Maybe Don't Do That - Family Vlogs

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Man... [knocking] Coming! Drew: Oh hey landlord! Landlord: Hi. Didn't I evict you last month? Drew: Yeah, but I... I thought we were just doing, like, a skit. Landlord: No, no, no. Drew. This is YouTube. You wouldn't put something on YouTube if it didn't actually happen. This is a real life, baby. This right here is as real as it gets. Drew: Okay, well bye. Landlord: No, no, no, Drew, I don't think you heard me. You gotta pay your rent. Drew: Oh, so what you're saying is I gotta pay rent. Landlord: Yeah, I just said that. Drew: That's alright. You know why? Landlord: This is the same exact bit as last- Drew: Cuz I'll just do a brand deal! Voiceover: Today's video is sponsored by Audible! To get a free audiobook and a 30 day free trial, head to or text "drewgooden" to 500-500 Landlord: So I'm just gonna stay right here then? Drew: Uh huh. Hey little stinkers, and welcome back to the first and only channel on YouTube. Today we're gonna be looking at some very interesting family vloggers. Now, as an adult, I really enjoy watching family vlogs because it reminds me of when I was a kid and my parents would follow me around with a camera all day long until I did something funny so we could pay our mortgage. Oh wait. No that never happened, because I didn't grow up in 2018: the worst year to be a kid. I think the problem that tends to arise from these family vlogs is the same that arises from every vlogger. It's that the line between real life and content gets blurred a little bit and you start doing things that maybe you shouldn't do because more people will see it and you'll make more money. Let's take this channel I found, DavidsTV, for example. They're a vlogging channel with a little bit over 800,000 subscribers. Since people like this do rely on YouTube for their full-time income, views become so important. Views come before anything else. You know, why would you bother making a video called "Twins Telepathy Challenge" that only gets 16,000 views when you could combine Fortnite with the phrase "mom freaks out" and make like 5 grand in Adsense. But this video is called "Kid spends $200 on Fortnite and buys 27,000+ V Bucks and Mom FREAKS OUT [MUST WATCH]". Now, I don't know about you guys, but I always do what I'm told. so if someone tells me in the title of a video that I must watch it, well, I'm... I'm gonna watch the video. It's just how daddy raised me. [Kid: Guys, today we're gonna spend all my parents' money on Fortnite.] I will say though, the little kid, the younger kid is the cutest kid I've ever seen. He has a couple savage moments in this video. He's kind of a little snitch, but it's funny when he does it, you'll see. [Kid: My mom and dad promised me V Bucks, and they haven't gave it to me yet. And there's my dad sleeping. Come on guys, let's go to my computer. Guys, I'm super nervous, I hope I do not get in trouble. Purchase. And guys, look my dad's credit card number is already in here. Place order. We got it! Yes! We got the V Bucks. Know what this means. Let's go spend away. Wow, this looks cool.] Drew: Okay. So, putting aside the fact that this is obviously fake, Let's pretend that it's not fake and like, let's go through the thought process of these kids. I'm not blaming the kids for this because this was not their idea. But let's say this was their idea, right? They're gonna steal money from their parents to buy Fortnite, you know, currency. So... why would they film it? It just seems kind of silly when you're trying to do something secretly, and keep it a secret to like... document it. But to be fair, even though I assume it's fake, it's still hard to tell because their acting is so good. [Older kid: Let me know in the comments below what you think I should buy next. Younger kid: But, don't, you're gonna get in so much trouble. You just spent, uh, $100 on daddy's credit card.] Drew: You have to get the (read the-) you have to use the (just read what's on the card) you got the Fortnite. (holy sh*t) I don't even blame the kids for being bad actors. You know why? Cuz they're kids! They don't need to be good actors. This is... They shouldn't be acting at all! It's just like so painfully obvious that, you know, they... the mom tells them what to say and then they say it and they kind of look up like, ready for my next line, Mom, and then like she gives them both the line and you can see the one kid says his, and then he looks at the other kid because he knows the kid now has to say his line. I don't know who they're fooling. Ok, so then their plan was to go buy some Fortnite dollars on the dad's computer. [Older kid: We're gonna spend $100 on his account, and, it'll make him feel better. But this way, he'll be on our side, fighting against Mom when she finds out. Younger kid: Yeah, let's go do it! Older kid: Come on! Older kid: We did it! Daddy, wake up! Wake up! Let's go play Fortnite! Dad: What did you... Where's Mama? You guys making a video? Both kids: Yeah. Dad: About what? Older kid: Uh... Fortnite. Dad: I'm down, let's do it. Dad: Mommy's gone. The mice will play, as they say.] Drew: Uh oh! There might have been a flaw in their plan because when they play Fortnite with the dad, the dad has all the V bucks on his account and he's got the new, the thing that they got. So he recognizes right away that they spent money. [Dad: Did you guys buy V Bucks? I said you could buy V Bucks, remember? Did you guys buy V Bucks? Younger kid: ...yeah.] Drew: This kid's so cute. He can't even bring himself to lie. [Dad: Do you feel guilty at all? Older kid: A little bit. Younger kid: I don't feel guilty, because Dylan did it.] Drew: I don't feel guilty, because I didn't do it. [Dad: You spent $200? Dylan: Uh huh.] Dad and Drew: Oh my god, aah, oh my gosh, oh no, oh my god, oh my gosh. Drew: Way to sell it, Dad. [Dylan: