Bug Stratagem Tier List in Helldivers 2

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hey guys I've seen some videos going over the best strategems for hell divers 2 and I think most of them fundamentally miss the point of this game you can't just make a tier list like that because terminates and automatons are fundamentally different enemies that require different solutions some strategems are going to be very effective against the automatons but can be so bad that they are actually detrimental against the terminats the other problem is that not all planets are the same and while generally any strategy that's going to be good against the bugs will be good on every planet if you're facing a bunch of stalkers and Hunters things are going to play out very differently than if you're up against an army of B spearers so in this list I'm going to consider how effective the strategems are against the terminates specifically that said keep in mind there's a very wide range of strategems that are very effective and might be on B tier or C tier that you shouldn't Overlook especially because some of them despite not being as effective as other items or colins are a lot of fun to use and can synergize very well with the right party composition the bottom tiers I really don't recommend because they are often neither fun nor effective so let's get started with The Arc thrower here which is absolutely s tier this thing is completely op it has unlimited ammo it has a crazy good range which might be deceiving but it's like 50 m maybe even more and it can take down absolutely everything it can take down large Pary of enemies it can take down Chargers and even B Titans yes it's going to take a lot of shots to take down a b Titan but you can absolutely do it but more importantly you can take down Chargers that are coming at you and kill them before they even reach you which is absolutely massive and given you don't really need to aim because of the way the weapon Works where the ark basically goes to the nearest enemies it's really good at dealing with very annoying enemies that fly F around or jump around like the hunters and the shriekers so overall the ark thrower is good at everything it does and does everything better than most other support weapons the only thing that it doesn't do as well as something like the grenade launcher for example is the fact that the grenade launcher which is going to go into a deer here can destroy nests and is by far the fastest way to destroy eggs that by itself already makes the grenade launcher a great pick however I'm putting it in a tier because it can't really kill Chargers I mean you can do it but it's not effective it's not practical you need a lot of ammo to do it and it's it just takes a lot of time and it's very risky the grenade launcher ammo can bounce off the charger and kill you it's not ideal and the bile Titans you really it's kind of worthless to even shoot at them with the grenade launcher that said it can absolutely obliterate enemy waves and I'm talking everything from the smallest enemies to the medium armor ones it kills everything really fast it's a good alternative if you're in a planet with a lot of bile spewers and you're you want to use the ark thrower but the ark thrower is not as effective against the B Spears especially the ones that you know tend to hang back and shoot mortar style at you the arc thrower does not have the range to engage them but the grenade launcher really does I'm not sure I mentioned this but the grenade launcher has very limited ammunition so that is something you need to keep in mind you always need to be on the lookout for ammo and another problem it has is that with enemies like the hunters or stalkers when they catch you when they jump at you you don't want to shoot because you're going to blow yourself up right so that is kind of a very bad thing to have because Hunters are really annoying and you need to switch weapons when that happens and that takes time and you might get you know instantly stun locked or something and just die as a result of it next up we have the auto Cannon and this one it's not as effective against the bugs though it is a lot of fun to use but it does require a backpack slot which automatically just makes it a lot worse than the grenade launcher or the ark thrower or other options that don't require a backpack slot it can kill medium armor enemies very very quickly it's good against the Spore Speers it's good against the shrier nest you can shoot them from far away it does take take a lot of shots to take them down but you can absolutely do it but the eat the Expendable anti-tank is better at it the autoc cannon is a single Target focused weapon the eat is better at destroying single targets than the autoc cannon is because the autoc cannon can't really kill a charger head on you need to wait until it runs past you and shoot the legs the the back legs it's not super easy to do and you can't really deal with B Titans at all you can pump the full of rounds and you won't really kill them which is I don't know why that's the case I wish there it was a bit more effective against the B Titans but whatever and another problem is that It suffers from the same issue as the grenade launcher which is that you can blow yourself up if something jumps at you but yeah it it's I'm going to put it in B tier I could see an argument for this even going into C tier all right next up we have the eat which is this one right here and this thing is going straight into s tier just like the arcer with the 72 cool down that it has you can have many of these scattered around a map or an area where you're fighting you just call them in one after the other one all the time and you can have like six or eight of these ready to go once a patrol finally hits you once the bile Titans start to appear and with a single one you can kill a charger with a head shot or even a b Titan you can One-Shot them if you wait for them to start spewing acid it and shoot it at their mouth you can One-Shot them with this so this is basically two very important