r/AmITheA**hole For Refusing To Save My Mom's Life?

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where op saves a young youtuber from ruining her career am i the butthole for uninviting my whole family to my wedding because of my cousin's joke i'm a 24 year old guy and i'm getting married to my partner a 22 year old woman in six weeks she's of eastern european descent and i'm from spain where we live we're having a small wedding with less than 15 people it's just our families and one close friend this is partially because of covid but mostly because we prefer it that way last week i was spending time with my family and my 25 year old guy cousin starts to talk to me about the wedding he said congratulations but he said it with this smile on his face that made it sound like he was taking the piss i said thank you but what's so funny he then literally says to me how much did she cost well my job basically hit the floor i asked him what he's talking about and he said i'm thinking about getting a sloppy girl myself i was so shocked that i couldn't find my words i just started muttering i'm leaving over and over again as i put my shoes on to leave i don't remember what he said to me after that my family has made some distasteful jokes about my inter-ethnic relationship before but never jokes about sex trafficking before when my cousin said that it made me furious it didn't even sound like he was joking even if he was i feel that it crossed the line i didn't know how i was gonna tell my partner but i knew that i wasn't going to allow my cousin in the same room as her anymore after driving 90 minutes to get home i had enough time to think about it i called my cousin and i told him that he's no longer invited to my wedding the next day i got spammed with calls texts and voice messages from my parents uncle and sister telling me that i'm overreacting to the joke and causing a divide in my family so i told them they were also uninvited my parents aren't contributing to the cost of the wedding they gave us 1 000 euros for an engagement gift but after being uninvited they demanded it back even though i feel that you shouldn't be allowed to take back a gift i gave it back to avoid drama and to tell them that i don't need their money i don't think that i'm overreacting because it's not fair to my partner to have people there on her big day who think that way about her even though my family makes up half of our total guests i don't want anybody there who feels that way i'm okay with having none of them there am i overreacting am i the butthole nah opie you are definitely not overreacting here if someone made a joke about my wife being a prostitute that i literally bought her and brought her over to my country for money then i would definitely not invite her to my wedding however i will say that it kind of sounds like you're throwing out the baby with the bathwater here when all of your family called you and you uninvited them too i feel like that might be a little bit extreme because in fairness to them we don't know what your cousin told them about what really happened and based on this story it doesn't sound like you explained what happened or tried to reason with them it sounds like you got upset and just uninvited them and yeah that's kind of unfair to them because they may have no clue why you uninvited your cousin so yeah you're not the butthole for uninviting your cousin but i can't really evaluate whether you're the butthole when it comes to uninviting the rest of your family because i feel like i'm missing information op you get zero out of five buttholes your cousin gets two out of five buttholes am i the butthole for convincing my stepdaughter to not sign a deal my 24 year old stepdaughter runs an instagram page and a youtube channel with a decent following she makes some money from it and her father wanted her to sign up with some agency he had done most of the legwork already and she had a contract in hand she asked me to take a look at it i'm not a lawyer but i have taken part in some business negotiations the contract was biased against her they would get control over any content she created they would also get more than half of all of her earnings and their marketing commitment was very vaguely defined the only benefit of the contract was a 35 000 upfront payment for signing up but that money would have to be paid back if she failed to meet their content production targets it was a deal where her upside was limited but their downside was protected i told her this deal was garbage and she could do much better than whatever this company offered just by working on her own she's a smart girl and she decided not to sign up she really doesn't care she's just making money to support herself and do what she likes and has no interest in going viral her father hates that i interfered in his relationship with his daughter her mother my wife isn't happy either because she doesn't want her daughter to be self-employed i feel a bit guilty because i didn't mince words when i described the deal to her and the ensuing fallout between her dad and her has to really strain the relationship i feel like i poured fire on a family feud her father is mad at me for poking my head where it doesn't belong and upstaging him he doesn't like me anyway as he hates the fact that his ex-wife married a woman also my wife is pissed off that i'm encouraging her to continue this career alright op i am absolutely thrilled that i came across this story because i've been a youtuber for about five years now so i thoroughly understand the industry but before i start talking about this as a youtuber let me just talk about this as a fellow human being so here's what happened here your stepdaughter who's an adult 24 year old woman who can make her own choices came to you and asked for your advice you gave your advice and your