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I have never been so visibly disrespected in all my life use your creativity for good not evil they've actually done it like that it's just that's so dangerous everyone my name is Jake and welcome to rare insults where we're going to be looking at insults that are rare did their rat you don't see them often you'll see them for the first time maybe or like the second I don't know that they're rare enjoy twenty-nine little hacks that could save your life wait is that a frickin Game Boy cartridge case this is a legit life hack because keeping a condom in your wallet is bad news the friction from it being in your pocket or jostle around wears down the latex and can cause it to tap if you keep one in your game boycott case that won't be an issue because no one will have sex with you true oh look it's The Ellen Show can this teenager use a rotary phone oh look at these stupid kids they can't use a rotary phone they can't use a phone book wow it's almost like as technology advances all the things slowly become useless and obsolete you know kind of like Ellen oh look it's this tiny person in the makeup community with another apology video maybe you tatty is like the kid in school that would stop fights with everyone and then get that moment the next day that person was just chicken doesn't need seasoning Wow amazing how he resisted the temptation to devour that sign long enough for this picture to be taken given how much he loves the taste of cowboys okay I love chicken but if you don't seasoned it it tastes of nothing like it's the same with beef for me like I can't taste beef whatsoever it just needs seasoning Shaquille O'Neal bought a superyachts what should I name her hash tag my new toy ah you should call it free throw so you won't ever sink it I imagine he's like reading the comments like ha really really guys guys what's stopping you from dressing like this 24/7 oh I don't park cars at an Italian restaurant maybe you see it looks good it's a nice thing to wear but you just can't wear it everywhere because you will just have keys thrown at you and stuff just don't wear this in public this guy with it with weird eyes I guess this month's eye placement allows him to see Picasso paintings as regular portraits because I made these are pieces just for him while I have eight pets oh cool what are they three dogs five cats you should get a lizard no thank you are you sure with your dry conversation he'll feel right at home I always see people say like oh people that respond with one-word answers are really bad at conversations I feel like they just don't want to talk to you it's that's mainly there is if someone responds with like a two-word answer they don't want to talk to me like that that's what it is I'll just like okay bye ooh she seems like the person to lick her finger before turning the page on a Kindle she does look like the desk lady from monsters hey yes I think this is the trailer for cats ooh if they showed this movie on an airplane people would still walk out like you guys got any parachutes I need to be out of a yeah sorry this town's name which I'm not even gonna try to pronounce its long okay that towns name is so long it's invading the Netherlands oh no guys logo gogogog is coming any white girl that looks like this will rub you and help you look for whatever she stole oh it's gotta be here somewhere mm-hmm like taking more introducing England's 81st test captain wow he's got the face of a Victorian pickpocket too huh he kinda does look like that right my went to a nerd factory they gave him a bag of rejects and said enjoy your bag of diabetes hashtag I want a bag of reject nerds hashtag oh wait I'm on tumblr they're everywhere oh that's pretty much true for any social media right it's hey what do you move like will I move as slowly as a Mississippi detective investigating the murder of a young black man oh oh that's that's deep that's that's deep starwars reset includes Kathleen Kennedy stepping down huh too bad I don't know why that mutters well this woman run the franchise into the ground harder than a pilot with no hands oh it must have gone down faster you know without Oakley in this world there would be no beautiful thank you for your sacrifice it means a lot not surprised Roger stone got away with it when he looks like the villain you see in the last seen escaping on a bicycle powered plane you'll never catch me alive critical I swear Charlie is the only person I've seen that can stand up and manage to look shorter he does look a lot sure that isn't he like six three years old Christopher Alan one star oh my god 20 years ago my wife died in a fire although this filled me with anger and regret I still believe that her burned of course was still more moist than the hunk of wood that you called peri-peri chicken the chicken which looks like it came out of a can wasn't even cooked in the sauce and the sauce itself was watery bland and tasted like watered-down remains of a rotten tomato I would give anything to bring my wife back as long as it didn't involve eating up blazing bird the chips were all right I've never heard a blazing bird it must be something like one state thing but I'm not gonna go there I don't think I'm ever gonna go there that does sound very nice although the chips do look there okay there okay probably better than Burger King let's be honest Kylie Jenner with her new rumored boyfriend Bogalusa mullah ba I think I said that right I said Bonamassa mullah ba out loud today and the next thing you know me and all the homies was on a flying carpet it is a strange name I think is it like an African name it's it's a cool day I wouldn't mind having that but it's just like different Gaby Hana in some kind of video why does she move like those skills in middle school who think they have powers it's funny because I know exactly what they mean and I haven't even seen the video okay ha nerd I bet you eat mayonnaise out of the jar nice shot you clap when the plane lands and you close the fridge with your hips you see none of these are involved that he's just calling the guy why is what he's doing for the one out of a hundredth time the reason we show so many cases compared to other countries that haven't done nearly as well as we have is that our testing is much bigger and better we have tested 40 million people if we did 20 million people instead cases would be half etc not reported my god you don't even know how fractions work no wonder someone else took your SATs what was he even trying to say one out of a hundred less why oh yay Bri Lawson is a youtuber now exciting question how do you tell the difference between pre Lawson and the ceiling in her house and sir the ceiling has texture and more than one dimensions Oh God Andrew why Christopher Columbus the first Italian American welcomes you to Connecticut man says he put up Christopher Columbus billboard on i-95 to promote open discussions wait but he didn't discover America life Ericson was here before him plus where he did land he didn't even do it for Italy he did it for Spain super mario has done nope its alady super mario who's achieved stuff this guy literally found a place that already existed he didn't make this place he just you just went that there was already people that had like this is no special Kylie Jenner my days are made up of zoom meetings and playing dress-up ah and your Bangladeshi work a days are made up of stabbing and working 18-hour shifts for no money you disgusting recyclable glorified milk carton what that's a lot of Braille one owner admits to not cleaning her own diarrhea ah what ah the owner looks like she's about to give you a poisoned Apple here my lovely take one your love heads Republican Kelly something comes out against WNBA's black lives matter plan whoa her right eye came out against her left eye splat oh this picture of I think 21-7 I'ma be honest that looks like a chair I don't know the context okay but can we talk about his outfit dude looks like he's ready for kindergarten I kind of like his outfit not gonna lie it looks kind of cool Casey Frei with these big shoulders this man goes to the gym and do shrugs for four hours and then leaves that's that's it that's only done look at those neck muscles people who leave their phone set to military time of freaking war criminals how do you look at 1605 and go oh wow I can understand that ah freakin bootlickers what's next you're gonna join the army recruit me Americans be like okay I can't count past 12 actually hey is there something wrong with with put it into military time right your videos suck laws I have spent countless hours exploring all the maps of Pope gee I have explored every single inch of angle Miramar San Hawke of IPD and even started to explore living I've been in every house in ever Shack being in every warehouse an apartment been to the edges of all the maps but even after spending all these hours exploring and searching I still can't find who asks even gave him a little love heart just to show the purple man who annoys the street performer by like pulling on him and stuff he's the type of guy to touch fire to see how hot it is he's the type of guy who would stand under the Sun to dry his sweat just just not a very smart guy in general look you want to know who is smart though you you if you click on screen right now one of these videos and then subscribe and then like and then do all that stuff thanks scream
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 260,822
Rating: 4.9589701 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: GlFZvEefaLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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