Raiding my Faction Base (Prank) - MCPE Factions

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somebody facing your vase someone phased-in great actual my minecraft so in today's video i decided to raid my own faction base now of course I'm not actually gonna be reading it or anything but my goal is to make my faction think that I actually am now this would be really weird if I did on my main so right next to me I have an alt account that I'll be using I've gave it like five million coins and a good amount of kits and well the main reason I gave it five mil is to bite into you and well I think later on we're gonna get so obvious to the point where I TP the guy in on my main you know let's let's just hope this goes well because I might get kicked out of my faction for this one it's fine though if I make any holes I'll repair I'll donate all my money to the faction it's fine I mean I've got 19 million plus the other 5 mil I'll donate everything I don't use in this video lastly before I start around 57% of the people that watch these videos are not subscribed I'm not gonna like make you guys subscribe or anything but if you guys want to it'd be pretty cool well with that said let's go on the old Taccone now I'm gonna be honest our base is quite intimidating with this ocean base defense we have but you know not to fear we got 5 million coins we can waste on TNT yeah no wait I was just getting the materials TNT cannon and there's just like a mini-boss just chillin here wait there's there's two of them I think these things were here like 5 hours ago or something anyway it's on to more important matters we gotta go raid our base yeah that sounds really weird trust me now for those of you that were like how to TNT cannon it's super easy all you do is place a button on a piece of obsidian you put a TNT above that and you shoot it and the teens he goes wherever you aim and that TNT did not reach the base so we're gonna try it again okay so I put on an invisible water texture pack this should allow me to see like where the TNT is going better but if I shoot one yeah we're still not getting it close I'm just gonna like use all the TNT I can right now now currently only zeon and tucks are online so I'm gonna go message one of them and tell them that they should go check their walls alright I sent a message to Zeon saying check outside your claim I doubt this will get him to come out because honestly we get plenty of people at our base it's probably not worth it but things might get real when I somehow get this account magically inside the base let's uh let's send a message saying be inside your base in less than an hour because we could leave me to give this to kinda TP and anytime you want so let's say an hour so it sound like a little bit of fake rating I've come to the conclusion that's gonna be impossible to make a dent to the point where they actually care so that's where I get my main account involved I'm gonna leave an opening in our base on my main account that opens into one of the boxes that we don't have too much loot in and well I'm just gonna bring this account in there we are gonna get our faction worried I guarantee you that okay I think it's Ian had to go I don't know he is so on but I think he had to go I'm literally sitting right here at the base though like I'm inside the base I mind my way in I don't think anyone really checks this part of the base so I don't think anyone's gonna like notice it too much I kind of made like the engines here even disguised so it's gonna be hard to notice someone's in here anyways I wanna make sure I set a home like right outside this part of the biggest that we all have literally like direct access to it anyways I'm gonna wait till he gets back on and let's see what happens from there yeah I'm pretty sure I did that what some phased-in actually really can't like if I if I log I'm gonna lose a whole bunch of stuff I'm literally fighting that one guy right now like on the server it'll probably be done in like a few minutes I don't know what we're getting inside it rafer ill no no you're kidding I'm not kidding he's attacking he's hacking they're hacking the full base we would like wait which parts a bit the base that I made yes it's your kid and you actually you're so dumb why would you let that one no no I I'm still pvping this one guy oh just forget about it dude you're kidding I believe I literally can't like I I've saved up a lot for these items I'm gonna die I'm gonna die with the Jesus and we're getting with a G set yes get on get on my helmet bro dude your G helmet yes fine why would you like trying to box yourself in and fix your armor it's not working what's my timber get on get on that how does I literally get inside of our base he literally box him up like do what you always like what I like dude like the fights pretty much over oh yeah all right I'm you know I'm loading up my minecraft right now hurry I'm trying okay they're hacking they're legit dude timber you're you're you're bad you're bad how am i bad dude my MA is giving me as this error it's saying internal server error when I try to join her I'm hitting you I'm hitting you yeah bro what's his wait does he have a rank or anything Oh bro I'm trying I'm good it's the I'm trying to like log out of my xbox account and join back on is there a possible hack that I lost you know like break blocks in claims I don't