Ranger Class & Subclass Detailed Overview for Baldur's Gate 3

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Rangers have a reputation as one of the most  versatile classes throughout the many editions   of DnD in Baldur's Gate 3 that's no different  with some fun changes made to favorite enemy   and some other goodies planned for launch  in this video today we're going to be doing   a deep dive on one of the classes for balder  skate 3. this will be a 12 part Series where I   hope to give you a better idea about each of the  classes ahead of the launch of bg3 come August   3rd today we'll be focusing on well you guessed  it the ranger I'll be pulling information from   the 5th edition player's handbook and I'll show  off the Early Access character select screen or   creation screen there won't be a ton of visuals  here because I don't want to spoil anything from   the game for myself or for you I might have some  visuals from the actual 5th edition handbook but   that'll really be it you know how we'll really  do this video is by talking about the base kit   without any subclasses then go into the three  subclasses that we know are coming at launch it's   worth noting that most subclass abilities go up to  level 20 in DND but the cap for bg3 is level 12.   so we'll talk about the high-end abilities  because we still aren't sure if they're coming   into the game in a modified form or what have  you but that's just a bit of transparency up   front uh keep in mind you can fully Respec both  your character and companion for the exception   of their race so I encourage you to try out every  class you're curious about when the game launches   and please as always play how you want not how the  internet tells you to lastly I am no d d expert   not even slightly so I apologize if I missed the  mark in any of these descriptions you can quickly   navigate to any part of the video that interests  you the most using the chapters above the timeline   in the description and don't forget to swing on  by to my twitch where I'll be streaming Baldur's   Gate 3 on launch Linked In the description and  pin comment let's get started here on my Ranger   class and subclass detailed breakdown for Baldur  skate 3. so here we are with the ranger now we   get a couple things that are unique to the range  and we're going to go through those here right   now with favorite enemy and natural Explorer  there are of course different than they are   in the tabletop RPG but we get some other stuff  too the ranger like I've said is very much that   versatile class you're a strength class you're  a dexterity class you are a wisdom class what   I mean by those things is that you're going to be  using one if not all three of those stats strength   decks and wisdom in a lot of your playthrough of  the character your character will make ability   checks so anything in the game when you're playing  it you just go ahead and press T and it kind of   locks that screen you can hover over it so ability  check is a test whether an action is successful   based on a dice roll your ability to modifier any  bonuses in the checks difficulty class so this   basically adds into it any value over I think it's  over 10 is what would give you that ability bonus   look I'm so smart it's it's 12 it's 12.  it's 12 or higher clearly I'm so smart   um but it's important to kind of know those  things because you'll be using those dice roll   quite literally in the game this isn't going to  be all behind the scenes if you've never played   Baldur's Gate 3 you actually physically roll  the dice which is actually quite is quite fun   so let's talk about our favorite enemy our  natural Explorer and let's take a look at   this chart so favorite animated natural Explorer  you're going to start off with at level one and   we'll go through how they're different in this  game but then you get Advanced into level two   and you get your fighting style and the ability  to just cast spells so remember you're going to   be pulling spells from the Druid or basically any  of the nature bass spells so healing is an option   buffing up animals is an option talking to animals  holding animals Charming uh entangling things   all sorts of nature spells are going to be coming  your way with the ranger and you won't get access   to the highest level of spells until like level  17. we do know the cap of the game is 12 so you   actually will never get access to the fourth and  the fifth um spell levels so it's right it's worth   knowing that but it's not gonna really I don't  think you're like oh well damn it I can't do that   now but another thing you're gonna get here is the  Ranger progresses eventually to get some very fun   abilities at level 10 you get stuff like hiding  plane sight now level 14 is when you get vanish   which is another stealthing ability but hiding  Plain Sight and vanish are what kind of make the   ranger have some rogue-like abilities and those  things will kind of push themselves very well   into gloomstalker in the subclass portion when  we talk about that but I'm not sure if they'll be   pushing vanish up to the 12th level or something  like that so we can actually play with it in   Baldur's Gate 3 but it is worth noting that you  do get those sorts of options here for the Ranger   and land stride too it might be something  that'll be a little bit different here but   basically you're a character that knows the land  you pull from all sorts of aspects about the land   you can sense things using stuff like feral sense  you'll be able to see if something's hidden and   you