My Best Locker Ever! $2,300 investment may mean $100k profit from an abandoned storage unit auction

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there's a lot of good stuff command issue so what happens when you get four YouTube channels together that's Brian you're gonna see the price tag 80 bucks back in the day I've heard stories like they always put the valuables in the Crown Royal bags was easy wait both the name you all right what's up Larkin Utz okay I think I'm on a streak here I think I'm on a streak buying good lockers lately mm and what you're about to see is I think the best Locker that I've ever been involved in and I'm saying involved in versus buying because well on this one I didn't buy it on my own this time I teamed up with three other guys right that's crazy I've gone you know teaming up before but used only with one other person here one person there this time there was four of us involved because the Locker is that good we saw this locker and immediately knew this is this is a rare gym all right I'm not gonna tell you any more about let's just get into it what you see right here is after the auctions are over we head back me and Manuel would fall the auction route Mike and Alex had cut back early they start peeking in the locker so I'm arriving on the scene to take my first looks and that's what you're about to see is good let the games begin it falls off I'm gonna run him over some to focus on videoing so what happens when you get four YouTube channels together craziness all right guys we got back from the Disneyland at 1:30 in the morning it's just time to make the auctions and just give you a sneak peek we teamed up to buy this unit here which potentially could be the best unit I've ever been a part of he's not impressed but watch this how much money people pull it out into a couple market I think there's a close to two grand in those boxes that are right yes my boxes here is show some of the names J their names on the boxes you know like the straight tracks LGB straight tracks lion-o diesel an exploding target car it's good stuff right see that one I think if this is complete that is 3:30 sold on eBay you can see it right here if it's complete but that's what its gonna look like so it's at least probably 200 potentially as much as 300 for that one box right there Wow this is what we like to see you right here look at this boom boom dust cobwebs so we're getting some unboxing over there and manually do some the boxes over here a lot of the boxes away defining not been opened before check this out which is peeked in here it's metal tracks tons of metal tracks and we got four of these switches right here in the price tags $34.99 for any in the bags theme parks a little cash but that's still I think it's good he says small boxes and bubble wrap that's exactly the ones actually kept small boxes all the engine this is a company Pola makes a brand it's a different it's like LGB or line or whatever and this is the scale and it says shed so chances are this is uh this is a building he put together just say Brian you wanna see the price tag 80 bucks back in the day ooh this one I didn't notice at first but these are German see that the German wetter best dingy something yes basically this building but some model right there but it's G scale so G scales are big robot that blue box did you open up the blue box shoes yeah Oh still cool oh they're older right the body company it says 49 what it was new is actually kind of tacky to the touch look at it I'm taking the rubber off right there speakers oh yes yes we see convinced asbestos is real it's a million check it out Mike yeah cars Ferraris are usually I'm not sure how it is in models like in the land of hot wheels like say Lamborghinis the only made so many right a lot of makers on they make that for to production the amount they made in Ferraris vs. Honda is etc etc but monogram is not a very good Katie twig make a tool I say it's still 10 to 20 bucks still 90 find a barcode scanner pickles are you looking and I'll find out who's the race car that's why Jeff Gordon yours is Jeff Gordon he's number 24 I believe it or not you know being as I am a hippie and every $15 on that I would almost say Jeff Gordon is more money than the Ferrari though just before this Jeff Gordon number one racer number one car driver of all time in minis eyes I'm hoping we find boxes of old monogram or is it monogrammed the name like 1960s models because those ones can get up in the hundreds of box and put together that's the N scale I don't believe that's the original box so good Lonestar no rapido Lone Star that seems to be the name I haven't heard of that cuz I just learned about Arnold rapido the other day but these are n scale ugly it's very is there another one yeah I mean I hold this in you now you unbox feels like it's delicate they also say loan stones yeah yeah I'll do some research here in a second on that trouble electric electric treble electric it's good when they're metal you always want your trains to be made of metal versus plastic because that automatically dates them older require a roving recording 70 bucks whenever it was well it's accounts marriage counseling stop shopping so much goes like straight up collector huh that's that's awesome yeah 96 still makes it 24 years old yeah still vintage [Applause] he's got me some money for sure right yeah yeah he spent the money he just stuck to step off the stuff didn't even