kills every 70 seconds and there's not really another strategy in the game that allows you to do that and that allows you to accumulate the strategy in the same way as the eat right you can't just Bank a bunch of uses of the rail Cannon strike or a turret or anything right you can Bank uses of the eat that makes it extremely powerful you can use it also to clear out uh shrier Nest or spor beor very quickly it's just an amazing addition to any team I highly recommend at least one of your teammates should be running this if not yourself maybe even two because at the highest difficulty levels it's very much needed to deal with the amount of chargers and B Titans all right next up we have the eat's cousin or brother which is the recoiless rifle which is this one right here and this one is going to go into C tier maybe should be B tier but the problem with the recoiless rifle is that it's worse than the eat in basically every way it has a long static reload you can get six shots in 480 seconds which is a lot less than the eat you can have a lot more Firepower in those same in that same time frame with the eat however I find it a lot of fun to carry both the recoiless and the eat and I I will explain why the recoiless obviously is the same damage profile as the eat you can one shot a charger to the head or a B Titan as I mentioned and with the eat if you're running both of them when you see something spawn or you know the fighting gets heavy you can use your recoil rifle and then use the eat then reload your recoil rifle and fire it again and that way you have very very quick succession very quick rounds of this rocket right that can take down basically the toughest opponents so if you want to specialize in being the dude that's going to kill the Chargers and the B Titans you can run with both of them and it's a lot of fun to use you're not going to have a lot of impact apart from that but if you want to specialize on that it's a lot of fun but yeah definitely around this level again you know these might go up or down one level it depends on the situation but the recoiless rifle is effective but there are better options something that's not effective at all is the laser cannon and this one's going to go into etier there's not a lot to say about it it's slower at killing enemies than the primary weapon is or even your secondary weapon so that makes it instant garbage it's a single Target Weapon It's not not even good at killing single targets it's not fun to use either you can't really run away or or move at all when when you're using it so overall it's just a bad weapon for the bugs and even for fighting the automatons it's also not very good next up the antimaterial rifle and this one is going to go into D tier because it is better than the laser Canon but it also has a lot of drawbacks you can only use it in first person view it lacks ammunition you only get six shots per reload and you don't have a lot of magazines to work with as I mentioned it's a single Target weapon so you're mostly going to be prioritizing targets which is not going to be super easy to do with a projectile weapon against the bugs right so it's it's clumsy to use it's not super effective it's okay at kind of what it does it it's basically a poor man's autoc Cannon you don't have the same fire rate you don't have the same amount of ammunition as the autoc Canon you do have access to a backpack but just the amount of reloading you need to do makes it very very ineffective all right next up let's talk about the stalwart and the Machine Gun and these are going to go into CTI here and in the same category because I used to Advocate that the starward was better than the machine gun but now I'm starting to think that it it really isn't they just have different trade-offs so the stalwart you have Mobility right you can reload it while you're moving you can control The Recoil a bit more effectively but the problem it has is it does not penetrate medium armor so those pink guard enemies you can't really shoot them in the face with it because the shots bounce the machine gun on the other hand does not have that problem this the machine gun is harder hitting and will absolutely destroy those enemies now neither of them are as good at what they do which is dealing with multiple enemies as the grenade launcher or the ark thrower they're also not as good at single Target enemies as the autoc canonist so that's why they come into C tier here they are a lot of fun to use they they are fun options and you can definitely have one of these in your squad to call the population of small annoying enemies like the hunters and the small little green like B spew things right so fun to use not super effective also folling into C tier we have the flamethrower and I can see an argument for this being D tier actually because the problem with the flamethrower is the lack of range it can kill sort of quickly you can kill for example a brute Commander before it actually gets to you because you will just melt enemies away but it's too slow at killing Chargers and you don't really have enough range to deal with enemies like the hunters the hunters will just stay out of your range and then jump at you and then you're shooting fire at the Hunter and that's going to make you catch on fire and also the fact that as you fire at the enemies you're covering everything on fire that's reducing your Mobility options if you need to dodge a charger suddenly the entire ground is on fire and you can't really go anywhere so I think they really need to up the range on the flamethrower to make it good because as it is I'm almost inclined to say it's worse than both machine guns because you just need to be so close to actually kill anything and that puts you in a situation you don't really want to be in so definitely either C or even D tier here all right moving on we have the rail gun and this is going to go into B tier they nerfed this a few updates ago and you know it it used to be S tier for sure because you could very very quickly kill a charger with it now you can do that but it's a