don't get a disadvantage if you're trying to  shoot against it or fight against it all sort of   stuff and if you want to be a character that  is that one that can you know what I want to   shoot with the bow or I want to use two weapons  I want to use a single weapon because that's how   your fighting styles work you can use archery  two weapons a single weapon or a defense which   adds to your AC by one you've got those fighting  styles I want to be able to cast Druid spells too   well you can do that I want to be able to summon  up a ranger companion well you choose a subclass   and you can if you don't choose the subclass you  cannot we'll talk about that in a second here but   this is really a very versatile class and it's  I think it's even become more versatile with   the way that things work in bg3 so let's take  a look at another thing really quick before we   jump into favorite enemy and natural Explorer  because we're going to be using this word a lot   if you've never ever played d which I'm just going  to assume you haven't if you have I apologize but   you've got something called a proficiency bonus  so we're going to go ahead and look over this real   quick so a proficiency bonus is a bonus that is  added to attack rolls and ability checks if you   are proficient with a weapon tool or skill this  allows you to get a little bit more out of say   maybe the simple or martial weapon proficiencies  which are base part of your class you get simple   and martial weapons that covers all the weapons  in the game pretty much most people all have   simple weapon proficiency then only some classes  get access to martial weapon proficiency the   difference here uh simple weapons would be  stuff like scythes quarter staves or staffs   um clubs slings very simple weapons martial  weapons would be stuff like long swords would   be stuff like flails anything that's a little bit  more complex that would be in the Marshall weapon   category but there's also the proficiency with  armor now you can use any armor or any weapon in   the game at any point you just are either going  to have a disadvantage or you will not get an   advantage whatever it is so let's go ahead and  look at medium proficiency wearing medium armor   will not impose disadvantage on your attack rolls  or prevent the casting of spells and I'll explain   this again later but disadvantage Advantage you're  basically choosing the if you're at a disadvantage   you roll two dice and choose the lower if you're  at an advantage you'd roll two dice and choose   the higher that's again just a quick rundown of  that so that those are how proficiencies work   because we're going to talk about them right  now so for favorite enemy and how this works   in in fifth edition you'd basically choose like  hey you know what I'm gonna uh I'm gonna kill my   favorite enemy or my My ultimate or the thing  I hate the most whatever it is are fiends or   or Faye whatever it was now we basically choose  something that we study the tactics and abilities   of certain creatures so on so forth to get a slew  of benefit so Bounty Hunter game proficiency and   investigation creatures you hit within snaring  strike either ranged or melee have disadvantage   on their saving throw allowing you to hit them  a little bit easier Keeper of the veil here your   spec you specialize in hunting creatures from  other planes of existence you gain Proficiency   in Arcana and cast protection from evil and  good which grants protection against aberration   celestials Elementals Fey fiends and Undead see  this actually grants us a spell Mage breaker   here you have a history of battling spell castles  casters not castles spellcasters gain Proficiency   in Arcana and the true strike cantrip which gives  you advantage on attack rolls against a creature   wisdom is your spell casting ability for the  spell Ranger Knight grants us a skill Proficiency   in history and armor proficiency with heavy armor  so if you want to be a heavy armor wearing Ranger   you can do so here with Ranger Knight and lastly  Sanctified stalker you swore to hunt the enemies   of a Holier druidic order game Proficiency in  religion and the sacred flame can trip which   deals one d8 radiant damage wisdom is your spell  casting ability for this cantrip which is right   here sacred flame you do a little bit of damage  it's pretty nifty so that's how favorite enemy   works here in bg3 and the same thing with natural  Explorer natural Explorer used to be you chose a   Terrain type and you got benefits on that terrain  and that would then go into stuff like land stride   and other abilities so I'm not sure how those  other abilities work now that natural Explorer is   different because we choose Beast Tamer you have  cultivated a strong bond with animals you can cast   if I'm familiar without expanding a spell slot one  thing to note here find familiar is not the ranger   companion that you get for being a Beast Master a  beast Tamer is simply a natural Explorer passive   feature you do not get a ranger companion you  get find familiar versus the Beast Tamer you get   a ranger companion they're two different things  Urban tracker you have cultivated a uh an expert   at navigating the wild within the city you gain  sleight of hand proficiency now sleight of hand   is not simply stealing things it's disarming  traps as well go ahead and press this hover   over it here you can see oh oops there we go it  helps you pick locks and pockets and disarm traps   so your dexterity skill modifies that too which is  quite good Wasteland Wanderer cold fire