He HOARDED the WEIRDEST STUFF in this locker I bought at the abandoned storage unit auction

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this is good look at this look at that right there that's money this right here and it's not empty okay guys ready Oh you [Music] itself markedness welcome to another episode we're gonna go digging in this unit and just so you know this is the unit we bought when no one showed up at the auction 50 bucks we paid 10 feet wide 20 feet deep there's tons of dust actually we're already dug in let's see good five six feet into the thing and finding good stuff if you watch the last few videos and find them really good stuff actually I'm surprised at how good this stuff is not a lot going the dump a lot going to the market some even for the vintage and some that go home for us to either be auctioned off on our Monday night auctions or to go to eBay somewhere a little bit better because it's nice stuff all right we're gonna bout to get started digging here I'm waiting for my help to get off the phone and come over and help me you'll see who that is in the second surprise guest appearance and we we're excited all right excited to be doing some more digging doing some unboxings and exploring and finding more good stuff for you guys you ready to get started hey if you're new to the channel this is what we do alright this is my job buying storage lockers at the auction I film it so you guys can see what we find how it goes you know the adventure we take you along with us and it's a lot of fun so subscribe if you're new let's get started all right guys let's start this episode out with a laptop box yeah interesting it's heavy and I would say it's either the laptops in here or there's books in here okay place mat for your dog bowl I guess that's these are heavy okay the laptops in here first of all okay there's some good news there's a laptop right there forty bucks minimum untested as long as the screens not wrecked corners aren't all messed up this is good look at this so how can find two tablets right away okay guys what our videos don't normally start out this is exciting usually like we find a bunch of garbage and then they try to I find something good I save it till the end model QM v7b I don't know what that is it's probably a Google right a Google OS one but it looks new it looks like there's barely any wear on it at all no scratches or anything that's great ooh then the screens beautiful in these oh there we go right here ellipsis 7 both of them ellipsis 72 take a look at this laptop it's pretty light and it's stinking huge do you see that that's bigger than my laptop I got a 15-inch yeah this has got to be an 18 inch I feel like you think that they got the tag over the the camera here they don't want any hackers to see what they're doing we had a keyboard okay so the screen looks good there's no cracks it doesn't mean there's not and we turn it on there might be like some cracks you just can't see but visually it looks pretty good and keys are all here I know that sounds silly but you find a lot of them that don't have the keys there it is aspire 75 60 - SB 4 1 6 I don't know if that's good or not it's an Acer Aspire good firing already already that's a fantastic start I'm gonna put that in the car alright I didn't plan it this way guys I did not oh never mind I thought there was a laptop in there it is a laptop box that's not a laptop a couple wood corner shelves yeah sorry to get the excited I was excited though mute point alright we found some suits like this in the bags a couple episodes ago took them right to the thrift store I take some stuff to the tip store they just don't want to deal with Oscar dealer on the vintage suit this one says rack kit it's by Macy's and I've never heard of that but I know [Music] spotlight made in China shell is genuine leather that's what I was looking for this is a leather jacket and it looks my goodness that doesn't look brand-new no it's not brand new but I mean it it does not look worn look at the sleeves right here you don't see any wear marks even see the dirt on here well maybe it was dry clean or something this is nice it's nice you guys see a little maybe no that's not a spot she's in this way Wow okay that's good this is pretty good I'd say this is 40 50 bucks at least and it isn't extra large which probably fits with probably fits me Harvey brothers Harvey winners in this port I love that he dryclean is closed I can't tell you enough that we do not that is an exception okay and that is an exception people don't use kind of people that would get storage lockers from don't usually directly in their clothes and the fact it is reckoning oppose a really a really good thing 43% wall and 57% silk that's a nice blend that's personal that's wiki looking right but yeah first years like is that's a Salvador Dali or something but it's a Rene cast room 2008 yes I'm sorry if the actual image offends you guys this is art it's a nice frame to friends in good condition to price not even wrapped up or anything this is a that's interesting right here that's you see like um crinkling in the paper right here see that crinkling look like they were holding it and I see a crinkle right here to you I'm just wondering if this is an original I'll have to get my loop out and take a closer look at it that's an original piece of artwork and this artist is in all famous this could be