I Survived 100 days in HARDCORE Minecraft Factions... Here's What Happened

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minecraft hardcore factions a competitive hardcore multiplayer game mode focused around player vs player interaction in my attempt to successfully survive 100 days in hardcore minecraft fashions i want to set myself a few goals by the end of these 100 days i want to gather full god sets of every pvp class in the game mode i want to raid at least 5 factions and i want to kill at least 100 players on the server in hardcore factions also known as hdf you can create a faction either by yourself or with friends to fight against other players attempt to capture king of the hills and one of my favorites to try and kill a faction enough times to be able to raid their base if you die in hardcore factions you receive a death ban this means you're a temporarily banned from the server until your death ban expires remember one day in minecraft is 20 minutes in real life time this means i'll be spending over 33 hours real life time on this challenge i will also be starting this challenge as a solo faction this is very difficult on hardcore fashions so let's see if we can do it if you enjoyed this video please leave a like down below and subscribe for more hardcore fashion content let's see if we can beat this challenge guys if this video interests you at all if you want to play hardcore fashions with me on my server you can log on with the iplayoffvipermc.net that's where we're going to be playing this entire video the hardcore factions realm infernal resets every friday at 6 pm est which is the time i'm logging on right now day one i spawned as soon as the server opened at the coordinate zero zero this area that i'm looking around right now is known simply as spawn spawn has many things in it but most importantly it has all the crates the shop and another portal i immediately ran to the vote crate this is a crate that contains rewards that you can redeem simply just by voting for the server on two websites as i finished voting i was rewarded with four vote crate keys i opened all four and received some loot since i got some valuable blocks i ran to the shop so i could sell them and get some money i ended up getting about 1800 and then created my faction 100 days i then deposited all of my money and it was time to run from spawn so from spawn there are four paths going in every direction north east south and west known as the rhodes i decided to run down south road like almost everyone else the main reason everyone runs on south road is because when you leave the end you actually spawn on south road which means you'll be closer to your base if you build on south road some people were doing kits on their road they did some starter kits some archer kits and some leftover loot actually got dropped in the ground that i actually managed to pick up so this is gonna help me set up later down the line once i hit a thousand blocks down south road i tried looking for an area to claim my base because this is where claims actually start i typed the command to start claiming slash f claim but i saw a lot of people have already claimed here so i had to keep running i ran 500 blocks west and found a place to claim for my fashion this was going to be my claim nobody could destroy or build on this claim other than those in my fashion i made a crafting table and a chest with the wood i had in my inventory from somebody's kit starter on the road i put my stuff away immediately crafted some iron tools and looked to start mining for some diamonds a few seconds after i started mining i realized i wasn't wearing any iron armor so i teleported back to the fashion home and started crafting it so if you're actually wearing full iron armor on hdf or hardcore fashions you get the benefits of the miner class which is night vision haste 2 and fire resistance at this point i was already finding ores everywhere on hdf there are increased ores so they actually appear more frequently i wanted diamonds but all ores would actually help me get money if i were to sell them and i was also gaining levels very quickly and after only a few minutes of mining i found my first diamonds i quickly made the diamond pickaxe and found some more diamonds right next to them i mined for a bit longer grabbed some water and decided to teleport back home when i got back to the base i saw it was already the next day day two for today i wanted to get a few things out of the way i wanted to get some wood so i quickly made a diamond axe and started mining i also saw some cows so i killed them and got some leather to use for later by the time i was done clearing my claim of the trees the day had already slipped by but i still wanted to get some sand i made a diamond shovel and ran to find a desert i finally found a desert and started mining sand i'll need the sand to make glass later for both my base design and also glass bottles to brew with i got about an inventory of sand and decided to go back to base but while i was getting sand everyone on the server was actually given a christmas key which is one of the best crate keys on the server which i'll open later i decided i should probably visit the end before the start of the world timer ran out i didn't explain this earlier but sotw actually stands for start of the world it's basically the day and the time that the map opens and this two hour sotw timer that you can see in the right side of my screen starts when the server opens during this time pvp is disabled you can't take any damage which means the perfect time to visit some high populated locations that are typically risky during the real gameplay like the end or the nether as i jump through the portal here we were the end the place to find enderman spawners creep responders and a king of the hill ender pearls are completely necessary to live on hcl and gunpowder from creepers is needed to make pots which makes this a contested zone when pvp