BEST FLEA MARKET IS OPEN AGAIN! Alameda Point vintage swap meet is open and we sell thousands of $$$

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we are i got my mom and i got grace so we have three generations of locker nets here today [Laughter] this one i'll do 10 bucks on that how much of a t-shirt they're all different price but most of them are 10 there's a few i'll get 20 on that one i'll do five bucks yeah all right so are you 25 right yeah hey jack's in the busy area i am right he what is that your coconuts is there you said is that locker coconuts ten dollars yeah come on man go lower than that it's dirty what's up locker nuts all right we are preparing for the vintage flea market i'm so excited this thing has been closed for like a year and a half this is our favorite flea market so to have it back and have the ability to sell there again it's very exciting so here's how every flea market adventure starts is getting the stuff to bring out to the market right so i've got an empty van here we're over here at this bar unit and you see still have a little bit of stuff left to clear out i'm meeting a couple people here to sell these two refrigerators and then i got a load hopefully everything else in the van i might be able to check out of here this is my first stop in a busy day let me get going all right just sold both those fridges 280 bucks boom done that's a little bit cheap i know but i don't have a lot more time here and i don't want to pay another month's rent 450 bucks yes they're gone all right i got all that loaded but i forgot the shot of the empty unit oh well on to the next one here we are i'm gonna just grab a few things out of here i don't want to work here i worked here all day yesterday i don't really want to spend too much time here but i'm going to take the garbage out and i'm going to add it to this you won't even be able to tell because this thing is mostly garbage the next trip here is going to be a dump trip so i might as well put the garbage here and consolidate there are a few things i'm going to pull out of here real quick and that's going to the vintage market so uh let's let's get to it all right stop number three we're at my unit that's my big unit i've got two we got some room we got some stuff i gotta take it off here regular flea market stuff i'll stick it in here and then i've got some stuff in here that i'm gonna bring good stuff let me show you a couple of the pieces i wanted to bring that cabinet right there but i don't think i have room for that but things like these little milk jugs old thermos oh these bose speakers i've had these for so long i think i'm going to bring those out there that's from one of the palette auctions that i bought just got a bunch of cool pieces this glass vase right here i've had that for a while that's a beautiful piece this is this is solid copper right here um table little table it's like i think made in india that's the base for it right there beautiful piece looks like someone had mounted it to the wall i'm gonna bring that out there i got that uh guitar that's signed by george strait and a few others and uh uh these green bins right here i think are all antiques a little mid-century piece right there and there's more stuff back here look at that neat uh drum right there some violins back there in the cases there's quite a bit of stuff in here and a lot of that has been sitting here for a year and a half so i'm happy to get it out that's what i'm gonna do right now i'm gonna load i'm gonna finish loading this thing i'm gonna pack it and things can get packed and then i'm going to go home and throw a few more things on there and i'm going to go to my mom's house and pick up the tables from the last garage sale all right let's get to it okay good morning locker nets it is like not even 5am it's like 4 45 or something and we're in alameda california uh right out on the uh naval base i don't think it's in operation anymore it's mostly dormant but uh right by the water it's a little chilly yep it's not too windy it's exciting excitement's in the air this is gonna be a really interesting day you guys ready to get working yes we are i got my mom and i got grace so we have three generations of locker nets here today yeah whatever they're going to just rip through them so it doesn't matter some good stuff here got this all the vintage clothes are so cool you see something you better pull it out because it's going to go quick okay this is vintage stuff it is good stuff is that guess right there what is it says oh that's bum what's that that was very popular in the 80s that's pretty dope you can have that grace if you want it just pull whatever you want but yeah let me just show you guys around you i'm sure you recognize some of the stuff right these coming out of the uh where's the gun safe locker the one with the beanie babies so did this so did this yeah these came out of that terrible toy locker i bought for 1700 which was terrible terrible this one came out of the bar one while my competition slept so yeah i mean and so did these competitions up cups roller skates couple musical instruments we even have some stuff out of the dusty order unit right there here's that beautiful beautiful table um yeah some really cool stuff look at this frog this wooden