my NEW Minecraft Base isn't "secret" at all.. (Hide or Hunt)

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today's hydor hunt extravaganza it's a big word for me i know give me some praise we create what is probably the riskiest bass we have ever done if you know my videos you know this video can really only go one way if you look down and go whoa i'm not subscribed you know you always feel free let's see if we can smash 2 000 likes and i'll try get another one of these out as soon as i can for you guys thank you all for the continued support and i hope you guys enjoy i don't know what i'm saying now another day another brand new hide or hunt i'm doing so many hand actions this time but we're in a good cage i've got a mine cart we've got kareem and we've got boris johnson i don't know how this has happened i love you boris thank you i don't think the comments will like you if you're from the uk but i like i don't i don't know how to make this sound okay then help post a corgi ben post a corgi all right seven seconds six seconds five seconds four seconds okay without got four four four okay we're gonna drop and we're gonna run at this way hopefully we should find our cage oh there we go let me just oh my god oh no i'm gonna go this way because kareem is that way i will follow kareem is there a cave what's that oh cave cave cave cave cave there's no cave i'm just digging down the one minecraft rule we shouldn't do i'm just gonna dig down let's see finn finn's down there there's gotta be stuff down here oh there's a mine shaft that's what they're in okay let's go let's go we need to get ourselves uh some iron we've kind of wasted a little bit of time and hopefully we should be able to actually get a chest from this as well i found no iron okay let's grab all the coal we need as well but spider can you leave me alone stop it leave me alone oh my i hate both of you go away i love heidel hunt thank you creeper oh there are a load of people in this mine shaft if there is iron in here it's going to get swooped up very very quickly i said can you guys just leave come on we need iron there is no iron anywhere iron oh i am okay we need 24 uh 27 i think for the full thing oh hi right so hopefully we can get 27 out of this this looks like a pretty big mine shaft actually so we should be oh chest just just just come on oh a load of gold some iron a golden apple that golden apple is going to come in very handy oh and a gigantic cave okay this is a pretty good start and i do actually have a good idea for a base today it's just a case of if it's actually going to work because you need to leave me alone okay how much are we at we're at 22 so we're basically actually okay after all that stress which is mining down following a name tag or this cave has run out oh no cave please hey let's grab some more coal as well how's everybody doing by the way i i haven't seen the last video because we're recording this before the other one goes out but i hope the other hydra hunt did well i hope you guys enjoyed it if you didn't then i'm gonna be severely upset with everybody but that's okay i try my best on this channel it's all i can do me and boris johnson we're playing minecraft now okay we need to be careful about our pickaxe as well we can only really afford to break blocks that we kind of need to so like iron some cobblestone and some other stuff or more iron a load more iron at a gigantic ravine come on creeper thank you oh wow this thing is massive i've barely seen any of this map as well it looks like a few good people ran this direction though oh wow this is cool i like this do you like this creeper do you like this i'm expecting oh silver fish it doesn't end thing is there they all just got blown up that was pogba's then i had a cool effect of like a dog and then i want another dog on top of that dog i don't pay you enough for this do i wave to the people ben wave to the people better give them a big wave then okay 39 iron that isn't nowhere near enough we need enough for anvil also if i can actually get my words out today okay we need to stop breaking blocks our pickaxe is actually gonna break just trying to get as much iron as possible because actually i could just get the creeps to blow this up go it didn't work there are so many animals i don't like this game it's so meant to be like a zoo it's like london zoo please leave me alone stop it stop it stop fighting mummy and daddy are fighting yeah you get in here you're safe with me you're like the weird cousin that comes at christmas you what is going on come on give me a bow or or a bone that works i mean they both had bees in it don't like b b's are scary okay another a iron this should be fantastic so what we need to get this base to work is we're gonna need a furnace uh some cobble and some stone pretty much that's pretty much the easiest way to do it but the base is going to be very very risky i mean it could change we could end up not doing it whatsoever is there a way out or more eye and i'll take that free of charge okay really really what is it with you two it's always a zombie and a skeleton don't look at me like that go away go away are you kidding me there's another skeleton is there really i don't like minecraft you you are getting