I didn't have high expectations I am pleasantly surprised and I'll tell you this the best lockers to buy when your hopes and expectations are low and that winds up being much better than expected it's a thrill it really is and this one that we got it for 50 bucks it was dusty it was full I just did I didn't have that feeling like oh I think there's money in here but there was stuff and there's a there's a thrill and I took the chance but the guys at the front desk they said they said we don't think you're gonna really find that bit of stuff I don't think the person had very much money they're just being honest with me the fact that if he did buy furniture from Scandinavian designs suggest otherwise it's not cheap it's not super expensive but it's not cheap stuff but we're trying to get stuff look at this this is a vintage and it fell sure that Raiders all over it it's awesome it looks like it may be done a little bit of repair work here see some loose threads this is an older it's like a Hawaiian shirt and look at the tagger in here that's an older tannic um in this extra-large that's a pretty sweet shirt good money anyways this is 10 20 bucks at the Vintage Market blowing out easy oh this is great players of the century I know exactly what this is it's got four different numbers right here I've had this Jersey before we had this one come out of the third time Locker this is um this one might be worth it up stop blood it's a Raider fan you never know could be vomit it could be blood you just never know what he's got junk all over the that's pretty cheap I say we're still gonna kill this head twenty seventeen hundred dollars it says right there that's not right these should sell for a hundred dollars on eBay right here I'm saying when I bring it to the market it's fifty to sixty bucks cash money quick sale this is good fun even with the steams I got guys I'll probably get 30 bucks on this honestly even with the stains cuz someone's gonna do the work to clean it up alright this one says kitchen miscellaneous did your stuff boring but gives your stuff a good selling flea market although that's not that's that's done right there but these might bow are green what does that say that's pretty dirty oh dang man did you ever clean your thoughts these are these are pretty good they'll clean up I don't see any real scratches on them maybe there are though are green I see I don't know but I think these might actually be a few bucks each so much plastic kitchen utensils here that's nice peacocks Japan this might be actually worth something that's clean it's clean that's a nice thermos right there I know there's a market for vintage thermoses I don't know if the hood the peacock vacuum bottle company made in Japan that's actually pretty dang nice all right thermos brand okay that's good too also clean like really clean like never used this guy anyways hey there's a locker nuts I decided to stop by and see what Jack was up to and get in on the action so I'm gonna go ahead and take a box here and unbox it so why don't you join me alright let's check it out the box was marked purses but it appears to be clothing with tags so Kathy we collection got some velvet two outfits here looking for a holiday dress up then we got let's see if these don't leave ice Oh Jordache even better who doesn't love a good pair of Jordache Ian okay looks like a little dress it's definitely 80s definitely got the Duff since the eighties I've got a cute floral skirt woo Gloria Vanderbilt these are all the hipsters love got a cool scarf ooh Oakland Raiders got some Bobbie Brooks denim whoo check out this beauty with some embroidered lipsticks on it super sweet making sure I'm doing quality control work or I'll get fired this is a faded glory that's Walmart Bobbie Brooks Bobbie Brooks tag it looks like it's also Walmart Oh Judy map I remember this brand oh my gosh these total eighties totally these brands oh this is super hip right now we got ourselves a denim zip up vest face will get snapped up so quickly in Alameda this is a fine this is the love vest Dickies can't go wrong with Dickies those are still good seller solid so so far that's what we got in this box let's get another box and go through and unbox another one who's ready for it and by the way if you haven't yet subscribed please subscribe join then Walker nuts family I grabbed a little box here it says handle with care so let's see how nice this is I'll tell you what is one dusty sucker if you don't have allergies you'll have them after you're done with this locker okay let's see whoa mamma legs I like that box some champagne glasses these I've got some weight to them nice I see a Tiffany's box what girl doesn't like a Tiffany's box whoa Jackie Audi look at that right there that's money okay let's see they like that chickeny we like their Tiffany okay let's see what's in it okay it would still have the sticker on it folks this thing is wrapped Tiffany who had another Tiffany's sticker my goodness they're thorough wouldn't it be funny if it fell pretty even the papers got like so uh since okay so let's see where's this baby made in Germany Tiffany infos a classic this is very pretty for some reason whenever it says Tiffany's on it just seems so much prettier yeah this is really nice really nice I like this pattern I might keep it alright guys we're back after the 10 minutes of me rewrapping the Tiffany vase we are back