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male redditors of Reddit have you ever shown your best friend your penis if so why so we were at a party with 30 or so guys and we all took turns two people walked into the bathroom and the smallest dick leaves the last man standing wins that's great at all but once if you have a dispute you're like no no we're the same size do you have to have like a third party judge come in going hmm yeah I think this guy wins everyone my name is Jake and welcome to cursed comments where you didn't get an out on this video because the comments are very cursed and YouTube doesn't like cursed improbably for good reason so yeah could you like the video instead and then we get like no I likes that be epic enjoy the video smart people have poor eyesight because lower graphics make your brain run faster aha Stephen Hawking is close to all background tasks for more FPS that's kind of true though he maybe was so smart because he didn't have to think about anything else chunky hedgehog and her babies ah they look like what I imagined Guy Fieri's testicles look like two spiky blond earth Germans neatly sorting glass even after the container is full ah that's that's pretty sick yeah well Germans have been historically very good at sorting by color not anymore not anymore all right take a shitload of muscle relaxants take a deep long breath and shove the entire Titanic up my ass why me why my post this guy was just like posting his cat or something and this guy like yeah muscle relaxants if she's able to walk with her two legs after sex you failed as a man hmm yep that's why I always keep a hammer beside my bed just in case oh I'm sorry you can walk fine no worries dear men please don't drive too fast you will lose your hair or die trying like Paul's job maybe that's why yeah maybe he didn't want his harren no no that's not the resistor gas station in Germany in 1958 Wow well better than the 1942 gas stations honestly that looks like a really cool gas station not gonna lie all the ones now are pretty tacky they're all just owned by like supermarkets here would y'all rather test positive for covert 19 or pregnancy hmm it don't matter both of them will be gone in 14 days boo geez no chill memes if China loses war memes if India loses war memes of USA joins war memes of USSR is rebill North Korea new Korea Hitler returns from the gulag how to beg for mercy in Chinese how to beg for mercy in vintage Xi Jingping nudes for blackmail are nice the secret texts I'm interested in the XI Jingping nudes for the research purposes that is no we have to beg for mercy in those other language is a literary perfect that's the only reason I learned Russian and Chinese is because when they take over because it's gonna be China or Russia let's be honest then I'll be able to just be like Oh spare my life please and they'll be fine they'll take me in as like a pack or something what's the worst possible response - I'm pregnant ah no flaw you just hear a shotgun [ __ ] Chu Wow - and his sister are like these two as well wow he's fast she's weird I knew that sounded familiar uh-huh puberty hit - like a truck and so did those bullets jeez Sweet Home Alabama yeah when she texts you parents aren't home so you rush upstairs oh yes sister let's go the perfect cop does an exact cop that doesn't see race he just shoots everyone no lives matter all brain splatter this comment has been approved by President JFK thanks - now that I think about it yeah we could just solve all of this by just getting the police to kill everyone yeah oh wait that's what they're already doing Elon Musk MA is my sole dog Elon Musk said nuke Mars is that how you treat your soul dog well you know that's how she likes it oh yeah lon we don't want to know I know you want to get there really fast but we didn't want to know I this is the remains of astronaut Vladmir quorum of the man who fell from space 1967 burned through the sky yeah two hundred degrees that's why they call me mister Fahrenheit this guy's just like slowly dying I'm being burned alive Elysium queen hey man we used to play back in the halo 3 inReach days my gamertag was survive a Tron and I am named Locke oh sorry Jason died of a heart attack four years ago I'm his younger brother wanna play it's enough to make a grown man cry open comply be in cod friendly fire on tell your brother I said hello ringing gunshots jeez Belle Delphine video wow Delphine is like my dad he comes back when he needs money and she made a lot of it to be fast instant regret at the water park oh it looks like he might have got off the side there we'll have fun at the water park they said ah yes the suicide is it just me or like every six months or so like you'll just get a random recommendation of top 50 water slides in the world and it's got like a hundred million views like how how does this have so many views when I accidentally step on my cat's tail oh no I'm so sorry and my cat when he steps on my balls ah you chopped his balls off it's revenge Tuesday December 31st 2019 he snaps just untie him it worked the population is decreasing it's not as effective as I thought it was but it's decreasing if you don't speak the language of the country you're travelling to wear this shirt ah yeah I'm imagining someone trying to rob a bank or do hostage negotiation with this sure but the money in the [ __ ] bag please what's the weirdest thing you did while you were horny whoa I almost unlocked the basement huh don't do that they'll wake up Oh believe me they're already aware my fear is they'll escape you see you see these all the time and it's obviously a joke but what if someone actually wasn't joking like they were just typing these would actually had some Chi I don't want to think about I don't know if I should capture or apologize cooking eggs with a Pidgey bruh you should cook it mmm eggs and Pokemon my favorite pie ruined your 69 likes low at a lime light one day I will beat you we will form a long emotional bond and grow old together once you were in your deathbed I will ask you about the moment you took my 69 likes away from me and proceeded to unplug your life support as your life begins to fade away you will look towards me and the last thing you'll see before you take your final breath will be me laughing by your bedside while he posing to assert my victory the thing with that is that person got a long relationship out of it and they only like lost the feeling when they died which doesn't really matter so who's the real winner here I think the person that died I think this guy who saw Donald Trump nice I'm surprised at how close it's possible to get to his car I did not think they could let people get that close to be honest well the car is armored beyond belief the window is of five inches thick and there's an entourage of security around him the days of JFK's open-top Lincoln Continental are long gone yep well so is JFK yeah yeah that's the whole point but if you look closely at Trump he looks kind of happy I guess he just doesn't care this deep-fried burger explodes with cheese when you take a bite mmm the day I buy a burger and it not in my mouth I'm shooting up the pork I could enjoy the burger with that much cheese Adolf Hitler first comment gets to kill me I mean comment Chason ho is the most powerful being in the universe because he's black white and Asian this means he can say the n-word get away with the police and watch is too much anime without turning into a weeaboo those three traits just make you invincible I guess ah when you finally graduate high school in the u.s. whoo quick well they're vulnerable the kids like I'm waiting till graduation guys I'm waiting special KKK free Clem hood inside well the KKK isn't really that racist I went to a meeting and there were a lot of black people hanging around oh wait a sec ah one of my potatoes hatched ah I wonder what kind of fries you can make with that potato wrap it flavored fries would they be nice no maybe so this morning I made my chickens tiny pancakes because I love them and they is good chickens mmm this is the recipe contain eggs it's like forcing them to eat their own periods yeah we don't think about that we just think about Pancakes nice food chickens enjoy what would you show to a caveman that would blow his mind a point four four Magnum that would that would most likely blow his mind you know I'd show him to blow his mind these two videos right here which you can see as well they might blow your mind you might like and subscribe and stuff maybe
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 477,889
Rating: 4.9497714 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: F0Xyab3qu9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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