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g'day there guys it's rosie hubby machi back at it again with another assassin titled parents video now if you love me like I love you then you know what to do I want you to mosey on over to the old like button and tackle it like Crocodile Dundee maybe even chuck an Aussie flag down in the comments now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody Karan's now our first post is by user future butterscotch 9 titled when did you learn to speak English um England so this story took place five months ago so it won't exactly be one forward but I've remembered enough of the event to recite its blah blah blah you've all heard it before so my stepmom is British Welsh to be exact for those who don't know Wales is this little hump west of England and north of Cornwall it's a beautiful place known for sheep alcohol and mistakes involving sheep and alcohol my stepmom is ethnically Welsh but raised in England despite this my nain and tade English food grandma and grandma insisted on her and her brother learning Welsh to preserve their heritage the Welsh are proud people and so they wanted to ensure their children were as immersed as they could be so she grew up bilingual went to uni got a job working from a certain tech giant and moved to the u.s. to help train their staff a few years later she met my dad and joined the family at the time I was still getting over my mum so her presence was less than welcome despite this my stepmom never pushed me or tried to buy her way in she gave me the room I needed to grieve and when I was ready showered me with enough affection to make up for the lost time she has my eternal love and respect for it and has become my second mother now we live in a large town in the Midwest being west of the seaboard but east of the Mississippi so while most people are open to outsiders there's the usual few who just want to ruin everything around Christmastime I was visiting home from college with my girlfriend Charlie whose awesomeness has been detailed in another post enjoying some quality girls time with my stepmom we were in the mall searching for some place that sold plastic modeling glue for my dad he's really into war Hammar during this time my stepmom is on the phone with her brother who still lives in the UK catching up and sharing some laughs they were speaking Welsh to each other which happened to offend a woman who has since earned the title of Karen we were standing in front of the mall map trying to find the hobby store when I heard a loud scoff from behind us I turned to see a woman dressed in a rather nice-looking business suits but corralling her kids away like they just encountered a streaker now I was ready to let it go but Charlie can get very defensive of people she likes so she ended up calling her out something offends you mam she seemed to ponder her next move before responding with that oh so stupid phrase you're in America when you're here you speak English not Muslim my kids don't need to hear that now I've met some pretty stupid people in my life even dated one but never ever have I heard of someone confusing Welsh for a Rea BEC which is what I assumed she meant they're two very different languages from two very different cultures the only similarities between them is how little I understand them however for someone to be so offended by someone speaking another language they probably also didn't immerse themselves too much in other cultures to her the world began in New York and ended in Los Angeles it was at this point that my stepmom hung up now I know that Americans get a bad rap in all she said in an obviously British accent but it doesn't help when you actively conform to the stereotype all my god Karen said with a righteous indignation your accent is awful what did you even learn to speak English my stepmom held the most deadpan expression she could England I swear I could smell the smoke coming from the flaming mess inside Karen's skull she looked at Charlie and died a pair of shockingly chalcogen college brats and then my stepmom our even paler chaperone took a moment to process what she was doing and then walked away dragging a group of embarrassed looking twins with her I have to give her credit at least she knew when to my stepmom chuckled muttered an offensive sounding Welsh phrase and then helped us scan the map for the hobby shop the rest of the day went well and we had a funny story to tell my dad when we got back to all my bigots out there who got offended when someone speaks another language get over yourselves the world doesn't revolve around you - oh my bilingual friends out there who speak their native tongues good for you it's important to keep your culture alive and to Karin next time you try to accost someone for speaking something other than English at least get the right countenance much-loved future butterscotch 9 it's probably all that sir sheep and alcohol in the system that's a mess and their brains up there isn't it guys I kid now uh Nick's purse is by low-low the lily titled my kids are gonna sit right here and eat because it is there right no one can tell them what to do went into the supermarket to get food for the month a ton of people were hanging outside including six miserable looking kids lined up eating chips on the sidewalk mum was screaming her head off down her phone my kids are gonna sit right here and eat because it is they right no one can tell them what to do as I went in I heard one girl say can we go now this sucks and Karen screamed at her to shut up parents in general are acting like children over this virus and it's pathetic I know he only just now got our first cases but come on this time in two weeks there will be a ton more bed yeah I bet all righty and our next post is by jury March titled why would you put them outside if they weren't for us to take now this story is from a couple of months ago and sadly instead of one entitled parents it involves many many entitled