RAN UP BY ANOTHER BIDDER at the abandoned storage locker auction! He made me pay, but he'll be sorry

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forgot to put his mic on mute and he was talking to his wife about how he's going to run me up 550 550 runway get 600 600 jack looks totally different just saw something there is maybe a little disturbing disgusting boxing oh there's a jewelry box right here what the heck there's freaking jewelry right here do you see the name on that gucci guess what day it is it is auction day man i'm actually pretty thankful oh i don't see any cars okay now i see a car got nervous for a sec there you never know there's only like one unit for sale here so it could have been canceled but anyways happy to be here it's one of the last auctions public storage let's hope we get something good i'll bet you yeah you got 25 over that one all right 25 for rodney 35 25 rodney 10 you're good right all right all right cool it's a 10 by 15 50 full couch [Music] outdoor boxes this is jack i'll do 50. all right 50 with jack jack rod 200 rod and you can get 250 250 jack 250 jack i get 300 three rod 300 run you can get 350. 400 jack 600. 550 50 running get 600 600 jack jack you got 650 650 700 jack billy we lost you billy so where are we at 700 i'll check i get 750. i have 700 jack can i get 750. hold on hold on real quick manual can you hear me yeah yeah i can do it good you're good guys 800 jack i can hear you jack i don't i think your connection's bad billy 750 rodney get 800 800 jack what's [Applause] 250 rodney correct yep correct 250 rodney 300. yeah go 350 rod 350 rodney to get 400. manual 400 you get 450 450 rod 450 rodney you can get 500 manual 500 550 manual 500 to get 550. once twice so 500 for uh manny all right third one did you guys see the screen yes i got the 97 it is a 5x5 percent full i started 50 bucks to get 50. you know at 50. 25. five dollars come on guys there's a lot of stuff in there you can find five bucks it's a small unit it's a five by five only all right i'll just need three three two pieces in this one okay all right locker nuts last stop last unit of the day kind of exciting the last place which is right up the street from me i think i've said before when i've bought there um it's the closest physical storage unit to my house so i love buying there and kind of interesting they had three lockers there three and um but then they when i got there she said that there's only be two because the third one i think is a deceased lady they uh didn't have that one released or approved well then the regional manager got there and decided nope we're letting this one go it's been a long time too because they've been talking about that one for a while potentially coming up so anyways i got that one uh deceased owner i'm excited about it you guys will see it soon because where i think i'll head back probably head back and um take some peeks all right so uh but here's the here's kind of the funny twist on the day apparently um this morning there's only two of us at the that showed up for the auction at the first stop so the other buyer who's someone i know very well um he's approached me and says hey uh let's uh how about we flip a coin and take turns anything that good comes up we take turns otherwise we'll be bidding each other up and uh and i'm like well you know what um i don't really want to do that thank you but i don't really want to do that um you know this is how i provide for my family this is my only income and i really need a good locker i need good lockers i need merchandise i need to feed my auctions um i can't do that i can't agree to that if some good comes up i can't take a pass because of an agreement well i guess that didn't sit well with him so in between the last stop and this stop uh he forgot to put his mic on mute is logged into our telecommunication group chat and is talking to his wife about how he's going to run me up because he approached me on this deal and i turned him down and he was going to make me pay for that well he was the one i was bidding against on that unit he probably didn't make me pay a little bit much but um i think his make me pay in my idea of making me pay probably two different things um but i don't know but it's very amusing to me so um now we're at the third stop which has a unit which he apparently knows a little bit about and says that he wants to go on if he sees one good item he's going on it time to pay bro it's time to pay the pipers 5x10 75 full [Music] all right locker nuts what's up we're at the unit gonna crack this open right now all you saw all i saw was on the video that we did on and uh the videos are terrible so i'm excited i didn't even peek in this earlier when i put my lock on uh but now i'm back so yeah uh that my gopro actually ran out of batteries on that last uh unit that we were bidding on that wound up going for 500 honestly i didn't even want that one i didn't like how it looked at all i didn't like it it looked to me like a lot of office stuff paperwork that was a feeling i was getting i could be wrong and i could have been treasures in there for all i know but i don't really think so i really don't but this one 800 bucks it's funny because the other guy acted like he had cost me money um and bid me up on this 800 for deceased unit deceased owner unit to me isn't overspending because this is the kind that you want to take the chance on the other unit for 500 good luck but anyways um i would have let that go for 25 because he ran his mouth it cost him today i'll tell you i've never done that i've been asked that question in my lives before and on other people's lives like do you bid people up just because you don't like them and i actually like this guy a lot but um i don't the only time i will ever bid on a unit is if i like the unit until today until today but anyways let's get to this it's let me put the gopro on all right let's do it that way my stuff let's do it right now it looks totally different than i remember it really it does it really really does man and they didn't i don't even think they found the light on the light doesn't really help much let me flip this camera around so you can see a little bit better all right yeah for some reason i don't know maybe i just remember i thought this was longer maybe it looks longer especially right now at the wide angle it's not 10 by 