r/AmITheA**Hole - I Couldn't Look After My Little Sister Anymore...

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g'day there guys it's rosie hubby marquis back at it again with another awesome IV a whole video now if you love me like I love you than you know what to do I want you to mosey on over to that old like button and tackle it by Crocodile Dundee maybe even chuck an Aussie flag down in the comments now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some debates in the comments I guess now our first post is by tricky bench titled am I the a-hole forgiving my sister up for adoption sir I was adopted when I was 5 years old by a couple who were 28 and 30 at the time they had no other children this past year two things happened my adoptive father was diagnosed with cancer and my adoptive mother got pregnant for the first time in decades my adoptive mother always thought she was infertile but apparently her miracle had arrived she carried on with the pregnancy despite his cancer and her age she died in childbirth and my adopted father followed her two months later which left me with an infant baby sister and two dead parents my family is telling me that this is my Judy that I'm not a child or incapable and of course they're not offering to take her in at all they've all vehemently refused everyone is furious that I used my adoptive parents resources and now that it's time to reciprocate I'm taking the easy way out they say on the right age to have a child anyway and that it's just like if I had sex and gave birth to her they've even brought off my fertility of reducing medical conditions and say this is my chance this isn't my child I'm not ready to be a parent I have graduated college yes but I still had dreams I'm not in a financial emotional or mental place to raise a child even if I kept every penny of the meager inheritance I'm still single and want to be able to date and maybe even marry and to have my own family one day I'll never be able to do anything with this child angering me down I consulted with lawyers and they said I have the right to give the child up for adoption I'm using an adoption agency it's an unusual adoption because I'm not attached or related to the child except legally and them also splitting the inheritance fifty-fifty with the sister and giving it to the adoptive parents for her benefits so they're gaining money by adopting this child I picked a couple that my adoptive parents would have approved of a mid-thirties straight religious couple as opposed to a 25 year old bisexual atheist me we've planned for an open adoption with a much more appropriate Ann troll for me and don't think it will work out because I obviously don't feel or have a motherly bond my family is furious and I'm getting 24/7 calls that I'm selfish that they'll force me to keep her into all sorts of empty threats am I in the wrong here just notes the legal part of this is decided and I have the legal right to do this this is just a moral question and tight beats reckons not the a-hole your family has a very twisted view of adoption here's the thing you became your parents child and responsibilities the day they signed those adoption papers you were not a charity case you also have a choice to raise this child just like you would have the choice if you had given birth to her yourself you've chosen to give her a life you were not prepared to provide for yourself through adoption exactly she doesn't owe anybody anything as some sort of catch for being adopted her own adopted parents wanted her meanwhile she got a baby she didn't ask for or give birth to dropped in her lap one day a child is not a gift with no strings attached it's a full-time responsibility and she may grow up to resent her and sister if she is forced for the better of their relationship this adoption sounds like the better choice also screw the idea of pushing a young girl into raising a baby because that's what girls do and this is a great opportunity or something if it's such a blessing and so easy then why don't the relatives do it's not so easy is it Lowell alright and our next post is my throw away cue 23q ninety thirteen titled am I the a-hole for not chipping in for my sister's nose job so my sister is going to turn 18 next year since she was very young she has felt bothered by her nose it's big think Alba Flores is nose but thicker and doesn't really suit the rest of her face at all sir my parents told her that she could get a nose job didn't change a mind by the time she was 18 fast forward to now and she's very excited since her birthday is so close and our parents have already set aside most of the money that she will need for the procedure since last year there a couple of family members started to send her some money for the procedure as a way of showing their support and my sister has been overjoyed yesterday my sister received a couple of bucks from the cousin of ours and after thanking her through a call my sister started joking about how much I would give her since I'm the favorite sibling we have a brother I told her that I wouldn't be giving any money for that because I didn't see the point of it she got very quiet and that was the end of the conversation well today our mother came up to me to have a talk apparently my sister felt stupid about the entire thing and was now feeling insecure because I said I didn't see the point of it I told our mother that I indeed didn't see a point of its but oh well I'm not her mother anyways and she can do whatever she wants I have a right to not participate our mother didn't like my response but she didn't push the argument further and moved on still the mood has been awful and both of them are barely speaking to me now and Kyle Shamar reckons you're the a-hole your title is a bit misleading because based on what you wrote nobody is upset about you not chipping infrareds which would have been a ridiculous expectation but because you told your sister that you didn't see the point of her dream of many years he could have just laughed it off when she made her jokes about your contributions nearly every other person's responses seem to have missed this entirely it's pretty obvious after reading this that no one really expected Opie to chip in and no one was upset over that the blunt lack of support response was the crappy thing what are you guys reckon and