parents every year my family volunteers at a big Fall Fair with rides games crafts and a whole lot of locally grown food this year some of the local farmers donated a bunch of pumpkins to the fair so they could create this beautiful pumpkin display less than an hour after the fair opened for the day and the pumpkin display was a mess many parents the poor lost souls had mistaken the pumpkin display for a playground they stood to the side and chatted as though they were at the park while their children made a mess of the display climbing the pumpkins throwing the pumpkins kicking the pumpkins smashing the pumpkins we quickly evacuated the families this caused the children to complain which resulted in their parents giving us stink eye for ruining their day we tried to reassemble the display as much as we could and put up a sign right in front of it that said not to touch the pumpkins not long later we returned to the display only to find that the sign has been uprooted and tossed to the side and the display was destroyed again they were broken pumpkins everywhere there were also families who decided to go pumpkin picking with their children in the display happily choosing out their favorite pumpkins and carrying them off we tried to stop the parents told them the pumpkins wanted to for taking home many of the parents would claim but my son really likes this pumpkin and why would she put them outside if they weren't for us to take we explained to the parents that there were many stalls of the fair where farmers were selling some pumpkins but the reply is mostly complaining about how they would have to pay for those pumpkins there was even one lady who just looked at us and kept walking as we tried to stop her once again we cleared out the people and this time shut down the display this display of roughly 30 pumpkins had been reduced to six that were still intact all before noon I just don't understand that story how how what's wrong with people he'd like mentally detached from the world why do you what do you look at it a pumpkin display and you're like you know what smash I'm gonna smash these pumpkins I hate them it's like that that bag of rice you see at the store you walk past he's got a slap it can't walk past it without slapping that's these people come we'll pass the pumpkin display without smashing it right ear and done next posters by user James Joseph 999 titled um she's my sister hey sir I was browsing this sub and remembered something that happened a few years ago I was 15 sixteen years old and I liked this girl in my class I went up to her and asked if she wanted to see a movie she said yes so that weekend we went to see some crap movie that I forgots and later went to get lunch at this sandwich joints whose owners I was friend of where this scene happened I don't remember exactly what she said but I got the gist of it entitled mother walks up to us talking with a crying baby and arm says what's wrong with this generation do you want to specify glady I hate seeing this everywhere I go young people like yourselves giving into relationships it is so disappointing entitled mother looking at the girl says trust me honey men are pigs my men left me to deal with three kids all on my own you don't know what you're getting himself into believe me darling you're too young to understand the world you're just going through a phase what were your parents think of this both our parents were completely aware and fine with what we were doing so she says I don't want my kids to grow up in this sinful environments please take your stuff somewhere else darling I've had enough of her crap by this point we had the whole stores attention like ten people I'm sorry to interrupt ma'am but she's my sister we're fraternal twins we're waiting for our parents the owner was losing his craft behind the counter it seems like he was laughing at the woman oh I didn't realize everyone at the store had a sweeping grin on their faces and the woman awkwardly walked to a car and drove away the girl says to me wonder why her men left her I think my date liked that because now we were engaged and I plan to propose to her by the end of this whole coffered thing anyways don't get in the way of someone's day because you don't like what you see very good message that one all right an unexposed is by merely 26:10 titled if you're not straight say goodbye to family support sir ever since I was little I had already decided I wouldn't have kids even if the reason changed from time to time when I was younger it was because I had a little brother and I really hated him sir I didn't want to risk having a child just like him to take care as I got older it started to be about money and comforts having a baby means you have to carry it for nine months and then go through excruciating pain in order to get it out then the said baby proceeds to suck money time and patience from you for at least 18 years probably more no matter what argument I used all my relatives kept saying that I was too young to decide that that I would changed my mind in the future etc etc in my teenage years I realized that I was lesbian and recently me and my girlfriend started to consider adopting a kid in the future for the sole purpose of raising them better than our parents raised us but we haven't decided anything yet I realized I was lesbian by 14 and started dating a girl at high school when I was 16 not the one that I'm currently dating we broke up after a while but we're still friends to this day the problem was my mom and her part of the family were really religious as their Jehovah's Witnesses my dad is atheist and his part of the family while still religious there is accepting of gay people but my mom's family is way bigger and more present in my life as I got older relatives started bugging me about if I was dating someone it was really awkward because technically yes I was but I couldn't say that sir I always answered no when I turned 18 my auntie she was always annoying even when