The ENDING to the MOST DANGEROUS LOCKER I've ever bought at an abandoned storage facility

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the lake is it's very pretty up here oh hey walking us we didn't see them all right so hey we're going to wrap up the most dangerous Locker ever video series this is part three we're gonna wrap it up but also we're gonna wrap up the Big West versus East collaboration event you're gonna see how everything came together and ultimately maybe you'll even see who won yeah so before you do that if you haven't subscribed yet please do and like thanks you all right guys so I'm back at the unit it's Wednesday I've been putting this off because I'm not really looking forward to it because of this kind of stuff right yeah I'm going to make the box I feel the responsibility to go through everything very carefully make sure that any needles or anything else that's hazardous does not get pulled out to the flea market because I don't want anyone going through the boxes out there and accidentally sticking themselves so that means it's gonna take a while it's gonna take a while but you can see I've been here a little bit a little while I've got about about a quarter of it out not too much on my truck I'm gonna load up a dump run first because most of this really really is trash so trying to lighten the load before I go to the flea market that way it'll be a little bit more manageable but it's just a lot more work this way but it is what it is I bought the thing so now I pay the price all right now it's time to go through that bag that I peeked at yesterday this one I did not like what I saw in here mmm moldy stuff right there I'm gonna boil water garbage this may actually be a garbage bag this is what I saw right here the that made me pause that right there see that I did not like the way that looks it's a broken glass is that well that's for some sort of a tablet it's a screen bring that out to the flea market that's probably not gonna ship I mean he's not gonna sell very easy yeah it's a touchscreen you know maybe I'll put that aside because I might be able to look that up that might be worth a few bucks I don't know if it's worth it I mean how can i how can I like to say that if it works or not Wow [Music] the goal of the book trash so it looks like that was just a plastic garbage can that he had used maybe to drop his medical stuff in here maybe this is something that gave him that he just then used for regular trash I don't know I'm a little bit relieved that's never something you want to see when you open up a garbage bag and reach your hands and they're scary stuff but in this case it was nothing so there's plenty other stuff in here to be scared of being said this is called the most dangerous Locker ever I thought it was so appropriate that I found this poster and said this is a great shot I used to have this actually a frame version of this up on my wall when I was in my 20s I think my dad now has that picture in his home great picture look at the imagery on this can you imagine that is a job and being so bold as to just be out there I think this is New York I'm not positive but yeah talk about a dangerous job all right finally getting into the back corner there's a bunch of garbage bag is here cleared it out town this little gym it's got the plastic still on it but the plastic is a little bit a little bit torn that does not look like it's ever been open and these are selling sold prices on ebay for about 70 bucks so that's a decent a decent fine here's the load for the don't get stuck back there just is huge load here and then here is the load for the flea market okay so it's important to dispose of these needles properly I looked it up and I'm outside the fire department by my house and they have a drop box here four sharps and this is how you're supposed to dispose of it you can see right here deposit sharps here that's very important because we don't know what kind of contaminants or anything on these needles and if you put them in the garbage or put drop them at the dump there's still a chance that somebody could get poked with them and contract something so I'm gonna take care of them proper and get rid of them here alright so glad to get rid of those needles the right way now on to what we sold the backpack sold for 30 bucks we listed on face book took only a couple days that was nice so the totals here you'll see you know we just overpaid for the locker that's basically it overpaid for the locker so with the tax and that trailer fall to the dump which was 91 bucks we got 600 in 91 bucks there abouts in costs the sales we found the 52 bucks in the duffel bag thankfully for that bar tickets by eleven bucks honey that's money high-tech backpack 30 bucks and then at the flea market we sold 462 and that was after the cost of the booth and after the cost of yet another dump trip to get rid of the rest of what didn't sell 555 is the sales the profit still negative 136 bucks which is a negative twenty percent ROI return on investment booth but that's all right because you know what we still have a lot of items left they're all big-ticket such as these sand tires for ATVs I've listed them for a hundred bucks and new they're about five hundred so hopefully I find the right buyer on that that antique scale pretty nice piece rough shape I'm estimating will get about 50 bucks on that I need to list it the dentures those choppers we're gonna list on eBay for 50 bucks I just got to do it but those should sell the air toolkit now that I did list already $49.99 I priced it low to try to sell it quick the oil painting this we're gonna take a little bit of time on maybe I have someone look at it because there might be value here who knows right I'm hoping I'm praying that there's something here that will make this a win for us the water pump I'm estimating maybe 50 bucks I think it's about a hundred bucks but without testing it properly or anything blast 50 on it and the bikes so the guys any self-confessed thief and the bikes what are we gonna do on that are they stolen are they not we might need to sell them a little bit cheaper just to make them go away hope they're not stolen but there is some value here we have quite a few frames I've told it they're decent and a lot of parts so I don't know this is probably just gonna go away at the next garage sale but you know what it's not all about value sometimes we find other items which are also maybe invaluable like this one take a look we brought a gift now this