is enabled there's always a creeper island in the end so i went there and tried getting some gunpowder but there was just too many people since it was start of the world timer so i went back to trying to get some pearls at this point it seemed like i was farming forever and i only managed to get nine pearls before i gave up and ran towards the end exit i saw the sunlight as soon as i ran through the end exit portal i spawned 300 down road as i mentioned earlier this is why south road is so popular i thought it was a good time to head to spawn and open my christmas key since i was so close and it was also a good time to go to the nether through spawn i opened my key got a stack of gold blocks a protection 2 chest plate three guardian angels which is a partner item partner items are basically special ability items on the server that people can use in pvp i sold most of the gold blocks bought some netherwork blistering melons blaze rods sugar cane melon seeds and then put the rest of my money away these are all materials that's going to be needed for brewing and for my base it was time to visit another the nether is another high pvp area just like the end it has a few things in it though while running to one of those areas everyone on the server received a partner package this event is called a partner package all these packages obviously contain the special ability item that i mentioned earlier as well as a normal reward i opened mine and i got a protection one helmet and an anti-trap beacon one of the most populated areas in nether is glowstone mountain this build spawns glowstone inside of it every so often and also holds creeper and magma cube spawners knowing that the glowstone was just about a reset i ran up to the middle zone to get it when it did i mined as much as i could by the time it was all mined up i ended up getting about two and a half stacks of glowstone dust which was pretty good for now i decided f home set up some services for my sand and started flattening my claim i was still flattening my claim but sotw timer was almost over time passed by pretty quickly and before i knew it there was only 50 seconds left of start of the world timer i needed to finish his base as quickly as possible otherwise i could be killed as soon as the timer is over that was a close one he almost purled into my base if he landed that pearl i would have been easily dead there is no way i was surviving that and then finally the top base was basically done after that little scare i decided to wait until the next day to continue progress so that guy wouldn't be camping my base day six i wanted to clean up the top base a little bit since it was kind of messed up from when i was blocking it in from that guy and i wanted to flatten my claim a little more next i mined a three by three drop down in the middle of my base this will be a drop down between the top base and my main base which will include all my farms my chests and my auto brewers i spent all of day seven mining at the bottom of my base this took a while because i don't actually have a fast pickaxe to mine with so i can only mine a two high area from each corner and i finish up the drop down with fence gates as well day eight i did some more work with the bottom of my base i started preparing for my full level 30 enchanter i started making area for all my farms and i started placing some sugar cane melons and potatoes just like a full iron set does a full gold set gives you the benefits of a class called bard bard also has the ability to give effects like speed 3 strength 2 resistance 3 and more for a few seconds to their teammates by right clicking a certain item i'm not using bard for that necessarily but just for the permanent speed too since it's helpful during the beginning of the map i got in bar so that i could safely run out and get some wood for the rest of the day days 9 through 15. on day 9 i was still mining wood when i came across another player in an archer class swirls he seemed to be afk and i approached slowly and i was starting to get greedy to try and kill him i knew that i could quickly kill an archer luckily i moved slowly and he returned from being afk when i wasn't too close after he came back i ran away as fast as i could and returned to getting wood by day 11 after buying some sugarcane from spawn and opening some more vote keys i was able to complete my full level 30 enchanter i enchanted my first pickaxe and got an efficiency 4 on breaking 3 and now all i needed was another efficiency 4 to make an efficiency 5 which would help me instant break blocks after two full days of mining i enchanted another pickaxe and combined it to make an efficiency 5. this took a lot of levels and a lot of time but it was definitely worth it i put on my minor set and i was now able to instantly break blocks it was time to mine out my entire base by day 15 i had finished mining out the entire base it was time to start placing down some chests to make an area for all my items by day 16 my entire base was organized i still need to finish a few more things but for the most part it was nearly complete i wanted to start making some real progress outside of my base so i wanted to get fully geared up and be able to pvp so i started out by making some brewing stands and i also started brewing the only materials i had to make some splash instant health 2 potions and some drinkable speed two potions day 17. i wanted to go nether so i finished brewing all my pots both health pots speed twos and then i let the portal and realize it'd be a good idea to brew some fire resistance i also noticed that i almost had 30 levels so i quickly got there by mining oars around my base and tried enchanting for a looting 3 sword to farm with obviously though we weren't as lucky as we hoped i went through the portal and luckily nobody was there i arrived at glowstone mountain i really needed to farm gunpowder but i knew this was most likely going to end bad running over to these