I was a kid started setting up dates for me with all the guys around my age at church I obviously didn't want to go but my mom forced me to saying she's just trying to help you you should go even if it's just to make her happy so I ended up suffering through three different extremely awkward dinners with three guys I didn't know and they looked just as awkward as me I guess she ran out of young adults to throw at me so she left me alone besides the usual so are you dating someone and the really annoying suggestive looks every time I say no three months ago I'm 23 now I got caught with my current girlfriends I broke up with the first one in the first year of college we were at a party and she had too many drinks so I drove her home and gave her a goodbye kiss when I dropped her off it was still late afternoon so it wasn't dark yet so apparently a random old lady that was close friends with my grandmother saw us kissing and told my grandmother because apparently old religious people have nothing better to do that's a fact I had stopped believing in God when I was 12 story for another post and told my mom when I was 14 she was really upset and mad at me after that but luckily she didn't tell any of my relatives probably because she didn't want to deal with the drama that would follow so the follow-up to the reveal was a wave of relatives worried about me Jehovah's Witnesses have this thing on how people can change they basically think being gay is a choice and trying to bring me back to God and stuff and then came the auntie I mentioned earlier she started with the same arguments as everyone else but then she came in with but if he only date girls he'll never have any kids already tired of all this drama I argued back that I didn't even want kids and if I decided to have one in the future I could always adopt or resort to artificial insemination she kept bugging me for days with the same arguments about how I was young and naive and would eventually change my mind and how children are a gift from God for every woman on earth that my life would never be complete without one how a homosexual marriage would never bring me true happiness and how I would die sad and alone because I didn't have any kids to take care of me when I turned old yes apparently someone said that that's disgusting after a few days of this she gave me an ultimatum not the movie if I didn't gave up on my homosexual relationship she would tell the church about it Jehovah's Witness have this thing if you're willing to commit a sin and don't show any remorse you're basically kicked out of the church that wouldn't be so bad but after being disassociated every member of the church is instructed to avoid you basically not talk to you and not give any support until you took shame on your actions and apologized which would mean half of my family was going to pretend I didn't even exist I was in the middle of college sir I still lived with my parents luckily disassociation doesn't include kicking your child but I didn't want to be trapped in an environment where two people my mom and my brother would pretend I didn't exist sir I decided to move out I live in Brazil here public colleges are actually good at least for your resume can't say the same about the structure so paying for it wasn't a problem when I explained my plan to my girlfriend she quickly pulled some strings and managed to recommend me as small apartments near my college that I could rent without selling an organ but that still meant I was going to have to find a job and considering we're in the middle of the corona virus outbreak that could take forever and then to my surprise my dad came in when I was talking with my girlfriend through video chats we talked for a long time and long history short he wasn't exactly happy about my relationship but it was less because it was with a girl and more because I never told him and that as long as it was making me happy he would support me I showed him the apartment I was planning on getting and he said that he would pay the rent for me for the rest of my college years he then repeated what he used to tell me when I was a teenager as long as it's something for your education and future I'll pay for it I don't think I need to describe how happy and relieved that made me we now talk with each other daily and I started contacting his side of the family through video chat about my situation they also support me and one of my cousin's said she would help me with furniture and stuff I'm currently trapped in my house due to the quarantine while I ignored several calls from people from church but once this is all over I finally would be able to cut some people out of my life and never look back oh that's a really good ending I'm really happy for that IP and I hope everything works out well for them all right now our next post is by user baked potato titled entitled father grounds girlfriend because she started her period at church so this is my third story about my girlfriend's crazy-ass father it's short but pretty screwed up my girlfriend was a church and started her period during church she started getting cramps and the wonderful such girlfriend turned to entitled father and tells him she started a period and she asked her stepmom for feminine supplies entitled father got all up on her about why didn't you prepare and why don't I have feminine supplies on her well it came earlier than I expected and I wasn't prepared stepmom said she didn't have anything they suggest that she should put toilet paper off Oh yuck they said they weren't going to leave because they were ushering girlfriend said okay I'll sit and bleed entitled father got furious and got everyone out to leave entitled father proceeds to throw a temper tantrum and taking his anger on her in the car he then grounded her for a month and continued to scream and yell at the girlfriend until she started crying sorry about the way I wrote this I was typing what she told me Jesus it's not like she had a choice