is typically used for a dog but this is it's amazing dude you guys you guys are downright nuts you know what your son walk around that lie on his shirt hey we're live here from Pine Crest wrapping up our collaboration weekend video yeah so there I showed you what we sold and what we have still left to sell and I know you guys like seeing that stuff but really just wanted to make mention that this was an especially difficult locker story to tell because we went from such a happy place which was the collaboration in making friends with these youtubers that came to town to be a part of it but it turned dark obviously very quickly because we bought a a terrible story somebody in a terrible place and this locker was was not enjoyable to go through we still tried to have fun with it many times when we buy lockers you know we really get to understand people's journey and usually it includes drugs or alcohol or addictions and that side of it isn't always a fun side to tell but we always feel it's important to share with everyone that what we come across and it brings knowledge and that's a good thing because if you get talking about these kinds of subjects it helps bring light and hopefully people that are struggling with this like there are so many that struggle with drug addiction they can reach out and get help and there are so many people that really relate to this story yeah we hear all the glorification through our celebrities in the mainstream media but this has really decided a drug addiction that really is not talked about but I'm sure everybody knows somebody if you haven't had it firsthand you know somebody that has and it's there are some terrible struggles that happen and we thought it would been important to share share it with you we didn't want to not show that part of it but we do I do feel like it is resonating with our viewers with you guys because we have had some comments that we've been reading through and it really is moving to us to read some of the stories that you're sharing and so we just wanted to read a couple of those you can read the comments for yourself but we want to share a couple of those stories with you now first I just want to say thank you so much for opening up and sharing because I just so touched when people take the time to just write how they're feeling one of our subscribers wrote my name is Sharon and she said watching you guys go through this locker reminds me of what my son went through and thank God he didn't use needles and got help before he was hard too far down I bailed him out so many times and I finally had to stop when he realized he lost everything even his kids his pictures everything that was in his unit that's what it took for him to get clean and he's been clean for four years now woohoo and she just shared thanks for the videos keep them coming and then Pamela shared that she too has been through this and then it's really sad her only grandbaby that she had didn't get to see her dad much and just was so hurtful for her to see him go through this and she herself hadn't gone see she hadn't seen him much and she basically just said she could share so many stories about dope and what it makes our kids do for dough and a third person Rosetta and said that she understood that her daughter was doing drugs and she tried so hard herself to try to stay off them but she kept going into rehab lots of times for help Deanna ultimately her daughter passed away two weeks before her 38th birthday and she didn't want to die she loved her life but the drugs just had such a strong she left behind five kids so she was sharing how she raises two of them and she just said god bless these young people for trying to find help and then she shared I hope all the drug dealers sell to a cop or someone over undercover but yeah so me being a mom of five kids it's just it's hard to hear it's great that they share because it's a great way for them to get you know therapy through it - mm-hmm so anyways I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video I made her read these because I knew I'd get checked out before I did so but yeah this is a tough tough video to go through tough locker to go through tough video to tell the story but we did it and but I don't want that to take away from the collaboration because the collaboration was really an awesome experience so much joy so much fun met some really terrific people that we feel like we really bonded and have some close friends out of it which there's almost unexpected just how much how much came out of such a short period of time so I hope you guys liked it I know a lot of you are asking so I had the contest end right and we so we've got three we had to come up with three items that we selected to be what we entered into the contest and here's those items the first one is the silhouette cameo that laser cutter machine so we're looking at probably about $200 value there unless you if I'm going to sell that but that looks like that's what it's worth the second item was the Fisher frame and we priced that out at 250 that's about half of the retail price so that's basically we're pretty conservative with our numbers on that and the red line we were told five hundred dollars we don't know if that's right or not but we put 225 again hopefully being a little conservative of course it's gonna matter if any of these bikes come up stolen or not if we check in you know quite frankly I don't know if we're gonna be sitting on them all that long we'll get the full value out but that's what the value should be on them so where did we wind up in the competition did we win or did the East Coast win well I don't think it really even matters because of how this this tournament or contest came out it wasn't even about winning or losing in the end because we found that opportunity to help that family but just in closing if you guys want to make up your own minds on who won or lost we did get a little clip in here them the East Coast guys just about ready to leave town we're going to show you that and you can see for yourselves enjoy subscribe like that's what gloating looks like
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 26,005
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, i bought an abandoned storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, TreasureHunting, Storage Wars, AuctionHunters, WhatTheHales, Storage Auction Pirate
Id: _SYjqa0UX30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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