Paid $450 and found GOLD & SILVER immediately in the locker bought at the abandoned storage auction!

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all right lockers you ready to see what's in here somebody's got an old projector like that maybe it's a collector or maybe just has old stuff oh hi matey look is there any silver in there oh hear that open it this is good though it's gold oh i see something right there all right what's up locker nuts we are at a storage facility for a live event and how exciting is that a live event in these times there are hardly any live auctions anymore everything's moving online not everything but almost everything's moving online but this is this is a live one this is the real deal this is also where the uh locker slipped out from under our fingers that had what first was reported as a hundred thousand dollars in gold and silver they later scaled that down because i think uh they got a lot of attention over that and probably well i don't know if they claimed everything that they found but originally it was a hundred thousand or more and then it got toned down to like 70 or 80 000 but nevertheless amazing finds right here we're gonna see what we find today i can remember hearing the cheers of joy when they were finding it that's right smoking green auction during two nights put your own lock on there any questions all right follow this guy oh boy no interest all right no sale if you want to spend your money today please 547 let's start my 25 dollar bed got 25 over here about 50. i got 50 over here 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 got 200 over there 225 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 about 400 over he's looking for 425 425 450. 475. got 450 whatever 475. 450. 475. i got four fifteen and four seventy five and what's in that 475. sold your one more fish yeah who is bidding against you after rod you is know who was big and against him i thought it was but he just means why yeah i'm actually surprised he dropped out when he did a little bit a little bit more than usual he was usually he's more open about it i don't mind when his views live against [Music] thank you yeah what's up everybody jason storage auction experts out here selling some units in san remo come on out to our auctions we're still doing them live storage action storage auction experts dot com right yep look at that yeah put it in all the time all right i'll put the link on the on the video too yeah auctions that makes you a precious commodity makes us appreciate it really and check us out yeah all right locker aren't you ready to see what's in here what do we just pay 450 450 i think that's a fair price i don't think it's cheap i don't think it's a lot i think it's a fair price but i do think this one's a gamble um we saw some stuff we like but it's not like it looks super good obviously okay now this seems a little tweet who came with you today my wife can you believe that i just flew out that's not a good sign there's a lot of dust is there yeah mrs lockernuts came with you i know that's a rare occurrence oh please all right so the first thing that jenna loved about the soccer was the mattresses she's been talking all about about how clean they are and how we might want to upgrade some of our home mattresses just kidding uh but they actually we maybe mark those for free and get rid of them because they are clean there's a little princess house right here yep that doesn't mean nothing right princess house is not worth that much we find them quite often in the box makes it more valuable that bug is still in your show there well uh i love when you pull it up and then there's a couple christmas items and people start talking down ah there's a bunch of christmas garbage in here is that what they were saying yeah i love because the guys have tried to there's the guys that try to talk everything down like ah it's like yeah not full of me but um what else do we see here i don't know this looks like it could be a christmas tree right good time for that right early november yeah christmas trees actually do sell um looks like some crafts or toys in here i can't really tell and do we want a peek yeah i think we can do some peeking this honestly is probably uh that's a looks like a bell and howl but it's not something else it does look like a projector and that that was encouraging to me because somebody's got an old projector like that maybe he's a collector or maybe just has old stuff i like that me too so oh watch out the projector itself is not really worth very much more for like putting up on the shelf and just it looks like a grandma's unit like because i was those toys are like 25 i dated those toys because the boys had them like 25 years they had the exact same ones those are like fishing parts right yeah but they're vintage now okay that might be good our children are vintage that's kind of weird yeah i love guesting people i know isn't that great when you find a guest oh this is your second favorite thing at least the diamond rings just kidding oh this is neat it's kind of cool look at that oh i like it that's actually really cool it's a little rocking horse made out of wicker and that's cool bent sticks right i mean it's basically somebody likes their very sturdy stools they're heavy yeah they're solid wood people will refinish those take the little because we're probably like the stools they're solid wood heavy um okay so the smart books obviously are not too crazy about that i love books maybe they're older books i don't know so we got christmas we got books we've got elise's bedroom closet um hems 2007. yeah so 13 years since been packed okay um got a lot of boxes on it back here this size boxes is all back here do you want to take the camera show the folks see that right there there's a bunch of more boxes that's good boxes are audiences stuff like vhs cassettes i think wait maybe it's vhs that's what they used to carry them in a bunch of those got a bed um a headboard right there to these twins and then we have a uh a kitchen table right here dining table kitchen table these are maybe other pieces for the beds i