spawners i saw an enemy he was farming gunpowder being in the same position i was in i tried to truce up with him which it looked like he was trucing back and then all of a sudden his teammate came down to where i was i thought he was also trucing but i was wrong my first death not only was i not happy to lose everything i had but i was almost convinced that he was using some sort of x-ray cheat to find me when i mined down and after a few minutes i realized i was right i messaged him on my staff account and asked if he was cheating he admitted to using a radar sheet so he could see me when i was hiding he was being nice so i offered him a way shorter ban of three days if he promised to uninstall the cheat which he agreed to after all that was solved he was banned for three days i was revived by staff and that meant that i got all of my items back that i died with along with my dtr since this hasn't been explained yet dtr stands for deaths until raidable each faction has a max number of deaths until raidable based on their faction size for a solo faction like mine my dtr is a max of 1.01 with every death a faction will lose 1 dtr and will be put on dtr freeze dtr freeze is a 45 minute period after dying where dtr cannot be regenerated so if i die once my dtr will go from 1.01 which is also known as 2dtr to 0.01 dtr also known as 1dtr since it basically rounds up to the next whole number and i'd be placed on 45 minutes dtr freeze so if i died at any point during this dtr freeze timer where i'm still on one dtr then my dtr would be zero or negative which means my faction would be considered raidable when a faction is raidable anyone on the server can break blocks in their claim and loot their chests however if i wait the 45 minutes of dtr freeze then my dtr will start to regenerate back to full and i'll be safe from going raidable long story short on day 18 i tried going nether again i was farming at glowstone mountain peacefully when i was found by a huge faction that had a rogue a mage and some diamonds while trying to escape i actually got glitched and they blocked and died however unlucky this was it also meant that i was able to get revived by staff and again my stuff given back so i'm pretty sure i would have escaped if i didn't get glitched on the block i was basically out i was going to be under the lava and i had wood to block myself in but it's okay day 19. we're down bad at this point i've tried going nether multiple times and have died every single time luckily i got revived both times but i still wasted pots and pearls which i didn't really have much of i needed to go back to spawn and sell the valuable blocks i had so i got to spawn safely and immediately went to the shop i sold what i could for about twelve thousand dollars which was really good i bought some carrots netherwarts slime balls and feathers from spawn i had an opportunity to go nether and get what i needed i went through the portal ran from netherspawn and looked for quartz and soul sand i needed quartz to make redstone comparators which are needed to build auto brewers and i needed soul sand for my netherwar farm i ended up finding both pretty quickly and teleported back to base day 20 and day 21 were focused around finalizing the base i started by building the netherwort farm inside of our base and then began making the structure of the auto brewers auto brewers are a normality for factions in hcf they do what the name says they automatically brew potions by the end of day 20 the structure of the audibles were complete all i needed to do now was make the redstone clock that activates them throughout day 21 i completed the clock of the auto brewers expanded the storage and started brewing now that the audibles were finally done it was time to start taking advantage of them i spent day 22 getting more netherwort both buying it from spawn and farming it i set up the brewers to make splashable instant health 2 potions and invisibility potions as that was going i realized i really needed a looting 3 so i could farm gunpowder and pearls faster so i headed the nether to farm some xp by mining courts attempt after attempt i failed to enchant eluding three through level 30 enchants after nearly two days of trying from day 22 and day 23 i finally enchanted eluding three now that i had this it was time to go back to glowstone mountain i podded invisibility and went through the portal luckily nobody was there i finally arrived at the creeper spawners it looked clear to me minutes later i was interrupted by an invis mage and diamond having no pearls to kite this i thought i was completely [Music] dead [Music] with two potions left i saw another faction it must have scared the other phasma killing me because they immediately turned off of me i won't lie at this point my heart was racing i thought i was gonna die in nether again and that would have been a huge setback but to top it all off i was rewarded with a reset glowstone mountain i mined as much glowstone as i was comfortable with and then decided to f home i was getting pretty scared of getting jumped with only one potion left day 25 i was pretty satisfied with how much glowstone i had in my base and i was also fine with having about a stack of gunpowder but i definitely needed pearls i could not have another situation where i had no pearls so i grabbed my best gear and a full inventory of potions and started to run to the end portal end portals are located in overworld at the coordinates 1 000 1 000 in every single quadrant it was time to jump through the portal so i took off my armor and went full invis i knew that if there was a faction there and i was full invis that was probably my best chance of survival i got lucky nobody was sitting at the entrance when i went through but there were people here i did my best to maneuver to a safe spot that i could farm at while farming i even saw another fashion fight nearby luckily they did not see me i wasn't even flims at this point