and poison   which basically half the damage of cold fire or  poison whichever one you decide to go with you   have all three of these options it gives you that  little bit of resistance and the class features   itself strength decks saving throws light medium  armor and shield proficiency and then simple and   martial weapons which which we reviewed a little  bit earlier so you also have your skills here and   your skills for Ranger are animal handling  Athletics investigation nature and survival   remember all of your skills every time you put  a proficiency into them you'll get plus two to   their role and that skill then coincides with  inability which you'd get the you'd pull from the   um the relevant ability bonus so see dexterity  gives you a plus three two ability checks there   if I click this it shows me that acrobatics since  I have not I'm not proficient in it or sleight of   hands if I'm not 100 proficient in it like I don't  have it in here in this section I'm getting my my   plus three Dex modifier but stealth well you know  what I'm proficient in stealth so I get plus two   to that mod to that role that's what makes it  a five so if you look at just clicking these   we'll expand them and show you what you'll  just roll in those situations take again   anything with this little blip next to it like  religion's got this little blip that means you're   proficient in it so wisdom we're proficient in  Insight so rather than having the plus one we get   the plus two bonus from proficiency to now B plus  three for insight that might be a little confusing   but it is worth noting that animal handling  Athletics investigation nature and survival   are your skills as a ranger the rest are all  inherited so you would choose these skills based   off of how you want your character to interact  with the game world do you want them to be one   that is really good at investigating do you want  them to be one that knows a little bit more about   nature and these roles will come up in anything  of the sort from conversations to things in the   world to all little bits of nuance so there's no  way to like min max this right out the gate you   just go with what you think you'd want to have  that character do from a role play perspective   but this kind of squares away the base kit for the  ranger we've talked a little bit about skills and   abilities right you're gonna be focusing on your  strength your dexterity and your wisdom because   that's where a lot of your roles are going to be  coming in but how does this all combine for the   subclass options so let's move now into some Beast  Master action the first subclass I want to talk   about is The Beastmaster for Ranger and I think  that's probably going to be a pretty popular one   because who doesn't like being the pet class and  The Beastmaster here is interesting I don't know   if they'll be pulling from the Primal companion  but basically you get a Rangers companion where   you summon up a beast and that Beast is by your  side he scales with you he gets stronger all   sorts of fun stuff or they get stronger and what  you really are going to be doing with this is   attacking dashing disengaging or helping that's  basically what they can do they will go on the   same turn that your character goes so if you have  a set initiative you go fourth in line then it   will go forth in line with you and this allows you  to have basically an extension of yourself on the   battlefield I think at first it'll seem a little  underwhelming because the beast is just simply   going to run around and attack things you're like  yeah cool my Wolf's doing the wolf stuff but it   scales out as you get higher and the nice thing  about Beastmaster is while it does get really   cool abilities most of them happen before level 12  or level 11 like I think the one of the last ones   um the second to last one but what you can really  do here is you can have a lot of fun kind of   chaining things so at level seven um you can have  it do a bonus action which is very fun this allows   you to have your Beast be a little bit more mobile  around the the battlefield do a little bit more   um to get in the middle of things or lock stuff  down or get out of sticky situations but also it's   attacks become magical which is pretty goddamn  cool helps you overcome some resistances then   into level 11 you get beastial Fury and this is  pretty sweet because now they can actually take   um an additional attack option or make a  multi-attack one or the other and then lastly   you get at level 15 and I don't know if they're  going to squeeze this into the game somehow   you get share spells so that anytime you target  yourself you can also affect your Beast companion   with it so I'm not sure how much of this is making  a translation into bg3 as far as the stuff Beyond   level 12 since we know what that cap is but I  think that Beast Master is really going to be   the character for you if you want to focus more  on using those kind of innate Beast abilities of   the Ranger you're not necessarily going to be  better at casting but I think that going with   the Beast hammer out versus hunter or gloomstalker  you will innately kind of maybe skew a little bit   more towards your casting since you can buff your  uh Beast through those capabilities so I think   that that kind of lends itself so if you want  to maybe pull a little bit more naturally into   your spell line that might be the way to go here  with Beast Tamer since Hunter and gloomstalker   are definitely more combat oriented in in some  way shape or form so