Making a faction thats RICH... go POOR! (minecraft factions)

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so today guys we are jumping straight into a raid we me and Raven Raven is back by the way and we're back up to our old shenanigans me and Raven we're reigning a base that worth six million dollars and apparently that bit six million dollars is basically spawner value and their spores are stored because if we go to F top and we go to rejects here you can see that they're worth at you know they're worth ten million dollars but six million of that is in spawner values but they have no smallest place only spore is stored and inside this base that we're rating right now the only thing inside there is chess it's just a big chest room so we're hoping that all the spoilers are literally hiding straight inside here and we're hoping that they don't have like an over base cuz it's possible they could have like three bases or two bases this could just be like a a members base potentially but fingers crossed and also the person I'm raiding he is a youtuber I can see it I know him yellow wool dude go check him out and I'm sure he's gonna have easier action on this if when he finds out that we actually read them so go check out his channel he's a good content creator and he's working hard making videos but anyway let's jump in this episode Raven are you good to go have you stack the Sam while I've been doing my intro I was hoping by doing my intro now I would get away with stacking with that exact way with anything we're doing it together we're doing it as a group but we're not doing it we always a should you mention of like three minutes you could have stopped beside we could have hit all right so whatever guys if you're excited for today's raid make sure to go down below smash that like would it be greatly appreciated and let's see if we can get into this base so need oh hello hello hello accidentally muted up by like just out of like I don't know I just muted up I think it was just out of habit but anyway I was just about to say we made this cannon it cost a little bit but the TNT only cost five hundred thousand of Phil I have no money left at all Raven do you still have money I never I never had any money to begin with but I finally got aid Kay now but we filled this cannon up with about six inventories of TNT which cost us around about five hundred thousand that roughly 600,000 ish and if we get everything inside this base well then we're gonna be happy men recent profit like if they had more walls it would have been a bit more like risky I would say but like yeah we're gonna hopefully get some a decent decent effort here before you go give Nemo a kiss okay is the emoticon okay and also huge shout-out to our rival faction blur they are catching up like crazy which is like super movin because like it's motivating me and Raven to raid and stuff I'll go back to make sure that works but yet like shower deployed you guys are grinding super hard and keep that up you're gonna be us for sure if you keep going this rate-o-matic oh my god it won't do this piece it's not blowing up it's it's where there's not enough red sand I didn't check before we fired and it rounds okay well is it just it's literally just right so damage I can fix it oh yeah it's not gonna take that long I'll buy some bread sound anyway just dog just very silly all right so we've attempted to fix this with out schematic on now this was a candy given was a very long time ago by Billy if you you probably remember Billy he's done tons of raids on my am series and everything of that back in the past but this was his cannon now we're just to him to fix it was c'mon okay so you wanna stack Simon again and just works if not then we're gonna have to load backup squad I can't just fix it properly but like yeah like we add red you start time for saying yeah had redstone there you connected all this back up you just basically copied it oh yeah that needs to be connected which way don't I don't know where okay I think a torch there there you go that's done there boom yeah I have a feeling it's a repeater but for some reason I still have like a load of redstone left which I shouldn't have but didn't I give you more redstone I'm not sure no I didn't well I don't because we're gonna waste a bit TNT if we just fire a shot doesn't work and we're gonna just get back it back on and we're gonna do it that way because I don't trust my I don't want to see if we can do this is working should we just give it one shot and just see all right through it let's do it I'm now four it's all hooked up I strike boys my recording and go back and look at the recording yeah I'm not gonna do that give me a sec yeah do you never move Lisa why can't we just loads cavada go why did so basically I don't keep squad occur on all the time because I hate it because I have basically lagged me out sometimes well doesn't real agony out it can just like go slow and stop responding which is not good if you're in a PvP situation you know that's definitely gonna be a death you watching about the fridge yeah just looking