so that pretty much scared me and i decided it's time to have f home with what i had which was about nine stacks of pearls now that i have almost everything needed to pvp potion wise and item-wise i still needed to get better gear i currently had protection one armor with like one protection two piece but i definitely needed a full protection two armor set with custom enchants each reset on hcf has a certain map kit which is the maximum in chance that you can get through vanilla enchanting and combining armor on this map and on most maps on viper it's usually protection one sharpness one this means that i had already had the best armor i could through vanilla means the only way you can get above map kit armor which is protection 2 and sharpness 2 is through kits keys or the black market but you can also get them from killing other players who got them from their own kits so i decided to try and trap players in my base to get the protection to armor which also tends to have the custom enchants with permanent speed 2 and fire resistance by the end of day 26 i had finally finished my trap base basically it's just a too high base which is used to easily block people up that run in and if all else fails i have a safe drop down that i can mine in the corner to be able to fall into a bigger trap where they will definitely not be able to kill me now that i had the trap base set up i needed a way to lure people over to my base and honestly there's only one good way of doing this i needed to add a risk for myself and a reward for other people and the way of doing that is by going one dtr so i put my armor away i jumped down my drop down landed on a block and i was dead we were now 0.01 dtr or 1dtr so now when i'm on deathband there should be some people with good gear that want to try and run into my base and make me raidable since i died though i was deathband for an hour but there are ways to combat this basically you can fight in the death band arena to shorten your death man time each kill that i got in this arena was 5 minutes off my deathband timer but by the time i shaved off about 25 minutes of time somebody actually messaged me before i even advertised i was letting in for me to let them into the base they were probably doing the command f list i could see that i was low dtr so i replied and asked them to revive me which is basically a donator perk of being able to use lives to revive themself or friends when they are death banned so he revived me and i got ready to trap him about a minute later i got my gear ran into my two high base and let him in and just like that i had him stuck in a one by one i quickly took steps to make sure he couldn't purl out any way possible slapped him and started critting him out my first kill this was the start of my snowball to the top he dropped a full god set a master set of protection 2 sharpness 2 full of custom enchants the main thing that custom enchants do on hdf is give permanent speed and fire resistance there isn't any like crazy pvp custom enchant but guys i was very happy with this we were ready to keep on going by day 28 i was still one dtr so there was still a risk of letting people in and another faction decided to stop by but this time it was a diamond and a barge so as i explained bart earlier they can give their teammates effects like strength two speed three resistance three so they're extremely hard to kill when they're being bartered for but anyways i let them in and i was gonna try and trap them [Music] at this point i had him slapped in a one by one but he was against the fence gate so his loot could have gone to his teammate if he died so what i did is i got close enough to let him teleport bow to me so that i could quickly mine down to my trap where is an easier kill and i 100 secure the loot [Music] but i quickly noticed i made a mistake in my trap and he was able to purl in [Music] and before i knew it he found the hole into my main base this was going to be a much harder fight when he was not trapped and i knew that his bard was giving him effects outside of the base earlier so he would probably mine down the side of my claim to continue giving the effect so he can get an easy win in this 1v1 knowing this i quickly ran up jumped down my trap and mined into the wall to look for the bart i even heard a mining way and there he was by the time i killed him his friend inside my base was gone looking over the loot i was still extremely happy to get a god barred set which contributes towards my goal of getting a god set of every pvp class in the game and to top it off i got a full protection 2 master set my dtr started to regenerate and i decided i want to clean up my claim a bit more after fixing it up for a bit i noticed some players camping my trap base it looked like they wanted to run in i let one in and i got to work [Music] a lot easier than last time i had him blocked up in one by one again and this time in my bottom trap we'd secured another rich kill i killed him and immediately looked for the bart in the wall again sadly he managed to escape me but i was still happy with the loot we got from that kill day 30. after all those traps i spent most of the day brewing health pots with this newly acquired protection 2 gear looting 4 and potions i was ready to head back to the nether to get enough gunpowder to brew more potions for the rest of the map i went through the portal and heard someone building a full invis didn't really get much off that kill but regardless it was time to go to glow some mountain i arrived at glossa mountain again and it appeared to be clear day 31 i'd spoke too soon but i was ready to finally be aggressive in a fight when he started to run i knew i had to do something to secure the kill i took out one of my partner items the effect sabler and when i hit him three times with it it took his effects away temporarily meaning he had no speed and no fire resistance he quickly started to panic curling in the lava to escape