Record High Flea Market Sales! Selling off the "no show" locker bought at abandoned storage auction

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this is getting ridiculous this is looking like amateur hour and I don't like that pretty much all the way to the car all this is all ours and I've sold a ton or any yeah all the way down to that table on that Oh already he sold about 400 bucks I'm gonna want to hold that no I don't want all these draft this year since what being on you what's up locker that's alright I have to admit I am more than a little bit frustrated right at this moment yesterday the plan was to wait till a stop training which is going to be about two o'clock load this for the flea market and be out there today the rain didn't stop and it didn't stop and it didn't stop and then the forecast changed said it was gonna rain through past five o'clock yesterday that messed my day up and I was gonna load today go the market tomorrow but look at this you can see the sun's out all of a sudden maybe not for long because we have lots of dark clouds around here it was just pouring a second ago you see that everything is wet the grounds wet actually it's drying out pretty quick now sun's out but it just started pouring a second ago huh I'm very frustrated because I have to load I have to load this today I need to get a covered trailer this is getting ridiculous this is looking like amateur hour and I don't like that so I got to do something here quick I've been talking about it for a while I need to do it alright finally stopped raining why it did stop raining but there's still dark clouds it could start again I'm gonna take it a little bit slower today otherwise I would just boom jam everything onto my trailer and check it out with this what I got that's what I got I got those tires off of the plumber's Locker those have been sitting in my other storage and I'm like I got to get those out of there the bakers are back on I figured what I put the tarp over that Baker's rung to make a nice almost like a frame shape so that if it does rain I just get a lot of moisture to run off the tarp so what it sits on the tarp soaks through that we have a problem so anyways tables make a nice wall but really none of that sort of replacement for a cover trailer that's my next step it's gotta be so um back at this unit got a nice hole down the middle that's kind of nice but all this has got to get loaded I'm gonna start loading the tools I'm not gonna film the tools unless I find something interesting I don't really see anything interesting but I see good stuff good flea market stuff alright so about to get started and if you guys are new to the channel here's what we do we buy storage lockers at the auction and we sell the contents that's what we do tomorrow I'm going to the we market and this particular Locker we picked up for only 50 bucks a 10 by 20 that's hardly ever heard of that price but no one showed up for the auction that day completely lucky this happens very rarely like once every year too but you got to go all the auctions if you want a chance of that happening because it's not very often not very common I already found something potentially good Digital obd2 code reader see that I think it's for a car and I think because of this cable right here see this cable I think that plugs in your car and it reads the code like if you have an error code or repair I think that's what that is these could be this could be some money right here or it could be nothing I'm gonna have to make a pile out have to put aside and look up and then check this out thing I like to buy lots of stuff as seen on tv mighty putty it's funny huh I don't know what that does I've never seen that adds handy bundler I've never seen this ad before but we have found this in the unit before me that it's a handy bum that put strapped around stuff I don't look this up to you because I can't remember how much it was I looked it up before my memory is terrible and of course you label it Gianna was here helping me we knocked out a ton this is it looks more full than it really is because the tarp and the table in the ladder all this stuff it kind of visually adds to it but there's really a fraction of what was here before and I'm thinking fraction meaning like 50 percent maybe less humungous load this is a big load okay in back of the truck in cue shabby back seats got a few boxes not too much but this guy right here mmm-hmm this is gonna be fun and I'm being sarcastic that's a big load it's gonna be it's gonna be a beast of each dragging it first I gotta go home which is maybe 15 minutes away 15 minutes back tomorrow in an hour to the market so this thing is gonna be on the road for a good hour and a half maybe a little bit longer so hopefully it's all strapped and good I think it is and pray to God we don't get a flat tire because I don't have a spare but we're done for today I'm gonna head home prepare our items for tomorrow night's auction if you guys don't know about that every Monday night at 6 p.m. Pacific we're live we do a live show immediately followed by a live auction and live auctions needs to be a lot more interesting than hearing us talk so that's become the the the majority of the time that we spend is on the live auction you can buy some of the stuff that you see us pulling out of this very locker as well as earlier lockers and in the future any Locker that we find if we find something