it back up I'm gonna what I'm just gonna stack sign wait Wayne so narrate today me array more like well we haven't done any rainin in a while so we're like we'll do some rain we'll do some good old school raiding just the two of us yeah I hope we don't do any more to fit rusty so basically this cannon is very temperamental if you don't keep it loaded in the right section it will blow up as well so like that's not the only problem about it but it's a 240 and story to for you that we have unless you have a bet one Raven I do not know yeah okay let me I'm gonna go back to the walls you're gonna press the fire button you're gonna do exactly wait you're gonna stand exactly we need to stand as well okay this splits it splitter I think the last shot did split anyway but are actually doing it from we're doing it from memory liver I this is probably not gonna go very well like you remember II you went Orochi it oh no it didn't work it stack once and we got well looks like one sec a right you ready yeah yeah go for it wish me luck I thought like rip it worked right one wall off I'm coming back now in a second whoa face no wait or well no last wall then baseball sorry my bad didn't come or okay right GG I'm just gonna back up and I'll be back in a second or maybe it's your turn the stacks and I did that last one no I will stack the sin because I missed you fixed the cannon okay you didn't I didn't have to stop my record and you made my record and easier so I'll come back and help okay not bad like you know so like this is this has been a very long time this is our first like recording back together I know you're in that war but like I just didn't feel like you know you were back anyway it's our first video back properly I guess what we'll do because why people are here we'll we'll get back to you once we're basically about to break into the base because we're just gonna sit here and ramble all day like this would be 10mil just candy not rain all right here we go is this last wall I believe no we got to fire one more time oh it's a water wall I thought we'd enjoy I'm so sorry I lied to you oh did the water floods no it's what I'm good okay stocked again I'll come back I thought that was last wall I'll come back I'll come back do this I was happy for a second I was I thought worrying I thought it was gonna be like if it was a bee it'd just be a drywall oh when you died okay right this is like do we need to stack full I wonder yeah we need to stack full it's like the same while it was before fair enough so if we break into this and this is the right base that's six million dollars potentially six million dollars just like actually which would be amazing because like blur are absolutely destroying us right now so like this six million might help us stay in the lead for like an hour trust me they are a pro faction they are catching up like we had like a 20 mil lead and they are just going ham I believe that it's em their pig zombie heads are making them tons of money pigs oh okay that's why it is very important to get 11:15 and it's not too hard $175 per head Jesus that's a lot of money but anyway yeah they're catching up so if we get to six million dollars it might like keep us in the lead for like an extra hour or ten minutes probably almost done okay now hopefully the only thing is like it shouldn't because we were kind of anticipating it won't get like hit the split will it you'll have that box that kind of split up no it should so we should be fine the plan is we're trying to get into top box and we're trying to hit the middle box we don't know about the third box but what can we do you're surely the most valuable stuff would be at the top box yeah yeah yeah I'm ready I'm just hoping that it's divided please please no it should work as it hits up there yeah yeah I didn't know god okay hang on hang on hang on wait and all three I think there is bottles of souls are you back here I'm currently there's 200 bottles of souls okay hang on what's in the floor scavenge what's on the floor before anything else okay it looks pretty much like daily Alma oh my god I can still see it I'm making souls alright you're checking the bottom what's their armor daily up it's just daily Alma how did you get up with Oh always but we did I'm just drinking infinite like bottles of souls this is insane is that talking are you because if that's like oh my god did you are you positive a stick ok was just daily armor okay I drank as much as I could I think I just easily just cleared I drank it was a good but yeah thank God it wasn't like smudge newest foreigners or something like that like I'd be happy but then we wouldn't have gotten out in time there's no freakin way drink as much you can 500 Souls these guys are stacking in a bar Paul is you ain't you just getting a continuous solver I've got 400 and that was it reckons it's more in the chest yeah probably right mind this lows more oh I'm not 14 K these guys must be making a God set hang on or fishing a lot or I can't get up hang on a ride I'm just gonna you know I just got fifty another fifty can we even get up 350 350 