on my nerves okay we're collecting all these arrows so hopefully if we do manage to find a bow but i think we should wait until global invis before we actually uh go and make our base because i don't think there's any point just wasting our own infants now really really these are all my fans hello everybody i don't like this i hate idol hunt i hate you i hate you and i love iron there's more of you really you're multiplying okay we need to get some wood as well so it's probably a good idea we actually head back up to the surface okay we have 17 minutes before our beacon next needs to be placed and in two minutes we get global invis that guy's place is beacon very very early which makes me think he might not have a base like near the surface at all like if anywhere it's gonna be somewhere stupid like behind water or in water or like under one block like people of various new people especially like they don't know the tips and the tricks like we do you know it's a thing you learn i need to get out of it like now where am i going i'm at why 66. i can i just dig up is that an option i'm just going to dig up ryan's place is beacon as well okay i saw him in this cave so he might be in a cave knowing ryan he's probably like made some like i don't know like fortress in is there a village if there's a village rhymes in it wow this is a cool cave entrance okay yeah there is a village okay ryan's in there 100 that's it like we've nailed it so we need to now go find where we want to make our base so i'm actually going to give it another just we should get him about now it's been 10 minutes let's just have a look that's what we should do just have a nice little look now the issue is there are caves literally everywhere but we have enough stuff we're doing all right yes invades for 20 oh for 15 minutes we finally can go make our base okay we need to get some wood as well come on up we go okay we're gonna need enough so we can actually make ladders okay we're at 22 wood right now i think we got just another tree oh karima's place is we'll go for kareem first ben what do you think about that give me your opinion i like having ben ben i like having you buddy you're like an extra person i can speak to when the video goes downhill now where should we make today's base now i think behind that one stone right there i'm gonna need to replace it with something while i go smelt the stone that's the only issue is there anyone around me that's the only issue because if someone sees this okay we're in block this will gravel and we're gonna just dig down here hopefully we don't hit a cave because this is actually the perfect place come on please don't let me hit a cave okay why 30 let's go down to why like 20 i think 20 oh that's a cave uh-oh okay we're gonna have to stick a little bit more up we're gonna have to go we need to break this actually okay here this is a good spot why level 29 so let's make our base that's what we need to do let's make our base get our iron smelting and our pickaxe is actually just about to break so it's actually a pretty good time we've done all right okay pickaxe broke we need to place our beacon let's place it right here that's what we'll do and let's make ourselves just a few furnaces seven should be a perfect amount two three four five six seven that'll do it it's completely uneven but that's not the point and let's get this iron smelting straight away because the sooner we get the set the sooner we can actually leave the base okay we still have 25 spare iron so we can actually get that smelting if i just put like uh we'll put we'll take like two and we'll just put two in here and just get all we can out of it let's make everything into wood here we go all of this can go to sticks and this here can go into a nice big double chest there we go face is looking okay it's not fantastic but i think it will do and let's place our sign saying uh raven not raven bass please long ep thanks view time i think that i think that worked we need to make another pickaxe come on iron okay there we go and now let's make our base a little bit bigger i don't like where my beacon is i feel like i kind of rushed it i put it in a really bad spot damn can i have my beacon moved is that possible it's just sat there i don't like it i tried to give it room but all i've done is it's ruined the experience ow i'm fine everybody thanks for asking nobody else but it's okay okay now we just need to think of a logical way to actually complete this base because i really have no idea okay let's take out the iron out of here we need to smelt stone that's what we need and this can just i don't know we'll just take that there and we'll stick that there so all of this can actually now go away while we sort out our inventory and what we need to keep and what we need to get rid of to the pickaxe we need the golden apple will keep and the invis pop will also keep the iron when you turn into stuff this needs to be stuff and that needs also i made no sense but that's okay okay and ladders all the way up here we go just under 10 minutes remaining so my goal is actually i want to get out of here before the timer runs out so we're also going to need a bucket because we need to get some water from that river very very quickly