lot riskier because you got to overload the weapon that usually means you want to use it in first person to look at the indicator properly and you know if you screw up you blow yourself up and the weapon and then you have the weapon on cool down and you can't use it again so it's a very risky weapon to use that takes skill and it's not better at dealing with bile Titans or well bile Titans maybe because you can actually take them down really fast with a few mouth shots or head shot so that is still very much a thing but overall it's not as good in its single Target role as the eat or the arc thrower even all right and lastly we have the spear and this one's going to go into D tier as well because it's just not reliable enough it has a very long static reload same as the recoiless rifle but with the recoiless rifle you can be damn sure you're going to hit what you want to hit with the spear the Locking targeting system doesn't really work uh most of the times and it can be very Hit or Miss sometimes it will deal a a lot of damage sometimes it will kind of miss you know it's it's just not very good all right let's move on actually before moving on let's talk about the mech the current Mech that we have which is the what is it called the Patriot ex suit is very very good this is going to go into a here because though it does have its drawbacks when it is active the machine gun is absolutely it's it's super powerful it's it's the same machine gun as the actual machine gun not the stward so you can penetrate medium armor with it you can basically destroy anything that's not a charger or a B Titan with it and for those you have a bunch of rockets that you can just shoot at them and you know kill them basically it's very good it's super effective at what it does it would be estier if there was some way of reloading it or if you had more uses of it you currently only have two uses and one of the main problems with it I would say is actually two main problems are number one you can very easily get tked or just you know get destroyed by um exploding a barrel when you step on it and stuff like that so you might lose your Exo Suit very quickly and that's going to put you in a very very bad situation because suddenly you're lacking one strategy the other problem it has is that you cannot use strategems or interact with mission objectives when you're in the exo suit so losing access to everything you have to all your other strategems while you're in the exo suit that's you know that's kind of a big hit in the first game you were able to use strategem so I wonder if that's coming in a future update if it is this is definitely going into s tier but for now I'm going to leave it here in a tier all right moving up we have the guard dog with the laser and this one I'm going to put into a tier as well because when you use this you're going to notice the amount of kills you get at the end of the round is going to be just absolutely huge this thing will kill like 200 or even 250 enemies on its own which is absolutely massive and it works really well as a shrier Defender and a Hunter Defender and a stalker Defender offer because it will engage those enemies and let you know of their presence often you know they are off your screen so this thing will start shooting and you'll look and there's a hunter there and this thing killed it before it jumped you and started hitting you so that is very very very good I would recommend this over the shield that is going to go into Ester in planets where there's lots of hunters Now The Shield is also extremely good because it will block those attacks and it will also stop you from getting slowed down from the effect of the bile Speers and the bile spitters or whatever they're called that is absolutely massive this thing will basically make you immune to crowd control so that alone makes it really good it pairs extremely well with something like the grenade launcher because it's going to prevent you from getting yourself blown up which is a thing that happens and overall it's the safer pick over the guard dog the guard dog can also unintentionally either kill you or your teammates The Shield generator is not going to do that so yeah overall Shield generator the more consistent pick the one I would pick especially in a planet where there's lots of enemies that shoot acid at you but the guard dog is definitely very effective at what it does and can be a real help when you're dealing with lots of smaller enemies next up we have the guard dog but the one that shoots and this one is going to go into D tier it's just a worse version of the laser one so there's not a lot to say it's just worse it's not it doesn't have the same up time it doesn't seem to deal enough damage to compensate for it so definitely you know not as effective next up we have the ballistic shield this is worse than bad you basically don't want to use this this will reduce your Mobility it won't really help on anything it's just overall not something you want to bring against the bugs it's not a bug strategy the supply pack this is going to go into C tier maybe even B tier because of a couple of reasons one is that it pairs extremely well with the grenade launcher I would say if you want to bring a supply pack then you must bring a grenade launcher with it because removing the Mo restriction from the grenade launcher means you are absolutely like by far the biggest source of fire power on the battlefield and that is just it cannot be understated because you can shoot so many rounds that deal so much damage so fast and just not have to worry about basically running out of ammo ever with the supply pack so this thing is just absolutely insane with the grenade launcher now the problem that it has is that it prevents you from using the better backpacks basically but the other benefit that it does have is that this thing will restore your stems and your grenades so if you're going for example on a planet against the B spewers the grenades are very very effective against them because one Grenade on the back and they blow up that is massive