to like turn her period on and off what's wrong with this guy he knows this it's just being an [ __ ] all right and our next post is by just ting things titled entitled mother tried to hoard Costco toilet paper and gets just desserts longtime fan of this sub but was just too busy to post until now events happen during the height of the craze toilet paper famine around two weeks after Chinese New Year's my mom mm and I were going to get supplies only to find that the toilet paper section had been picked clean not a big deal we didn't have high hopes anyway we wandered over to the checkpoints when we suddenly spotted entitled mother entitled mother and her son have to two shopping carts absolutely filled with toilet paper one hand pushing the cart and the other one holding the iPhone gossiping away now it is important to mention that my mother is usually an anxious quiet woman living as Chinese speaking immigrants in a white American neighborhood she has gotten even more nervous due to the corona virus however realizing that the woman is also jabbering on the phone in Chinese her face lights up sorry for the rough translations my mother in Chinese says hello miss I wish you a Happy New Year's it's so nice to see you in our community I'm sure you didn't get a chance to see but there is one toilet a package per customer easy mistake but let us spend together to work hard for our community we must take care of each other entitled mother not bothering to put down the phone just basically yells huh you're talking to me mind your own business B if you're too stupid to take advantage don't whine don't pretend we're friends just because you're too fat to waddle your own way over to the toilet paper aisle entitled mother proceeds to gently shove alkynes with hers and cut in front of us in line at this point my mum is flushed with embarrassment and quietly shuffles into the long checkout line approximately 45 minutes later entitled mother reaches checkout the overworked clerk just sighs ah ma'am it's a two per people rule I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to put all of them back and get to the back of the line what says who there aren't signs anywhere no one says anything if you have a rule tell people don't just make it up and cheat your paying customers clerk just sighs and begins to take a console a much to entitled mother's squawking he starts waving the customers in line over to scavenge from the pile my mum shuffles over a bit and she looks entitled mother dead in the eye and without blinking plucks the shiniest toilet paper roll out of the bunch in a stroke of either pettiness or awkward politeness my mother says a common Chinese New Year phrase may peace bring wealth to you we quickly scuttle away from entitled mother's wrath with her prized toilet paper to this day my mum denies any sort of pettiness sentiments and simply states that she was being polite to a neighbor I want that mom how do I get a mum like that it's amazing all right and none exposed is by user the Scheiner de titled entitled mother trans to take my driver's license ems entitled mother me is me mom is my mum GE is the gas station employee sir I'm at a stage where I am allowed to drive I have a license that allows me to do so as long as I have a parent in the car with me a few days ago my mother and I went to the store after that we went to go get gas as I was standing in line to pay a middle-aged woman was standing in front of me I was looking out the window but I could see her repeatedly glancing back at me ian's like did you drive here I'm like yeah you don't really seem old enough to drive yet well I am I promise the entitled mother then left the gas station I paid for gas and went outside entitled mother was waiting show me a driver's license or I'm calling the police okay let me go get it at this point I just needed to get this lady off my back I pulled out my license and showed it to the entitled mother that is obviously fake no it isn't it's a learner's license there is no such thing at this point the GE came out and is like is everything all right this girl is driving with a fake license can I see so I handed the license ma'am this is real let me see that the entitled mother takes the license and begins to walk away I'm giving this to my son he deserves it more my mom stops her and gets the license back the entitled mother tried again to grab 'its but she missed my mom pulled out her phone and said she was going to call the police entitled mother left presumably without buying her gas what's wrong with people seriously alrighty folks and our last post is by user couldn't be any cornea but it's titled entitled mother spent an hour shopping while her child screamed the entire time then tried to exchange clothes from over a year ago to pay for the clothes she picked out that day strap in y'all this is my favorite story to share from my time in retail this lady was absolutely bonkers it's hella long but worth the read in my opinion so this happened a few years ago when I was working part-time at a clothing outlets let's just say that this company sells higher-end clothing and caters almost exclusively to karyn's my life was held for those two years god bless those who work there full-time you are the real heroes I'll cast ah me yours truly am the lady who has clearly never interacted with another human being AEK her screaming one-year-old and see oh my poor coworker let me start by saying that this was a Saturday shift in a crowded shopping mall and I was working in double to cover for a co-worker I had recently been promoted to shift lead sir I was the manager on duty that day and was closing fast forward to the end of the day the day was insane and by the end of it both my coworker and I were exhausted we were tidying up the store and taking care of all the go backs when I heard the door open it was 8:53 we closed at 9:00 enter entitled mother and entitled kid typically if we have customers come in that late it's to grab a gift card