but we need okay stone lovely iron lovely iron lovely that's enough for a set we're basically at a stack okay let's make ourselves a nice set there we go set has been completed and then all we need to make is a shield and i don't know whether we should have an axe or a sword today i'm kind of unsure let's just go for both okay that's pretty much everything we need i think for today let's just keep two stone on us at all times so if we need more we can just jump back in here and grab it i think that actually should be it if i'm pretty sure this should be everything we need oh no we need to make a few buckets as well let's get let's get at least two on us at all times okay and let's head back up here we go so this is the idea where our base could work or it's completely going to fail because i don't think anyone would check this i could be very very wrong okay the base has been blocked off we're fully out and that is a fantastic base if i've ever seen one we need to get out of here what i'm gonna do i think is i'm just gonna sit and just wait we didn't get any food why do we always do this why did i not bring any food whose fantastic idea was this i think we're okay i can see particles uh-oh did that person just see where i came out of i just saw particles right over here i tell i'm going to camp here if someone comes out of a base i'm going to be very happy that dirt looks very fishy if i've ever seen fishy dirt that looks exactly like it but it's grace period so i think i'm just going to sit here just for a sec just around this kind of area see if anybody pops up around me i should probably get on top of a tree but i have no blocks to build with let's just go like on top of a tree that's what we should do just sit on top of a tree okay and now we will uh do the graceful thing and we will camp until grace period runs out okay so we have that dirt there to check once grace period's over we'll check that dirt there because we need to clear if anyone is actually right around us finn has only just placed his beacon okay grace period about to run out we've only got like two minutes left so if someone would come out it would be after the 25-minute grace period so let's just wait another two or three minutes and then what we can do is if anybody pops up from say here or that water looks very fishy or that dirt there then we we can basically just knock them out straight away i want to win we have a pretty good viewpoint from here someone's built up on top of that tree i'm gonna go check that afterwards make sure there's not a tree base and we also have to check the village i just saw a block i just saw a block get placed there's someone down there there's someone there i could see his name there's a there is a guy next to me i just saw another guy as well are there two people next to me i just saw this guy swim out but i think that might have just been from everywhere okay i've just seen him swim out i've just seen him swim out i've just seen him what are you doing he's looking around like oh it's fine i'm clear you're not clear i know where you live okay let's go check this dirt first because i might know i might not want to knock him out yet hey let's check this here no okay i think it literally is just uh okay this guy literally i saw he's right by his base what's he doing he's just shifting around his base okay i've seen him go in so i know where he lives i'm just curious about this other guy but this guy came from like up here so let's go check here while this guy is doing something else oh that guy's already out milo can you please stop i'm trying to play hide on i saw a guy jump from like up here let's go up here i don't know if that guy is still in his base i'm actually gonna go have a look i saw him just come straight out if i can get a free kill off this or a free base i'm gonna be happy but it was i think this block oh there he is oh hello okay you go out i'm going right in oh my god i have to slip past him i just looked past him does he know he doesn't know i just slipped right past him i went right past him you got any iron but nothing i can take lapis i'll take that a block of redstone an ender pole and another invis oh that guy's dead nice job ryan oh we got an ender pile out of this guy we got some lapis how has he got a block of redstone like 64 blocks of redstone oh thank you matthew uh i apologize i kind of found him instantly sorry matthew up i go he's over here somewhere oh there he's serious i'm gonna go for the kill i'm gonna go for the kill i know these guys are fans but i can't be nice to anyone let's get him got him nice okay we need to get out of here now we need to go back into inves and let's go back in and out let's go okay eat up food i can't believe we actually found a guy right next to us i had a feeling someone was around me i thought i could hear stuff but i couldn't i don't know it was very confusing okay to the village one of the other bases that got knocked out might have actually been right here but oh look people oh it was someone's down there someone's down there who's down there oh no it's a skeleton i thought it was a person i'm there we're so worried an interesting skeleton running back and forth we've got six seconds left of invis let's drink up