open the lobby pack just put it right in story funny this is looking like my plumber collector unit yeah you find tons and tons of hot was brand new in the package 91 a little bit older it adds a couple bucks a pack all right it's funny stuff for everybody hmm 84 cents from the new I mean they're on the clearance rack currently this is matchbox that's kind of cool Hot Wheels the ones that you want that but the treasure treasure hunt ones oh really yeah they're still worth some money even the newer ones I don't know yeah treasure huh I've never seen one that's what everyone says look for the treasure hunts matchbox I don't think as collectibles how it will be super valuable but I'm guessing of what those pieces may be 30 to 50 bucks a first issue then gonna be some cool rock stuff cuz in the other unit you guys will see them because I did a quick little video not like too much as a teaser to Twisted Sister concert shirts long-sleeve 1984-85 roughly a hundred bucks of shirt and there was another concert stripper didn't look like a very valuable one those weren't a bag on the ground in that unity weight both in this box had my daughter's name I had to buy the unit [Laughter] [Music] that much does huh proof else felt a little differently who still it's very uncommon name - right no this was different waiting platform in special holiday colors well what about an appraiser here you want to use my thing oh no you're doing great oh they're yours if I had to guess right now I would say that those are very inexpensive oh yeah I mean h1 - oh they probably have it's one at 30 bucks 30 coach all right each one at 30 bucks Eames with operating smoke you see that yeah you know what I found in a training I had a while back right little bottles like this there were two smoke pellets really selling all day 25 30 bucks all day little little bottle this big okay $15.99 50 yeah over average in 100 bucks a bucks we did thousand bucks is 100 bucks what Jackie this is the best you've ever done yeah all right got a couple more boxes out of the out of the unit here we're gonna be here a month okay there's some more of Hot Wheels cars this is something different here hey that ode of sitting date time muscle huh I've never seen these before I've had the bigger bit dub city wants a big metal ones and that's still pretty good in like 30 to 50 bucks this is a that's a hot wheels G machines bigger one here's nothing absolutely they're cool though huh I don't know how we're gonna find out that's pretty sweet Chevy Camaro huh [Music] five six seven eight nine eight or nine more in here okay let's see what's in here six a little better beefy that must be the G scale I don't see where it says the scale but check this out right here this is forty bucks yeah how long ago that was a forty bucks there and always does he I hear G scale bridge that appears to be what it is all right look at this one it's still in the sleeve under fifty mark down to a hundred bucks right whoa all right that's good that's right that's a hundred forty of those prices this wasn't my say this was it yeah Manuel guys if you haven't self to Manuel's channel we have the links below it's in Spanish so if you speak bilingual you'll get it if you don't subtitles are available that's how I watch it you cannot sprit Ebola that's really nice go home an issue I'm glad that one of us didn't have to I'm glad that wouldn't have to build each other up like crazy you know and then you never me it's just spirit man did I overhear records yeah there's record VIN is jockstrap it's his job and there's a oh yeah yeah there's another vintage stroke trip this is why we should wear clips there's a knee brace this is like the type of box like someone clean out a dresser put the whole drawer in there and saw the old stuff they couldn't part with maybe see if anything's in him Oh something you what we get huh he's a plastic man that would promising for half a second something here I've heard stories like they always put the valuables in the Crown Royal bags I've never found anything in one nothing this is so far seen its special then that's yeah must have been huh it's magic seeds or something he's some vintage socks check those no not bad pass the primal bowtie this is Corey he's brand-new to reversible for skiing oh I see you're on that yeah that's gotta be 70s or 80s let's see it yeah I'm thinking that 70s rages early 80s late 70s hmm it's just like a real miscellaneous here Dublin and is this not 70s check this out tool 7 yeah like a magnet bears that's cool retro Steelers okay good yeah everything else oh yeah $100 a box right there okay wait check this in stone farms down I think it's Cheston I think there's a whole set here yeah that's cool that is pretty cool yeah one of the Bluestone is pawn this is pulling yeah that's pretty nice these kids sometimes be I don't think collectible like get a big diamond we got the complete set that'll sell for some decent money old wallets what's in it they're one the guys that clean up and wallet or the type of guy that leaves a little goodies need nope nobody home cowhide but there's a second chance for real mentoring Oh another wallet come on whoo there's a lot a raffle ticket admission ticket hmm nope I I get I didn't think there'd be anything in there this guy seems like the type to be like very thorough clean everything y'all there's cold bolo tie what's up native-american huh yeah hey copper I think so it's brass copper yeah