r/AmITheA**hole For STEALING a Dog?

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welcome to our slash imide the butthole where we get to judge people on the Internet am i the butthole my parents took most of my wardrobe away as punishment and I said I didn't want the clothes back because it's obvious they're not actually mine I got in trouble at school this fall I'm a junior in high school I smoked weed with a guy in the woods after school once and got caught I also made out with him a couple of times and my parents found out about that too as punishment my parents took away a lot of my things all my clothes except three pairs of plain jeans and three plain black shirts in my coat and all my makeup and hair stuff purses and shoes saying I had to earn things back with good behavior I don't get to engage in my hobby fashion till I've earned it anyways it was a sucky couple of months but I came to a couple realizations it was actually kind of nice to not have to think about what to wear and how I look my friends knew what my parents had done and didn't judge me I also told anyone who asked why I looked like I only had one outfit what was up and it was no big deal I know it was supposed to be demeaning humiliating punishment to make me look bad at school but honestly it just makes them look bad when people at school know I'm only allowed to wear one thing I don't want to have things that are just something someone else can hold over my head I don't want the old clothes and makeup back if I'm gonna get back into that stuff I'll do it on my own terms I'll buy my own stuff so I told my parents that I don't care if they keep the clothes and makeup they've made it clear that stuff doesn't belong to me and I said it's gross to spend every day wearing clothes that aren't mine that can be given and taken as punishment I'd feel gross and I'd rather not wear them again so now my parents are mad because they've got a lot of clothes boxed up in the Attic that the family spent money on and that are going to waste nobody can wear them my mom isn't my size and my only sibling is my little brother I said I don't care I want clothes that are my own and those aren't it am i the butthole for not taking the clothes back and letting them go to waste wait wait let me get this straight your parents are telling you that your clothes don't belong to you that they own your clothes then when you say okay I guess I won't wear those clothes them because they don't belong to me they get mad you know Opie you get zero out of five bottles to be honest your parents have that coming to them that punishment backfired hilariously I honestly want to give you like negative butthole points because not only did you not do anything but holy here but on top of that you also grew up and became more mature so good job Opie am i the butthole for telling my mom's new husband that she has kids when I was fifteen my mom left the family for a long time no one knew where she was or even if she was okay eventually it was discovered that she was just too overwhelmed and loved to handle herself my brothers and I were raised by our uncle and my dad from that point on but it was hard I became like my brother's mom and had to grow up quicker than I probably should have I got into therapy and a few years back have been doing better recently I found my mom on Facebook it was by pure mistake because I reconnected with some other maternal family members that I guess our friends with her she had the same first name and looks pretty much the same with just a different last name the more I looked at her page however I saw that she had gotten remarried not long after she left my dad and had basically started a new family she has kids ranging in age from 2 to 10 years old my husband told me to leave it alone but I was so angry I just couldn't handle it so I ended up finding out her husband's Facebook and messaged him saying that his wife had five other kids that she had abandoned did he know that my mom ended up messaging me pissed saying I'd made her husband mad because he didn't know me to me that's not my problem you can't just run off and neglect responsibilities however my brothers and husband think I was the butthole so am i the butthole no Opie you get 0 to 5 bottles on so many levels and gatita monster down in the comments brings up a really good point not the butthole this man isn't nothing to you he's your stepfather you have a right to be acknowledged by your stepfather and siblings your mother cannot erase you no matter how much you may want to in order to avoid dealing with her oni normani since she can't be trusted to do so you had every right to do it yourself your mother isn't a colleague or a casual acquaintance with strict rules of civility and boundaries that demand observance your mother committed a grave betrayal of her duties to you and inflicted grave wounds as a result she treated you as though you're nothing you're not nothing you're valuable and did not deserve to be abandoned by announcing your presence in the world to her husband you're letting her know you're still here in the only way that would make her listen she can't ignore that anymore and that's a good thing in my book am i the butthole for throwing away my husband's xbox after he refused to look for a lost dog for starters I'm a 35 year old female nurse and I've been extremely busy these past three months even writing this post is a privilege and I'm having to do this in bits and pieces I also gave birth to