would have been a good idea if i didn't have a bow another rich kill i looted a god set with custom enchants fireworks and i had three stacks of gunpowder already this was a good nether trip after i banked all the loot i was ready to go back and continue farming the portal seemed to be clear oh i had an archer and a diamond chasing me archers get speed 3 and deal insane damage with bows they can also tag enemies to have their teammates deal more damage to them but they are easily killable i had the perfect plan i was having trouble killing them but i had a better idea i just needed to keep baiting them and trying to quick drop the archer one down and now for the diamond honestly guys that 2v1 win was one of the greatest moments of this video so far the effect disabler helped me out again he had no speed no fire resistance and another that is just terrible so we managed to get some other partner items off his body too like a combo ability and a focus mode along with another god set i was still not done going nether i needed more gunpowder so i went to farm for the rest of the map i got to the creeper spawners and saw some name tags but i was honestly ready for pvp i saw some glowstone particles falling from the roof so i knew somebody was actually mining the glowstone that reset at the moment that was brutal i somehow hit him into an almost inescapable area and he was dead in a matter of seconds i saw more name tags but then i realized these were the original name tags i saw before so i investigated i food them and found out they both had no kills so more likely than not they probably had lower gear and i could win this [Music] fight one guy down this next kill shouldn't be too hard [Music] last guy down but it wasn't really the best loot i went back to check if the loot was there from the first kill but it wasn't and then i got jumped [Music] and just to my luck there was an arch or [Music] two [Music] that death is pretty depressing i knew i still had loot back at the base but i had three kills worth of loot in my inventory but i knew it would have been fine now i decided to wait out my deathband and dtr free since i wouldn't want to pvp and nether on one dtr anyways i spent days 33 34 and some of 35 in the deathband arena i was back i finally got released from deathman arena and i had full dtr while i was at spawn though i really quickly wanted to go through the nether portal to check the black market at netherspawn i had 8 crystals i could spend crystals are gained in various ways but mainly by killing sadly everything in the black mark was too expensive for me but it was good to see what i could get i spent all of day 36 getting gunpowder from glow sun mountain i was finally able to farm with no interruptions i was able to farm six stacks of gunpowder and teleport back to base safely this was more than enough for me to brew a lot of pots and since i had a lot of brewing materials already i decided to start on the potion storage i finished the potion storage and decided to afk my farms until the next day day 38 i was geared up expecting pvp i had an abundance of partner items in my inventory along with the usual godset after looking for some pvp i noticed that a huge power faction went raidable i went to the base to try to steal some loot off full invis i also used a special ink sack partner item that made me fully invisible even if i was wearing armor until hit or for a total of 3 minutes [Music] okay at this point i was convinced juggle was cheating he was able to mind me while i was fully invis but i just need to focus on escaping [Music] i managed to escape with two pots that was way too close i ended up reporting juggle to staff and he was later banned for cheating i spent all of days 39 and day 40 gathering materials to brew a mass amount of potions after i finished brewing everything i had i had about eight double chests of instant health pots at this point i was pretty set up in terms of armor potions and loot so i wanted to start working on my goal of getting a godset of each pvp class and that's exactly what i tried doing i spent days 41 through 60 trying to get a godset of every pvp class rogue bard archer and mage looking for a classic kill i went nether that's when i was met with something bad [Music] well i was right i found an archer nether but i failed to kill him time to wear the death band and dtr freeze again round two time to check nether again when i heard that bow shot i knew this was my chance [Music] thank god i killed him before he got away that lucky diamond gave me strength 2 and speed 3 at the last second i was able to quick drop them i secured the full god archer set plus a ton of partner items which is gonna really help i banked that set and it felt great i had two of the four pvp class god sets complete i decided to try to find these sets through other means by looting raidable factions i sorted f list by the lowest dtr and ran to a raidable base when i got to this base i jumped down and i managed to hit someone but i was very confused how but then i found him it was just a full image trying to loot as well so from this base i didn't find any sets but i got a lot of chests hoppers glass and even a few partner items overall it's pretty good rate just in case i need some items on the line another raidable faction but this one was much riskier i knew this faction was going to be a lot richer and i saw a lot of people down there but i wasn't afraid in getting in on the action [Music] [Music] well that did not end well at all i had to risk it all and come back to the raid old fashion i needed to make progress on this goal through this base and i knew i wasn't going to be able to kill a mage or a rogue in a team fight setting so when i reached this cave area i was on high alert it turns out i was right but i was panicking i quickly started looting i know the guy inside the base heard the thunderbolt from his death and i almost there's no way i could fight this this guy must