step-daughter made a decision you weren't sticking your nose where it didn't belong she came to you and asked for your opinion and you gave it so like what's the big deal here all right now that i've gotten that part out of the way op let me talk to you as a professional youtuber so first things first in my five years as a professional youtuber and like two years as a pro podcaster i have never seen a deal like this it sounds super sketchy if some company wanted me to sign a contract and tried to take 50 of my earnings i would laugh in their face and on top of that they want to own her content no way op no way this is seriously seriously sketchy op there is literally no scenario on planet earth where i would actually sign that contract it completely exploits your stepdaughter and essentially just steals her money in fact op i would really love it if you could email me that contract i'm not going to do anything with it i'm not going to share it i'm not going to post it i just kind of want to read it because this sounds ridiculous like just on a professional level i'm trying to figure out what on earth is going on here alright so here's what i think is going on here my suspicion is that this company is an mcn the way mcns work is basically all the content and all the money sort of goes through them and they take a cut of their profits and in exchange they offer a certain amount of services like they might have analytics or they might have access to special sponsorship deals or they might have like a music library that you can use but like nine times out of ten they are terrible deals when i first got started on youtube i really didn't know what i was doing and i got a bunch of emails from mcns and eventually i decided to sign up for one and basically what they did was they just took i want to say 10 of my earnings and gave me a bunch of tools that i completely never used anyways i dropped my mcn like a bad habit and i've never looked back now it is worth mentioning that in some rare cases mcns are actually really really useful for example if your stepdaughter has a music channel then joining an mcn can be useful because what they'll do is they'll basically search all of youtube so if someone else is using your step-daughter song then they'll claim that song and then that way your stepdaughter will be paid for that video but i would say unless your daughter is a musician do not sign with them and even if she is a musician don't sign with this company signed with some other company that offers the same services and a much more reasonable cut also in regards to your wife being pissed off at you i really can't understand why she doesn't want your stepdaughter to be self-employed i'm not trying to flex or brag when i say this but realistically being a content creator is like a dream job you work your own hours you don't have a boss you make pretty much whatever you want and you just earn money based on your own creativity and work ethic also let's be honest the money is insane if you get big enough you can literally make millions of dollars a year the biggest youtubers out there like jake paul or mr beast can literally make millions of dollars per month i can sort of understand where your wife is coming from when i started my parents were like are you sure you know what you're doing and no matter how many times i tried to explain to my grandmother how youtube worked she just never got it my grandma was constantly worried that i would go broke and i wouldn't be able to pay the bills but seriously in 2021 being a content creator can be a very stable lucrative and desirable profession op if you like you can even email me questions that you and your stepdaughter might have about this profession i hate to see a young youtuber who's just starting out get exploited like this so i'd be happy to help anyways op i got a little sidetracked there i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes i'm giving your stepdaughter zero out of five buttholes i'm also giving your wife zero out of five buttholes she's wrong but not being a jerk about it the stepfather however gets three out of five buttholes i would bet anything that he's gonna get paid if he could get his stepdaughter to sign that contract and that's why he cares so much and that's just disgusting behavior am i the butthole for telling my mother-in-law that i married her daughter and not her my mother-in-law is a kind and funny woman but she does have a few problems with boundaries and is a little too involved in my marriage especially now that my wife is pregnant my wife's family doesn't have a lot of money and it's the opposite with my family my family owns a factory and i'm an engineer my wife has a job that doesn't pay well but she's happy with it every time i get my wife something nice especially jewelry i would get a call from my mother-in-law complaining that she got nothing this would even happen on my wife's birthday or our wedding anniversary holidays and other occasions aside she would throw a fit about how i was treating her less kindly than my wife whenever she comes over and notices a new piece of furniture or a new item she would complain that i didn't get her similar stuff she sent me a picture of a very expensive necklace that she wanted me to get for mother's day i called her to ask about it and she said that she's been wanting it for a while and only i could afford it when i told her that i might not be able to get it she replied that i already got my wife an expensive necklace on sunday so i can afford to get this one i didn't get her the necklace instead i got her some fresh flowers that i picked from my late mother's garden that i trimmed and organized myself and put in a nice vase we visited sunday evening and my mother-in-law kept smiling until it was time for the gift opening i handed her the flowers and i talked about how much