so if you're using something like an armor that has plus two grenades and then you carry the supply pack suddenly you have access to what is it 14 grenades which is insane uh and that's going to make it make you very very effective at just dealing with everything that's not a bile Titan or a charger so you're kind of a oneman army there all right next up we have the jetpack and this thing is going into D tier it's okay you know it can get you out of trouble sometimes and he can position you on a rock or something and you can shoot from there and it's fine but you know there are better options and the big problem it has against the bugs is that there's lots of enemies that fly and leap at you and it's not going to prevent them from doing that so you might jump onto somewhere and then you get jumped by Hunter so what did you accomplish really not much at all right all right now let's move on to the eagle strikes the standard Eagle Strike this thing is absolute s tier and there's multiple reasons for this number one it's very good at just killing things right it can even kill a charger if it kind of lands a head shot with it and it will 100% very reliably kill medium armor units like the B Speers like the Guardians it can kill the stalker nests that's the other thing this thing can destroy nests so that makes it extremely useful for fighting the bugs because there's always nests around that you want to just destroy as fast as possible this thing allows you to do that so it's it's very very good and it's reliable you get three uses out of it when it's maxed out that is a lot of use for a single strategem it's up you know the cool down once you use all three Chargers is like 2 minutes so it's very very powerful at just being able to have this at any given moment it's it's huge the contrast to that is the cluster bomb which is going to go into C tier these appear similar at first but then you realize that the cluster bomb yes it covers a larger area but it doesn't reliably kill medium armor units so you can just use that and you will see the B spewers just keep charging at you or you know like a stalker or other enemies just don't really die reliably to it so that makes it not as effective yes you have more charges you have five charges total but it also cannot destroy objectives so it cannot kill Nest it can't destroy the broadcast tower like the eagle can it's it's just the worst Eagle Strike that has a wider area of effect and that area that extra area of effect does not compensate for the fact that it's not it does not have the utility that the Eagle Strike has and it doesn't deal as much damage as the Eagle Strike does all right next up we have the 500 kgam bomb this is going into a tier this thing is just a very versatile weapon to have you can use it to kill B Titans you can use it to kill Chargers you can use it to clear up large amounts of enemies and Destroy objectives with it as well it's not super good at destroying the nest because you really need to land it now they kind of fix the blast radius so it's a bit more reliable than it was before but it's still not you know as good as something like the eagle for that and it can be a bit of a hit or miss like you can shoot one at a B Titan and have it explode right on it and it doesn't kill them so because of that lack of reliability it's going in into a tier otherwise it would probably go into s tier all right next up we have what the Napal and the strafing runs and these these are just bad these are just not effective like maybe I could see an argument maybe go into D tier but not really you know the Napal strike kills a few enemies but doesn't prevent them from going through the fire which I think you know hopefully it's something that they tweak in the future but even still again there's lots of bugs that jump so it's not going to prevent them from jumping at you if anything it's actually going to obscure them the Gatling the sorry the strafing run is not effective it does not kill medium armor units so you know you use it and there's still a bunch of enemies left the the deadlier enemies are left so that's you know kind of the opposite of what you want so these are just yeah straight up bad the 110 rocket pods it's going to go into D tier you can use it to damage B Titans pretty effectively but it's not going to One-Shot them and it will often you know just miss its Mark but when it hits it does deal decent damage so it's slightly better than either of these but it's it's still not very good straight up bad is the smoke barrage this thing I've tested this and this is going to the orbital one is also going to go there this is worse than bad because this will actually aggro bugs because they will see the cloud of smoke and then they will run at you through the cloud of smoke so it it literally does nothing except draw attention to you so both of them really bad very ineffective they don't do what they're supposed to do they just don't work and just don't bring them uh all right moving on to the orbital barges and Strikes we have the laser and this is going to go into a tier this is what I like calling the get out of jail free card because this thing will just destroy so many enemies and it will also kill Chargers and B Titans though very very slowly so ideally you want to take care of those on your own so the laser doesn't get wasted on a single enemy but it will stagger them quite a lot like it will prevent Chargers from basically moving so that is very very good it's yeah it's basically the the strategy that you want to throw when things are going really bad and you need an exit this is going to give you that exit the problem though with it is you only have three uses so you got to be very very strategic on when you're going to use it and on longer missions you're going to run out by the time you get to the end so that is one less strategy you have at the end of the fight usually right so yeah very good at getting you out of sticky situations that's why it's going into a tier but otherwise it does have some issues all right next up we have the rail