have managed to lose some chests from the raid as well and was also hiding but he had exactly what i was looking for and more i only took what i wanted and then i looked inside the base i saw all the chests got broken and wanted to check out the loot but sadly it despawned as i was looking through it i managed to get exactly what i needed a mage and a rogue god set off of that kill i f-homed and i put these sets into my chest i completed the first challenge on the list i acquired god sets of every pvp class in hcf bard archer mage rogue and diamond day 61. now that i completed my first goal i needed to work towards the others the only way that i was going to get anywhere near 100 kills or making five factions raidable was by expanding my fashion and base rating which is my favorite thing to do on hardcore factions i decided to invite my friend hatefu he's also another youtuber so go subscribe to him down below in the description now that i had a second member in my faction our max ctr was now 2.01 or 3. hate could also be any of the pvp classes to help me out but most importantly he could barred from me which would really help me out in bases we came across a trapper that was letting in his base while he was one dtr similar to what i did earlier but it was time for me to run in that was close if he'd escaped i'd be trapped in dead there was no way out of that since that kill made him negative dtr that meant he was raidable and his chest could be looted our first raidable faction hate and i quickly looked for the best loot for our first raid we did extremely well and i was super happy with what we looted after we had that successful base raid we want to try going nether together but this time with hate archer we went through the portal and it seemed clear for now all of a sudden we came across two big factions fighting naturally we decided to get involved [Music] when we were just starting to get in the fight we realized it was pretty stupid and we decided to run day 63 we still wanted to continue the archer and diamond combo but this time in overworld we saw someone outside and decided to see how much damage we could do [Music] and just like that he was dead we managed to loot a godset off of his body after running around for a while longer we found another archer and then we saw his friend a mage we thought this could be two easy kills so we continue chasing at this point i realized i probably shouldn't have chased him down his fall trap i was trying to escape full enemies when he came down the trap at this point i knew i had to go all the way sadly he managed to escape me that was extremely close all of a sudden his friend came down too i took out my teleport bow and tried my best to kill them well we were trapped and we were suffocating so we were 100 dead we spent days 64 through 66 at the death band arena we had to wait for our deathbed to expire and for our dtr to regenerate so we can continue pvping i was finally released from the death band arena this time instead of pvping outside with an archer i wanted to run into a base with an archer he managed to escape back in his base for now and then he was back along with his faction wow he quick dropped after trying to trap us [Music] while looting his armor i noticed another player jumping into the trap and attempting to switch positions with me knowing this we decided to jump down too he escaped us but we knew he was still gonna die in there [Music] and there he goes it was our turn now [Music] [Music] [Music] wow he was dead and they were now one dtr the last enemy ended up logging off but we were still extremely happy with how that raid turned out still wanting to pvp with an archer by my side we decided to chase this guy well that did not go to plan i spent all of day 69 fighting the death band arena to shorten my deathband and soon enough i was released day 70 we were switching it up this time i was an archer and the hate was on board an interesting combo that i honestly haven't seen too much of in hdf but we wanted to try it anyways we went through the portal and luckily it was clear uh-oh this was not good after roaming nether for a few minutes i was alone and getting chased by two rogues rogue is a pvp class of chain mail armor they have permanent speed three just like archers but they also have the ability to give themselves speed five for about 10 seconds every 2 minutes while archers can only give themselves speed 4. if a rogue hits her back with a gold sword it'll take the gold sword away but it'll instantly deal 3 hearts of damage this is called a backstab long story short rogues are basically made to kill archers luckily i was able to kite them around until i met back up with hate now it was time to fight we chased him for a while all the way to this ledge then i noticed his teammate was back this time in diamond [Music] and the final rogue was dead now it was time to kill his teammate again that was pretty crazy i never expected a barden archer combo to work but it did we managed to get a few god sets off their bodies including both a rogue and diamond set we went to the top of our base to notice a huge faction camping us it was the faction we killed earlier hate and i were really wanting to kill their rogue so we tried our best [Music] well that's not good i knew i was probably gonna die down here [Music] [Music] i managed to actually get revived by asking chat so i didn't have to wait out the deathband but we were still only 2dtr the same faction was still outside we managed to form somewhat of a rivalry with this faction as we both constantly tried killing each other one of these days we needed to make them raidable again hate and i really wanted to kill this road so we tried well we did it but i was trapped again and there's no way i'd be able to kill any of them like this i told hate to go back to base so we didn't risk going readable and soon enough i was dead while in the death band arena i asked in chat if someone could