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haha I got a good one what's black HUD and seven inches long yeah I don't [ __ ] know please I just want to be a top post my life is slowly falling apart my wife just left me Claire I still love you hmm unfortunately I think Claire is the one who knows the answer ah poor guy everyone my name is Jake and welcome to curse comments well you didn't get out on this video because they're very cursed and YouTube doesn't like cursed because you know the D monetization and stuff so if you want to leave a like on this cuz you like cursed stuff then that'd be epic thanks joy happy birthday mom and dad haha looking good here wait oh they got the same birthday oh they're twins yeah it says I'm from Alabama right this way um seriously though how the hell Nicki Minaj sleep like on this side it's just like in the air and on this side she's just in the air oh it's on her side but do you think every time she turns she makes such a loud clap that it sends supersonic waves or maybe she can deflate them and then she could just sleep normally maybe that says ah I wish my friends weren't pricks this man is paralyzed but his friends held him up to get married ah yeah but they [ __ ] his wife for him too you know it's a curse comment when it actually has down votes people are disliking it so cast did you know that human tastes most like pork human tastes most closely to pork oh so that's what Pollock tastes like yeah thanks for that GTA in VR would be so badass yeah it's called Minneapolis you can you can go that and it's kind of not badass when you're new to a game and you're level 100 friend gives you some of his gear oh this is cool usually what game Oh Afghanistan so I went to bed with a blind girl once she said I had the biggest [ __ ] feet ever felt I said ha ha you're pulling my leg then I put my actual penis in her hand and she replied and no thanks I don't smoke Oh Oh group hug oh what a hug and then they they fell off the leaf they made a suicide pact well this is unwholesome memes guys is awful a Russian wedding should be called a Soviet Union changed my mind yeah and an Alabama wedding should be called a family reunion changed my mind I don't think I can't John I don't think I can ha ha check out this knife weapon named rusty knife condition badly damaged element non damaged 98 234 super effective against the non-vaccinated kid four times damage I will make sure to remember this weapon when I go up against the boss the final boss on vaccinated child you can actually defeat that two ways you can use this weapon or you can just play time run around it and eventually it'll die well not eventually it quite quickly absolutes what do you think sex was like back in medieval times what about cavemen times booga-booga let me smash what are you doing step boom Garth what's the best situation to eat a Doritos oh that's assuming there is ever a bad time to eat Doritos well a funeral would be [ __ ] up though I'm literally flying to a funeral right now I'll test your theories you were absolutely right you just imagined this guy like licking his fingers good and everyone's just Valek staring and crying buy him food play with his hair take him out on a date we reciprocating ladies yeah suck his titties right I thought we were doing a thing here my son got the spider-man costume he's been wanting forever today I held him up in various positions and then photoshopped myself out turned out pretty good nails would have been quicker than Photoshop just a tip for next time nails that I did them last time if you hear weird noises in the night simply make weird noises to assert dominance let's make some noise roppa goes through my house looking for valuables me aggressive whale mating noises mate with the robber good idea that'll give loads of time for the police to get that before you finish you know like three minutes or something huh every job is stupid name one cool job what about the guy who shoots the bullet through the CDs to make the hole I raise you the guy who shoots the bullet in the donut to make the hole and I raise you the guy who shoots a hole in Bruce Wayne's parents to make Batman okay oh my you win you win a lot in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2009 every president on Mountain Rushmore except Abe Lincoln gets pied directly to that face Lincoln takes the pie on the back of his head which is how he got assassinated wait look cream pie in the back well yes but actually no it's gross so like Jesus can walk on water Oh God watermelons and 92% water I can walk on water melons I'm 92% Jesus well I can walk on ice ice is 100% water so I'm Jesus ah so you'll be 100% crucified come here come here tooth so a Jewish girl asked for my number I told her we use names now okay yeah that's kind of old-fashioned if you're 28 plus and a man is taking you to Red Lobster as a day then you need to reevaluate the kind of men you're dating okay if you're 28 plus and you're still evaluating men based on where they take you out to eat rather than the quality of time spend you need to re-evaluate your life this is one of the reasons why men don't date anymore well I'm 85 I'm telling you I would completely suck a [ __ ] for Red Lobster Admiral's Beeston biscuits okay yeah each to the road I guess spongebob exists Nickelodeon I don't know man seems kind of gay to me ah that explains why all of his body is full of holes mmm I don't know why that explains it sure Florida man kills friend and calls it delayed abortion burn grandparents alive it's an early cremation you know what I could get away with koala I still doing this I'd be like oh no officer I didn't kill him I just gave him a surprise funeral he said he wanted a good one so I gave him it as a surprise yeah Isabel remembers her first time in the USSR Oh Isabel remembers when the Soviet sent her mum like a to space ah she will get revenge okay she will playing don't stop me now until somebody stops me playing Pumped Up Kicks until someone shoots you next video I did come on next one you got to do it a sama bin Laden sings Lady Gaga's poker face in last days on the run ah too bad he wasn't on America's Got Talent he would have blown up his competition quite literally this guy's such a boomer though right it's deer man what's stopping you from looking like this mmm I kind of want to eat them the forbidden hairy poke NASA wants to probe deeper into Uranus than ever before nice imagine if we start hearing loud moaning sounds from Uranus Oh Nessa onii-chan oh god no we're not going that we're not going there how do you want to die not alone which is why I'm studying to be a pilot I rate this 9 out of 11 pretty good your Pokemon seems surprised to touch ice but you're made of ice well if you walked into a cave made of human flesh you would be surprised too but I'm think surprised would be my first reaction like oh wow you weren't flesh in a cave I'd probably be like I need to [ __ ] out of here quite fast yes I'm gay yes I live in Iran we exist the Iranian government not for long how many times will this image be reposted across the internet see less pixels every time the pixels represent the gays in Iran ah I see our slush God Tyr super powers for every up vote you give a sex offender dies on the spot but what if I don't want to die - tell us broke mine camp PDF but chill I got a read it for school text from the UK police nice save bro go ahead oh that's why Homeland Security raided my house I should have added the full school part in when I searched up how to build an intercontinental ballistic missile in your garage ah don't worry about it everyone makes that mistake once or twice sometimes I feel like I have the worst job in the world huh Yeah right puts toothbrush up ass those intestines won't clean themselves puts ass up toothbrush wait what how does like watch roses are red I want to hook you gently it's a giant mushroom maybe it's friendly Japanese people on August 6 and 9 in 1945 I don't think it's friendly I just don't think it is you know what is friendly these videos on screen which you can click right now look they're friendly if you click them then they're not gonna like click you back no then that'd be kind of weird its surprised that would be my first reaction surprised well probably just like I don't know just click the videos Thanks
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 786,390
Rating: 4.9590492 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: _vmb7ect5Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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