another one very very quickly and let's go on an adventure so i don't actually think the uh the village has a base in it i think it had that one but that was already found so i think that might have been the one that ryan found like right at the very start okay does it oh hello who are you finn he's just died and he just came from this here this direction i think um where would he have come from i need finn to die again that's what i need maybe get the jump on him i need a lava bucket that's what i need lava is there any lava anywhere oh i see i see it i'm gonna get a lava bucket come on here we go i just don't jump in it myself that's all i need to do finn should still be around this area somewhere i'm gonna beat the invisible bandit for the time being where is finn where's he gone ryan's just going nuts this series he doesn't care he's not anybody he doesn't care who you are finn where did you go where's finn finn man i just want to put a lava on you i don't know where finn is did he go this fan i've lost him i've lost him finn's gone forever though i'm gonna go this way we're gonna go check out the swamp oh hey buddy hey how are you he powered him pony pod he died he died i got finn i don't know where he died though where did he die he pulled i don't know which direction though do i go back invis i think he might run back out his base for his stuff i'm going to go follow this again i've got two minutes left and i still have my lava bucket so i saw him come from this direction over here so his basin might actually be this way i don't know which way he pulled though then then are you here then i can't seem to find him his base might actually be just another direction though i could be completely wrong okay we're doing all right ryan is on an absolute killing spree that's what he's on i saw finn but i don't know where he came from where was he searching actually he might have had like an inkling of where a base actually was one minute left of invis oh boris johnson's god no boris i'm gonna sit on top of this hill that's what i'm gonna do i'm a bit sad because i wasted that ender pole that direction that's where he is i'm gonna get him again i already got him once i'm gonna get him again have you ever been lava bucketed twice finn please let me do this again stand still stand still search somewhere search somewhere finn please paul run run run okay let's get him let's get him i think i know where he respawned come on finn just accept it i chased kareem around half the map i'll do it for you as well come on finn he's gonna turn around and realize it's me i think his plan is to lead me a rave away from his base nice hit i wanted to get with the axe but okay he's blocking himself up if i can get the jump on where i think he's gonna go because the good thing is we should be able to catch up pretty quickly but you can run all your like buddy raven will never run away oh god he's right next to my base i think no why i hate you finn i'm still coming up here i will chase you the entire map if i have to i will keep doing this for as long as it takes just give up just give up i'm coming for you either way don't start just wait someone just knocked him out ben what the heck just happened there's this guy over here i'm gonna go for this guy i'm on a killing spree he's shaking his head don't you dare he said no no in chat i'll kill everybody i don't care get running ravens coming for ya i'm like jaws if jaws was a minecraft youtuber i'm coming for you you can run all your like it's not going to help us finn it happened to finn oh come on yeah don't do this this didn't work for feared it's not gonna work for you buddy please how that hurt come on come on ow who's third partying the fight okay we're pretty much dead that's the only way i like to see this we're pretty much dead now this is because if i unshift someone's gonna find me if i unshift someone's gonna see me okay i'll just be running okay i think i'm still okay he says not thinking he's okay time to go a base hunting uh because i think we didn't actually add the rule of being third partied we kind of just it's kind of a knowledge thing but it's okay because we we stay moving we stay alive that's where i died my graceful body died on that hill my stuff's even he left my stuff oh free shuffle i didn't even make that now where do we search because i don't think the swamp this one's too big of an area we're gonna need somewhere where we can close off like here this water what's the name he's just come out of the base he hasn't seen make him swim away swim away get away from the base come on out you go do not block up onto the here oh my god he's passed me hey go where did he come under the water 100 yep there it is i found the exact block straight away where's my pickaxe pickaxe please i think he's noticed there he is has he got anything in his chest uh cook food i'll take that cooked food and we need to sort out our inventory that can go there that can go though that can go there that's all i care about i saw him come out of it there he is is he going for the fight can it swim away my act my shields down go for him i see it i see it again i see it again he spam clicking it's not gonna work yes we found a base and managed to get a kill oh my god