let's jump over into Hunter   now so the hunter has some different things here  they basically get four primary abilities and you   choose a sub ability within each one of those and  this is again definitely geared more towards just   outright combat not so much the gloomstalker which  is more of a roguish Ambush style of character   ants I guess it's just kind of an easiest way to  describe it but the hunter you have Hunter's prey   which allows you to choose Colossus Slayer giant  killer or Horde breaker Colossus Slayer basically   allows you to do more damage to something that has  less than Max Health giant killer allows you to do   um more damage again but you do this pretty  much after something has made its attack so   you when a larger larger creature within five  feet of you hits or misses you with an attack   you can use your reaction to attack that creature  immediately after its attack this is again for   large or larger creatures you're fighting dragons  you're trying fighting giants anything like that   something that is quite literally big then lastly  you get horde breaker which allows you basically   to chain your weapon attack so once on each of  your turns when you make a weapon attack you can   make another attack with the same weapon against a  different creature that is within five feet of the   original Target and within range of your weapon  so basically your and chaining that attack to try   and kill clear out a horde as best you can right  so those are your three options with Hunters prey   and that triggers right at level three they're  gonna get that access very quickly then you get   defensive tactics which gives you well you know  defense is gonna give you some defense at level   seven so basically you're gonna get a disa enemies  are gonna get a disadvantage so basically and if   you don't know what that term means Advantage  versus disadvantage let me just help you right   now anytime you hear that if you're playing  in tabletop you would roll two dice Advantage   you'd pick the higher of the two disadvantage  you'd pick the lower of the two for example I   have disadvantage I roll a five and a two well  I choose the two I have an advantage I choose   the five over the two that's how those things work  so uh Escape The Horde helps out with opportunity   attacks against um that are made against you they  get a disadvantage they again choose the lower   multi-attack defense so when a creature hits  you with an attack you gain more AC against all   subsequent attacks made by that creature for  the rest of the turn so it helps you kind of   again be a little bit more durable if you're  finding something that's going to be really   pummeling you then steal will you get an advantage  on saving throws against being frightened so makes   you a little bit more immune to status effects  specifically fear multi-attack though at level   11 which is might be the last ability we choose  depending on how they do things is where you would   basically choose whether you want to do a melee  weapon or a ranged weapon because volley allows   you to take to shoot multiple times essentially  um and Whirlwind attack is the same thing you   can use your action to make melee attacks against  any number of creatures within five feet of you   with a separate attack roll for each Target so  you're basically choosing here do I want to do a   multi-attack with a range weapon or a multi-attack  with a whirlwind or I'm sorry with a uh a melee   weapon that's your kind of choice is the Hunter  and it's why the hunter is very geared towards   that up close and personal or at range pure combat  of the Ranger then at level 15 you get Superior   Hunter defense which allows you to get evasion  stand against the tide here which when a hostile   creature misses you with the melee attack you can  use your reaction to force that creature to repeat   the same attack against another creature of your  choice which is pretty cool and then uncanny Dodge   um when an attacker that you can see hits you with  an attack you can use your reaction to have the   attacks damaged against you so mitigates quite  a bit of damage here unsure if we're going to be   getting into level 15 with the actual abilities  and if they're going to be any modifications on   that but I still think that that multi-attack at  level 11 is really one of kind of makes the hunter   very fun right you're choosing one or the other  as far as am I going to be just a really really   good Archer or am I just going to slice and dice  things up close either with my dual weapons or my   single weapon whatever Rod I want to take with my  Ranger Hunter our last option is the Gloom stalker   and this is gonna turn you into a little bit of  a glass cannon not even glass Canada that's a lie   it's not going to turn your glass gun at all it's  just going to make you do a lot of burst damage so   you get access to new spells too you get disguised  self rope trick fear greater invisibility stuff   like that because now you're kind of dabbling  a little bit with some of the Illusions bells   and that's that's really all you get access  to there's another one seeming at level 17.   