our next post is by blue bells in disguise titled am i the a-hole for telling my girlfriend to shut the hell up after she insulted my sister's science sir I'm 30 and my 12 year old sister is living me with me right now because mom and pops are vulnerable so it made more sense for me to care for my sister for the time being she's really great kid and to be honest I feel in a lot of ways like she's my own kid because my mom and dad don't speak in so I kind of had to raise my sister in ways that they couldn't hard to explain but I'm sure anyone with the secondary culture will get what I mean my mom and dad had great parents but having an english-speaking person to guide you through crap when you live in an english-speaking country is invaluable in my opinion and my sister trusts me with stuff she won't necessarily trust my parents with anyway my girlfriend was facetiming me and my sister walked past in shorts and a t-shirt because it's hide my sister I mean girlfriend waited till my sister had left the area but not the room and made a face and said maybe fetal SOP her thighs are kind of chunky I saw red and told her to shut the hell up it just came out of my mouth and immediately ended the call my sister is a bit chubby but for [ __ ] sake who says stuff about that about a 12 year old girl literally everybody I know has been texting me that I'm a piece of crap boyfriend and that how can I disrespect my girlfriend like that I am expecting an apology from her but to my shock everybody is expecting me to apologize so reddit am I the a-hole Schnauzer Ella reckons not the a-hole 12 year old girls are incredibly vulnerable to body image issues you're absolutely right to shut the comments immediately thank you I don't think my sister heard it but now I'm worried she might have heard it and if she did how to handle the conversation to reassure her I feel awful even if she didn't hear it would you ever want to subject your sister to her down the road like what will she say when you aren't within earshot your sister will be able to pick up on and feel the cold and mean vibe alright what do you guys think and now we're onto our next one by sky-blue 847 am I the a-hole for telling a woman who lives in my complex that yes having a husband check me out turns me on okay hear me out I live in a complex that is built in a circle so it's like a track a lot of people use it to run walk etc I've always used it to run and walk as well I live in Florida so I usually wear leggings in a sports bra or a tank top I literally am we're it because it's insanely hot here this woman always gave me dirty looks when I'd walk by her apartment she'd be sitting on a porch there are a few maintenance guys not sure if that's a good correct title for them but that's what everyone calls them that walk around and ride on golf carts throughout the day I soon realized that the dirty look woman is married to one of the maintenance workers I'm always polite to them but have never talked to them by any means so yesterday I was working out in the tennis court which is near the air apartments her and her husband was sitting on the porch she is giving me the dirtiest looks and is making me pretty uncomfortable but I try to ignore it before I leave she says do you like get off on having the maintenance men check you out all day to which I replied actually yes it makes me super wet they are what keeps my sex drive hi she looks shocked and her husband started laughing then she smacked him on the arm I came back home and taught my mom the story and she said I should be more sensitive and obviously the woman is insecure now I kind of feel bad am I the a-hole Kristen is here says not the a-hole she kind of had that coming I hate women who think that workout outfits are asking to be ogled I hate women who assume other women are inherently competition and blamed women when their husbands boyfriends and partners are the ones who they're actually pissed at like if this woman's husband is ogling Opie while she works out that's on the husband's not Opie in the same step women who go after other women who often have no idea what that there is a Maine woman when their significant other cheats dump the a-hole message the other woman to get tested and reevaluate her choice and partner and move on with your fudging life bonus points if they go at the other woman but stay with the cheetah Jesus all right what did you guys think of that one and our next one is by beef jerky 11 titled am i the a-hole for telling my daughter that I'd kick her out if she got a tongue piercing throw away because my daughter browses read it my daughter is 17 she's a really great kid extremely smart and talented and is in college a year early before she went away for college she was always a straight-edged kid would never go out too late at night and was always home before curfew as a single mom I put a lot of trust and faith in my kid to continue on the straight path however after she went away for college she became back completely different she's sarcastic snarky and always plays devil's advocates when I'm disciplining her she's become extremely different and I don't even recognize her as my kid the last straw was a few days ago when she came to ask if she could get a tongue piercing I was completely blown away as she has a low pain tolerance and didn't even want the two lobha piercings that she has now I told her no that she's too young for something like that she sort of smirked and told me that she'd just get it in September when she turns 18 I told her very seriously that if she gets a tongue piercing she's not welcomed to live in my house anymore she asked me why and I told her because I didn't want her to she says that she'll be 18 so what does it matter I told her as long as she's under my roof she'll abide by my rules about what she can and can't wear have and do she got red in the face and said she was kidding about the tongue piercing but she thinks I need to re-evaluate my views on her right to bodily autonomy at this point I'm very tired of her sarcasm and need to always be right her grandmother thinks she's right about me reevaluating my views though she's also against the tongue piercing now my daughter hasn't left her room and doesn't want to talk to me am I the a-hole I'll take stupid things to destroy your relationship with your daughter over for $100 Alex she's 