time and effort i made to put everything together she was shocked and said she thought that i loved and cared enough to get her something nice just like i did for my wife who technically isn't even a mother yet and she's been a mother for 32 years i got annoyed and said that i didn't appreciate her harsh response to my gift but she argued with me and kept talking about how much she wanted the necklace and that i could afford it just like i was able to afford the one that i got from my wife but instead i chose a thoughtless sucky gift to give her that pissed me off i told my mother-in-law that i married her daughter and not her of course i was putting my wife first and it's crazy that she thinks that i'm obligated to treat her and my wife the same way my wife looked at me like she was astonished my mother-in-law replied that i was being mean and nasty to her on purpose and that i was rubbing my financial stability in her face treating her as if she was greedy instead of showing her appreciation she left the room looking like she was about to cry and my wife followed her suddenly everyone was staring at me and it was awkward as hell my wife snapped at me in the car telling me that i was way out of line for making her mom cry on mother's day and she said that she won't let my attitude cause a rift between her and her mom i asked if she agreed with her mom's demands and she said no but that i still went over the top and i shouldn't have spoken to her that way she said that i deeply hurt her mom's feelings and i should apologize i really don't want to ruin my relationship with my mother-in-law but i'm worried that i just did yeah op i agree with your wife criticizing your mother-in-law on mother's day is really rude now don't get me wrong i do think that you're right here your mother-in-law is being completely unreasonable but that was neither the time nor the place to address that issue op i'm giving you two out of five buttholes i'm also giving your mother-in-law two out of five buttholes am i the butthole for refusing to pay for my mother's hospital bills shortly after my fifth birthday my dad found out that i was not biologically his he immediately threw me and my mother out of his life which now looking back i can't really blame him it would be a nightmare to raise someone who was a constant reminder of your wife cheating shortly after that we moved from a mansion to a very small apartment and my life has been absolutely lonely and horrible since then the love that my mother had for me disappeared in an instant and she and my half siblings who constantly blame me for being the reason for the divorce have hated me since i was constantly told by my own family including my mother that they all wish that i would die and would have never been born and things like that i try not to let my half-siblings words get to me since they were kids as well but it still hurts to this day my mother married my stepdad when i was 10 and he and his kids my step-siblings have made it very clear that they didn't like me and things got even worse i was given the smallest room no new clothes or things and i was either constantly ignored or bullied by my family both my step-family and half-siblings went on great and fantastic trips and were given all the latest gadgets and given everything while i was left behind it actually got to the point where on my 8th birthday no one even wished me a happy birthday i had no friends in school as well i was the quiet kid who was always isolated and left out of everything now i'm a 27 year old man and i managed to get a full ride to a dream college and am now financially quite secure i now have very good friends and an amazing fiance with whom i have a three-year-old son and her family has basically adopted me as one of their own my fiance also convinced me to go to therapy for which i'm very grateful as well and i'm basically doing great in life and it moved past everything recently my mother contacted me a few days ago saying that she needed my help or more accurately my money because she has cancer and i firmly but politely refused her saying that while i sympathize with her situation it's not my responsibility and she should lose my number and never contact me again i'm now being hounded by my step family and even my half-siblings that i shouldn't refuse and my response to them was pretty much the same i just blocked them all yesterday my mother called me from our friend's phone and ordered me to pay her bills since she sacrificed so much for me to which i replied you never sacrificed anything you gave away everything you ever had just because you couldn't keep your legs closed and i hung up on her i blocked everyone and now i just keep receiving messages calling me a butthole among other things from family members which i promptly block but occasionally i feel quite guilty what my mother did was horrible yes but no one deserves to die for such things so reddit am i the butthole for refusing to pay my mother's hospital bill even though it may lead to her death op what your mother did to you is utterly disgusting and in my opinion it's completely unforgivable as in there is literally nothing she could ever say or do that would ever be worthy of forgiveness from you what kind of disgusting person tells their own child that they wish that they were never born opie if they pulled that sun on me and tried to call me up i'd just be like new family who dis i'm giving you a solid zero out of five buttholes op your mother on the other hand gets the rare 5 out of 5 buttholes honestly i have no sympathy for people who abuse kids that was our slashing by the butthole and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 509,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: 2lwiczxpQGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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