guess yeah headboard and footboard so we've got two bedrooms looks like before they move down like this maybe that's maybe wishful thinking but it looks like a boy's bed in a girl's bed that's kind of what i think two sets of mattresses here box ring mattress wood dresser this little box oh this is a wall of boxes back here yeah that's what i said and behind this i would expect there to be some piece of furniture that's what i would think i really want to see king of pink um you really want to see like i don't want to know okay can i film you i'm being acrobatic i'm not funny i don't think i've ever been described as acrobatic but i would describe you as quite acrobatic oh is that right in a sarcastic tone trying to get a laugh out of somebody no no no no actually you're one of the best dancers in our family oh that's coordinated that's not the same exactly well you're coordinated and in order to be an acrobat you need to be coordinated there he goes that's not a good noise did you hear that that's a breaking noise it's pretty standard it's going to break what the heck it's on glass it's actually sitting on glass so did you break the glass no it's already broken this frame back here is broken there's broken glass on the ground and this chair is on top of the glass they must have broke it when they put it in someone did not have good packing skills oh this is all boxes back here let me see that camera this is a surprise right here all these boxes well there's a dresser down here but then there's boxes maybe there's a dresser back there too but oh that's good but the question is is there goodies in the dresser that's the important part why cover the dresser is there here's a bunch more well i'll tell you this one does remind me of the other one i bought that's it yeah the other one because i don't know just like junky patty furniture uh old style pictures and there's a broken glass in that one too my cousin's looking for a dresser just like that it's solid wood huh what's going on up there what's happening right above us the drawers are empty so these are this is nice this is uh oh yeah look how smooth that is it's a high boy dresser they're called right i don't know it has little locks in it that's really cool i'm trying to get a good angle over here from the back here so you know the correct exactly gotten cracked pipes in here honey you don't say that word crack yes correct yes this picture frame right here has a big crack in the gloves that's fine oh i have that same toy from josh shout out to store dropped in pirate right there oh hi matey look there's a pirate climbing up how are you feeling i feel pretty good this is actually i think kind of exciting the other one that i just bought when we found the diamond ring right uh was the last unit i bought two units ago um that one had kind of a similar feel so i don't know i'm not gonna say this ladies disease but i'm saying this one feels like it's definitely it definitely feels like an older person definitely feels like that stuff they put you know in storage uh not really intending to get to it again anytime soon will you make your money back i hope so with what you see last time i spent 800 this time it's been 450 so yeah i think you should put the mattresses on for 25 dollars oh my goodness these are clean okay these ones they look like they're brand new 25 each they do look new actually the box spring has got the the dust covers torn but the mattress is very clean you get them in some lights when you really tell she may have bought him put him in and then uh didn't use him yeah like that's the guest room or something wow should we open the box sure would you have to keep going i do but we'd let's open a box very tasty well this wasn't in my schedule today oh this is solid oak that's lovely this is heavy it's good yeah maybe i'll sit on it oh no that's for the box you don't need to all right let's go with this box right here these boxes are all kind of heavy investing books but it also says bedroom closet that's his nightstand dresser bedroom we like that one next yes oh okay right off the bat i see the camera right here and that looks pretty all right oh this is looking pretty decent this looks actually kind of good i see a lot of photos and stuff but there's a pentax 35 millimeter that's nice i guess i'm not doing it right that's pretty cool though okay what's this hair brand is it silver i don't think so you confused license she's 21 in 2003 that's that's the granddaughter that's got to be a grandkid oh yeah right there it said that name on there for her baby toys hmm so all right here's a flash for this this is the granddaughter stuff little camera thing what's this what's this okay okay it's not going it's probably gold filled but this is the old kent is that a good brand i don't know we'll find out viewers if you know tell us below it doesn't click closed and it's missing the little loop right here so um but the glass is not broken so that'd be good useful parts somebody else has a kit okay there's something in here i think it's a lens a charm bracelet not a lens and a magnet it's very important it's decent right shot okay that's cool wouldn't you you signed it in 1975. see that was sunday i don't know more uh person that made it what's the name on the shoe really yeah swiss family robinson it's great book it's classic some uh cassettes and candles nothing too of course she was in the chorus oh that's good tom petty and robin williams is kind of cool you don't want to look at anything else in there no not right now okay put some excitement in this first video this part one part one i'm in part one part one appearance i'll probably come back do i get a guest star [Music] be careful honey don't worry jack don't cry get it looks like they've been left outside look at this right and that's funny because the last locker i got so the first step was outside for a while that's a different town guys there's no chance wait no it wasn't this is the same room take that back that's kind of weird different facility though uh can't brand new candy food challenge jenna's face says no you go ahead if you want to go to the