Cannon strike and this thing is going into C tier I could see an argument for this being into B tier but it's not a tier it's not s tier and the reason for that is it has a very very long cool down and what this does is basically one charger kill or one severely damaged bile Titan or maybe it will one-hot them but it doesn't happen as frequently as it should and like what you're getting one kill any other strategem that's listed here gets you two like the 500 kgr bomb that's two Chargers dead the the Eagle Strike that's also maybe a charger dead the eat that's two Chargers dead you know so it's just not it's not as effective as the other ones in terms of it's cool down however there is a lot of value at being able to in instantly destroy an enemy right like I instantly need this charger to die or to reduce like there's five Chargers we need to get rid of at least one right now that's when you use the rail Cannon and it's very good at doing that but again yeah it's going into C tier all right next up we have the bares and these are all going to go into D tier and I've tried to like these I've tried to enjoy using them and I kind of do I could see an argument for maybe even putting this down here because the walking barrage it's less effective than these other two these two can be used to clear out bug Nest locations and just large groups of enemies but it takes they last too long because you know they start shooting and they don't really hit the nest that often very often you're you're going to need to move in after and destroy the nests that remain but to do that you're going to have to wait a long time and these can get you very easy TKS and they need to be a bit more focused and a bit more faster like you know less prolonged time to these these are very effective against the automatons because the targets are are larger like usually the the factories you need to destroy lot larger than the bug Nest that you need to hit so uh you need to hit more precisely right so yeah just not very effective the walking barrage it it whatever you know it shoots a couple of rounds into the area that you want to shoot and then it just goes away off into the distance so it's yeah it's not very good might might be good if you're running away from a bunch of bugs to throw it behind you but again it's just going to overshoot a lot of them it's it's whatever it's it's yeah they're not very good uh the Gatling gun this is just bad you know it kills a few ene means doesn't really kill the mediums yeah it's whatever I actually I'm going to put this here right because these these two if you're going to bring one of these three bring the these two before you bring this one the orbital burst this is also D tier it's it covers a large area doesn't really kill the mediums all that effectively is fine doesn't have you know the worst cool down but it's also not very good and it just Overkill sometimes because sometimes you know if there's just small smaller enemies with the first shot they're already dead with the second and third shot you're often just wasting your time just just waiting for it to end uh because the other enemies are either not dead or they've just moved elsewhere same goes for the Precision strike this thing is very hard to land and you know when it does land it's good it can kill the charger and you know be effective at that but there's so many better options to do what this thing does the EMS orbital strike is also going to go into D tier you can very effectively pair this with the 500 kgam bomb so you freeze a couple of chargers then you shoot a 500 kg bomb into that area and instant like absolute destruction but it's hard to land like sometimes the the area that it covers is just not big enough so you might be better off with the EMS mortar though the EMS mortar will often not hit the targets that you want to hit so you know that's another problem but this thing is kind of unreliable Hit or Miss sometimes um all right next up we have the gas this thing is bad you can throw it at something like a bug breach and maybe get some utility out of it but most of the bugs are going to be unaffected like they're still going to be alive by by the time they leave the area so this might even go into worse than bad but you know I'm I'm going to put it on bad it's it's it's whatever it's not it just doesn't deal enough damage and yeah it's not very good kind of a similar thing are the line mines which are a bit more effective so they're they're all going to go into D tier both of them but the problem with the landmines is that if you use them to block like a corridor a lot of the mines will go unexploded because the bugs will just clear a way through the mines exploding those mines and dying to them and the next bugs that are behind those those will just go through them right and not trigger the other ones the other problem is if a charger comes just charging along it's going to destroy all your mins and not really do anything so these things they're good I I like like throwing them on bug breaches like right on top of them or right between the bug breach and you and that's going to get a few kills but there's there's better options you know like basically every other thing that you can call in is going to be better uh so yeah they're just not very effective I really Tred to enjoy these and it's just nah um this thing this is The Shield generator this is worse than bad because the bugs will just walk through this and this requires that you to sit in a single area it restricts your movement basically like yes it will block the shots from the the B spewers but it's not going to block them for very long and while it is blocking them you can't really move anywhere so just way better to just have the shield generator pack on your back and you know just have that all right then we have the autoc cannon and this is going to be a bit controversial I'm going to put this into B tier no it's going to go into C tier this thing is really good here me out here it's really good it can absolutely destroy uh Chargers and it will deal a lot of damage