's y'all my man is so cute look at the selfie he just sent me oh your man just asked me if I'm okay says Annie Annie are you okay are you okay I need oh no that the pretentious influenced a guy I own five brands I mean it's not impossible to own five Instagram accounts yeah are on five mean pages on Instagram I'm pretty talented and stuff with Boeing CEO we're gonna be Elan musk to Mars Elon Musk do it [ __ ] so you have provoked a gang war whoa whoa whoa Boeing can't even keep their planes in the sky nevermind rockets need men for what I say we launch them into space with the rest of our garbage okay then when would you like to be sent into space haha I'm not a man you dipped yeah but you said garbage - yeah I agree with Thomas air I watched Futurama launching garbage into space it's not a good idea if you've seen Futurama you'll understand why okay Tom Holland is cute and all but he constantly looks like he's hiding a frog in his mouth and it's uncomfortably hopping around in there but he can't open his mouth all the frogs gonna escape never trust anyone turn this pigeon upside down please well I don't see anything I've been looking at this for 20 minutes are you dense avocado loaf the meme was posted less than five minutes ago how can you have been looking at it for 20 minutes you're soaking noodle maybe this is what I should reply to people who like comment on my video within the first minute say wow that was a great video I'm like bruh you haven't watched it yet how do you know it was good some people have a resting face Adam driver has resting professor of theology listening to his students present a report on religious symbolism in medieval art that they copied off a Wikipedia face very very specific and very accurate as whoa Vicky oh no she is the reason that there are instructions on the back of a shampoo she sounds like she's trying to swallow her tongue whenever she talks Jesus she's pulling a reverse Michael Jackson her English is so bad I can actually understand her in Polish with four in a row four in a row was it wrong for scientists to create a big human hybrid embryo no but it was to elect it as the president someone by this amount of birth so does that mean when the president dies we're gonna get Sambi pigmen if he comes back to live obviously whoa no Catwoman Jocelyn Wildenstein denies having any plastic surgery sites her Swiss heritage mm-hmm yeah aha yeah her stories has more holes than her people's cheese the way she looks like the South Park version of Caitlyn Jenner this is just yeah you need different friends not because you deserve better but because they do I guess get new friends then this was found on a post about the biggest turn offs the Alpha mentality any time a dude calls himself an alpha male I always think of Pinocchio when he says I'm a real boy I'm an alpha male I don't remember quite what this video was but I'm pretty sure she's really domed Soho will go with that it's because of this kind of people why the Power Rangers say that cuz oh that one's Pig ah Cody Co Cody looks like he says gracias when leaving a Japanese restaurant normally I'd associate that with like a Karen but I don't think Karen would say thank you in any language so yeah Cody pretty much fits that the really Oh gets the more Asian he becomes it's not really an insult it's more of a like an observation I guess yeah some guy in my lecture just offered me his jacket cuz I was shivering I would have taken the jacket if he was cute mmm maybe the cute ones would have offered if they thought you were also cute oh yeah it turns out there was actually like 20 guys who walked past her with spare jackets big Ed's oh my god this guy is literally just head and shoulders knees and toes we were singing about Big Ed all along wait a sec we're just gonna forget this scene rats are unable to gag off throw up so this dude soup is so bad that it broke the rules of the job I mean we're all so [ __ ] he was you know a professional chef I think that's one of the more unrealistic things in the movie PewDiePie dressing up boots you look like a kanita son wait a quinita pewdiepie akinator yeah I can see that hmm he's the type of guy who closes the fridge with his hip I mean I do this like if I've got a low fridge that's getting closed I'm sorry homie ate spongebob rest in peace poor Tom and Jerry giving their all to ugly as cats and mice that look like Chinese porcelain God tom was such a simple isn't it so was Jerry both Simpson no offense but he kinda looks like a mixture of obama and waluigi it's got like the long face of waluigi the the nice handsomeness of obama right did hmm I'll be honest with you I wasn't gonna watch your video when it popped up in my feed because I didn't want to watch the gender swapped version of Velma from scooby-doo attempt to cover this song but I watched anyway and I was pleasantly surprised good job man this is one of the funniest things I've ever read I approve of dismiss it I agree that's good wwwp calm bad products dip echo your long lasting bone lusted all of five minutes if that's your idea of a long-lasting bone then I feel sorry for your wife oh can you imagine being the dude that's to read this is a job he's just something like come on bro Gen Z be like ah been a long day of spitting on cops and catfishing pedophiles time to tuck my stuffed animals into bed and tell each of them individually why they're perfect and deserve the world ahh Millennials be like you've been a long day of virtue signaling and complaining about student loans time to order pizza and drink white wine from the bottle as I cry myself to sleep in my one bedroom two bomb heads this is so like Acura if there's one thing this pandemic has taught me it's that boomers don't understand giant red arrows the grocery store looks like a fortnight thumbnail yet they wander aimlessly as someone who uses the red arrows I can appreciate this will you be like those warm up people if I say look video is on screen you've got to click on screen don't just wander aimlessly right here right there and click them free
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 200,464
Rating: 4.9584026 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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