that's pretty cool solid copper solid copper that's sweet little transistor radios come on oh gee oh yes nice that's good other fun that's the money these guys are after these really yeah there's a collector market for these especially the Japanese ones eight men puzzle peewee it's old stuff here box of goodies oh that's pretty nice perpetual clock anti-magnetic is's don't go what if that's got some runaway thing just a very really old stuff here Snoopy yo-yo hey punk savings in mom oh my goodness won't address booth John the squares nugget hotel from Reno old still stay roomy fish knife that's pretty cool yeah it's good it's good stuff for our auctions on the news some of this stuff will probably make it there see how we divvy up everything right now we're just having fun making messes oh this is a money bag right here this suits in the money bag oh no money no money but we have some rubber bands for your braces right here yep that's what that is that's what I had just like that when I brace isn't it a tease more rubber bands for braces we used to put those on the tips of our pens and shoot each other in class until someone got it in the eye then I just stopped Cochise trying to find something year's worth something hmm there's a hairs this is gaming token turn you know that's kind of neat the rest of this is Garbo's there's a brand new wallet yeah MIDI all star replay I love all photos I'm gonna use this from the 70s going Gate Bridge took a little cruise I thought maybe some dungeons and dragons maps there but no thanks it going map haven't seen that since yeah old dance D&D uh let pieces go for a lot of money to you they yeah I've never found and I used to have a whole bunch of them ok guys this might be the first glimpse of the back of the unit there's the wall and then you can see that before and check it out I'm standing up on top of the two layers of boxes right now there's so much stuff in here that's crazy and I see like mostly all boxes right we don't see any furniture there's a table that looks good you guys read those a whole bunch of great totes back here with red labels on it alright guys would you think you like what you see in so far there's so much more to come there's amazing treasures coming out of this thing so many interesting things I hope you don't get sick of trains very easily because there are so many trains and it's going to be wild the kind of stuff stuff coming out here that you just don't see very often like this is like where we can make some serious cash how much cash are we gonna make on this I don't know it's really gonna depend there's so much stuff it's just completely overwhelming by far the best Locker I've ever been involved with but there's four guys which means I got to split it four ways so will this be the most money I've ever made on a locker we're gonna find out but it's gonna take some time because with this many items is going to take a long time sell everything even just um just go through the box is gonna take a long time to look everything up and research a lot of time here guys this is just a very beginning of a long adventure but I didn't want to mention one thing that I just thought was so cool so that last box you saw me going through when I pulled out the vintage jerseys is a couple of vintage shark straps and some old wallets there's this little shoebox inside of there we see we have the transistor radios well there's one item in there that I just kind of passed over altogether I think this is cool reminds me of being a kid in the 70s of real youngster I might have a drawer like that this I didn't think nothing of it but as soon as Mike the storage doctor pirate come over he looked in that box both and he liked the box he's like ah this is a fun little box but he pulled this out he's like Jack did you see this a nice idea and he goes what about this says that this is special but what distinguishing factor about this makes it special I said I don't know Casper the Friendly Ghost he said no the fact that it has no feet so apparently the earlier Pez is have no feet on the bottom that's how you can tell it's a very early model some of the later models also didn't have feet kinda like replicas or throw backs or something but this he said you can tell is very old this is what the collectors well this is what we want in the locker so he said let me let me get a blow your mind right here he pulls out his phone pulls up even looks this up no joke these are selling sold prices or between a hundred and fifty and a hundred and seventy dollars for this little guy right here and that was in a box of stuff that I looked through and thought nothing of other than it was a bunch of neat stuff I didn't think there was any significant value in there boy was I wrong so fun I hope you guys enjoyed it going along with us if you did hit the thumbs up and make sure you hit that Bell notification be notified when get the next video up which will be soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on rockin nuts which is now big time logging us see ya
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 80,529
Rating: 4.8717718 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, gun safe, found safe, safe opening, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, LGB, slot cars, Storage Stalker, Comprando Depositos Abandonados
Id: asmf6XxZq-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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