emergency room right now jewelry and a music box is there any silver in there [Music] that's the music that we play when we go through it's lovely um this could be silver but it's got a kink and it's been bent feels like it down feel it i can't because i'm filming um that takes one hand i need to [Music] that feels like silver okay so something on i can't read that maybe not oh i don't know what's the thing at the bottom it's like a guitar pick or something huh okay it's silver yeah little bits of silver box kids bop too looks like a good box has been on top man hear that open it you hear that though right now it's got a little jingle jingle all the way okay i'm not gonna look i'm gonna open it and i'm gonna go off gianna's expression i shouldn't look so sure oh huh this is good though it's gold i mean it definitely was fine jewelry collection fg i'm not sure what the bead is but it's definitely an old necklace definitely huh you can tell can you yeah you can that'd be hilarious if it's not you just went on the record all right well that looks pretty good though it's not very much weight but no it's still it must have had some sort of meaning the bead i was wondering this didn't really go with that we got the feet we got the bead we got the beat yeah we got it we got an empty wallet [Music] there's a lot of rolling in here rock and roll a lot of rock and rolling oh it's a gecko hand painted this is very collectible right here original artwork yeah that's a young kid's uh teenager like a young adult we're gonna put a sat down to find jewelry no that'd be cool a little carved stone mice frog yeah those are kind of interesting actually they are yeah this carves down yeah those are [Music] cool cool ink pads with stamps pretty well used okay here's some more all right oh these are cool these cool no these are cool they're made out of rubber now these are those magnetic ones yeah the toxins out here load up got the leather bracelet i mean the leather uh strand look at this yeah cool super bowl put those in a jewelry bed selling our auctions yeah yeah our options we do auctions we do live auctions every monday night at 5 p.m pacific in case you didn't know and sometimes pop-up auction midweek although this week we haven't so by the end of the day are you going to be less toxic we will find out i will be looking forward to that slowly and silver what does that say pagoda zill so that's real this is diamonds something yeah but that's silver right there i think yeah i'd say that's sterling right it looks sterling to me but i hope it's going i can't see it doesn't definitely does well you're on the right angle though so okay can you see it says something thank you thanks for that it says something are you supposed to be at 1x or 0.5 well it's 0.5 if you need to get all of this glory right here one shot journal did you see the journal you skipped the journal it's right there a woman's journal okay is there any other kind of journal oh wow you're like throwing yourself in a hole there buddy this is what i'm married to you started it 2003. look at all the different like angles and stuff oh that's cool she's artistic yeah oh i like that wow 2005. i really wish okay this is palm sunday so she was religious st john's she could have been a christian um she wasn't exactly dedicated to this thing though called journaling well that's the way most the journals are that we find who do you say usually writes in the house people yeah hot loops do you think grace camille would like that no you make your own bracelets they don't do not need anything i know but i don't know what the bible you go to target well those aren't usable things camille likes to cook as i say boys oh that's sweet 1994 she was very young so she wasn't even 21 2003. today is my best friend ruth's birthday we had a sleepover we stayed up till 1 20 in the morning it sounds like come out is it right this time very sleepy and hope to soon get some rest i gave ruth a pogo stick oh wow we talked about boys because i don't want just oh it's kind of like joey i really like him hopefully nobody will find out oh sorry all the youtube rolling now she got lots of journals i journaled a lot when i was a girl does that surprise you no not really why not you yeah no it's not surprising i had a lot of feelings do i have a lot of feelings honey still you mean yeah do you have a lot of feelings still yeah yes i guess that's subjective but in my opinion yes there's a lot of journals going on here oh often like not really like they're started and stuff which i guess is better than not yeah okay that's uh all right are we gonna go through more so it's mostly books do you think these are journals they're school things yeah it's cool she kept all her schoolwork i never understand people who keep this dude vocal selections oh look at that music book she was in fire so modern rock guitar big book that's funny we just have those guitar books is that rolex i don't think so phoebe king the king oh okay that was his logo or something uh-huh cool this probably has a bb king here like cd set or something okay all right should we do another it's up to you that one says shoes etc bedroom closet so it's not i'm not feeling that bit are you getting nervous now no no not at all 450 come on this morning's just the junk you got to get rid of the rest of it's no problemo maybe we should look at the christmas box ornaments i really want to look at them that sounds so fun i love christmas watermelons okay and i wanted to go through the christmas stuff i like christmastime i remember why i don't like going through christmas stuff why it's boring it's not boring it's hecka boring it's not boring it's still like oh disney that ain't boring yeah there goes the boring no not quite that quick these are old hmm they're not that old they're not like 50 60s they're like that one's older 90s there's elmo elmo's not even that old almost pretty old are you gonna get a shot of this can you wear the santa hat no put the santa hat on for everybody please these are cute we're gonna lock these up and put them on auction yeah maybe we will yes we absolutely will everyone loves