know I feel like some blocks I mean who would well who's our officers right now look Oh who would do that I'm just I'm just wondering I think it's gonna it should let me on now I've signed out there hacking there hacking there is a Jacke blocks blocks blocks come on blocks okay I'm getting on literally like right now oh geez or timber timber timber dude I don't even have any weapons on me I'm gonna die because of you I'm literally here I think yeah I'm here he's flying all right let me start killing him dude he's not even hacking what's your on about I'm telling you he's hacking what are you putting up well jeez for duty horses he was using either just any entrance on it no so he's like he was like full I didn't see him hacking I don't know what happened he was literally standing still when I came in because you didn't know you were on I was on so he wasn't hacking that's what you're trying to say what do you mean there's a hole all right where is there's a hole Oh up here I can barely see anything my pax reset I don't even have night vision on there coming back coming back I do this see them what is this dude we gotta block it up lock it up Gaddafi and block it up or literally anything dude I don't have any blogs or a pickaxe I'm um I'm using my water sweet hacks leave me alone he probably has water speed hacks he's really he's I wonder how I wonder why he's lying in the water that's cuz you just literally Minecraft physics what do you mean it he doesn't have a rank he's too fast wait stay where where did he teleport into I try to find where he is cuz he's probably gonna come back and you can tag him and try to get like an actual clip of him hacking bro literally teleported on the Mia dude he's killing me he's killing me he's killing me dude I'm running I literally have a G set on now what is this to me without moving what is this guy is literally full hacking well this you're actually too good at this did you see that with so how did he just teleported do you yeah did you see a movement oh you know I was sitting there and all of a sudden he's like brain friend my face killing me watch him come back I bet he's gonna he's a hundred percent gonna this is scary for real like would my guy just like Brandon Lee's in front of my face that's phasing right because it's like just teleports you straight in front of your previous location right yeah yeah next time literally next time he comes and I'm watching that whole dude he's back he's back he's back he's gonna face [Music] I'm sure hacking did you record it I did yeah that's literally an easy ban no wait so how did he possibly break the blocks though in our claim I don't know that's like--that's mega sauce I'm gonna be honest dude they're not gonna come back there's no possible way yes they are they came back this side they came back three different times dude there's literally no way but personally based into our bottom wait yeah yeah he's parked yeah he's probably the guy that phased in right I mean maybe not but like I'd assume so right let's keep gorilla weight check back at the old spot no all right run run you for this part I'm not I'm not even trying to lose the G set right now no I'm legit not trying to lose a set if this guy's hacking I'm well maybe I want to get on a different set okay wait don't go over to me don't go over to me please he's gonna notice me I'm hiding in one of those things okay yeah just go like go up go up the stairs or something please like actually bromo nice you died there was you lose what you lose no I'm like going I'm looking outside of her base oh he's she's in herb I thought literally it I didn't see him yeah yeah I know that I'm not dumb but and send me the clip I'm up I'm literally about to trap him in iron armor how are you good alright alright I'll send the clip over oh my god I need to I need to like downsize it though because like the file is way too large because I record about my guy all my day is alright alright [Music] [Music] where did you get that clip what clip oh you're fat I'm not even hacking oh yeah no I had my uh my alt on my phone and I TP I sent a TP a request shifted on my phone so well eyeshadow no and then I shifted on this account did you break it open though I did yes I did I made sure that I didn't include the one part for the like actual base last minute go in there we read no good loot but enough where you could see the legs of the character I just I just shifted in just it was perfect so that's about gonna wrap things up for this video of course I felt really bad so I paid him 25 million coins and I'm letting him use my Easter G pick for an entire week anyways with I said I hope you all have a wonderful rest your day and I'll see you my next one [Music]
Channel: Timbersquirrel
Views: 17,027
Rating: 4.906323 out of 5
Keywords: factions, minecraft factions, mcpe factions, factions amber, minecraft factions server, mcpe op factions, thearchon factions, mcpe best op faction server, mcpe faction raids, saicopvp factions, the archon factions, faction, thearchon factions amber, mcpe op faction raids, amber factions, factions server, thearchon factions aqua, minecraft server factions, minecraft best factions raids, factions aqua, factions inside raid, inside raid factions, factions inside raiding
Id: BLWbFu3_Xyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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