revive me again someone did just that and i was back after just being released from the death band arena we were still one dtr there wasn't much i could do here so i decided to trap on one dtr again i noticed this guy outside finally he decided to run in after only about 10 seconds i managed to block him up in the corner i slapped him and cried him out i finally killed him but not only did i get his first godset but he used a kit mage while he was dying once i banked the loot from the kill i realized i basically had no pots so i spent the rest of the day brewing day 74 after regenerating our dtr and brewing for a bit we decided to hop in a barred and archer combo yet again but this time we wanted to go to the king of the hill in the end we got to the portal and jumped through we didn't see anybody at first so i decided to farm some endermen but then i saw all the name tags well that did not go to plan at all hate actually managed to kill him right after i died so he got his loot and my loot so i'd say it was worth it hate and i weren't archer and barred yet again but this time just fighting around outside the base i got him in the trap but sadly he did not die from that fall [Music] and he quick dropped i went to go check the fall trap as quick as i could to see if we could get another kill but it looked like he was gone already shortly after hate was fighting a few people outside the base and then they ran in time to trap them [Music] another kill and more loot overall barton archers seemed like a pretty good combo not only because we could bait greedy diamonds but because we could do a lot of damage hate told me that there are a few people outside so i use an invisibility partner item i was now invisible even with armor on we were going to try and trap them i managed to trap them while i was invisible hate was going to continue distracting them and barred while i blocked them up well that was not good hate quick dropped and we are now one dtr this was a high risk trap moment i managed to escape that area but i was definitely not done trying to trap them this point i let one out of the base and left one inside i knew this would be an easier trap this way paint was now back as well and we're both going to try and trap the guy at the top of our base [Music] do [Music] after a few minutes we killed one and soon enough we killed the second we spent days 77 and 78 regenerating our dtr back to full day 79 i decided to base rate by myself [Music] [Music] well i was trapped that was it he was asking me to drop my pots and my set but i was gonna take any chance to kill him if i could [Music] that was pretty embarrassing but it turns out he was actually ulting so all thing is a rule in htf about using two accounts at the same time and because of this i was able to get revived this guy was advertising in chat that he was letting in on one dtr but he had two faction members online i managed to combo him into somebody else's fault trap if i could kill him down there quick enough before his friend jumps down he'll be raidable wow that was close i killed him and his faction member basically at the same time at this point i was pretty hyped i honestly just wanted to escape as quick as possible so i'd go loot the other base which was now my second raidable faction of the map [Music] after looting for a minute or so i had a full inventory of god sets god bows and some partner items i quickly escaped i came back again to loot as much as possible and it looks like somebody else tried looting too day 81 this time hate was in the mage kit mages are known on hcf for being able to debuff enemies with a choice of effects slowness weakness nausea or poison so since hate was in mage i decided to go in diamond [Music] [Music] do [Music] well i almost escaped even though we both died in that base raid i was still happy we managed to kill two in an outnumbered fight i managed to get revived in the death band arena but decided to spend days 82 and 83 one dtr trapping instead of just waiting for my dtr to regenerate two players ran in time to trap them [Music] [Music] that was close but knowing his teammate was spamming potions through the wall i knew i could kill him easily spent all of day 84 organizing the base and brewing potions hay and i decided to get some kills as a rogue and an archer in overworld i'm in rogue which means i can backstab someone with a gold sword and instantly deal three hertz of damage so this is a really good class for quick dropping well we managed to do pretty well in rogue hate died but i was able to escape from that faction while two of them accidentally killed themselves trying to kill me hate and i decided to try a mage and bart combo again mage is able to debuff enemies the same way bart can give effects to their teammates with effects like slowness poison nausea weakness and more hate and i noticed that faction we had a rivalry with outside again we really wanted to kill the rogue now that he was dead we had to escape we were two dtrs this was a little risky [Music] i was so close to killing him but he managed to kill me with no potions left it was very weird though when he purled down to kill me it seemed like he knew exactly where i was with some type of cheat it turns out that rival faction had three alt accounts in their faction this meant that their dtr was two numbers too high meaning they would be raidable right now because of this staff investigated banned the alts set their faction readable and revived us i ran right into their base ready to loot and kill [Music] they had so many sets almost a double chest of each piece we looted as quickly as possible hate called me over he found the partner item's chest and wow there was so much loot on my way to loot the base again i saw a lot of people flooding in i knew there's about to be a big fight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i managed to escape with two hearts and no pots i ran away as quick as i could so i could f home and