baby stuff gold on him okay this is nice does anyone know that for him get a good look in there take a look at that it's really beautiful so here's another vase and it's a set I have two of them this is really nice this is really nice quality the same as the other glass I mean and then look at how to live that's really nice really good stuff you guys a stalker I just want to remind you all this locker costs $50 people $50 oh hey same brand matching the cancer right oh my gosh look how pretty that is alright that was nice Gianna came by for just a little bit and my dad swung by Jenny was finishing up a conference call from work apparently and my dad was a little camera shy so he didn't want to be on the film he just wanted to come and bring us lunch and give this a little bit of his POSCO run and give us some cereal and canned foods instead just so you know this one did say miss lanes paperwork some of the boxes haven't been what did remark so just never know these guys were definitely organized but some of the boxes were mislabeled this is silver so unless he is a silver plate or silver it's funny because the paper was over it it tarnished differently best wishes make it beautiful I'm feeling silver plate well we need a silversmiths almost definitely silver plates here we have a glass serving tray Ansel Adams calendars those are pretty nice 1989 maybe should keep those putting within in Seoul Adams photo books cuz these could be cut out putting the frames there nice okay check that out Gone with the Wind 50th anniversary VHS all right guess I just want to give you a little look at what the locker is looking like since we're taking some of these boxes out let me turn the camera around I'm gonna show you around it's looking pretty good and I say it's looking pretty good because more boxes come out more boxes are seen in the back and I see plastic bins and I see you know check it out okay back there I know there's some furniture okay because we see the furniture I'm hoping there's a lot more boxes back there because the boxes have been good I'm feeling this whole wall right here might be all boxes and I see some back there so I don't know I'm liking it though I'm liking it furniture is gonna go a lot quicker once we dig our way back that floor I mean with all these tools it's good stuff it's good stuff we're gonna have a good day at the flea market this weekend sale on some of this and we're gonna have some exciting auctions coming up with the better items but yeah where can I say 50 bucks guys's just hardly ever happens and this box is heavy actually a lot of the boxes of the heavy they've definitely packed into boxes I mean the palms not a big deal my girls would be excited about that have some fun here's the guys tickets bit to robert jim plunkett that's cool okay we got a sign photo are we getting this on camera I'll make sure I'm getting a good angle here sign Jim Plunkett thought this is good right here guys holy smokes if I've not been finding like sports cards good lower check this out football cards like crazy all Raiders Raiders yes okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah later it's it's a baseball team okay check this out who's like everything Harry long right there we that bo Jackson Marvin Fernandes this is really gone oh my goodness for me good pleasure listening like the greatest or something all stars had on her this is outstanding Raiders Raiders [Applause] all right Rangers Rangers Raiders yep just like it says Oakland Raiders trading card collection outstanding okay man this is somebody's awful collection right here Oh Tom floor is a signed photo there's all side photos Jim Plunkett Oh guys this is gonna be good what the heck these are all signed all to Ramone the guy they own this number one Raider fan my goodness look at how many of these there are this guy must've gone to every Raiders function ever even got the cheerleaders to sign it all these okay and then this is just okay paper and she empty sheets but looked like he'd plan to put more in so cool that's really interesting the other one is the same score so score brand cards he's got a whole nother collection here amazing exciting well I'm gonna give this to goodness more loose ones all Raiders yeah not any Raider fans this stuff's gonna be up for auction on our live auctions Monday nights um more traders cards that's what it all is it's crazy I've been buying this is did not look like a collector's unit it did not there's just some packs of some some covers the sheets that you put them in the protectors you need a couple of seat cushions nice this is awesome okay next box no one's on top it's all dusty take a closer look I'll make sure you can see this as well as I can maybe that's not a cat thing supposed to be so for like for you cat let me take that home that was the cat's in the garage team destroyed nothing she never did even anyway she never scratched on anything it's pretty good that way telephone book no cat magazines don't we got some brandy music CD and some burn CDs coffee discs haven't seen a lot of poppy dis lately looks like I didn't see any those no a long time my photos back to them oh what's this oh nice rosary beads what if they are silver then it kind of looks silverish I don't know that's kind of nice put that aside put things in here give me anything right okay see book holder bookmarks he's got a bookmark collection guys