frog i love that piece all right and it's all those vintage raider glasses in here little bar glasses nfl stuff look at these bow speakers pull that out well that looks terrible the drippy drippy right there i'm not to switch those speakers because it's probably the worst one we got and it's right in front these i think we're gonna ask 300 for a pair we've got four of them and we've got a really nice kenwood turntable there one of the pieces of equipment the harman kardon out of the dusty hoarder there's a drawer straight guitar i sold one violin for 100 bucks already those came out of the speakers bows and these couple pieces i think came out of pallet auctions it's been a while it's actually been a long while and look at this little beautiful piece right here i just pulled that out of garage sale yesterday for 20 bucks we're going to try and flip it for 60. there's a singer sewing machine actually the phone makes it looks like it's really light but it's still kind of dark you guys don't have to make it look too pretty because the guys are going to rip through them really i know but the resellers started anyway yeah just throw it in the car that's a nice piece okay it's getting a little bit lighter now we're getting things going here we sold 110 dollars so far booth is not set up but it's getting closer but we still have yeah we got like six of these green totes and another toad up there i still got these paintings out and stuff so still a bit to do gotta get all these boxes unboxed i think all these are full we have a lot of stuff today and uh we have so much stuff we actually spread now a little bit encroaching in the spot behind us which won't be a problem unless somebody comes but look at the first time i ever set this table up right here it's pretty nice how's it going good you maybe not recognizing me because i have my mask on take it off oh you can see there locking this yeah i can film ah you put it on again you look so sharp right here oh you look so tall it's all perspective this is out of the dusty order lock right here he's gonna buy that 15 bucks that's the uh he said from the korean war actually how much for which one let me see the thing um how about 15 on that okay how much for this that one will do 20. we think that is antelope or deer okay i owe you now for this okay so what do you say on that 20s 25 on the fur 20 on the pendleton and then 30 on the wheel so it's 95. all right get the whole hundred you know you have to change all right thank you i love my wheel yeah that's awesome thank you all right oh you five yeah sounds good very good thank you thank you hey thank you thank you i appreciate it ten ten it's fine on those and then this yeah tennis yeah how much does the little night stand under the table over there that one i'll do how about 25 on that i think it's danish it's give you 23. that's fine [Music] do you have any other shirts or anything else lying around i think we got all the clothes out okay thank you yeah thank you have a good one you too good luck you too thanks take 20 on it no okay okay probably pick it up a little later all right okay thank you very much thank you thank you oh yeah probably it's better we'll throw it in the van all right um how about 120. i just did 20 each on the um sweatshirts okay um 120 let's see we're trying to find something to take out no maybe uh you bought from me last time i came i think i think so yeah i've been coming here everybody i've only been here once before yeah yeah i'm pretty sure i'll do 100. yeah awesome appreciate it i'm going to stay happy to be back you know yeah me too i've been saving this stuff since last time actually i mean i sold some stuff but i've been all the clothes i just been keeping it yeah yeah are you taking it out here uh san ramon oh okay yeah i come down from sacramento oh yeah okay yeah right on all right awesome next month yeah i hope so good luck you too good luck in the hunt gracie we need you to wear that today what it's good for advertising come on it's not like great toys but it's a few more i'll do 20 bucks on this all right thank you thanks you too how about that we'll wear that today oh this is nice right did you feel it i did i took it out that's hecka nice oh vera wing and okay little blue box let's see where's the blue oh this thing the blue box what do you think on the hat small all of them uh and what's the blue box this one uh-huh how about 60 bucks for everything okay in the boxes too right there's the crew here i'm getting this uh nice table and chairs all shined up and pretty much we probably shouldn't put that out yeah that's what the lady was saying about the fishing game baby chick chick it'll rob it too karate rotten baby chick chick kind of is that's neat well i remember that i don't know where it came from that's a cool little clock i think it's exclusive too how much is this shirt let's see what is this it'll turn this 20. yeah the elephant i'll do 20 on that the coors like the broken one yeah that one i'll do 10 bucks on it yeah not light up i didn't even test it really came out of the storage locker i got this one too this one i could do 30 on this one it's got a you see it's got crack right there oh yeah on the frame this one's a little bit more rare i haven't tested this one either guy on a bar