good unique interesting valuable we're gonna put in our auctions the lower end stuff like this it's all good stuff but this is all flea market stuff so the better stuffs already in my garage so I'm gonna go home and start preparing and then tomorrow I'll try to get some video of the big day flea market Stockton yay what's up locker that's alright we are at Stockton a flea market Monday morning there's my mom just turned and walked away as soon as they started the camera we are I don't even know what time it is we've been on here for we got here early and we were one of the first people here because I knew I had a big load and it was gonna take a lot of time checking out this load all that you see over here pretty much all the way to the car all this is all ours and I've sold a ton or any yeah all the way down to that table although that's all from the notion Locker and already he's holed up corner bucks and it's going good but the tide kicked off most of our best stuff a lot of the bigger ticket stuff sold so but uh yeah let me show you what we got today got good stuff right yeah it looks pretty terrible from up here like a bomb went off probably should organize it a little better cuz we have some nice stuff you maybe not that but we do have some ways to a lot of vintage clothes what are you doing are you filming no no what are you gonna show it no how are you waking my thumbnail I'm gonna have a life done new video yeah I love today yeah Thank You pirates I love it huh I love it yeah looks good uh alright we we've been too busy I have not been able to film because we've had a steady stream of customers but you can see we have a lot of customers cuz we have a lot of stuff and we have a lot of really good stuff so I'm gonna throw this GoPro on right now so I can work and show you guys a little bit what it's like even though the mornings over there's still a lot to sell so you'll get plenty you'll get play here's two books yeah what's up they don't to hold that no I don't want all these y'all play how about two books actually gonna go to the what he call it draft this year it's in scope phenom that's cool that'd be exciting nice all those lights I think that the rest of the boxes pumps for the air mattress okay but if you want all those lights have all a dollar bag yeah I would think somebody walk around just putting a cone any put in the car hey how's it going for this one I'll do five bucks on it there should be the cover for this it's somewhere are you doing okay then what's that let's see how about six bucks on that these ones it's in this one paper yeah how about three dollars what's up curtain shower curtain how about two bucks did you give where Ella's amber it's the best part right hand the best part is Stockton right here thank you hamburgers hamburgers are great eight dollars not good enough you want to throw those in it do $8 for all this yeah no makeup no okay how about um one D $10 for everything can ya we didn't have the dollar sale yet what are you doing here huh we don't have the dollar sale yet what are you doing here you me that other little bird you got you got pull it all in it that must be a strain around are you doing that very good yeah bra that how about um how about four bucks gonna beg or you got it back yeah yeah hey how's it going uh how about three I think it's Brittany you selling today DUI savings got you so the only part but we had the box for that too yeah I don't know I'll do 3 bucks for it though yeah um about three bucks on that little fountain I don't know thank you get a bunch of them falling to see that's right thank you dollar Oh two bucks about three bucks bunny how about two bucks on the back about four okay yeah thank you okay for all that this one I get it how about seven dollars hey yeah seven that's fine just to see one seeks saving Thank You dollars fine on them on the shovel no I got to do like 500 do how about three dollars to you in yeah boy hey Don okay I told you seven right so I owe you 13 thank you thank you okay so there's total get three thank you for what this to know this thing this in this no Jesse's come on $5.00 yeah mom can you help him dollar spine thank you oh that was dollar oh thank you yeah sometimes I'm right now I'm recording to put on YouTube you don't want to be on YouTube all right I'll cut yeah what are those table quality dollar each the two dollars how's it going starting to get piles going yeah that's good yeah starting get a little lighter yeah it's good I thought you're just avoiding me two bucks just recording a little bit for my youtube channel what's he hi I'm good enough to say to the world to the world thousands of people will be watching it oh no no I bought this one it's one of the newer ones yeah lame thanks what I have no clue hmm no clue how about three bucks three bucks this is a no brainer price yeah thank you any parting words you want to say on this is all you get stuff Mike make it disappear and listen that's right we can't beat that price I have our dollar you're like I finally found the price that people get excited out here how'd you guys do today alright so video not too good means people happy though it does it does actually make gonna give it away for free it makes a man pee he does but empty garage does right the process it's awesome you see how do your daughter who she watches the ones scattered anything around here see you guys everything's a dollar dollar sale everything's