15 i think so here we got a sofa see a little dirt right here at least it's the right color it's that gray very neutral light modern looking that might be sellable or at least moveable got some patio chairs here not super jazzed about that i'm not got a tv here uh oh samsung okay that's somewhat decent hopefully now it's newer but um boxes are what we're after okay really the boxes are what we're after and we do have some boxes yeah i thought they were sealed too oh you know what that is sealing okay that is that sealed looks sealed too it looks like it's pulled up but this side is this side looks good it looks snug all right what's that a waterfall bird bath i don't know there's some lamps up here these do not do it for me here's some uh pictures [Music] prints owls okay [Music] broken wonderful [Music] definitely screams old ladyish in my opinion not that's a bad thing i'm just saying oh these look like they were left outside and they moved in here oh there's a spider mess right there take my time on that um have your furniture i don't really know are those worth anything can you sell those i'm not sure i'll tell you what though i've got uh a pickup coming tomorrow boy this unit doesn't look that good honestly these boxes are what make me intrigued the story on this one is it was professionally moved however it was professionally moved in here she hired movers so um it just feels like there probably should be more these are decent this is decent that's not so great um that's not that's not so great that's not so great all right i'm looking around i see some potential not that much we do have some boxes back there kind of interested about that but one two three four five six seven large excuse me extra large boxes eight eight extra large and a few smalls over there that's our chances for romance right there we'll see what we got oh there's an old tv wonderful wonderful okay well actually here's the deal my live auction starts in a couple hours this monday and i think it's almost three o'clock right now so uh this literally is right up the street from me i love that but here's the deal tomorrow the waste management district is having a free pickup day we get two a year tomorrow's the day so my plan really was to come here see anything that i just wanted to dispose of and right now i'm seeing it that big tv that's gotta go these pictures i think are gonna go this bird bath most likely doesn't mean that it's getting tossed away they say reusable items on this side garbage in the middle electronics on that side so everything gets disposed of properly and recycled or reused but what it also means tonight late at night those picker guys are going to be coming through and grabbing anything that's of value they'll grab some of this stuff and i'm happy with that i invite them to but this stuff is going to go to good use i don't want to deal on it i want to deal on these boxes but we won't go through those till probably tomorrow i don't know let me see let me just drop the gopro and get to uh moving some of this stuff right now okay got my gloves get my dolly uh see the freeways right there it's kind of loud here that don't matter here we are okay [Music] that's not too bad actually kind of like that one that one's not so bad either keep in mind what i said lot of this stuff is going to get picked up by pickers and if not tomorrow when the waste management company comes they take it away and sort it so that reusable donatable items go to their place before the landfill okay that one's ugly this is not a print right here all right that's it what is this it's got a nice frame right here yeah that's not a print either this might be a print on canvas i'm not sure but that's not a print that's something original that's quite nice actually all right let's see what's in these disgusting boxes there oh that doesn't look bad at all what the heck there's another purse right on top here i'm dead spider okay but hmm there's a jewelry box right here it smells like mold though i think they left this stuff outside what the heck there's freaking jewelry right here that looks like silver uh silver and turquoise perhaps what this could be some gold right here okay that's gonna need a little bit more time and attention thank you very much wowza was not expecting that these have been left outside [Music] hey snow gloom hmm not bad stuff how about we open one of these i can't help it that's not a good site that's not a good site okay wait okay there's hangers on top maybe better step below hey maybe find another batch of versace that'd be nice huh oh man this box is heavy that box is actually extremely heavy [Music] oh this does not look good this one looks really dirty and old dirt you know that's not the way we like them this chair we could not even go for free the good thing we got the pickup tomorrow and save me some money [Music] oh this one's heavy like surprisingly heavy i'm gonna get that tv on i'm gonna get those two chairs on most of the straps are broken on the other two anyway so i'm not trying to save that i'm gonna get that base on someone will definitely take that tonight and then we're down to far less that's good [Applause] okay there we go all right i see a lot of other items that i wouldn't mind taking but and i saw the wood table there i can't see much let's go with those chairs no doubt um i would like to get more on the curb but my truck is kind of full uh so we're gonna call it and it's no problem because all the stuff i see here that anything i don't want i'm pretty sure i could just put for free and make it go away fairly quick this couch hopefully i do see a little brown spot over there hopefully it's just dust but uh if it's stained up it's gonna be harder to move but let's take a peek let's look all right let's start to look pillows you see that dino dino and pillows [Applause] pillows oh boy all right i just saw something there's maybe a little disturbing did you guys see it i know it's kind of dark let's get it in the light over here and take another look what do we have please tell me it's not a taxidermy pet oh no okay all right good first glance it looked kind of creepy not that bad it's like a resin dog and i guess his name is dino [Music] okay i was at the door or something that's kind of cool actually kind of cool stay all right over here let's open another one i was gonna wait on these but