TURNED $25 into $646 from the locker we bought at the abandoned storage auction over Spring Break!

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instead me okay now this is interesting made in Germany yeah but this Dremel boxes this thing and there it is boom look at that that's like a bird carcass everything's a dollar dollar sale [Music] all right what's up Larkin Utz today we're going to be going through that $25 locker I bought so if you haven't seen the last episode we showed you what it looked like before I started tearing into it and also show the first few items to come out of it it's a pretty good locker but on this episode we're gonna go through the majority of it great stuff collectors items you're gonna love it let's get started all right got through a bunch more stuff we're not seeing like real big-ticket stuff not yet anyways Pleasant company so that is the American Girl doll as if you're watching one of my recent videos we found of a doll that was pleasant company and I when I looked it up I learned that those were that was the original American Girl doll when my pleasant company so this could be something here Girl dolls highly sought-after very classical you only come in little boxes like this buy them I think it's a little bit older just from the marketing I know my kids are bought a little outfit how about that I'm not gonna disturb it too much cuz I don't have too much time to get through this day no label on the mr. wet outfit this might be cold that's good I've got people that ask for outfits and I list the dolls they say do you have any outfits make my girls really want the outfit so yeah that's coz alpha tear collectible too but we'll see okay that's kind of funny cause I was just saying how we didn't really find anything like two valuables then boom [Applause] this right here Barbies from McDonald's collection there we got some cross collectability potential we got Barbies or McDonald [Music] plastics then any gives away 5:16 Scout so here we got a Girl Scout bass wolves a whole lot of patches very accomplished that's pretty cool on this the best I mean what he called is that not a best sash I don't remember what that's called that's a lot of stuff I don't I I've sold full Girl Scout stuff on eBay and I produced a note that there's a little Lego set it looks new I think this before this this one all right well I'm not gonna try to open that one handed me it's not torn I'm not gonna open it one handed you know spill it everywhere good here Grimm's fairy tales a small boat 1973 okay I would say I'm not gonna take any of this out right now because I mean I'm not gonna take it out to sort it into flea market stuff because so far this book is I mean so far this box has got a lot of good stuff in it I think this is highly collectible and this is not boy stuff this is more girl stuff which makes me think that this might be not the guys stuff maybe he is girlfriend or wife or something and there's some nice look in the Disney books very nice I don't think these are big money but those are at least two bucks each and I know that doesn't sound like much but five books they're 10 bucks I bring those to the flea market we're looking at a dollar each so I get excited when it's not excited but I get ya may be excited wonder I got two dollar books cuz that's twice as much money this is a Precious Moments Bible child edition that's pretty cool that'll sell on eBay I would think here's a train whistle turn this around it sounds so awesome it's amazing a little tank piece of wood Wow there's not even an end on that just a little tiny piece of wood without even much effort it can create such a sound a full deep sound oh I just saw something here highly questionable in Camtasia right now anyways train whistle you may have heard that from this before I found one these before and my mom likes to blow it and when we're doing the dog draw attention and she says all the dog training especially funny that she actually does it okay that's a good little box right here I'm gonna taking that straight home and looking that stuff up on eBay not right now cuz be honest with you I'm getting a little tired because I haven't eaten lunch in it's a little hard to leave to eat lunch cuz I got the locker all spread out everywhere it's almost like I got a flea market booth sit up here okay let me give you a peek of what it looks like not that much different than it was before but um and that's not that much deeper than it was before I'm going a little bit slower because I'm filling these bins these bins were all stacked up empty before now there are either some of them like that one's pretty much full but all the ones other ones that are partially full I got some baseball here put aside I got some personal stuff here to go back to the owner this is a much of what I'm doing with this this stuff's actually going different boxes skateboard stuff I was putting aside he made up with the skateboard stuff and I think I could sell that locally and these are all little bear flea market this I'm gonna look that thing up to at RadioShack strobe light right there that looks pretty cool I think they'll have some done this box going home with