but really what the big thing here for the  gloomstalker is you get access to dark vision   if you don't already have it so if you're playing  a race that doesn't let's just say a human then   you would get access to dark vision which is very  nice but you also get dread ambusher now why this   is good is that it increases your initiative role  so that you go you go closer to First in a combat   scenario because right every a combat scenario  starts everyone rolls initiative and then they go   um in order of their initiative you would add your  wisdom to that mod to that uh uh initiative role   so you have a high likelihood of going closer to  the beginning of the line but what's also really   good about it is anytime you do an attack on  that turn that first turn of combat you do one   an additional weapon attack as part of that action  so you basically get a lot more damage out right   at the very beginning which is again kind of the  dread ambusher portion of it and then this scales   out you get iron mine which is going to help  you out with um resisting uh um what they're   called status effects but then you get into  stalker's Fury so you learn to attack with such   an unexpected speed that you can turn a Miss into  another strike which is very cool right so once on   each of your turns when you miss with a weapon you  can make another weapon attack as part of the same   action so it's a really cool way to kind of chain  a Miss into another whole entire attack and that   gives you a lot of really cool flexibility to hey  you know what I I need to get this the shot off or   this this uh strike off or else I I'm we're gonna  go a whole other round of combat I missed well you   got a whole other chance to do it again right so  it's once on each of your turns not each combat   so this gives you a little bit more flexibility  and that happens at level 11 so it'll be towards   the end of the game quote unquote your last thing  would be shadowy Dodge at level 15 but whenever a   creature makes an attack roll against you and  doesn't have advantage on the roll you can use   your reaction to impose disadvantage which is very  nice right but the gloomstalker on paper when you   just kind of think of those things and go ah that  doesn't really seem like they're going to do a lot   those things are actually quite  good because anytime you can   roll again that's almost a whole nother turn  of combat right in the very beginning right if   you think about how dread ambusher Works you're  getting the ability to not have to sift through   every single thing's actions you just get to do  that damage again right off the gate you might   miss but that's when stalker's flurry comes into  effect right stalkers flurry in conjunction with   Dread ambusher makes that first round even  more impactful and then after that you still   have the ability to kind of chain any of those  misses into actual hits should you be so lucky   so looking at all three of those subclasses this  is definitely going to be one if you want to have   that raw increased punching power damage right you  as a ranger already get tons of abilities to sneak   and stalk around you get hide in plain sight you  get vanish you get all these really nice abilities   that are very very good when it comes to trying  to be essentially a Rogue assassin character with   the gloomstalker so if that's the kind of route  you want to take with your Ranger and be one that   does skulk in the shadows and ambushes things from  range or from from uh to weapon fighting whatever   it is then you're gonna definitely want to go  with the gloomstalker so hopefully this video   helped you out in deciding what you want from the  ranger or if the Ranger's even for you I know we   did the whole kind of breakdown of the entire list  of classes but I wanted to really kind of show off   the individual to talk more about it are you on  the fence about the ranger did me talking a little   bit about The Beastmaster actually discourage  you from wanting to do it and now you want to do   a gloomstalker or did this actually just make it  even worse because now you want to put the ranger   into the mix of the options you've got on the list  let me know in the comment section below I might   have missed a couple things here and there but I  just wanted to break the class and it subclasses   down on a pretty basic level there's some verbiage  in here that you might have gotten a little lost   in if you're not a DND player I myself like  I've said I'm not a DND expert and I might have   miscommunicated a couple things in here so just  try to kind of frame a lot of what you're doing   by approaching it and how you want to play this  character do you want to play a Ranger that skulks   in the shadows and it ambushes things then go with  the gloomstalker do you want to be one that just   actually just doing a lot of melee or range damage  you don't really care about anything else go with   Hunter do you want to just buff up a pet and go  wild with it then go with a beast Hammer you've   got a lot of different options for a class that  is very very diverse and full of well Rich options   but as always guys thank you so much for watching  here today if you have any questions concerned   anything like that go let me know in the comment  section below but have a good one and take care foreign [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 77,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranger Class & Subclass Detailed Overview for Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3 ranger build, bg3 ranger guide, bg3 ranger knight, bg3 ranger beastmaster, bg3 ranger gloomstalker, bg3 hunter build, bg3 ranger overview, bg3 ranger class, bg3 ranger, baldur's gate 3 ranger guide, ranger guide, bg3 guide, bg3 ranger subclass, ranger subclasses, beast master, gloom stalker, bg3 ranger dual wield
Id: zRPwnek4mSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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