my daughter six months ago I have an eight-year-old son as well when I'm not working I take care of my children in January 2019 my son suddenly developed this strong desire to have a dog he begged and begged for a puppy from my husband who's 35 I protested against that because I just found out that I was pregnant Jesus my husband said that we should let our son have a puppy to teach him some responsibility and that he would have some practice to take care of his baby sibling he also promised that he would help our son take care of the dog I was absolutely unconvinced but I had to give in eventually because my husband had already agreed and I didn't want to cause further fights five days ago my son had accidentally left the back door of the house open and the dog ran away these five days were also some of the busiest most grueling days of my work and I had to take up night shifts because a colleague had fallen sick our son first went to my husband for help he refused to help him and said that it was his sons responsibility to care for the dog and then he has to do something about it himself my husband has the privilege of working from home he works at a law firm he works for maybe three to four hours a day and plays xbox the entire time and sometimes gets up to check up on our daughter he literally has no added pressures five days ago when our son told me in tears that dad won't look for tippy I talked to my husband who said that it would teach our son some responsibility to take care of things in the future which I found very callous since a dog is a living sentient being and not a thing he was playing xbox when I was talking to him as well he also said he won't look for the dog or anything yesterday after coming home at night the first thing I did was unplug the Xbox console and controller and throw it in the trash can this morning before going to work my husband threw a fit when he didn't find his Xbox in the living room I told him that I thrown it away because he was so addicted to it that he couldn't even get up to help our distress son when I came back from work he told me he'd found his xbox in the trash since the garbage truck hadn't arrived then now he's being incredibly snarky giving me the cold shoulder and he's angry because his controller isn't working he also hasn't taken any measures to look for our dog and our mutual best friend called and said my reaction was incredibly childish now I'm spending my free day calling every neighbor of ours making Internet posters and contacting animal shelters and animal control to see if Tippi had turned up anywhere at consoling my heartbroken son am I the butthole and then Opie posted an update Tippi was found two miles away from our house a day after I posted ads and posters on several platforms and web sites a kind lady living alone had found her near her street starving and exhausted she responded to my calls for help on Facebook and I'm utterly thankful to her we need more people like her in this world my son and tippier both ecstatic to be reunited he takes care of him just like he did before only now I have some time on my hands to help him as well however my son is still wary of his father and he'll likely remain so for a long time now he doesn't ask him for help at all as for my husband he now treats tippy as if he doesn't exist he went and bought a new Xbox controller right after tippy was brought back and now demands that I pay him for damaging his property I'm willing to pay because I realized my impulsive response was not the best decision and nor was it the best way to deal with this situation my approach towards my husband's xbox and husbands approach towards tippy we're both horrible and irrational many of you mentioned that my husband may have been neglecting our daughter it's on fortunate that you were right I started to notice some tender area and red skin around my daughter's diaper area around two weeks ago she was uncomfortable irritable and put up a fuss every time I tried to change her diaper turns out she was suffering from a diaper rash diaper rashes can occur for a variety of reasons none of which were applying to my daughter she wasn't on antibiotics she had soft cotton clothes her bowel movements were normal and we weren't using any new products on her this left only one option her diapers weren't being changed frequently I was away from home for five days I asked my husband how many times he'd changed her diapers a baby her age needs her diaper changed at least once every three hours my husband outright said he was changing them every seven hours or so for those five days because he didn't think they needed to be changed as much as before because she was now six months old he had raised a son with me before it's a ridiculous excuse the diaper rash is gone now but now I'm scared to ever leave my baby with him when I go to work I'll have to sit down and reconsider everything and have a long talk with him soon it's inevitable he still plays xbox just like he used to before oh my god Opie there's so many red flags in this either this guy is completely checked out of his family's life or he's addicted to video games either way he has serious emotional problems that need to be addressed and if he only changed his daughter's diaper once every seven hours does that mean that he was basically ignoring his daughter for those seven hours just so he could play video games instead to be honest Opie it doesn't sound like you have two kids in the house it sounds like you have