Let's not tell Mommy. Dad: Well, she's gonna find out guys, cuz guess what? We get text messages on our credit card any time money is spent over $10.] Drew: One of my favorite twists in this video is what happens here seamlessly. After the dad just discovered that they stole $200 from him, first of all, he like, laughs it off. Like well, that's fine. Cuz I wanted to, I wanted the skins anyway, so I'm glad you stole money from me. [Dad: But I'm not complaining cuz I wanted a skin bad.] Drew: Hear that, kids watching? I'm not even upset that my children stole money from me. So if you stole money from your parents, they might not be upset, cuz look, I'm not. But then like immediately after with no cuts, he just transitions into having this, like, whole speech prepared. [Dad: Just so we can make this right, we're gonna give away a hundred dollars worth of V bucks to you. Give a thumbs up on this video, subscribe, hit the bell icon and leave us a comment. You guys think that's a good idea? You think our fans will like that? Dylan: Uh huh! Mom: Hi guys, what are you doing? Dad: Playing Fortnite.] Drew: Alright, so the kids are really bad actors, the dad's a really bad actor, there's no way the mom is also a really bad actor, right? Just based on like general probabilities. [Mom: I got two really interesting text messages from American Express. Dad: Oh, really? Mom: Brandon, we need to talk. This is serious.] Drew: Brandon, we need to talk. This is serious. [Mom: Large purchase on American Express. Look at that.] Drew: I just noticed this. The text right before that says "Welcome to Account Alerts." Like if you weren't convinced this was fake already. They made it clear that for this video, they signed up for account alerts that they weren't getting before. Unless this is the first time they've ever spent more than $10 on their credit card. [Mom: $200 on Fortnite? Dad: It was me. It was me. Younger kid: No it wasn't!] Drew: The kid! Oh, that face! He wants to help, but he's not sure if he's helping. "No it wasn't!" I love that kid so much. [Mom: And am I happy about this? No!] Drew: Yeah, we can tell. [Mom: I'm gonna take Jagger, and we are gonna go shopping. Jagger: You already went shopping.] Drew: Okay, another slip-up here. It's pretty obvious to me at this point that the mom was the one who was filming earlier, because she says, like, "Well, I'm taking the boys, and we're going shopping." And then the one kid reminds her, "But mom, you just were shopping remember?" [Dylan: You just literally walked in the door from going shopping.] And she's like, oh, yeah. [Mom: I went shopping for the three of them to buy clothes.] She literally slaps her forehead as she remembers that she was supposed to just be shopping. Okay, and then the dad goes into his whole spiel about like. "Alright guys, well remember, we're giving you $100." [Dad: $100 giveaway, ten $10 gift cards.] Drew: And then she, even though she wasn't here earlier for this conversation, she was out shopping right? She's like, "That's right guys. I knew about this." Such a disaster. Totally fake. But again, I don't care that it's fake, everything on YouTube is fake. It's less about the fact that it is fake and more about, like, what they're promoting. Because then at the end of the video, the dad says this: [Dad: Alright guys, leave a comment if you've ever charged under your parent's credit card without them knowing.] Drew: And she agrees! [Mom: Yeah.] Hey, what about maybe not saying that? What about, you don't encourage the children who watch your videos to do what your kids did, even though you've already sort of encouraged it by being so nonchalant about it. Like the mom comes in and freaks out sure, but the dad, initially the initial reaction was like, "oh you stole my money But you gave some of it back to me. That's fine." You might be thinking like well, this is so fake, It's so obviously fake that they're not like... Anyone can watch this and discern for themselves that this isn't real and that they shouldn't do this, but that's... We're adults. We're adults talking about this, right? Like, adults don't watch this. Why would an adult watch this? I know for a fact that exclusively children watch your videos, because adults don't talk like this. [reading comments on screen] Sorry Vincent, punishment fits the crime. That's... we're not celebrating this. That's not something to celebrate! That's not good! [reading comments] Finally a good role model here: [reading comments] "My parents won't give me money to buy fake clothes because they're selfish. But thanks for listening to me." [reading comments] This is your audience. This is who watches your videos. Do not make what is essentially a tutorial on how to steal money from your parents and then, as the parent, pretend it's totally cool. I know that kids already do stuff like this. I know that kids steal their parents' credit cards all the time and they buy absolutely pointless garbage and I don't entirely blame the kids in that situation. Like, they should know right from wrong, obviously you should know not to do that. I don't think they fully grasp what they're doing because it's absolutely impossible to conceptualize the value of money as a child. Like, an example for me: When I was like eight years old, my family and I used to watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire a lot. And I remember watching this show, and I always thought, man, if they're giving away a million dollars, it must not be that much money. And so I very casually asked my mom. "Hey mom, we have a million dollars, right?" And she's like, "No. No." And that shook me to my core. I could not fathom the idea of us not having a million dollars, or, based on the way she answered the question, apparently not even close to a million dollars. I truly believe that it is impossible to understand the value