oh yeah totally you laid on the clothes or whatever on this spot let's see this one these are cute [Music] this one i'll do 10 bucks on that how much of a t-shirt they're all different price but most of them are 10 there's a few i'll get 20 on that what do we see on it you said 40. forty that's cute that one i'll do ten ten ten yeah yeah i didn't get lost i'll do ten on any of them it's pretty old i don't know what they are it is pretty old i really like it it's one of those things that for forty dollars and it's gonna be in the cupboard half the time you have to it's beautiful i hope you sell it on that we'll do 10 on that yeah i'm gonna come around cause they're putting the mat down this is your stuff too yeah let's see all the beach tails let's see these i'll do 10 each on this and on these i'll do 10 each on this here two 40. you have four pieces you want to go find some coffee sure you have to go with me there um oh you're starting to see if they got any food mom will you go with her to see if they can find some food for yourself well yeah i mean i'll have all these customers to keep me company did you guys find one you got one yeah for now all right thanks you guys thank you oh here's just take this for food well actually i'm probably gonna need more than that so being expensive get me a breakfast burrito okay but no onions right uh let's see i was doing 20 on the other one oh this one that one i got to get 20 on that one that one's pretty cool i'll do 10 on the other one the usn i don't think i'm gonna get these yeah no problem 20 10 and 10 so 40. let me think about it sure i have one more uh roller skate too oh it's okay i didn't know that was open that they had this the other one yeah on that one how about 10 bucks i'll do 10 on that how much is it um well now you're 20 bucks really sure all right thank you 20 bucks it's a little different huh yeah i'm collecting like instruments i got a couple more drums over there there oh look at them more small like travel type stuff but oh nice let me look at that yeah thank you all right thank you you too right on thank you let me look at this i'll grab this yeah get this one here these guys here double one if they get either oh i'll try a little saggy huh yeah i think that one's a little more taut actually i think that's where the little whatever it is the little thumper i think came with that but whatever uh i'll do 10 on that if you want that one i like this one but i'm really grateful for this big drum yeah this is cool huh it's got the led lights in it too someone had it all rigged up wow thank you yeah thank you what's your name jack are you filming this yeah from my youtube locker nuts nice yeah i see you in a stucco sometimes yeah yeah i make my way out there sometimes i'll do 10 on that one they're vintage holes right no i want to get 10 on that that's that one's got a pretty cool look i don't really want to do less than 10 on any of this stuff until later you know i always try later on yeah part of the game i'll do uh i'll do 10 on that one thanks buddy right on thank you have a good day too uh they're all different but most of them are ten there's a few i'm gonna get 20 on is this your table over here in the corner yeah you have these little square remote riser tables yeah little jacks mini jacks or whatever um i'll do 10 bucks for the pair so a little different huh i do thank you thank you what do you say 10 bucks for the pair thank you all right thanks let's see let me take a look at it also how much of the game that you know it's just a box huh yeah that's all i found was the box i figured maybe somebody's got it and what's the box yeah how much you asked for the buck five i mean if the deal is right i'll take it i'll take the boxes yeah okay so let's see okay let's see yeah this is okay do you do like youtube channels or yeah oh nice that's all the gunpowder i'll put you on there all right so locker nuts that's because i buy the storage lockers oh for sure yeah no way i got the same one oh you do no i just feel like it would be like a band it is a band yeah because i know i googled it or on ebay or whatever kill everyone out this is a band i don't know if that's the name or that's like the whatever slogan or something yeah cause i was curious about that too okay so the penalties i was asking 20 each on those 20 20. just want to do 10. this one do 20. um this one i could do 10 this one i want to get 20 on all right so what was that there's 30 50 60 100. and if you want that five but how about 90 bucks for everything i'll throw that in i mean look at this oh yeah for sure this is the one i kind of like do i need should i get this oh thick i like the riveting on it that one i gotta do 50 on it's a nice ball it is huh yeah you find against that uh i found some stuff earlier i went to the car with a couple of signs and stuff are you selling out here no oh yeah no just out here with my buddy he's going i think he went home 275. 