use elixirs there kiss speed no spawn is yet but listening ok Ryan have another 300 not all fight some more if this if there is more I trust me I drink a lot oh oh and they have custom moonshine book so I guess that's no surprise in fiction too fiery Brad they have bows I can open that chest parts where'd you find him in this chest they were this one here okay yeah okay we drank them all that was insane in fees are there any good custom you think maybe they were saving them up for a god set and like you know they were like oh and use it layer yo they have tons of ice I feel like we should take all this stuff like if you don't mean everything were is worth F talk about it except the potions I think but armor I think tools that's all worth value I think or armor at least and swords and weapons I don't know about like you know I know armor it's a hundred percent and I've got some heads here three thousand visited this someone's head Oh weird what look this guy's heads not worth a single thing like it's not registering oh it's just I'll take the crappy real person yeah yeah take them they're handy actually tools okay nothing nothing oh just some swords and pickaxes what's in here saying you you Ryan yeah no yellow wills in this faction yellow wool he's gonna make a reaction to this oh he's a youtuber isn't it yeah yeah I know he makes a good content he's working on so like I'm sorry I guess you know I mean you got the rain now's idea I with them I always thought this is a really good raid like it's just full of stuff like usually just raid bases that have spawn isn't it it does somewhere and but look at this there's loads of cannon stuff here that we could take loads of food you want taking all this redstone and stuff yeah yeah thinking that that's probably worth money as well loads of sand these guys are definitely writing or doing something infuse buckets okay no okay nothing there okay so Oh swords yeah I get these back but what 800 this once we found like everything like we're looking for this mourners the swallows aren't here now I didn't see any spawn is on there what are you doing you're taking the cabin supplies I'm just like emptying backpack any supplies so if everything that goes bad Elise we got like something else how many souls you have 5400 I have 14k and I'm pretty sure I had 8k like because I got it from the small patch I remember that and now I'm at 14k look at that we split do we split the third book oh yeah we all we go into all the boxes GG okay well if it's not here they have a second base what I got daily is looking like daily also take that that's definitely what's adding to their $10,000,000 but don't take it now obviously taking there's no point I'm not I'm not holding out I hope Oh bro Oh prop for MTM weekly routine Oh brought three dude look over here I'm Ryan spawners I saw it this morning and saw it one low I don't know loads of cows boners loads of chickens those are constraints this wolf stop the other side this wolves there's raps bits and there's no more at top F top and rejects do a breakdown see if that's all this mourners are we missed anything I do it f talk to are they ok cows 22 cows I say that's about right and they're stored and 28 mushrooms did you we didn't find mushrooms that we yeah we did we did we did okay they're in above okay the cows are 1.9 million okay okay should be 28 mushrooms and that's when he a moves from yeah at one point for me oh my god it's him one point million in chickens as well I said a full six minutes right here hang on double check well we have we explain to all the votes so this is this is it this is that main base anyway so like what we're gonna find all their value do we should raid them and leave them with zero dollars the only value there be worth it is basically there am obsidian I know that's really cruel but it factions I have nothing again it's like Rihanna will action like he's an amazing guy makes good content did we take these before anyone looks online around worrying about it we should probably take whatever youtubers thing and you gotta kind of show off first then you kind of rain and it's nice to show it and then go for it it's nice to look at it all as well before you take it all is that just me even if I wasn't recording I don't like not just you oh no I went back to the Canon okay just by I'm at the top of the base yeah I'm gonna go back I'm gonna go okay yeah but don't wait guys yes I do that you redeem a slash back Jim and a g-sharp gem which Mikey gave me and which is coming in really handy alright so I've dumped all the cow spoilers in the chest this 1 million gone have you took the mushrooms I've taken the mushroom rabbit taking like the wolf and the chickens now like there's only in God I feel kind of bad not inviting faction but we did say we wanted to do a little solo right but we will actually be flying retraction because we will need them take all the armor out yo this is insane that all of them no way back yeah I think that thank you PV never put in chest I put it in chess in the fact yeah so we get very important all right boom ok now