of money and like, how much work it takes to get a certain amount of money, until you get a crappy part-time job, dealing with angry guests who take everything out on you, incompetent managers, you gotta mop. You've never had to mop in your life. Now you're mopping all the time, and you feel tired and sweaty constantly, and then you get your paycheck and it's like 11 dollars, and you're like, "Oh... life is hard." But when you're a kid, you don't have that perspective yet. Yes, you should know not to steal from your parents, but, like, a credit card just seems like an infinite money device. Like, as a kid, it's just like, I type these numbers in and I get whatever I want. And it doesn't affect my parents because I don't know anything about anything. But as an adult, you should know this. I don't think this is a good look when you're kind of, you're showing how exciting and consequence-less stealing money from your parents is, because they don't show... Like, a kid watching this is gonna, is just gonna assume that what happened to them will happen to him. So, "Oh, they barely got in any trouble, they kind of laughed it off at the end. And the mom came home and was mad for like 30 seconds, and then she seemed confused like she didn't know why they were still filming. She didn't seem that upset. My mom will probably react the same way." And then they get chased at with a knife by their dad All right guys, I know this video has been pretty long already But the family just uploaded the sequel to this vlog so I can't post my video without talking about this first But I'll try to make it quick. So this time, the kids are angry at the mom for grounding them and apparently throwing away their ps4 So they put their little heads together and concocted this plan to get their revenge. Basically, they're going to not only steal their mom's credit card, but actually show it in the vlog so all the viewers at home can also use the credit card. I'm just gonna boil this video down to the three great moments that stuck out to me, and I will share those with you now. The first is when the kids are allegedly using the mom's card without the parents knowing. The mom is outside and the dad is in the other room. For a split second while they're making a purchase, you can see the reflection of the dad holding the camera in the TV. And then like 30 seconds later He comes out, dumbfounded, like, "What's going on?" The second great moment is when the parents come in and they realize what the kids are doing, and so they start to lay down the law, you know, but there's a point where the mom, who sounds absolutely flabbergasted at the idea, but she asks, how did you get the ps4? [Mom: Where did you get this? Is this new? Dad: How the heck did you get your Playstation back?] Drew: As if it was like, in a locked safe, that they buried underground, in some remote location. It was at the top of the garbage can, right outside their house. but the best part of this video is at the very end, when the mom starts freaking out because she's getting these rapid charges on her credit card [Mom: I keep getting charges, every second, for $99.99? What is going on? What's going on? What is going on?] [phone beeping in background] Text after text from American Express about all the people using her credit card. She also gets like a frantic call from American Express which she answers and then the video just kind of ends. But hold on, let's rewind for a second here. The conceit of this, what we are supposed to believe as the viewer, is that because earlier in the video the kid showed her card- not in a different video, earlier in this video, that they hadn't posted yet, because he showed the card earlier by the end of the video people have already started using her card. How stupid do you think the people who watch your videos are- you know what? I take that back. And now a word from our sponsor. Has this ever happened to you? Man, this book doesn't make any sound. Leave this scenario in the past by signing up for Audible. Thanks Audible! Audible has an unmatched selection of audiobooks that you can listen to virtually anywhere on just about any device! Never again will you have to try to read while driving. Audible gives you control over the speed if you're trying to get through a book quickly. You get free exchanges, and the books are yours to keep even if you cancel your membership. The best part is, it doesn't even matter anymore than I never learned how to read! Maybe you're looking to reread the Harry Potter series, but you're an adult who doesn't have time to sit down and read 100,000 pages of text So pop these in your earbuds and listen to them while you're commuting or grocery shopping. That's what I did. Also it helps cuz of the whole not knowing how to read thing. To get a free audiobook with a 30-day free trial go to or text "drewgooden" to 500-500 Thank you so much to Audible for sponsoring today's video and helping me pay my rent this month which I should probably go do because I think my landlord's still waiting. Drew: Hi! Landlord: Hi. Drew: I'm back. Landlord: Great. Do you have the money? Drew: I do! In fact, it's right here in this envelope. Oh, no, one of these envelopes has my rent in it and the other is filled with combustive gas that will explode if I so much as touch it. But which is which? I really gotta learn how to read. No time for that now though just... have to... guess. Landlord: Your neighbor's apartment just exploded. Drew: Weird. Well, here you go! Landlord: Thanks. Drew: Bye!
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,685,828
Rating: 4.9694805 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, former viner, parody, original, road work ahead guy, family vlogs, rant, fortnite, fake
Id: sz3aopl4OhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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