75. good luck how about 80 that's cool yeah all right thanks appreciate it yeah me too you got some good stuff oh yeah i was just like oh finally clothes because people picking through like especially that the the football when i'm surprised no one grabbed that one really like no one even touched it i thought the colors popped out yeah no one even touched it i was really surprised maybe i just have too much stuff yeah it's just everywhere everyone's gonna like went to the back probably you know yeah thank you i appreciate it thank you how's it going all right good let's see what you got here yeah show you how much everything is that's cool um how about uh 75 so i got basically 10 on everything except for this 15. okay all right [Music] that one i'll do five bucks yeah all right so are you 25 right yeah all right cool thank you so much thank you you too thank you rydel thank you you wouldn't happen to have any games would you thanks mom what is it burrito with chorizo and cheese and egg that's huge well that's the only size they had all right i'll eat it the table we're doing i'll do 900 on there mostly out in the tri valley because it's cheaper no just this is where i live i'm it yeah you live in livermore yeah we're in san ramon um so i'll do 15 on that 10 on that 310 on that and you would you take memo this one i gotta do 20. no i prefer cash cash yeah 20 for the sweatshirt for the last one yeah that one's just wild it says 15. low on cash so i might have to just do the sweatshirt because that's my favorite yeah that's awesome huh okay so not these um oh no see the black t-shirt okay so 10 on that so 30. 25. i got to do 30. okay yeah here's 40. i just had exactly 25. um do live auctions and then ebay a little ebay and then the lower end stuff i take to like stockton or concord they're usa blow that out but i try to save my best stuff for here or online man that one i'll do 20 on that thank you how's it going man good how are you good this guy's awesome it just needs some work on the sleeve but what uh what's the best you can do on i do 10 bucks on it okay cool so yeah i like it it's a great feel yeah if they're in rough shape i try to only get the cool ones that are in rougher you know yeah this is awesome yeah definitely vintage yeah it looks like it's been washed a thousand times probably i love that though yeah i like wearing that stuff so glad to be back yeah everyone's been starving this is awesome totally it's like oh i remember why i love this market it's why we save all our best stuff for this one totally it's fun thank you very much thank you appreciate you guys have a great day me too all right appreciate it thank you me too that's a cool pizza yeah i know right it's kind of cool it looks good on a shelf yeah totally appreciate it you have a great day thank you okay all right thank you thank you thank you you too oh yeah i'm glad we put that pop up now you see those metal chairs there that's like the ones i've got those are really cool yeah aren't those yeah how much are you selling those for i'll do five bucks each or cheaper if you want a bunch of them i think they're early 70s how much nine yeah um so that's like 45 so i could do like 35. you're a raider fan oh my husband is yeah would you do 30 for them yeah i can do that okay sure i think we got some paper to wrap them up i i've got t-shirts actually oh yeah all right yeah 30 sorry 10 right yeah um yeah that'd be t-shirts would be good yeah it's okay okay let's see i got to give you some ones all right thank you for the cutco i could do um how about 15 bucks no pretty bad you know it's all rusted i know what it is this one is not even i don't think it's called is it look at all the rushmore yeah i'll do 10 bucks you can have the box i don't need that no i do 15 all night all of it oh thank you how much for that how about four bucks okay how about 15 for both yeah i'll do that sure i wonder well you can have this because i don't need the case i don't have a place to put it i'll give you 15 for these all right thank you you got any more knives you don't see it i think yeah okay thank you thank you those will do five each on the glasses the frog will be 25. i'm going to redo that i think those are early 70s oh you do oh yeah that's cool yeah so they used to give out the gas tanks yeah that's what someone just told me i didn't realize that my grandma had some so i got those two right on yeah yeah can you mom can you find that paper you said yes so they broke one but um yeah they're definitely um a keepsake yeah they're cool they're crazy to give them out the gas station i think they bought so much or whatever would you do i'd do 20 on it sure i could do that it's not old is it it's that indonesian is it indonesia i have no idea what it came out of a locker so it came out of what out of a storage locker okay yeah i'll do 20 sure thank you so much do you want to come back forward are you going to take it i'm going to come back okay we'll put it in the van right you see that it opens up yeah i know i love that i'll do 40 bucks on the machinist box there if you want it another fan right right another lock in it keep it up all right and this is steve all right i'll call you okay i'll text you first good luck today i don't know are you asking yes just take it no how much no i'm not going to charge you just take it that one would do 50. 