me better flea market better flea market does we'll all right next box got this sweet looking 90 bag right here it's not it's not 100% clean but it's not very dirty either I just think that's pretty sick looking look at this this is nice I keep that for my girls that they what use it and I'm half tempted to show that to then maybe they will use it I don't think so but what we got here i flopped shared the teens like a little portable speakers oh this is like a fishing tear your fish on them clip them all on carry it and there's some fishing line there I think that's what this is for right doubles is like a emergency wrote to you that's pretty cool I'm gonna bring that to a better play market no offense to anyone watching this in Stockton free market bring that now to wind up selling it for a dollar snoopy bank that's kind of cool it's a little collectible the one flea market that we've been going to you a few times now in Turlock is definitely more Turlock flea market is definitely a little higher end market people have money the outskirts of the area to shop there that is so cool a bug light or buglet a micro flashlight look at that how you can tie it on to things that it's just got the cool factor all right sorry I got distracted funny I just bought one at a flea market for five bucks this is 35 lumens I bought one that's 600 lumens [Music] maybe I should look in the definitely an interesting I mean I'll tell you right now this locker is the kind of lockers that I just simply love going through I mean this kind of Locker that everybody was going through collectibles so little bit more money officers it's nice little pen set I don't think I think it's a giveaway it's real Taiwan giveaway but nice that nevertheless whole bunch of pins walk spins turn thank yourself lots and lots and lots of all flips like these be defaulted on the different golfing golf courses this prequel team all right what's the latest oh nothing too exciting a couple of disney points to the saddle go through at some point in my life oh you bet would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail that's pretty cool it's paperweight I love Tracy sorry dude but I don't think you're gonna make it back to your over Francis Coppola the deck of cards a thing that's interesting to me because it's sealed so I may have mentioned in earlier video that decks of cards have become really collectible here sublime soundtrack to movies don't see anything like here Santana me and Ryan siblings give it to her so was that saying objects of cards have been come really popular with the collectible rather and there can be some big money especially in sealed ones actually I don't think you can find very many open ones that sell like there's not that much value in anything open so if you're putting the deck of cards don't open it but yeah there's some big money in to be made in quality cards not even vintage vintage is good but you can also get some high quality was there just collectible all right another box Hamilton Beach a good quick stuff [Music] couple Pyrex bowls this is a decent box I mean this is probably a 20-yard box right here it's in two two two maybe the big ones three pirates maybe three bucks each I don't know in this guy five bucks at least that's the diesel engine there's a little bit of life that I want on this one other than that it looks brand-new that's five bucks all right next box bunch more burned music it looks like let's sell that rope I don't really like the cell room I'll tell you why because people buy stuff from me and they show up often they do not have ways to tie down the load and they won't rope I love having rope for them okay now this is interesting made in Germany at the pewter lid that's that's the real deal right there I'm just looking around at it I don't see any chips that's a really nice condition like really really nice condition huh so this one's not quite as elaborate little bits in here geez break the dang thing it's a glass egg um definitely a cheaper lid made in Germany though these are these so good on on a eBay they do that's pretty cool crystalline and just you know like when I brings the books some books so this one actually is what caught my attention area Golf Club design fitting alteration and repair fourth edition that looks like a trade book there's no bar code on there which made me interested intrigued I should say lots of issues lots of golf I didn't scan all of them you know like I'm not gonna ski in Chicken Soup for the Soul I'm not gonna scan Michael Jordan's book these are mass-produced books there's not but I did find these two this is a PGA net Professional Golf Association book Golf Club repair in pictures and again there's no bar code and there's no price tag this is definitely a little bit older but with the Amazon you can scan the cover and you'll pick up this book right here 33 bucks in this book right here 13 bucks I will probably listen 13 hour book but I will definitely list a 33-yard book but all these were looking at I think there may have been one or two that we're like five six seven dollar books but most were like 10 cents to two dollars if you can believe books are ten cents on that's