or something we do have the occasional shopper that comes right before clothes and stays a while but they are typically fairly quick when they realized that they are the only ones they are holding us up not tonight the first thing I noticed is that entitled kid is screaming like it sounds like someone is ripping off his arms level screams I woke up to greet the entitled mother over the sounds of a screaming offspring I say good evening ma'am is there something that I can help you find today no thanks just browsing the worst answer okay well let me know if you need help with anything before I close the dressing rooms my little way of insinuating that it's late and I want to go home well I'll definitely need a dressing room can you go ahead and start one for me me yelling at this point over the sound of the entitled kid screaming sure thing I'm sorry about him he's had a long day haven't we all mate so as I walk away I noticed that entitled mother has a trash bag full of clothes underneath the stroller that is carting around her screaming toddler ID but whatever maybe she has a goodwill donation for the next hour and a half this woman tries on every article of clothing in the store and as per corporate policy we can't rush guests as they shop for as long as they come in before clothes we tried everything turning off the music sweeping the floor closing the two out of three registers etc pretty much all the indicators that we are closed and to get the F out and yet she stayed and her kids screamed for an hour of it before he fell asleep at around 10:30 she is ready to check out I have coworkers start to ring her up so I can get closing started in the back and get the heck out of there I'm in the stockroom when I hear the screams straight mark I rush out and I find this lady screaming and co-worker who is one of the nicest people I've ever known is crying at this point what seems to be the problem anything I can help with yes you can fire this idiot because she is treating me like absolute garbage I don't think corporate will be very happy to hear how their employees are treating paying customers co-worker looks at me with tear filled eyes I say co-worker we go to the back and finish the online orders for me I'll take care of entitled mother Eric Amen what can I help you with well I was trying to get these clothes returned so I can put the credit towards my purchase entitled mother then takes the full garbage bag of clothes and dumps it out in front of me technically the clothes inside of the bag were all from the store where I worked however they were all a year older or more clearly well worn and no tags ma'am I'm so sorry but you cannot return these what why not well for one they don't have any tags you don't have a receipt and they have clearly been washed and worn by you for quite some time returns are typically recent purchases that don't quite fit well these don't fit me anymore so I would like to return them said in a very condescending tone of course look our return policy is thirty days and it can't be washed and you need a tag or receipt can't you just give me store credits no I cannot you can try resale shops if you want to but we aren't a thrift store these pieces aren't even in production anymore I'm not an idiot I know these clothes are from a while ago because I'm the one who bought them they don't fit me anymore because I was busy creating human life and I need new clothes she gestures to a poor exhausted child who was at this point woken up and began to scream again ma'am I'm sorry but I still can't accept these as returns can I help you purchase the clothes you picked out today like hell you can I have had a long day and deserve this I can't afford to buy these without returning my old clothes then I don't know what I can do for you you can get me your manager so full of satisfaction I say I am the manager on the floor tonight well then you were so screwed I'm calling corporate to report you in company well here's their number call centers opens tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. entitled mother's mouth drops pretty sure she didn't expect me to be so cavalier about getting reported but I did not give a single F at this point she was quiet for a moment and took a deep breath and asked if I could help her bag up her old clothes to take with her so she could give her screaming child a snack I was pretty shocked at the abrupt mood change but whatever I'm exhausted and I want to leave so bad I start bagging up her old clothes which she reached down to grab her kids snack as I'm putting the clothes in the bag she reaches over the counter grabs the clothes she was going to purchase and then runs towards the door I just stand there because it's against our policy to stop people from shoplifting anyway and I've locked the doors to prevent other people from coming in she gets to the doors and violently Yanks the handle back and forth trying to open them I calmly walk over let me out sure thing I hold out my hands for the clothes she glares at me then wisely decides it's not worth it she shoves the clothes at me and turns away muttering obscenities at me as she does i unlock the door and she leaves as if that counter wasn't crazy enough she actually called corporate to complain after literally trying to shoplift from our store what a wild ride all right guys that's the end of our episode today if you enjoyed this one tell me what you thought about it down in the comments below I do love to hear your opinions if you haven't already please do subscribe to my mates story Hawk he's just started as you too channel and I'd love to you to help him get it off the ground so yeah tell me what you thought subscribed to him click on the link on the screen and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 16,842
Rating: 4.929471 out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: 7yZJnfwglrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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