i can't really help myself i'm somewhat optimistic after finding the jewelry right away some dirty pillows there here's a toe she bow all right laptop that's good right it's all right anyways it's all right a couple of cheap hats cow all right okay what do we got here come on expensive scarf i want to say that because it's light uh what's that a little dream catcher oh man a stalking that's not good oh look my glove what the heck some handmade oh it stinks in there okay dirty pillows handmade craft items if anybody wants to buy a mystery box right here i put one together for you 50 plus shipping hello surprise just kidding i would never never oh boy it's not looking so good guys knife set it's heavy too if you've never seen my videos before i'll take you on this little emotional roller coaster which is buying units and spending a lot of money to get them um you like you get excited then you doubt yourself then you're excited then you doubt yourself it's kind of like that up and down up and down boy this is a brand new knife set right here okay and that's what these appear to be at least a couple of them brand new knife says now if they're cut co we're gonna be sewing the money so in the money but i doubt that unless we got here that's not bad shiny metallic peacock peacock what is this boxes in boxes yeah silverware all right grundy that's a good brand that's like the old radio that we found in the 5000 dusty trunks locker oh nice this is the one the ones you lined up [Applause] earthquake or other natural disaster like a zombie attack we now have a wind-up radio cool yeah what's this this is kind of heavy actually come on waterford crystal nope picture frame mikasa all right hmm ultimate nails i bet you my girl's gonna want that dirty old blenders dang this locker's not looking so good all right but keep the faith right keep the faith it only takes a little bit of gold or silver to make me happy and this potentially could have some in there i mean it looks like it has some in there hopefully it has some more in there or one of these boxes could be loaded up but so far clothes i've got junk dirty pillows it leaves us three four more boxes that's not a so a good all right i went back to this let's see if we can pause from the garbage and like i said before it definitely has a smell to it like almost like a little mildewy mm-hmm well i don't know i don't know about that actually that just has kind of a smoky smell just trying to pull out any garbage that i could pull out right now so i can get that going that's kind of nice huh that looks old hmm that is kind of nice oh hang on hmm a little jewelry box is kind of cool all right i'm gonna take this home and take a little closer look at all this but this has me intrigued and this one in particular has me interested all right there's the front of our house that's it look familiar it's funny all right guys back at the house i open this up just a couple little things in here little wood dyes elephant polished down nice i don't know what those are for a game or something little markers for a game i i really don't know we'll see if that winds up it's not a big deal this is all right this piece right here i i don't know if that's silver or not sure looks like it i think it's older do you see the little clasp right there that's um definitely looks like an older class yeah it's like a spiral pretty interesting anyways it does look old i mean it looks actually really old cool all right not a big deal this piece right here also i think it's old it's a locket okay i don't think it's gold or anything but it's it's quite nice a lot of detail work on there's pretty there's the inside i'm actually not sure why those holes are new uh it does have some markings there if you see that rbm it's got the year 1874 and a trice i'm not sure what any of that means it'll look it up i haven't yet this earring right here i do believe is gold i think it's 14k or maybe 13 and a half it has some markings on there super super small i think it says five six five and that would be thirteen and a half carat gold uh whatever not a big thing okay now but now look at this this piece right here the watch i didn't think anything of it i just looked at it and looked past it do you see the name on that gucci it's a gucci watch i have to see if that gets cleaned up a little better look at the back i think that's a real gucci watch it's got a serial number on it it looks kind of legit see that that's pretty cool right gucci watch that might be worth a few bucks um and then this piece right here kind of skipped over that but i thought this was silver written right inside there sterling definitely looks like a nice piece turquoise right there that is pretty isn't it that's a really i think that's a really nice ring all right so not bad guys not bad good start maybe we'll find some more all right that's going to do it for this episode we'll go back tomorrow or maybe the next day and finish going through that unit wouldn't be too hard if i had a bigger truck or a trailer here but i'll have to go get my trailer and then come back and we'll we should be able to whip that out it's not that far from the parking lot to the door so that makes it a little bit easier all that stuff's easy to move so not too bad i'll get that out but um yeah i just want to point something out do you see this right here do you see this right here that is the cleanest this part of the garage anyways that part over there and it's just caught a work in progress but right here mm-hmm making the making a little headway this past weekend and getting this cleaned up and uh feels pretty good all right you guys well thank you so much for watching the next episode will be out soon we'll see if we find some more treasures let's hope let's hope all right let's hope until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on look at this do you see that right there do you see oh there's a lot of them oh my goodness you guys do you see that okay these are dollar coins right [Music] dollar coins what do you got here
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 16,472
Rating: 4.9387441 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, storage auction, storage unit, storage locker, abandoned storage locker
Id: HaLZneCC_n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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