what you would get net Amazon's fees $0.10 definitely not worth the time it started wouldn't even cover an envelope to mail them in but you know the this why you do take the time I think I'm starting to get to the point where I can go through a little bit quicker like this one I thought had some value it didn't but those ones were my next two scans and then when I saw 33 it then I had to skim most everything and I didn't expect there to be anything there wasn't so anyways what I'm saying is after when you start doing this a lot it's really grinding it takes a long time but you start to kind of get an idea of what Amazon's looking for this book right here is not something that commonly found which makes a little bit more viable in another box of books same size and weight as the other one but actually you know that I say that you get into it there's it's personal stuff here graduation memories let's go back to them so he's got here he's got like it's like some kind of insurance booklet maybe there are some regular old books here mixed in with all sorts of different types of books I mean manuals and photos is a mismatch here but I'm gonna get to it all right so I've found a couple keepers well these these are some sort of teachers manuals here for golf school that's a word and stack it tilts a different one so I couldn't find those on the Amazon I couldn't find them on evening I haven't looked like super hard actually I didn't look for this one on evening I didn't see this one on eat on a TV or Amazon it's not on Amazon but I do see products from the stack and tilt and punks from John Jacob so I thought maybe if I put on eBay is instruction manuals I don't know maybe there's a value for that we'll find out this right here Cook's handbook I think that was 12 or 13 bucks I'm gonna go ahead and list this list that this right here critical thank you I don't know is that like a maybe it's a mcgraw-hill maybe it is a textbook but this was like 23 bucks and then this which is kind of cool masterpieces from Michael's award-winning New York restaurant so I guess this is a famous restaurant and this is like a little cookbook you probably buy there if you like what you ate for dinner you buy the cookbook so you can make it at home I don't know pretty cool 13 bucks so those are worth listing and add that to that stack that's it for all these books there's a bunch of binders and stuff in here those are gone nothing the Calvary returns what's up little locker nuts two shots wait I got zoomed in boom boom double pane tough though yeah that's not so bad right yeah and just like that they're gone but at least they brought me chick-fil-a god bless him this thing here is kind of cool it's a mirror ball set and it looks like it is the mirror ball light bulb mount and then the spotlight it's alright I just found a nice dart board just makes sense cuz he had some really nice darts I just put all that in the truck and bring it home and look it up maybe I'll sell that locally you know but this Dremel box is this thing there it is boom nice little Dremel set with lots of attachments it's kind of a mess but don't matter look at this I think you put that on there and it turns it 90 degrees I don't have one of those I do have a dremel this one looks a little small I'd like to get a portable family I find one of those I'm keeping it then right here we've got a dremel kit you see that tiny attachments but I have tons of intestines for my thermo and I do use my Dremel I love it I think it's a great tool that's nice it's a good little sit right there through a bin that was like almost all your books that's going back this however it's just white I'm here look it is white has a beautiful feather or a rooster apparently this one's your feathers my goodness they're pretty you know so we have a lot of stuff here I'm assuming for making your own viewers what is that this is all some kind of hardware all these fenders so I have a feeling we have some that's heavy departament throw that way what is falling out cuz I don't know what fishing needles floating around what is this it's heavy it's more Hardware it looks like a really nice set and it looks brand-new what's this right here sunrise it says so that is definitely gonna be sometime gonna look up it could be nothing or not much or it could be something significant I don't know look at all this cool so this I'm gonna take so look at this this is some sort of calm and it's like a fly-fishing station got all these symbols right here but you got all these here you know that there's little stands for Mall you got this I don't know if this is something that you buy or is that custom-made it's cool either way lots of feathers grab it for the threads it looks like there's lots of metallic e-type like probably makes a little shiny oh yeah look at this lot more stuff I'm doing that what I was you pretty cool pretty cool this is not mine not my ballpark here absolutely is not all this different look at that that's like a bird carcass that's crazy so I don't know if I finished my father could get inside track right the awesome things in here but um I think I would lock this up and this would be a nice eBay sale or