look at that five-dollar bill an old reproduction of an old fat our bill for a bookmark a whole bookmark collection how funny is that making weird stuff but I still dig collection okay War Greatest Hits live that's cool yeah all right you know this is what we like right here and it's not empty okay you guys ready oh one two three oh yeah when we got okay first off we got a Raiders money clip which closes with a magnet in a super super strong let's put this down actually okay more cufflinks and they're nice you know those are nice I don't think they're going there nice even if they're not gold they're nice okay here this is Mervyn's right here hmm okay got a bunch of little earrings men's earrings like because we you still only pierce on one side I don't know what the kids are doing these days but you only cursed on one side there's the little Raiders there's a peek probably a big cubic zirconium and then here's something that's probably silver it's just sterling silver so it's probably all of silver um okay here's another step sterling silver a couple more little dollar sign you know get in yang another sterling silver right here hopefully these are the same earrings that came out of it because I don't really know that kind of looks like silver - I don't know little Arrowhead that's kind of interesting it's just a trinket but it goes on it goes on a necklace there's another Raiders earring but look it looks like it got broke and he tried to glue it it's trash now another little earring this one's really tarnished but it's a little cat earring yep and a little Hawk of some sort oh yeah I'm busted right there okay here's this cigar clipper lighter that's just you what is this these little earrings I wouldn't be surprised that's a little bit more silver right there maybe even some gold could be some gold there take a closer look at that later here's a little rock of some sort and a brass unicorn who do we ever know that likes unicorns you guys know who likes unicorns put it in the comments below please alright no pill pill container who knows what else you put in there alright that's cool the bucks I like it I like it a lot check it out miscellaneous boom box and the older eighties boom boxes they go for some big money make a base port it's a Sony cfd s34 see if I can look that up before the flea market like an idea the value if there isn't this this is a car cover right here hey you know what it's like brand-new to you I know what this is cuz car covers always come in bags that have the same kind of texture as the car clever so clever sometimes can be worth some money and this is brand spanking wait it's not car cover in text so this is a inflatable mattress oh my goodness night in car cover it feels like the car cover material guys is it now you're gonna say hi you didn't even like talking about hey hey well you know what this is uh feels like car cover material and maybe I was wishful thinking because I need a car cover I need to cover my Miata it it's getting roasted and toasted morgan is because there's more shoes I don't see a brand in here there does Durango we found some other boots that were Durango and they seem like they're decent boots I could sell the boots at the flea market that is full show RJ colt it's nice animals good condition d MX d MX to some decent boots right there it's very top ciders it's good and look at that the Reeboks are thrashed every time we find Reeboks is thrust for the dude mopped is Reeboks it's like the only pair of shoes he really warm whoo all right guys it is getting hot the Sun is moved over here I got no shade only when I get deeper in here do I have a little bit of shade it's getting hot well we found a bunch of stuff look at that Sun right when I step forward and shot a bunch of stuff Jana came and felt she had a little bit of a taste of the Walker which is great since she was here to buy it it's good for her to actually experience some of the two but I don't think she found anything really really good but I did find some good stuff right I found those Raiders binders of the sports cards I like that kind of stuff because it is unique someone took a lot of time to put those collections together and that's kind of stuff we like showing on our auctions right on a Monday night auction yeah look for those make sure you subscribe to the channel and hit the note education button so you'll be alerted when we do something last-minute like a pop-up box in or if you broadcast laughs in the flea market you never know make sure you have your notifications on so you'll know when we're live all right thank you guys so much for watching I hope you liked what you saw if you're new to the channel this is what we do basically we bring stuff out we have no clue what we're gonna find and that makes it an adventure and I hope you guys enjoyed that alright thank you so much for watching next video be out soon until then good luck to you god bless you see you next time here on locking nuts in the Sun app in the Sun in the Sun after the sudden
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 36,859
Rating: 4.9502592 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, Comprando Depositos Abandonados, jewelry, costume jewelry, vintage jewelry, locker surprise, Thrift Trader, found cash, found money
Id: trumHAOD0Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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