they just walked right past me and didn't notice that was so lucky right kareem's still alive i want to get kareem in a call sorry ben sorry finn it was me the first time as well i know it was i i i was literally surviving that one tick kareem i followed him in biz and got me the lava around the entire map oh ben's here ben you're not even in hide or hunt but you're going to be editing this video how'd you feel how do i feel about that kareem's in it though so it depends well ryan took you out yeah yeah and james took james took me out ben oh no what so who's left are you still going i'm still in it yeah i'm still in it ryan's still in it and a lot of other people are saying are you out kareem um i'm not sponsored no but like are you out like beacon out you know yeah oh i'd like you bucko kill him no you were ruthless to me when my beacon went out i chased him oh i've just found a guy i should probably i should probably mute because this guy wants to fight that's right i'll i'm the perfect person to fight with this guy i'm pretty sure i see the person that you want to fight i don't think you do i'm kind of chasing him so yeah i don't know under the cages being faced by raven where are you he's just blocking away he's doing what finn did and just like blocking repeatedly dude i absolutely teared you and then as soon as my beacon went away i was like nah just just here i saw you just stand still if you're like okay i'll accept it yeah i didn't want you to accept it but this guy got an apple bike okay i'm running away this guy is gonna kill me okay i'm running away this guy is gonna kill me nice that was a good job by us nice bye raven i'm amazing at the game okay we need to get another water bucket and we need to swim across we made him waste his golden apple so let's just keep swimming and keep him behind us at all times or something that's a person not a zombie this guy's still on me so everyone wondering that that was uh been the editor in the call previously this guy's still on me he's still chasing me i don't like this i just want to go find bases he'll never catch me i'm as fast as they come i'm like jaws he's still chasing me leave me alone i need to get up on that hill that's where i need to go he won't chase me on top of a hill hey i'm going i'm going to go this guy's still chasing me locked down blocked yeah guys a bow i need to kill him that's that guy what the heck it just looked really fishy you got anything in here okay nothing worth taking i'll take the eye and i'll take the food as well you can underlife what the heck i'm mine one blog to try escape thinking it looks fishy okay well goodbye thanks for playing what the heck is this series i don't like it okay kareem is it spawn i want to go kill kareem i mean not kill kareem hey that's clear who's that impassioned i think he's trying to fight someone you see me no he hasn't he's on the other i might go get him get the jump on him he's low he's low he's low got him nice whoo that was well played by us well played i think i'm getting better at this whole 1.9 pvp thing i don't know if you've noticed the last title hunt but i am really bad just just let ryan know i love him if he actually responds he might be in pvp fight just just to let him know okay so here was my base my base was right here ow hello everyone saying oh can i get a pogchamp please thanks devin it's like you can hear me so his base i don't know it looked like the invis first wore out i remember this i'm remembering it now because i forgot it earlier a guy jumped from like here down to here and just sprint it off in this direction so it could be somewhere like here if there even is a base nothing it could be below me i'm just going to search this hill because i saw him come out of an area i just don't know where it was he ran this way all that dirt up there looks very fishy i saw him oh i just saw him i just saw a name he just shifted and unshifted he's right here he literally is right through this wall i just saw him he unshifted it was like here behind the water maybe yep there it is here it is this is the guy captain bryce hello where did he go he was here no he's made a little home i might just sit here for the rest of the video hey where did he go he was like she's below me okay i'm taking where's his beacon did i have a beacon i thought i found a basement is it beaker just gone oh it's behind the door that is genius that is absolute genius if i've ever seen genius someone's mining come down come down right on my right through here they gone into the base i think they have he's breaking the sandy place if i can just hide up here for a sec who is it it's 8jb okay okay i'm gonna go from he ran this way he's above me there he is i'm gonna go the other side hopefully we can try to get a kill here that wasn't his base though did he just find it got him oh that was very very close we're doing all right in pvp today he tried to snowball me off it doesn't work where's the captain bryce guy i saw his name where did he go okay we have so much stuff i'm actually gonna go grab that lava down there as well we're doing all right we're actually doing very very well today i'm very happy we've only died once which is you know a bonus for me hey let's go grab that lava off