come back knowing that factions still had five online and was 3dtr i ran back to the base with a full pot loadout [Music] [Music] sadly after chasing him for a few minutes he got away with the rest of his faction into his base they weren't going raidable today but we were still happy with winning a five versus two and we defended a lot of leagues when we keep looting overall that was an amazing raid for us looking at all the loot we got we had tons of armor swords and partner items now day 89 today hay and i were both in the archer class and we visited the nether king of the hill [Music] i spent the rest of the day organizing the base and brewing more potions hey and i stumbled across a two-man faction on one dtr [Music] and just like that they were readable this was our third readable faction of the map we looted the base and got a decent amount of stuff we spent days 92 and 93 regenerating our dtr on day 94 i decided to try my luck base rating by myself i found my way over to a fashion that was advertising that they were letting in on one dtr and he was raidable my fourth raidable faction i knew there was somebody outside that could steal the raid too so i wanted to loot as quickly as possible but i also wanted to kill him too at this point i was honestly so mad i knew he was out of pots yet i panicked and died i asked for a revive in chat and someone gave me one for the rest of the day i was going to make it my goal to get revenge on him and his faction after stalking him in his fashion for a while i found an opportunity to strike him and his friend ran into a base leaving another friend completely alone one was down time to see if i could kill the others it looked like the guy who killed me managed to get trapped in a too high base but i was actually able to get some of the loot when he died and then somebody used a teleport snowball to get his friend out of the base so i instantly started chasing i was confused i didn't know where he went but then i saw the chat he had died too mission success day 95. now that i've successfully gotten revenge i decided to try and run into the trapper's base that i was just at that was so close he almost escaped but luckily the combo and focus mode abilities allowed me to drain him so many pots early on my fifth raidable faction i had now completed my second goal on the list after getting that kill i looted the base as quickly as possible and then i saw it i picked up a ninja ability this is one of the best items for base rating and hdf and one of the rares too i was so happy but first i had to survive once i got that kill i knew i had to escape with this item a trapper on one dtr and a three-high base this should be easy especially with the ninja ability the ninja ability is one of the best ability items in the game and it allows you to teleport into the body of your last attacker meaning you're practically untrappable if you use this right [Music] [Music] [Music] after making them raidable we looked for loot but didn't find too much still a fun raid though and that was our sixth raid of the map when i arrived to the next base they had already gone raidable i decided to try and just get as many kills as possible [Music] [Music] [Music] after that last kill we decided to head home that was my 64th kill and hate at 13 which meant we had a total of 77 kills close to our goal of 100. we also got another ninja ability off one of those kills we decided to raid one more base before preparing for eotw this base seemed tough but i decided to run it anyways [Music] [Music] [Music] after making them raidable and escaping from those raids dealers i returned to base i went through nether to use the black market but then this happened luckily i managed to escape from that faction i then ran to the netherspawn to access the black market the black market is a shop where you can spend your crystals a currency faction gained throughout the map mainly from kills i decided to buy a special ability item scramblers from the limited shop it was time to wait until eotw i got my inventory completely set up two stacks of pearls healing defensive and offensive partner items and as many potions as possible i was ready to go day 100 it was now end of the world each map on htf has to end before it can restart on friday and this is how an eotw king of the hill gets enabled located at spawn all factions are set raidable and death bands are permanent at this point hey and i had a combined total of 85 kills we were 15 kills away from completing the final goal of the 100 days challenge to sum up my eotw experience enjoy this compilation of our success and defeat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yep that's how i died that's how our 100 days series comes to an end i fell down a one by one hole and died it was okay though we managed to get over 100 kills and i was happy we completed every goal of the 100 days challenge on hardcore factions if you guys enjoyed this video at all please leave a like down below and also subscribe if you enjoyed any of this hardcore fashion's content i usually post hdf every single day but obviously took a break for the development of this video so you can expect to find the best content here i hope you guys enjoyed the video peace out [Music]
Channel: MeeZoid
Views: 373,902
Rating: 4.912919 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft i survived 100 days, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, surviving 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft survival, surviving 100 days minecraft, minecraft hardcore 100 days, minecraft hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore survival, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days challenge, hardcore minecraft challenge, and this is what happened, minecraft survival hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days, HCF
Id: VqIwdmSaJhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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