we need to find a place we need to sell below the chess need to find a place to place all this armor because we can't place it in top vault it's not enough room for it definitely isn't enough room for it No so what do we do where do we store this let's go hang on let's go and let's go back to the base 2 seconds let's go find a place before you go here so home new bases don't mind if I go I mean I don't have home new base I just have like one at the top yeah that's where I have a nest that's mine downwards I don't want to get raided the side I could have bigger all right I'm just like a myself okay yeah I keep psychic exactly I don't have home to say all of my baby so that's why I've been doing that alright we can just fill up a corner here and oh yes oh this is the skeleton Greiner rooms at home I guess I'll set home skeleton don't know like what's my Hawkins there's a lot of skeleton heads in here Oh skirling sent me dot don't worry it's an FK check they decide oh I [Laughter] know yeah I got some Jess we don't anyone's aligned we shouldn't be oh we are okay ham I'm gonna go do your walls wait are we actually yeah I'm gonna do your wallet at two seconds okay you do a wheelchair okay it's been last ten hours they might attempt so I'm gonna just do you can use the arm will you set up a load like literally a ton of chests to raid that so I set up like 23 dubs and there's another 46 in here there is 27 more in here okay alright so just just let you set up at Tom we need so many just let you set up in the corner somewhere right and I'll go to your wall check no more a the rest get off for two hours okay they might actually be attempting I'm not sure they wouldn't be if they don't they always do this like fake afk check weather just look oh no they're not my worry is that they're like pretending that they're kind thing but they're actually candy that makes it yeah or like pin that they're gonna Canon but they're already candy all right I set up like a load of chest by a load right just wait for me that's we read more exact words yeah yeah wait and I'm William just to make sure you have your home now because I don't have my home back at I don't think the walls have been simply unless they've come in from the other side which I'll check so give it a go so we definitely have six mil of their value straight away yeah we've got six million dollars of their value 100% like or at least very frightened close to sure can we count how many spawns we got I think bleachy we got everything because it was all just laid out sorry takes a while to get around the walls I which adds such fly I know you're doing you're just jumping on the ice yeah well like you don't mean imagine they were raiding like with the whole Fox is done it's no point right there's no point literally raiding for value and then just getting their base right is they know exactly I'm with you so far so good okay so oh server reboot in 60 seconds oh god stuff if I take a load of stuff with me well it doesn't matter put the stuff like this born the value the base the boners are the only really value that we can get the recipe of you you won't be able to read enough thing in time but this is gonna be important now because we're gonna see how much blur if went up because they're going ham like there are amazing factions watching us right now it's curling you know you guys are going absolutely ham they're really good they're 125 million in spawning value we have a hundred million so we have more value in like gear and stuff then yeah we we have more stuff generally interests than we do in that means like we can split we're really like vulnerable like oh we're done for we're done for us ya know and but yeah we are 157 million now we're 141 minutes we're gonna wait for the server to reset Oh Raven set your home at the base but I can I have I'm gonna I have a set home at the base yeah I have a set home at the cannon as well but that is the leery yeah I don't know about take my over set mind at the cannon so it's completely up to you on that yeah yeah it's good there we go and alright we went so so we can restart it's gonna take a while for the air top to calculate we're going to see where blur and where we are and I wouldn't be surprised if Blair beaten us cuz like they're going ham but like yeah I mean it just I'm very very happy there they're amazing they're a decent power faction alright I may be back at the bases you still a blows a chest and like loads empty chest there is all the armor all right it was in oh wait hang on did we rate everything out with that vault like the spawner wise yeah all right let's go check and see what's down in the bottom vault for us before we do anything Oh what did you see PT's yeah yeah I did okay all right all right okay all right let me check into all the vaults that's insane I thought we'd get two of them oh okay it's empty good thing we can go for it yeah it's complete but the only thing is here look wow wow pot no way not as that you know veneer okay right sold go to the middle vault I would think I'm actually kind of miss shooken because you wouldn't