we go out that hurt probably should have looked before i left literally kareem how are you still alive bro don't you join my screen sir i swear to god i swear to god no i'm joining i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i wanted entertainment don't want me to take you out no i can do it ben will leave it in the video he'll leave it in the video i don't want it i can't i can't promise what i will and leave yeah i bet penn's gonna leave this in because he wants the screen time don't you ben that's all you've ever wanted i do we love the screen time we love the screen time we take it we take what we can get i don't want to be in your video i found kareem kareem behind you guys who's behind you oh there is someone behind me bro i probably shouldn't have told you that i apologize sorry sorry okay now looks like we chase kareem again he's gonna chase me now that isn't allowed that's not how videos go kareem please corey please please please please please please i got banned for you please kareem find me fight me no i'm half heart i'm half heart no you're not i am i promise i swear you're gonna die i'm not dude just don't let me die please i have i have i'll tell you something i'll tell you something really really important okay stop running stop running stop running i'll take it out right now okay shout out to career shout out to green shout out to greenwich [Laughter] i'll go past you i'll go past i'll go past i'll go past look see [Music] yes [Laughter] that is probably the best thing my lover my love is gone oh i'm demi i'm so sorry i told gary someone's behind him it was force of habit i really apologize okay then you forgive me am i am i allowed thank you i'm so sorry who's that map again oh he's on his last life i'm coming for you buddy i'm coming for you i'm just on a rampage me and ryan are just on a complete rampage right now he messed up his jump should be able to get him here he's oh sorry buddy sorry it's how it has to be oh yes we got him he messed up his own jump oh my god this heidel hunt i don't know how to explain it how many teams are left one two three four five uh five teams left emmy we're top five we're top five people and we've only been recording for an hour usually right a little behind the scenes these videos go on for a lot longer okay so that's pretty much everywhere we've seen someone this time being completely honest that's everywhere we've seen let's see a name below me i thought i saw a name right here there he is i'm going for it don't know what his plan is i think this guy's gonna turn him fight come on buddy turn him fight tell him fight come on try to place water that messed up okay we're gonna lose this i think let's keep running we've still got him he's gonna have to eat in regen soon okay we're a few blocks behind now we need to go back to our base and we need to make a boat that's what we need to do it's a regen oh i got stuck on the vine no ah we could have got that guy i might just stay on him i think i think it's worth it he mate does this guy still have a base vt um wiki does impassioned no he doesn't that's his last life if we the lava bucket we could do the lava strategy again spiritual i've never thought this guy could actually go full invis but having the reaper on that armor could kill me where did he go this way i think i've just got it yeah i see him put a bit of time left let's just keep on him keep on him keep the pressure up you missed it you missed it oh come on come on we gotta get this guy we managed to get ourselves an armor set back we just need to get ourselves a shield here there we go we did it let's get out let's get out we need to hurry okay break the block and hope no one is just stood on top of me please no one be stood on top of me i'm a really nice person i misplaced the block i misplaced it again how dumb can i be okay there we go perfectly fine nothing no issue at all okay we got some food we got an axe and we have a sword so we're basically back to where we just were there's a good thing about the death kit the only issue is i'm very scared someone was right above my base then and he's now just going straight for it oh this guy again oh hi right okay bye ryan i'll be off he's got diamond pants is that diamond yeah that's diamond pant to the diamond deck no thank you not today that's the first time i've seen ryan he looks lovely today um supply drop just got called in but is it that there i don't have any blocks for it though i think someone's already got that one um it's gotta be on top of a hill demi said snowy mountain so i don't know where it is it's not this one it can't be that one it's gonna oh there it is it's uh it's there that way that makes sense that makes perfect sense it was i mean the fact that think it said snowy mountain probably gave away just just a few details but i don't know where to go this is it like i'm very confused now because the people on the server i haven't seen anybody in a certain area i've seen ryan at spawn just now i haven't seen any other player like especially from a like a set piece place you know like where they've just respawned in passion is dead by ryan that must have oh yeah ryan was chasing that guy earlier i see someone i just saw impassioned i've just seen where