christmas come on put it on no come on no you're going to have to work on your bribing skills a lot better it's a grinch exactly yeah wants this one too that's what she said she says i want more give me christmas oh these are all done this is actually kind of cool look at this yeah maybe it's not tree topper we need one no those which ones are pretty this one a ligand glass it's elegant this is all bulbs balls oh there's some more here you literally have a 12 year old boy [Music] i'm going to edit you there's more below it too or both stop right now there are more um below here well i'm just saying they're christmas ornaments that are balls i don't know i don't know why you have to please be something dirty mine there's the red ones within below there's a whole other level oh of balls oh there's a soccer ball how cute we've got balls do you know where that's from if anyone knows what movie that's from ideas i'm scared you're gonna break it too i'm actually more scared you're gonna eat the candy apple bath pearls you said that's food that's not even food it's bath stuff you're gonna eat candy apple bath pros honey well they shouldn't that's miss representing that kind of yeah this is candy some bags this is actually really cool this this bin it's got the trays that's dope i like the bin oh i see something right there toy story that's the toy story car and toy story right there bringing you another one is that recently one more real quick i'm pretty sure it looks like the toy story race car alert alert now if we could find some old toys i'd really be happy look how strong jack is i can lift that seven pound box of ornaments okay are these toys worth anything because they they should be it's a classic that one's in good shape don't mess it up you got buzz oh these woodies are in excellent shape look at that look at they're like nails it doesn't have a date on i'm 93 i'm guessing so these could be worth a little bit they look like they're played with that oh look at this the woody looks brand new here's the car let's see disney there's two sets there's two woodies and two light years and then there's a star wars oh is that homework ornaments janna's got an okay good now i'm glad that we went through one more box because i like to have something exciting in every video if we can if we can swing it with the light bulb that's pretty cool that is kind of intriguing hmm oh now there's a lot missing oh this is darth mauls yeah well there's there's a costume too the boys had that one they had this one they had every lightsaber known to man it's quite the battling all right got a costume halloween costume 1994. that's clever well don't throw them oh oh that's cool look at this it's made by lucasfilm never heard of him oh gosh hello there's two of them they have two kids huh oh these are not just hallmarks these are star wars bombers darth vader we might keep these i don't want to keep him clone trooper oh those are nice anakin's oh there's a little tiny chess game in here oh it's brand new and it has their little initials on it so cute oh that's a little dominoes a little checkers this is adorable a little cribbage that is so cute looks scary [Music] okay that's a wrap say goodbye to everyone what i already went through all that it's brand new and saw the plastic in it okay all right is there anything you'd like to say to wrap this video up um nope thanks you guys for coming with us on this journey of course it's just beginning i'm really interested to see what the ways and what's in here because it weighs 400 pounds that's got me intrigued that's the box that intrigued me i don't want to go i'm just saying there's console i'm thinking it's a miniature submarine i think it's a glass table top i think suddenly would you like to summarize everything we found today um i didn't expect to find toy story toys vintage toys 25 years old toys but uh that's a nice surprise but i still do stick with my initial assessment which is an older probably lady i agree right why did i think it was lady probably because that was a nice prince and christmas stuff yeah most men don't go make sure you pack that christmas stuff up there we go back your business this looks cool i like the footage walking down the aisle this way okay so we've got um a lot more to go through and we've got nothing but time because they give us till sunday it's great it's like today's thursday so that's four days basically and um but i'll be coming back here probably going through everything making a dump like i usually do make a dump load first and then maybe a donate load and then we take the best stuff back home and uh work it into our live auctions from american stuff goes in my storage locker that's how we do it so that's it right yeah so that's it oh i can feel the power of the magnets do you feel less toxic to the question we'll see we'll see who should we interview about that no i'm going to get some opinion on that we're aware i get plenty opinions on that in the comments oh honey i feel bad man yeah so i uh want to thank you guys again for being here with us today for this live auction it is so fun even though there's only two units today we bought the only unit that sold today so there we go props to us and props to you guys for being there with us to experience it next video will be out soon we'll get to the rest of this until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on lock a nuts [Music] all right i can't wait to go back tomorrow we had such a good start the camera pretty good we've got some jewelry and stuff over here but this little box right here all this turned out to be silver this and this is sterling these are 925 and then this 10k gold it's a great start great great start
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 23,088
Rating: 4.9248219 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks,, found money, found cash, Air Force, military, vintage, Storage Auction Pirate, locked trunks, mystery, adventure, asmr, how to make money, big profit, gold, silver, jewelry
Id: EdUoj8kAsFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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