you would have thought that all this boners would be at the top but they're actually in the middle which thank God we're both oh my god let go I can't get off it so there we go you have to hit like the right air if you aim at the top block it doesn't work sorry go back all right so we have armor here like decent armor we're talking about block three this is definitely gonna be worth value so we need to move all this out so what we'll do is let's do it together right take the right you all the boots let's go for the boots okay because then we can move all in take the same chest roughly it's never been everywhere okay now we're not going to check F top so that the services restart so deaf cop is calculating so don't check F top okay all I need TP a little because I'll go back to the cannon I need more homie some more into volts yeah just long as it kind of I guess if we just let's just go right just keep going right okay so roughly they're all gonna be years around with yet grant alright rave whatever you want it doesn't really matter okay so don't check top yeah okay we'll check it after now all this stuff that were put into the base now won't count for value but we're not just doing this for value this is actually pretty decent hammering furnace prop three actually it's more it seems to be more prop three boots a lot of the chest plate seems to be prop two and oh no there's a few pieces not bad I guess I mean I guess then if we ever want to go like I don't know like fishing and like trust me like no yeah it's it's well it's super handy having this cuz they might like we do die a lot in war zone I die a lot it happened yeah like I download as long as you just keep going back in with stuff it's fine yeah when you're in a war zone you have to make sure that you're really like prepared like on a 13 okay I'm trying to level of a mass yet and I just haven't got lucky enough but I'm yeah eventually one day I'll get one I probably kill someone that's how it'll work I'll get close I had to I had to do it to level up like yeah level kill five months in it it was the most terrifying experience ever because you would have like a load of them and then someone will come and steal them all yeah and then you won't have any yep you just gotta grind but it just keeps you doing something what's fun about it alright and we got all the armor now I don't know I'm not too sure I think tools count we should just probably right everything everything armor wise like if there's dirt blocks a steak I don't think that's really where if anything so that's everyone's a small daily almond and you're not worth the Technium no trust me it actually is at the start of the map most people's value when they had like 10 mill or two mill or something that are three million value it was weekly army that was doing it so do you wanna it's oh I normal I would to daily armor every little helps I didn't think I'd be quoting Tesco today but like every little helps you know like they're worth 10 mill or six I'm sworn in valued and the rest is like this probably like this is all they have so this must count towards something you wanna mean okay let's take it I'm taking it yeah yeah let's do it okay or I'm gonna take the diamond armor only exclusively I mean I have an inventory force hard to take one inventory make sure I think I'll go up to the top wall I think there's more diamond armor up there I guess I feel a little help no okay let's rate also anyone guys will be back to you once we raided all the iron armor demogroup to top wall and see what else we have a scavenge I think there's more and diamond stuff up there that's it alright so we raided all the daily armors that's all gone I hope that was rude to wear of it otherwise it's a waste of like ten minutes of rain for our lives anyway but the armor the diamond armor definitely is ass don't know about the iron I think probably well it's like a sin 10.1 I'm gonna build you a factions raven just say yeah probably so that there you go I think at the back somewhere I remember seeing I definitely saw tools I remember I think I remember seeing armor but I don't think it was great armor yeah straight on yeah it's all weekly stuff so know if you want to take it yeah yeah it's it it trust me like yeah this stuff is worth weakly armored definitely the iron armor wasn't if we took the iron hammer we're taking a deer we yeah yeah no yeah take a look we'll take it all we're gonna leave it on what you got here we got iron I remember got you I think the tools are worth something as well we got this we've got a hand of years like an hour yeah we're probably gonna be here for an hour should I just TP as many people in as you can see the thing is a lot of people in our faction ante on it's just me and you isn't it no I'm gonna double-check now Yahoo's are looking Mikey's honored promoting right well right away no it's literally two about 20 Ryan it's me and you that's really weird that's the least active I think I've seen all factions again but we're raiding well I realize I need to go I need to TP back to you or TP back to device oh okay yeah I