he respawned unlucky buddy no way he's done my base from last series yep there it is i knew it i knew it oh he's coming up oh he's dangerous he's dangerous he's dangerous come on just come up just accept your fate just accept it it's gonna happen just just let it happen you know like life life is a game is he still there yeah there is hi buddy he's gonna do this i'll just go from the other side means nothing to me i can't see him where is i see him that guy just fell and died unlucky oh he's coming i think i just scared him off i'm gonna wait on top of this base he just blocked it back oh he's made a chest plate oh he's made it okay i need to find out where his beacon is okay i need to block i need to go down one if i can find his beacon he's right below me there's the ladder lovely i don't know where his beacon is i don't even know where he is i haven't even hit the ladder i think i'm lost okay i'm just gonna go silent for a sec i think just wait for him to make a mistake not above me got me still in here he's placing there it is okay well we know where his base is so i'm just gonna go right for it literally i don't even my beacon just doesn't work i don't know why i'm going straight for him i know where he is oh there he is okay yeah he's still covering his base kill me i want to go back to my beacon thank you i still did respawn at my beacon okay i got tp to my beak what happened to my base my poor base okay up we go we have everything we need okay so i know where his beacon is so what i just might do is just get into the swamp and then just dig directly down oh there are dragons i don't like dragons in this game there's tommer tommer please no tommy please i don't think he's going for me thank you thomas oh they are going to be lovely wait no they're going for each other pranked is that the clay there he is he's just seen me i think i think it was this way it's right above me i'm gonna try to fake him i will get this guy i'm determined i just think his base was a lot further this way i think i've given myself quite a lot of room i'm gonna be very surprised if he's not just sat in his base literally doing nothing but i i found this guy like he would unshifted can hear a bat below me i'm gonna go into the cave if there's a cave below me i'm gonna go in there yeah there we go observers chest yep i found it i found it this has to be his base right is he in it that's the question if he's in it hi hello no okay getting it i'm getting the beacon i'm getting it yes we did it he's got to have chest somewhere right unless his storage below is his story it's got nothing in it okay out we go oh that's where he was on top of that tree so who's top four it's it's me ryan uh tommer and wiki by the way never mind i'm gone well i made top four okay he's in my base then he's that way okay i'll tell you what if we're dying we're dying by ryan that's what we'll do okay so ryan was not this way i've gone the complete opposite direction brian's on a ladder sounds behind me that's right yep thought so i know he's right behind me i need to get to a vantage point otherwise i'm definitely dead here on top of the trees let's go i will stay on this tree if i have to come on build up there we go run run run run go go go i think he's in the forest either that or he's trying to kill me i probably think he's trying to kill me to be perfectly honest with you why would you want to do that i'm a nice guy why would you want to kill me i'll hide here i will hide here i don't know where he is but i'm hiding in this villa he said raven you are a ghost i'm not coming out that was magical yay i'm not moving we got name tags on okay we've got a few blocks on us which could let us live especially for a little bit okay i think he's covering this forest my goal is if he wins i'll i'll be happy if ryan wins you know i'll be very happy i don't think he was covering this forest he's got to be in here my goal is to find ryan before i die if i die beforehand then i don't care i think he's in the forest i 100 think he's in this forest yep he's on me he's killed me he's killed me yep ah you bugger i hate you i hate you where was that base i will is it in the forest are you kidding me are you kidding me i was so close i've never been so close it was i looked at this and i thought oh that's natural no one would do that and it's under there i hate this guy i hate him with a burning passion well gigi's all-rounder is definitely a lot of fun for me make sure you go watch ryan so you can see who actually got knocked out by on his perspective which is probably anybody i hope everyone has fun i'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 192,101
Rating: 4.9511571 out of 5
Keywords: my NEW Minecraft Base isn't secret at all.. (Hide or Hunt), making a secret Minecraft Base inside of a lake! (Hide or Hunt), factionsraven, raven, minecraft, mine craft, factions raven, factionsraven hide or hunt, raven hide or hunt, hide or hunt #1, hide or hunt episode 1, funny hide or hunt, minecraft hide and seek, hide or hunt public server, genius minecraft base, redstone minecraft base, 1.16 genius minecraft base, 1.16 nether
Id: aaLmZqNgeMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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