maybe potentially a local sale man tons more I'm gonna see the dollar $25 10 oh geez okay so this is Tri City so we already know this guy grew up in Fremont or he went to high school in Fremont anyways and that's where I went to high school so Tri City is a sporty good store that was in Fremont this since closed and pretty much has gotten so expensive land is so valuable there's many businesses that aren't around it used to be and that's one of them so they sold the land I think first homes and so anyways good that's what that means that's all that was not bought recently [Music] pretty sweet so yeah I'm dollar twenty-five but win or sit right here might list that locally I just don't think I'm gonna get that much the flea yep non-stop that's it drill this was all people working alright this interesting in this box I will kind of the bedroom turned this box iPhone this and there it is right there just notice that I don't say we never ever find the phone in the box okay I surprised it before why do I say that every 10 that is my load for the market tomorrow this is my load these three boxes here one two three going to Half Price Books there's a few binders of baseball cards I'm gonna stop by the baseball card store see if he wants any um and then that's some stuff to go home for a better flea market and this is all stuff to look up okay I just check the baseball cards to my little neighborhood baseball cards and comic shop here I didn't show them the comics because I kind of want to look through those a little more but he looked through all my cards he's like yeah basically this is recycling material any serious and like basically it's not worth the paper it's printed on so I told mama bring the flea market tomorrow he's like yeah try to get a buck for a binder and I'm like yeah that sounds good no bigs I wasn't expecting anything out of those but always like to dry run it by him and see if we got anything good someday but it has not happened yet all right it's like 14 the morning just got gasps look at that 60 bucks maybe I make 60 bucks just to break even on the gas I just put in my car and I TiVo my cell table the chairs just sold haven't even got anything off 70 bucks all right here's our booth looks like we're finally sort of set up closer miss but move this home that way towels you probably recognize all this stuff can I wait to see those lockers pretty thoroughly got you okay but I don't think you don't think this was there or that before I moved it possibly not that one so I may have had a couple boogers that's really unfortunate because it was pretty clean before we still pretty [Music] um let's see I've got this nice bed frame this will probably sell today this I'm not gonna get off right away these are gonna have a hard time selling but I'll try to sell it this rolling rack actually bought off Alex today 15 bucks I hardly ever buy anything at home but today I'll buy her this chair fools vacuums decent dish we're gonna sell that's my all dawn sale or three this will probably sell I suppose this will sound pirates are hard to sail actually arches triple bucks each probably crockpots got a huge dent in it turn that around this should be 10 but your hands chocolate I told a couple pans to for five bucks one of them is a quiz it's all the one of the larger Samsonite bags for 10 bucks stuffs you saw mixed together now what babe stuff I just sold a bottle for 10 bucks I snuck out front since we ain't asking me hot today is the in-store stalker in action even that recliner a little salt up 20 bucks coming back to get it so not really say souls as little Dewalt bits for five or six bucks it's my favorite part of the day hamburger time mm-hmm everything's a dollar dollar sale [Music] dollars everything's a dollar for all of it how about four bucks [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go over here to not buying this with those boxes take the binders yeah Alex takes it more cards over here alright people you saw here this is where Alex sources his best stuff go to his YouTube channel so you can get links to us alright that's what we're left with 372 in bills and 9 in change so what's that 381 bucks not too bad not too bad at all especially considering we only paid $30 for the lockers but not great either there's a lot of really good stuff there at the flea market there's some junk too but there's a lot of really good stuff that we wound up selling for a dollar each that's just the way it goes and Stockton they don't appreciate the nicer stuff I should say they don't pay for the nicer stuff they might appreciate it if it's cheap enough but I'm happy with that but let me show you some of the other sales that we made which maybe are a little bit more exciting definitely a little bit higher ticket first up we've got that bocce ball set from sharper image that was a really nice set and looked like it had barely been used at all we got 30 bucks for it locally next was the Dremel set and the accessory kit that was a nice little set 35 bucks these sell really easy and really quick it's great piece to sell locally next was this Easton bat and this piece was from the 1980s if you can believe that it was in great