got you let me just fill this up alright alright guys so I guess we'll be back to you again once we raided all of this stuff it's gonna take it over half an hour I think for three million dollars come on then we get more out of it we made ten million dollars and roughly probably won't be that much but well probably what else would be left on the base in fairness what else will be left in the base mostly chests have been empty yeah so like surely we should get most value but then again how much does their value in obsidian never thought but actually like that lace yeah this could be a waste of time ah we're committed okay I believe that is everything was that wherever I hadn't known for the great good the faction hopefully it was alright let's go back to the base raid over we do need to blow up a cannon I wonder do we use all our TNT up do I have the right mouse we filled it off 50 shots oh no I just probably about ten eleven so there's like four left reload we just retrieve it I blow up do you want to retrieve it it would have blow it up blow it up blow it up so it's more slowly to be honest you say four yeah and like yes nothing but then when you actually start claiming it don't start adding up but then I kinda wanna blow up because I'm too lazy collecting because the stakes are high maybe I would collect it anyway we'll do in a second but we're gonna find out what we are in the air top it should have calculated by now we're gonna see a blur have been-- us me Raven are convinced that blur haven't beat us yet cuz I think's Carlington stuff would have message me say like we'd be um or winning now I'm just saying this know it for sure like I'm not saying any bad I already care but like they're gonna be us like it's only a matter of time if we keep this pace maybe we can with hot like withstand it for a little while but me I think they're zombies pigments are making way too much more anyways it would need to get to level ready team yep yearning three two one well yeah [Laughter] take a load so I guess we'll just see oh my god alright cannon let's go - lets go do this Oh would you look at this perfect because we have that I'm inspired in one shot like yourself Worf Magnus blow up okay go around yeah yeah let's both do you really want collect it for one shot no well I was perfect alright last bit of water and then we're good to go right how are we gonna do this because I don't have a chicken mask and I'm assuming you don't yeah I fought a really good way oh hang on would this be safe there's water underneath I'm making a run for it no would this be safe though where are you the little pathway we leave it out to see if we could pursue the wall yeah that we safe why not there is war down there water underneath it just in case kind of well I think it should be safe but you don't know what TNT is I'm kind of unpredictable all right go for it if we die we die who cares you ready it's not like I have come for it I'm taking off the horse mask that's all I care about and the enhanced tools okay boom boom Oh No okay okay okay I got it like fired a shot all right boom yeah blew up it didn't blow up fully but doesn't really matter so he won't paint I guess yellow will enjoy a piece of TNT you know I mean what however much is there less there's no base left we just used it all should be fine oh yeah that's a CD perfect we just use the raw stuff we what am I thinking because I'm used to blow up a cannon with more TNT in it alright so that's it done and dusted we rated easy potentially 10 million dollar from yeah or around about that and I have top hasn't even updated yet why it's taking a long time that means that we went up in a lot of F top or ever so much yeah or is it because I don't know wait do you know why it might not be boy don't know if it works like we have to be in the base for it to load it back to the base well I'm at the face but you and me maybe we have to be active in the base but then again blurs has an update and they're active unless they're making a cannon that's why it's not going up oh I thought you might yeah probably should just just to be just to be safe you know ad checked four minutes ago oh did she okay never probably good I thought we were in anyone's life oh yeah life is she's in life yeah yeah she's like she took free good okay so that is the radon in dusted and GG the cannon only had one hiccup and it wasn't even the cannons wall it's just cuz we didn't check it you know I mean what can we do and so we haven't went up an hour top but we definitely rated $6,000,000 we know that for a fact so we're worth over 160 million just don't know like in the last reboot how much then the faction have reigned as well because it off yeah I mean whose weight did you raise you raided em soared 4,000 yeah we did it was that in the last reboot or not no it was yesterday we went up around 10 mil from there so that yes that's already happened okay right yeah that's yeah well I guess we'll see I'm stop recording then look and wait and see alright guys so we're just waiting for the eff top to update we thought it was maybe broken so we