to B Titans like it will decimate B Titan maybe it's maybe it's actually going into B tier the problem with it is that it's extremely unreliable like very very unreliable very often there's going to be a charger rushing directly at this turret and this thing is going to be shooting Hunters that are 100 m away right it's going to ignore it does not have a correct targeting priority and that very very often means you drop it down it doesn't do what you wanted it to do like kill a charger or kill a b Titan and then it goes away right so what that is just a wasted strategy so it's I'm going to leave it here in B tier but it can definitely go to C tier it's really good when it works but when it doesn't work it's it's so bad right uh this thing can even TK you very easily it can destroy the exoit very easily so it's a very very tricky weapon to use uh again it can be effective but it's very unreliable all right next up we have the EMS mortar and this thing this thing is going to go into C tier I can see the argument for this going into B tier but again very very unreliable uh let's uh let's let's no let's put it into C tier the thing with this is that you need to defend this right because it will get attacked it will draw aggro from enemies around it and it will get destroyed and it's not usually targeting the enemies that you want to Target so if there's a charger that's running around this thing will shoot and often miss the charger because the shot will land behind the charger because it's already moved and it's going to land or it's going to Target smaller enemies that move slower like bile Speers maybe and the medium armor ones and it's going to freeze them in place but not kill them and the problem with that the main problem that does not make this very good is that this thing will shoot at bugs that are very far away and that have not seen you and you don't want to aggro and it will draw them to you because it's just going to freeze them and then they're going to come come towards you right so this thing it's a bit of a double-edged sword it's good when it works again with same with the autoc cannon but the autoc cannon is a bit more consistent because at least it kills things right at least it destroys the enemies that it's targeting while this thing doesn't really do anything against B Titans and it has all those problems I already mentioned all right next up we have the Gatling uh Sentry this thing is D tier it deals damage fine same as the rocket one actually like these are not as good as the autoc cannon basically this thing will not really kill you know the the heavier units it it subtime is not very good uh the machine gun actually is going to go into etier here because it's just a worst Gatling gun so all of these yeah just not very effective the problem the turrets have primarily versus the bugs is that if a bug jumps onto them or a charger just sees them they are gone right and you don't get enough use out of them they're also not very useful in some biomes like the forests or you know more like um like they they are geometry or sorry geography dependent right and you don't always have that advantage or that situation um to use them correctly so overall I would not recommend you take turrets to bugs like to fight the terminates because they all suffer from the same flaws right the mortar is going to go into bad because yes it's actually good you know it it does kill things and it kills them fast but the amount of times that you're going to get jumped by bugs and this thing is going to shoot at that bug and kill you instead and maybe kill another party member that's going to happen very very often so the fact that you cannot control where this is targeting is very very bad um the HMG is also going to go into bad you know it will shoot and destroy a lot of things like it it has a ton of Firepower but you're going to remain still and if I again same problem right lack of Mobility against the bugs will get you swarmed and that's not something you want to happen against tougher enemies like the B Titan you can't really do anything with this against a charger you're just going to get charged and destroyed against the bile spearers they're just going to shoot at you and again kill you so it's not very good and lastly this is the last one this is going to go into D tier this is the Tesla Tower it is okay it has killing potential and you can actually control an area with it it's actually uh this it's actually better than the mines so it shouldn't be in the same category as the mines right um are the mines just bad yeah the mines are just bad yeah let's fix that yeah the mines are just bad um so this is sort of effective it can you know it has a very very long up time um it will eventually get charged or something and destroyed but it's good it can be effective it's not as good as other stuff right um and that's again one of the main issues but it is kind of as effective as all of these so yeah I'm okay with it all right guys that's going to be it for this uh let me know what you think I'm going to obviously work on a same tier list for the automatons because it's going to be very very different from this thing it's going to almost be well some of the stuff is going to be very inverted but that's it let me know what you think down in the comment section as always thank you for watching and I hope I will catch you in the next one
Channel: monoespacial
Views: 4,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2 stratagems guide, Helldivers 2 stratagems ranked, Helldivers 2 stratagems best, Helldivers 2 stratagems weapons, Helldivers 2 stratagems eagle, Helldivers 2 stratagems orbitals, Helldivers 2 stratagems, Helldivers 2 best stratagems post patch, Helldivers 2 best stratagems for automatons, Helldivers 2 best stratagem weapons, Helldivers 2 best stratagems early, Helldivers 2 best stratagems solo, Helldivers 2 best stratagems, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 guide
Id: yz0pe8YhxfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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