Toxic Mother Son Relationships

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mothers across the world are the most perfect human beings after all a mother's love is unconditional and none of us doubts this fact as everyone loves their mother sadly this might not be the case for everybody while we have often heard individuals reporting to others about daddy issues surprisingly there is an entire world of males who experience mommy issues too are you one of them watch this video to learn about toxic mother-son relationships for the best anxiety and emotional balance advice subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when i post a new video [Music] hi i'm monica bandu clinical hypnotherapy is known for helping women who are struggling to manage their emotions and need to successfully achieve emotional balance but who is a toxic mother most people struggle with difficult family dynamics if you are one of them here are some signs you have a toxic mother is respect privacy and personal boundaries considers you as her best friend she is passive aggressive she humiliates you and sabotages you by not thinking about your mental and emotional health she invalidates your emotion guilt strips you manipulates you she controls and dominates you and constantly criticizes you a mother is the first ever person a child mates from being in her womb from nine months and the first minute after being born in return a child expects the loving welcoming and warm responses from the mother but what if the situation is entirely opposite there are numerous cases in which sons have suffered at the hand of overly toxic mothers as the stereotyping kicks in may not expect it to be strong so their so-called masculinity can be one of the biggest obstacles to letting out their emotions in most cases men refrain from openly discussing such hazardous relationships especially if they have issues with their mothers in my hypnotherapy practice i have helped hundreds of clients to let go of their parental guilt and shame inflicted by their parents one client was unable to have stable relationships because he felt judged by every one of them until he started noticing his emotional pattern he decided to try hypnotherapy and went back to his childhood to different episodes in his life where his mom was judging and shaming him in different times making him aware of the root cause of his lack of emotional connection in his relationships after he understood and transformed the different episodes he was able to move forward finding the forever significant other and cultivate a healthy relationship a toxic and disastrous mother-son relationship and a man's failure to let out his anxiety compose life-long damage to his emotional and psychological being unhealthy mother-son relationships can affect many different aspects of their life like failure in relationships the controlling nature of mothers might be one of the most significant causes of why boys emotional needs might be suppressed this often tends to distort the idea of their relationships if they were excessively controlled by their mothers in the early phases of their life they will distrust their relationship with other women being a child of a controlling mother he will eventually become dominant to other people and be more authoritative towards the other women in his life emotional restraint it is well known that males of all ages are expected to control their feelings and emotions from a very young age mothers teach their sons to curb emotions like pain grief and failure because of societal pressures and upbringing most mothers often fall under the pressure and act harshly towards their son when they express a slight indication of grief or sadness it is not permissible for boys to cry and deviate them from showing their manliness on the contrary emotions like anger fury and rage are promoted and boys are permitted to express these emotions to reflect their manhood since mothers are primarily responsible for the upbringing of their child their sons grow up restraining their real feelings this emotion of restraint can result in several psychological disorders comment below this video i would like to know if you feel you are the victim of a toxic mother comment below and know that you aren't alone the more you open up the more you heal aggression and hostility when boys do not receive enough validation of their emotions in their developing years they become very aggressive and hostile this behavior is then released towards others it's not really their fault because it's the only way they can vent and let out their pent-up emotions mother-song relationships like this are toxic and can over exaggerate even the common situations expressing anger and losing control are the most common traits among men who have toxic relationship with their mothers self-denial boys who had mothers with little or no emotional connection are frequently victims of self-denial they spend a significant part of their lives feeling in denial even when they witness other parents especially mothers expressing love and affection to their children they will think these actions and emotions are over exaggerated these men cannot accept that mothers can be loving because of their toxic relationship with their own any such emotions are perceived as fake and significant and weirded over the top these bottled up emotions and issues coming out of them can result in numerous physical mental and emotional problems as a mother it's essential to love your sons and show affection towards them if you don't do it you will likely leave a lot of emotional and mental scars on their minds and hearts as they grow up how to know if you were raised by a narcissistic mother narcissistic parents are only focused on themselves they are typically unable to take time for others physically and emotionally the thing about having a narcissist mom or father is that you are thought to be the insane or the crazy one this label can become like a permanent wound for kids as they will eventually dub themselves through through our entire life another significant sign of having a narcissistic parent as the kids struggle with ongoing guilt since they can never doubt their parents might be doing wrong they instead instead blame themselves they might even start to self-inflict wounds or beat themselves up there are two type of narcissists ignoring narcissists these include mothers who do not take much interest in their sons they see boundary between their kids and themselves quite well hence they choose to neglect their kids and do not participate actively in their lives on the other hand engulfing narcissists include the mothers who think their sons are an extension of themselves but merely an engulfing narcissist's mother will be overly obsessed with their son's life they will hardly even respect boundaries and privacy and simply do not view them as individual identities based on the kind of narcissistic mother kids will often undergo slightly different yet similar problems here are some signs that indicate that you were raised by narcissistic mother you have low self-esteem feelings of a worthlessness and importance in life didn't come to your side of nowhere these feelings are deep rooted as the most children of narcissistic mothers do not experience these feelings consciously they still exist at the back of their minds and hamper their daily lives an individual's personal choices relationships and capacity to deal with stress are significantly impact by low self-esteem and self-worth narcissistic mothers raise their kids to believe their inner self is imperfect and contains many flaws narcissistics can even go down to a level where they will shame their own children meddling to control them coercion isn't more common in these cases and they will do anything to make their children meet their needs if anything doesn't correspond with their perspective it will be dismissed demeanor or belittled kids are humiliated for expressing their feelings and stating their opinions and needs this leads to a continuous sense of worthlessness getting even narcissistic mothers tend to obtain childish and paris ways of getting back at their kids or getting even with them for going against their will as of this matter these parents can even sabotage break or hide something you truly care about persistent shame a narcissistic mom doesn't feel any shame and will instead project her own shame on other people like your own kids shame is commonly used as a parenting strategy kids go through a whirlwind of emotions in their developing stages so they can be sensitive when their parents shame them the shame and guilt children go through in their early lives will be carried around as a hobby that has been deeply ingrained in them by paternal and maternal antagonistic parenting even if a child survives a narcissistic parenting they will shame and lose themselves when they do not live up to their parents standards and expectations trust issues narcissistic parents control manipulate and use their children in specific ways and these children will never understand the concept of trust nor differentiate between anyone is genuinely knowingly being truthful to them or settling them in a trap sensitivity to criticism narcissistic parents will often view their kids as an extension of their own selves so if a narcissistic mother or father is imperfect they will want their kids to be perfect they will constantly humiliate their kids for their pettiest mistakes and put them in an uncomfortable state of being perfect such parents will not accept failure losses or mediocrity on any cost for narcissistic being an ordinary human being those is no less than a curse so their kids are constant victims of criticism judgment excessive control and need picking if you feel you are the victim of a toxic mother know that you aren't alone and hypnosis therapy is a very powerful tool to help you transform your life and have a healthy relationships in your life i created one more useful tool for you to ease your anxiety it's a stress-free planner where you can plan your schedule ahead and create healthy routines to keep you on track you can grab it below this video in the comments sections also if you want to work directly with me you will find a link to look at discovery call where i will help you find the answers to unexplainable lack of real connections in your life be ready to let go and act now if you like this video let me know by giving me a like below subscribe and share it with your fellow friends and comment below with how helpful you found this video and what was your biggest takeaway and i look forward to seeing your feedback and give you some responses as well i'll see you in the next video and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Monica Obando
Views: 16,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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