17 she's a kid is this really the hill you want to die on you're seriously going to reject her over that really yes you're the a-hole if she's 17 you've got to be 40 probably you're the adults act like it honestly I'm really excited for ope to be upset when her daughter doesn't care to maintain a relationship with her to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if this outlandish and rebellious behavior from the daughter is due to her being the perfect child to Opie due to parenting I mean I'm pretty sure Opie left some stuff out jaysus what do you guys think anyway on to uh next post by delenn six six six am I the a-hole for confronting my neighbor for regularly loudly farting in his back garden mere feet from myself and my family so me male 46 and my partner female 44 and our three kids whose ages range from four to ten live in a semi-detached house meaning our neighbor's house is joined onto ours with nobody on either side our neighbors are a couple in their mid 30s with a couple of boys who are approximately early teens we haven't had too much to do with them since moving in but always have been on nodding terms with the odd brief chat here and there they have always seemed like nice enough people up until recently our small gardens are obviously directly adjacent with a 6-foot high paneled fence in between meaning we can't see into each other's gardens in the past we have tended to use our respective gardens at different times due to work etcetera recently we'd all have been off of work and spending a lot more time in the garden over the past few weeks it has become apparent that the dad of the family has a penchant for loudly fighting at random times when they're all in the garden for the obvious amusement of his wife and kids and first I thought that they maybe didn't realize we were outside so just let it rip but because we have been in the garden chatting at a reasonable volume so they must realize that we are there he has started doing this a lot with no obvious signs of embarrassment from him or his partner it has really started to really get to us things came to a head recently when we were having our dinner outside on a nice evening and the meal was punctuated by a series of obnoxious rattling farts from next door to raucous laughter from his kids as far as I was concerned this had gone on long enough so later that evening once I had calmed down a bit I went next door to have a word with him about it I tried to be as common as pleasant as possible he just refused to acknowledging that this was an issue stating that he had the right to behave how he liked in his own back garden and I should just mind my own damn business the conversation ended by him slamming the door in my face since this happened things have gone downhill a bit between us there has been no more fighting but things have been pretty frosty when passing on the driveway no friendly waves or words exchanged just them avoiding eye contact with us the last thing I wanted was to fall out with anyone but I just couldn't tolerate the situation any longer without saying something I have received mixed opinions from relatives and friends some think I was justified for addressing this while a few are of the opinion that I'm the a-hole for starting something and should have just left it at that after much thought and some self doubts I thought I'd put it to Reddit to decide and I'm not gonna read a comments I want you guys to decide what you think that's a hard one and our next post is by pins and stitches titled am I the a-hole for telling my husband he doesn't deserve a vacation now my husband works for a corporate company when the craziness started he was off work for almost two weeks until they changed protocol since then he's back at work with apparently nothing to do all day until he received certain supplies that he needs to actually work but he has to stay at work to be paid so I've been asking him to tough it out and be bored if he has to so we make sure we can pay our bills during this time he and the other co-worker have not been doing much but playing on their phones listening to music etc for most of their time spent at work I've been taking on a lot of extra commissions just to come up with less money than I was making before things went south with the world working more and harder for less money just to stay afloat he mentioned to me as soon as things are running normally again I'm taking a week off I need a break I asked them what made him feel entitled to a week off when everyone around him was dealing with the same thing he just used up seven of his vacation days a few months ago to sit at home and play video games didn't even do house chores just played video games and watch TV the whole time while I worked sir am I the a-hole for telling him that he doesn't deserve a vacation ah I'm not reading comments for this one either I want you I want to know your opinions for this one Jesus there that's a hot topic man I feel like it so many people could swing both ways on that one oh my god all right now next one is buy throw away Appa titled am I the a-hole for telling my nine year old that I love my girlfriend more than her throw away account sir I 37 male have a daughter and she's nine my girlfriend 38 female and I have been together for a few years and she can be harsh to my daughter and times but it's only tough love and she obviously cares about my daughter and I care about her child as well but I grew up around my family telling me that the man is supposed to put his wife and spouse before everyone else and this is how I feel strongly my daughter knows that I love my girlfriends and I do buy her more gifts and spend more money on her than my daughter but she does the same with me and her kids never seem to have an issue with it I've just suspected my daughter is extra sensitive about it so onto the issue my daughter and I were heading home and she asked me do you love my girlfriend more than me and it did take me by surprise it seems like such an odd question but I responded something along the lines of a man is supposed to love his wife more than his children and for the rest of the ride my daughter was really quiet she seemed upset and I'm wondering if maybe I should have lied and said something else even though it's how I feel and I didn't want to lie to her Jesus Christ to some people