50. it's from my uh youtube channel nice yeah famous look at that you wait for it huh can i give you eight for it that's fine i'll do that cool thank you much appreciated me too thank you so one else yeah up front yes hello little one what's your name i love you thank you sam and i are doing the um lockers up in sonoma county oh no in fact we saw that you were in petaluma and i said he needs to go back to his county we're on your wedding anniversary oh yeah that's right yeah yeah we got that one in penalties all right but yeah yeah i would do ten on that he is i haven't been there yet but he's that way he's way back yeah i was wondering if you were both back there but you come up front you're smart last time i was in o and then this is f so i'm like about halfway up space for uh over five years which is nothing compared to some people out here yeah yeah but uh what's your name again carolyn carol i didn't tell you carolyn yeah so thank you so much oh yeah thanks for coming by oh hey carolyn you want a hat sure grace can you give me how much for the vase the 200 on that 200. hey there how much for the two of these this one uh so i got to do 10 each on them yeah so both those i think are a little bit should be a little bit more so i do 20 on it running yeah i knew that and your sister has what's ready for me that's right and this is mom and grandma yeah it's a family affair we got three generations here today i love it all right thank you thank you i have they'd just be the last one all right thank you so much yeah those are cool pieces all right yeah thank you so much thank you you too the pants oh the um okay so those on those two right there i did 20 each on those i think those are made in france they passed on the 20 dollar pins uh these pins are 100 bucks each millennium falcons i'll do five bucks on that yeah it opens right i don't know because there's hinges there i think it's like micro machines or something i think yeah you probably put them in there i'll figure it out there's something here that's really cool awesome thank you i don't thank you that was 900. 900 yeah 900 900. yeah it's got george strait uh clay walker and marty stewart saying because we're asking 900 on it it's signed by um george strait marty stewart and clay walker do five on that too yeah yeah that's fine there we go hi youtuber all right cathy miller yeah welcome yes thank you thanks for coming and seeing us thanks for watching too oh i watched all of them from beginning to end is that right thank you yeah do you want a hat uh grace can you grab our hat i told her i said we're bringing some hats today and all the fans that come up oh okay we brought hats for you she's growing so much hasn't she yeah thank you so much there you go that's very cool it goes with my t-shirt yeah maybe you need it today too yeah i think maybe i thought it was going to be windy so you don't wear hats when it's windy but the sun's coming out it's starting to starting to peek out it's really pretty how much i made you can have it oh thank you so much i'm starting to collect miniatures and little um trinket boxes yeah oh perfect yeah so this is perfect yeah good oh thank you so much hey um what could you do on that thank you oh okay all right thanks thanks for coming by um i mean 30 bucks a good deal on it yeah 325 on it i'll do 25 that's fine all right i have to come back and get it actually that's fine yeah okay i'll put it in the van okay okay we got quite a few things in there people coming back there you go thank you yeah thank you for just real f throw it out yeah you put that out can you look in there someone will buy a human hair really surprised we haven't got more questions about this it's looking all right again oh there's a 750 for the set okay yeah yeah thank you it's uh george strait clay walker and uh marty stewart okay wow yeah pretty cool huh yeah man what's it going for i was asking 900 for it for sure okay little seat for me thank you yeah [Music] [Music] nice i was fans of those guys i'd be totally into it but that's not my yeah i'm just looking for the right guitars yeah thank you you saw that shell one little one i don't know if this is something you'd be interested in there's no strings or nothing it's just part of it oh it's just a nylon it's actually kind of nice i'll do 10 bucks on it just because i got no use for it it's just all right give me a second sure yeah no check it out all this stuff came out storage lockers yeah i didn't see you guys what's up nothing i sent a couple people over there they had never heard of store drugs and pirates here we had like three people coming to tell us how much better our booth was than yours i know what i don't believe that i hope you feel that we have three people you're just starting to collect anything with the tail on it yeah how you guys doing very nice would you say this is a thumbs up worthy video in the video yeah i would love to tell you after this like share and subscribe to my video yeah go to his see what he's selling like share sure um i'll take a chance it might just be an absolute piece of junk but 10 bucks you can't really run off i figured someone could use it out here you know yeah i'll throw strings on like it's a ten dollar gamble you guess what are they gonna paint out but for ten bucks as well yeah you're asking fifty or something away but yes you never know what these things are that was 900 thank you yeah thank you this is uh george strait clay walker and marty stewart three country legends thumbs down you don't like country but i didn't know who they were i