dollar one dollar one dollar how much is it what about that over there half the dollar do yes not the tables everything's free [Music] got see see no everything's free free free free free sale everything's free lots of good stuff [Music] it's everything's free everything's free over here the whole hoods everything's free free free free everything's free [Music] everything's free this might be the most people we've ever had in our booth at one time [Music] everything's free free free free everything's free [Music] see how to YouTube what see hi to YouTube yeah a lot of people what'd you find mom we'll find something else all right you guys that was a great day at the market all right a few things were happening to make it a really successful day and one by successful I mean a record it was a record day for us $1,300 in sales outstanding I didn't even feel like it really didn't feel like it I knew we're doing well but I didn't know we're doing that well 1,300 bucks we brought in after all expenses everything all the costs we're left with over $1100 that's a record for me I've never done that well not at that market we've done that and better at other markets but not at that market if I do half of that at Stockton I'm super happy I consider that a successful day so we're really pleased but you know what let's not forget what happened on that day one we had a great load right this locker has been really really good good merchandise clean the owners were clean some of it a lot of it was new brand new never used but number two was on a Monday and there weren't a lot of vendors and there were a decent amount of customers so whenever we have less competition we tend to do a little better but there weren't that many customers right there was a fair amount just enough but we were busy I was very thankful we were busy pretty much all day long number three we were there on Monday I'm filming this on Friday this is before the coronavirus like panic really fully set in I'd say only the last two days things are starting to get pretty crazy so Monday of course there's a lot of talk about it we're doing their fist bumps elbow bumps having some fun with that you know not shaking hands not getting too close to people it's gonna be very interesting next week when I go back to the market if I'm able to get out there and it's not closed we'll see if people still are coming out to buy or not I did want to make one mention before I leave you know this coronavirus thing is pretty crazy it's pretty crazy and I don't even think that the virus necessarily is the real danger right now I think it's the fear and the panic surrounding it like the stores are getting cleared out around us I know it's happening all over the place but here we really are seeing where we can't go the store and buy certain items has even completely cleared out because people are panicking and they're hoarding up on stuff yeah it's funny we got that hoarder thing lately we're watching our own family go through all types of emotions trying to deal with what's happening because it's unprecedented never happened before I'll tell you personally I don't really have that much fear over these things yeah I mean obviously we're scared to get the virus I mean but not much more scared than just getting the flu nobody wants to get the flu definitely we're keeping our family closer in our prayers these days so that they don't get it but I mean come on you guys this is just a very severe flu we're not talking about Ebola we're not talking about zombies here we're talking about something that we as a society have had to deal with many times over the eons that we've been around we're gonna get through this we're gonna be okay but it is historic and it is something that we're going to learn from and know how to deal with the next time this happens because it will happen again where populations are exploding we're living in more and more dense environments this type of stuff is going to be part of our reality alright it's gonna be okay we'll get through it but right together we're gonna be okay just pray and be thankful for every day that we are given because it is a gift don't forget Monday night 6 p.m. Pacific on our locker Nets channel we do our live show followed by the live auction that's been the fan favorite lately so make sure you're there you don't have to register to bid you just show up and start bidding but we can only mail to us addresses just domestic shipping ok so you have to have a u.s. address in order to purchase also you have to have a PayPal or venmo we'll go over the details but please guys come have some fun and bid on some items it's all the great stuff they're gonna be there I guess you're getting excited it's all the great stuff you've seen us pull out of these lockers recently alright and we found great stuff ok it's gonna be a lot of fun we're excited it's gonna be another big auction I think all right so we'll see you there ok until then though good luck to you god bless you and we'll see you next time here on locking nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 14,330
Rating: 4.980907 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, Comprando Depositos Abandonados, jewelry, costume jewelry, vintage jewelry, locker surprise, Thrift Trader, found cash, found money, found guns
Id: YQwQo93-bBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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