checked the people that we just raids and see if they lost value at least cuz usually the eff top factions are last to be calculated I didn't have who rejects and they went down - 2467 they were worth 10 million they're now worth four hundred five thousand they went from one of the F top factions all the way down to one day one hundred and fifty third richest faction yellow wool if you're watching this I love you I'm sorry I'm very sorry and Fahim plays apparently he's a youtuber as well but yeah I'm sorry we literally raid them because like on the other servers I just raid the sporters in the other stuff I don't care about but I was like no I want to write everything you know I mean cuz everything counts I'm like you know I mean this server is more important than ever like you know I mean after wise and you know you need to get as much value as you can because it's not just like you can just afk for hours and have tons of value like you know everything that everyone else is grindz is good and if you can take so like yeah that's a lot of money to lose I feel really bad but what can you do oh it updated more raven what you mean more there now the hundred and fifty fifty oh dear oh they went from what are they like twelve thirteen we actually raised it in time that it took like we rave it just in time that like basically it didn't calculate until we had it everything out there that was really lucky okay so we do know the f choppers calculating is taking awhile so hopefully in a few minutes are gonna find out exactly where Blair are and exactly where we are alright raven we went up basically we went up to 167 million Blair are still in 143 even if they make any value or they have an update yeah I'm gonna just take the benefit of the doubt they have an update yeah but that's pretty decent so we went up like basically ten mil yeah tell me exactly tell me yeah so did we read the full tale Milton tumult yeah we got the full ten mill I could go back and start watch the video anyway yeah we rated a decent amount for him so we're up 10 million so hopefully that will keep us at the top for like one more day like they're going up incredibly fast so I could I wouldn't even be surprised if I check now and they're on top my dad just beat us we went up 108 percent if that's right so yeah yeah that's right I think about 10 mil so there we go that's what today's rate so today's rate wasn't just a raid it was crucial for staying on top on the eff top for like basically another day where we're at where that race basically blur i catched up to us like crazy we're doing our best just to kind of keep on top but like trust me like at their rate they're catching up freakin fast we had like 120 120 mil no 125 mil they had like 90 mil like they're catching up you know fast and we're not drying as much money as them so I don't know how long we're sitting on top but hopefully we can for a little while just to see how things go but Rainey's gonna be very crucial and obviously checking our walls is gonna be very very crucial right now but anyway what I'm gonna do for the rest of the day or for a little while is I'm going to grind some skeletons because I need some money Raven you need some money and at what we might try turn this money into is more money for raids Dennis Lee that's a very important thing like I think it's the best way we can get value because I know most of the people do grinder faction and on trade so if we can raid and just make our value that way we can pull our weight you know I mean exactly so anyway I'm gonna grind some money because I bet barely anything I'm grinding skeletons what you grinding can you all cows can you actually kill skeletons no level right now but it's like so different five okay you need to go up what yeah I trust me I know that level I completely understand you're crying the only way I did it was I just started chatting to people and just started knocking the horses around the room for ages that's basically why I started doing they just they don't die in one hit no you just got it you just gotta go for it yeah I had all and also actually I don't feel your pain cuz I had a double xp booster that I got from the Halloween crowd so yeah I feel your pain but once you get past it then it's wolfs and then bass you can kill skeletons which are then eighty dollars a pop which is pretty darn decent like I just made 12 K then I didn't have a full limit right so it's not too bad right anyway guys thank you very much for watching today's episode Raven thank you very much trading with me and you know just being an awesome guy go check him out he's back hopefully I feel like I've said that a lot in my series but you have you know you were gonna holidays it wasn't like he disappeared you know I I knew you were gone but every guys thank you for watching I will see you guys in a next episode [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 310,374
Rating: 4.7659945 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Id: 9rxzwi_1CBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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