not think that he backed his thoughts up there but where's your brain at buddy come on it's a carrot the kid doesn't realize you're the a-hole if this is real which I doubt you've got some major problems and your poor daughter is going to likely be traumatized you have absolutely traumatized your daughter Opie holy crap you're the [ __ ] in so many waves I can't even find the words I'll start with your BS justification put your spouse before all others doesn't mean to ignore the needs and feelings of your children it means other adults probably specifically other adults you may sexually appealing shouldn't be prioritized or given weight above your partner being a parent actually does mean putting someone else above all others yourself included that this is somehow lost on you and your girlfriend both makes you both unfit parents I can't even articulate how much you don't deserve that little girl and my heart breaks for her there's pretty much nothing redeemable about you but your daughter desperately needs you to beg for her forgiveness if you can get your head out of your ass and get both of you into therapy immediately you might be able to salvage a relationship with her you don't deserve it but she does and for those of you that need to hear its opie didn't edit in his post i've read through some of the comments and realized i was 100% in the wrong I do love my daughter and her and I realize I have talked about the issue and that the love I have for my girlfriend is different than the love I have for her I'm going to work on being a better parents and I'll talk to my girlfriend about being less harsh on her due to these suspected autism although there were some harsh people in the comments I do appreciate them opening my eyes to the issue thank you alright uh the suspected autism came out of nowhere Jesus Christ I don't know if that's a reasonable excuse to get away with what he's been doing I feel like you it's a little bit of a red herring isn't it what do you guys think anyway our next post is by familiar jackets am I the a-hole foresee seeing the CEO and emails from my co-workers who don't respond so I work for a company of 10,000 plus people within customer service at my office there are a lot of people who don't respond to my emails and those that do sometimes take days this has been frustrating me recently if I need a certain document etc I have to practically chase down the person to get it given that most of us are now working from home this has made the problem worse I decided to start including the chairman and CEO of our company on all the emails to coworkers who either never respond or are very slow to give some examples IT is usually slow so when I had issues with my laptop last week I included the CEO on it there was another case where a customer had a quest in that I didn't know the answer to so I told the customer I'd get back to him and emailed the co-worker as well as cc'd in the CEO my question I've only been doing this for a week but the response rate has been fantastic my supervisor called me up and told me to stop doing this and I explained the problem to him he nonetheless still told me to stop and I agreed to it however I am planning on resuming if my coworkers start ignoring me again I haven't gotten a response from the CEO either so I don't think it's really a big deal edits to the people who are asking I am 22 you're the a-hole you are about to get bounced out of corporate America that's some childish behavior at most you see see your supervisor not a single person above them especially with stuff going on right now stop crying about an extra day to get emails colleagues not responding to internal emails is the most ordinary problem you will have for the rest of your hopefully not very short career stop reacting emotionally over it start with a friendly request follow-up the next day or the day after depending on how urgent it is with friendly reminder and a day later copying in with your manager in it if you're feeling very computational you can pick up the phone and give them a call at any stage you can keep your own supervisors cc'd in at all stages it's not to speed up their response it is to cover your backside if the delay turns into a problem see seeing the CEO is absolute nonsense all right so I'd love to know what you guys think about that one you corporate office workers of marque reddits and our last one today is by Corona not light titled am I the a-hole for being upset about my girlfriend ruining my t-shirts now my girlfriend has about five to six of my t-shirts I technically gave them to her she mentioned one time something like oh I have a whole pile of your shirts I just washed I need to remember to give them back I said don't worry about it you can keep them now here is where I'm not sure if it's wrong or right the shirts live with her she can wear them whenever but they are still my shirts it sounds bad typing it out but I guess I just never considered that she'd think of them as anything other than my boyfriend's clothes that I sometimes wear a few weeks ago I noticed that one of my shirts got grease spots on it from her cooking I loved that shirt so I was a little sad and said something she brushed it off but did eventually apologize then I noticed that she got paint on a second shirt and bleach on another buy the third shirt I was really bothered and asked why she keeps managing to ruin my shirts but none of hers she said since I didn't want the shirts she didn't think it was a big deal to let them get messed up reddit's please tell us who was the a-hole doctor amazing reckons not the a-hole it sounds like she's looking at them as old shirts that you don't want anymore but you aren't a jerk for feeling bad when they get ruined all right tell me what you guys think about this one today do you agree with those opinions do you not agree I'd love to know what you guys think down in the comments anyway if you want more quality content do click on that Hawk on the screen and go subscribe to my mates story Hawk he makes some good content and I really want him to get him to our thousand subs alright I'll see you guys the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 40,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: 8i4iRFmg7Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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