condition it would look like it's barely used at all this guy just put it away and kept it and that's great for collectors sold on eBay for a hundred bucks can you believe that that little poker chip set sold that 20 bucks locally that's nice the American Girl doll sets so we had two accessory kit and basically we loaded them up sold them as a set $51.99 two sets there and then this doll I think we got the doll out of this locker I sold that for 80 bucks and those all three pieces sold the same person just recently it's been listed for a while now but that's a great Christmas present all right so the summering here I've got for you the cost 25 bucks for the locker two bucks in tax total cost 27 it's nothing really the sales we just went over all those items but the prices here are net the eBay fees so they're a little bit lower but we have two days at the flea market one is Stockton 231 bucks that's we sold of this lockers items there were stuffs all from the previous one that's a separate number the Turlock flea market I went there the next week sold another hundred bucks you know for the little bit better items so that's not bad at all we've got a total here of 646 in profit no I'm sorry in sales 619 and profit return on investment almost twenty-three hundred percent guys that's not bad at all right that's that's not bad at all okay so it's not normal to get units that good for so little I'll tell you the last one that you want if you watched the first unit that one was on the second floor no elevator a lot of junky looking junk and big furniture that's gonna keep the price down five bucks on that one this one 25 first floor looked good it had some definitely good looking stuff in there why did I get it so cheap well for one there weren't that many people there for two I told the auctioneer before the auction started I want to open at 25 and so I got the opening bid I guess there's a little bit of confusion some of the other guys didn't realize there was an opening bid and they hesitated for a second it was like maybe they thought the bid was at 25 and if no one bid the auctioneer was gonna lower the price they didn't understand that there was an opening bid so instead of going 25 no one okay how about Tan he just said 25 I got an opening bid at 25 25 - I heard 30 doing her 30 sold 25 so a couple of guys they didn't understand what it had happened there and there's a little bit of sour grapes there unfortunately so to my benefit yes but I don't really like that to happen because maybe there's some hard feelings afterwards and I don't want there to be because on this particular route there's a good bunch of guys that I get to go along with so I want to get along with those guys but on this day yeah I got one for a good deal and we made some money and it was fun good stuff in this one I like it I wish we could find them all that clean and was such interesting stuff it doesn't really happen that often so I appreciate it but we still have some stuff to sell can you believe that we've got the Girl Scout lot that I have on my eBay store if you're into that go to the eBay store the description is in the sorry the store link is in the description below and you can check that out I've still got that tree of garbage pail kid cards and I even have some of the fly-fishing stuff left because they just haven't sorted it out it just got put aside and I just and I haven't dealt with it but I'm gonna deal with it it's right there we just dug it out so still got stuff to sell so that profit will continue to go up can you believe that eight months later I'm still trying to milk a little more money out of it some people have asked about the Nutcracker the Mickey Mouse Nutcracker but so my mom called dibs on that because my uncle her brother is a collector of nutcrackers and he wanted that and he was stoked to get it so I love when we can find things like that that people close to us actually can enjoy and that makes this business even so much better for us so anyways good little Locker I liked it I've been keeping the video on file because I didn't want to share it with you so I'm glad I got the opportunity to do that I hope you enjoyed it give me a thumbs up if you did like it and if you want to see more of this I still got some vintage I called vintage video videos memories should call flashback videos some stuff in the archives here that I'm still gonna share with you because it's too good not teen and I'll roll those out in time alright but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on logging it alright here's all those garbage pails have been sitting on my shelf and I've actually added some as I find them in other lockers so I know I've had some viewers interested in this but how do i price these without looking each one up and that's time for that there's a lot of duplicates like they're in decent condition if you're interested shoot me an offer on this
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 19,479
Rating: 4.9447851 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Jeremy Hales, lockbox
Id: V8p7RDkSjhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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