know that georgetown i'm in a competition here we all are aren't we i know that's one i haven't even talked to the camera about that it's a video yet that's kind of done nothing yesterday you know he'll make a 15-minute clip right we're packing up and she said she wants to go shopping give her some money she does she likes this place i think we're doing okay i think we've done like a thousand so far i think half of that maybe more has been closed i thought a bunch of dresses pretend though what just happened i was a witness thank you i need 10 thank you thank you yeah that's pretty cool huh yeah no more no that's the only one i've held on that long time too some people go all right i'm gonna go back to my booth jack's in the busy area i am right he tells customers come back there yeah i'm the one in the busiest heck i did i sent a few fans in the back i gave him locking the chats i told him to wear him and go rub it into you guys i'm gonna get back because i'm worried that they're not i want to make money we're doing a competition though right well the competition is where uh the person who wins the most money or makes the most sales i'm out i think i'm winning the second is the most i'm out of likes most comments let's come out again yes so just so you know you can go to storage auction pirates video hit the thumbs up and tell everybody how much you enjoyed my video all right all right his flea market video don't leave a comment come all the way to mine and leave a comment all right well the idea is mostly you guys are the psychology here guys work with me i don't know but i haven't started recording yet well you can start right now i'm gonna go i'm gonna go buy a locker right now right there i'm gonna go buy a locker officer have you got any new subscribers today no i have asked oh maybe no i haven't been that good but i think i got one or two i've gotten a couple i probably have one or two in our auctions interview and i'm asking everybody to say hit the thumbs up it's so cool out here right now jeff i gotta go all right good luck we're gonna lag a little more i say good luck but i i just mean i hope you sell like just a little bit less than me you guys can wait i think i don't got nothing much out there i wish i came out like didn't make a video at least and so it's called he's waiting for you yeah he needs you to hold his hand let's go oh you want me to go mike needs someone to hold his hand bye guys bye bye there's san francisco out there okay okay okay okay i'm not sure i don't know the background on that those i'll do how about five bucks each on this got out of a storage locker oh it is arvind okay i think it's because it looks like you should push that way i think you push that way towards the front which is a little bit backwards i think those are battery boxes i think that's what they're originally for is holding batteries or something like that that's what someone told me do you think we could work a deal out somehow so 10 on this one and then um yeah i'll do 10 each on these i mean this one i probably would have asked a little bit more but i could do 10 each so it's 40. is that workable yeah that's cool all right it's good shirts every time i buy a locker anytime i find an old shirt i just been putting it to the side you know nice just saving up yeah and then there's no market for so long so i had a lot of stuff that was sweet yeah there's some really cool what is that your coconuts is that you said is that locker coconuts get it do you like coconut juice yeah sweet okay good i like everything that's edible yeah it's lobster let me see let me see what that looks like in there lobster what does that look like oh my gosh it looks pretty good it looks very refreshing actually oh thank you can i give you money for the lobster rolls though why not that doesn't seem fair it must be overpaying you if you're buying all the food all right let's see what this looks like [Music] that looks heck again thank you hey jack i found you hallelujah man i love your show everybody hit the like button that's the only way to keep track of what videos you have watched and what you haven't watched and then sometimes hey you watch them again just because it was a good video okay man i love it see you guys later thank you bye what's your name lady lenny all right yeah lenny from san jose man oh okay yeah i came back early from from hurricane utah and seen off uh matt's off-road recovery just come here to see you that's awesome yeah is pirate here he is he's this way and so storage stalker oh okay i've got now i got to go back over that way because i'm lost all right get to work uh 15 each one go make some money you want a hat do you want a locker that's hit yeah yeah can you grab one chris i want a shirt too i didn't bring any shirts oh i'll bring them next time all right how much no no i'll take it yeah thanks bro thank you i gotta put this one on yeah all right how are you doing you having fun yeah you getting tired i wanted to do 10 bucks each on this pieces so you got one two three four five in the lid i'll do how about 50 bucks 45. yeah we'll do that yeah oh my god there you go 45. thanks and i'm going to come back and grab them one way out of here that's fine i'll put them in the venue cool yeah thank you all right grace is making a