three so my final assessment is Opie gets one of the five buttholes because yeah throwing away the Xbox was admittedly a little bit immature what Opie should have done is just have a normal adult conversation with them but as for the husband this is an easy five out of five buttholes am I the pan am i the butthole for taking a dump when my girlfriend was in terror this sounds ridiculous and I can't believe I'm posting this but my girlfriend is sincerely mad and is making me out to be a butthole so I went to bed last night with a sore stomach without going into much detail I've been constipated for a while when I woke up nature finally called and she wasn't ready to be put on hold I got up and was on my way to the bathroom when I heard my girlfriend screaming from the living room I quickly ran there to see what was going on just to find out it was too effing spiders they were sort of big keeping to themselves by the TV stand I told her to calm down and then I would deal with it after I'm done and then walked back to the bathroom to do the deed right in the middle of taking a dump my girlfriend knocks repeatedly on the bathroom door now literally crying about how they moved closer to the couch I get that she was scared but the dump was literally halfway out so I told her to just lock herself in the bedroom until I'm done after it was all done roughly 15 minutes I came out and relocated the spiders outside onto the balcony then went to tell my girlfriend problem is she wasn't in the room I pretty much looked everywhere for her until I finally called her and she answered really angry talking about how sucky and useless I am turns out she packed a bag and left to stay with her parents WTF she literally had to walk past these dangerous spiders to get to the door I apologized but she's still not having it and even her mother has chipped in her two cents about how pathetic of a boyfriend I am I feel like this is an overreaction but am I the butthole update she's pretty much dropped hints that she's broken up with me I guess miles and Peter saved my butt everyone down in the comments is generally in agreement dump the girlfriend to keep the spiders hide the butthole for refusing to return a lost dog that was clearly well loved about seven months ago a friend found a dog near her house I took her in and called Animal Control they said to bring her in and look for a microchip she was underweight with dirty fur Animal Control couldn't find a microchip so they said I could hold on to her for a week and they could list her on their website and if nobody claimed her I could adopt her so that's exactly what happened my dog now has shiny fur and is very healthy she's polite in walks while on a leash she does lots of tricks I have depression and anxiety and she's my support animal she's honestly the light of my life last month I joined a Facebook group for the same unusual pure breed that my dog is I posted a picture of her in the group a woman was tagged and a few hours later she deems me she said my dog was her dog and she was so thankful I found her and wanted to arrange to come get her she offered to pay me for taking good care of her I thought she was trying to scam me since she lived across the country but when I looked into it I found her Instagram with a lot of dog pictures and videos my dog has very unique markings so it was unmistakably the same dog as the one in her pictures my dog is a show champion and had a lot of training to do obedience agility and a few others I've never heard of she has a lot of fancy titles too my dog was clearly well cared for well trained and well loved she said her house caught fire last year and she lost everything including my dog who ran away nobody knows how she traveled so far or what happened between when she got lost and when my friend found her she never stopped looking for my dog she even had a video of my dog as a super cute puppy getting a microchip no idea why the shelter and my vet couldn't find it but my dog had won at some point here's the part where I might be the butthole I told the woman I appreciated the great job she did with my dog for the first few years or alive she's 5 and I was sorry to hear about her circumstances but I couldn't give up my beloved girl she's my support animals so I'm not even sure I could live without her I offered to send her pictures regularly but she turned really nasty I got tons of hateful messages from people I don't even know I had panic attacks whenever I got notifications because her friends acted like it's my fault I didn't choose for this special dog to change my life so much any more than she chose for my dog to get lost I ultimately blocked her because she wouldn't leave me alone since she was listed with the shelter for the whole period and no microchip was found I've adopted her and she's mine I'm legally in the right but am i morally wrong I know she loves my dog and once her back but I can't picture my life without her not one where I'm happy anyway if I could clone my dog and give this chick one I would am I the butthole if I think about myself and my health and keep my dog since it's legally my right - anyways that was our slash in my the butthole and if you like my content then hit that subscribe button because I put on new edit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 493,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: NUEjdkZvhtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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