sign here and uh we've not been really slowed down very much there's like maybe a little tiny window where we got slower and then it's just been like non-stop non-stop very very good spot lots of traffic lots of traffic we're on f so the first row is a parking lot and then a b c d e f so we're very close to the front or before the food trucks this is a good spot i hope we can get it again look at it look at how many people are out here look at this big swarm of people coming and uh we just keep selling stuff that's great i love it for the set uh how about 20 bucks okay i got a box for it too okay good better can you grab that box grace for the glassware yeah thank you she just pulled it out of the box like 10 minutes before yeah that's what that is is that for ice or this one yeah yeah all right thanks you guys thank you thank you you too it's 10. no a little better 11 40. oh wow time's actually going by fast i think because i've been so busy how much you asked for this really dirty shirt i'll do 10 on that 10 yeah come on man go lower than that that's 30. yeah i already got an offer of eight on it okay you gonna stick to tin have a go man thank you too how much you got for this uh tan on it okay if i do a bundle can we do like a deal yeah okay ready oh thank you so much yeah you got more stuff to make oh you do yeah okay this is stop one huh there absolutely there's one okay okay should be 500 all right you want to double check that all right thank you so much thank you beautiful beautiful set yeah enjoy yeah thank you for your lunch table but yeah that's all right i'll do it thank you okay that was good huh yeah yeah base is 200 uh 125. what 125 yes 1.55 all right thank you thank you here i just pulled up to um check on jack after church camille and i did and this parking lot is a mile like a mile long this is crazy i've never ever when we've come here seen this many people i mean it's insanity i mean exciting but crazy all right so i'm gonna go try and find a spot hello it's super busy i've never seen it this busy every time we've come here it's so crazy i think everyone's so excited about it it's not early right it's after one it's after one yeah do you guys have quarrels do you have what clothes are three two and a half cables full of clothes yeah i thought this was just here no it's all over there too yeah we said we probably sold more clothes than anything else today at least i would say at least what at least a thousand dollars in clothes at least that's crazy all right what's up blocking us since jana and camilla are here we sell a lot of stuff so the amount of items is much less so it's not as hard for them to price it but uh i could sneak away basically it's very difficult for me to get away earlier so you're not there so that i guess camille's replacing me soon but uh yeah let's show you around here still really really busy yeah janna got some film on the way in and that's really good it's good that we got so much traffic here but look at this over here is the porch look it's like not that far away right there those containers they've been unloading all day and then over there is the skyline san francisco see that the city a big tall one in the middle that's phil's forest town tallest building in san francisco what is all this crowd over airport that's what it is we need to do that i'm ready just got to put some stuff in right here that's cool how much are the comic books they all range in price i was doing like five and under on the unmarked ones and then these were 20 the blue the green was 10 and the pinks were like five but you get a bunch you know i'll do a little better actually a lot better okay yeah i love it all right guys i should have got better video because we went straight from having a full booth to all gone so what we did is we put the best stuff in there we did sell that copper table my mom sold the copper table for 100 bucks so that's gone that's great and we sold those two cases those like musical instrument cases she sold those for 30 bucks so for the pair so there's some big items gone at the very end lucky it's like dodging a bullet but it's two in here still we've got the the guitar and we got that vase unfortunately i really want to sell that vase because i'm just going to probably break it at some point by accident got the guitar got the bow speakers that's about it get this thing in the base yeah it didn't keep very much everything else just scooted over there and now it's part of a two dollar sale stockton it's a one dollar sale then here it's a little bit better flea market we do a two dollar sale and uh it's still a ton of stuff we'll make as much go away as we can [Music] hey locker nuts all right what do you see right here a key what's that key to this storage locker right here which i bought at auction for one dollar it was actually going to be a no sale i picked it up for a dollar you'll see in a second why maybe it's something to get excited about maybe it's not but
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 49,020
Rating: 4.9596457 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, flea market, swap meet, vintage, antique, selling, market, bazaar
Id: dwD7lItzyyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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